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Old 3rd June 2015, 18:05   #21391
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Marauder View Post
I found out that my dad's HTC One M7 was still running Android 4.2.2
I wasn't that shocked and thought that he may have ignored all the software update notifications that may have popped up.
But to my surprise when I manually checked for software updates in the settings menu it said that no new updates were available.

How can this be possible? And what should I do to rectify this?
Why worry? If it is not broken, do not fix it.

There is no reason for upgrades, unless the upgrade solves a problem or provides previously unavailable functionality that a user needs. Otherwise it is irrelevant, especially if a person is happy with the familiar system that they have.
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Old 3rd June 2015, 18:14   #21392
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by smrtdvl View Post
Hi all my old gen Moto G has developed a glitch from today morn. It does not display any images, videos or ringtones stored in the phone when viewed in gallery or settings but can be accessed via WhatsApp or file manager. Any solutions to get things back to normal without a factory reset? TIA
Missus had the same problem with her moto G couple of days back. While the phone storage was pretty hefty at 3GB for images, there were none in the gallery. We were able to browse through the pics using a file explorer.

She was checking regularly for software / app update and one fine morning , she restarted the phone. Gallery app updated upon starting and voila the pics were now being displayed in the Gallery.

To cut the story short : I believe there are bugs lurking in 5.02 and updates are released silently for these. Many times, when we restart the phone, it displays a message ' Android is updating' and the above mentioned issue resolved with one such update.
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Old 3rd June 2015, 20:48   #21393
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Marauder View Post
I found out that my dad's HTC One M7 was still running Android 4.2.2
I wasn't that shocked and thought that he may have ignored all the software update notifications that may have popped up.
But to my surprise when I manually checked for software updates in the settings menu it said that no new updates were available.
Mine is the same, and an upgrade to Lollipop was available OTA. Only point is that mine is a Sprint (CDMA / GSM). In fact Sense is also 6 now.
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Old 4th June 2015, 17:10   #21394
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

My wife broke her iPhone4's screen and is looking for a new phone now. She now wants to move to the Android wagon. Between Mi 4i and S4, which one is better? Mi 4i is at 13k and S4 is at 16.5k.

One thing I was concerned about Mi 4i is the service. However, I do see a service center close to my office in Hi-Tech city.

Now coming down to the features, they seem to be pretty similar. S4 scores with a much better camera (sensor is better?), but is 3.5k expensive. Is it worth it?
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Old 4th June 2015, 18:32   #21395
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by shifu View Post
My wife broke her iPhone4's screen and is looking for a new phone now. She now wants to move to the Android wagon. Between Mi 4i and S4, which one is better? Mi 4i is at 13k and S4 is at 16.5k.

One thing I was concerned about Mi 4i is the service. However, I do see a service center close to my office in Hi-Tech city.

Now coming down to the features, they seem to be pretty similar. S4 scores with a much better camera (sensor is better?), but is 3.5k expensive. Is it worth it?
I would say go for S4. I am not a fan of samsung but S4 is really better phone at the present price. And it looks much premium.
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Old 4th June 2015, 19:31   #21396
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Originally Posted by shifu View Post
My wife broke her iPhone4's screen and is looking for a new phone now. She now wants to move to the Android wagon. Between Mi 4i and S4, which one is better? Mi 4i is at 13k and S4 is at 16.5k.

One thing I was concerned about Mi 4i is the service. However, I do see a service center close to my office in Hi-Tech city.

Now coming down to the features, they seem to be pretty similar. S4 scores with a much better camera (sensor is better?), but is 3.5k expensive. Is it worth it?
One more option you can consider if the size works with you is Note 3 Neo. It is available for 19190 now ( im white) and has good specs and good battery life with a 3100mah battery.

Last edited by Behemoth : 4th June 2015 at 19:32.
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Old 4th June 2015, 19:51   #21397
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by shifu;
My wife broke her iPhone4's screen and is looking for a new phone now. She now wants to move to the Android wagon. Between Mi 4i and S4, which one is better? Mi 4i is at 13k and S4 is at 16.5k.

One thing I was concerned about Mi 4i is the service. However, I do see a service center close to my office in Hi-Tech city.

Now coming down to the features, they seem to be pretty similar. S4 scores with a much better camera (sensor is better?), but is 3.5k expensive. Is it worth it?
I took an gamble and got Mi4i for my wife. the phone is amazing and the UI works almost as IOS, the only issue is lack of expandable memory . very happy also now MI has partnered with gadgetwood for service ( they offer pick and drop) so feeling safe.
its exact copy of Ip6 .

This is the first phone ( owned by me) where i have mobile data toggel in the quick menu. ( start / stop mobile data).

I had bad experience with SAMSUNG ( two phones) regarding build quality

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Old 4th June 2015, 20:35   #21398
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by klassics45 View Post
I would say go for S4. I am not a fan of samsung but S4 is really better phone at the present price. And it looks much premium.
Originally Posted by Behemoth View Post
One more option you can consider if the size works with you is Note 3 Neo. It is available for 19190 now ( im white) and has good specs and good battery life with a 3100mah battery.
Originally Posted by Kool_Kid View Post
I took an gamble and got Mi4i for my wife. the phone is amazing and the UI works almost as IOS, the only issue is lack of expandable memory . very happy also now MI has partnered with gadgetwood for service ( they offer pick and drop) so feeling safe.
its exact copy of Ip6 .

This is the first phone ( owned by me) where i have mobile data toggel in the quick menu. ( start / stop mobile data).

I had bad experience with SAMSUNG ( two phones) regarding build quality
Thanks for the suggestions. I have ordered the Mi 4i. The S4 is pretty old in the market now and wife didn't want to have something that was introduced in 2013.

OT: She asked me if I would buy a car that was manufactured in 2013. I corrected her that the phone was only launched in 2013 (manufacturing would be in 2015, hopefully). I gave her the example of Swift that is celebrating its 10th anniversary, launched in 2004 and still selling strong. Anyway, I wish I could win any argument with her. For my peace of mind, went with the Mi.
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Old 4th June 2015, 21:21   #21399
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

The Mi 4i crowd here grows!

Yes, it has no sd-card slot. I have decided to think about it like a 4Gb thumb drive! Actually, I have about 8Gb free, and I have no need to carry much music, or store many pics. I think it will be ok.

I have been assuming that, once the battery is beyond its usable, rechargable life, this is a throw-away phone. I read somewhere that the service centres are not selling any replacement batteries, but maybe, in the future they might. I had assumed that this phone is glued together, and that any take-down would be a possible irrecoverable process with a heat gun. I just watched a video demo by the boss of Xiaomi taking one apart and showing off the insides. Obviously, I didn't know much about how these things are made: certainly, with the right prying tool, and knowing where to put it, it does come apart. I read that replacement batteries are not available anyway (here, now) but maybe in the future?

On the other hand, their product line is going to move on, and maybe, by the time our batteries die, they won't even remember the m4i!

Anyway, for newcomers to this club, let me recommend Xiaomi's own soft smart flip cover.
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Old 4th June 2015, 23:26   #21400
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Originally Posted by shifu View Post
My wife broke her iPhone4's screen and is looking for a new phone now. She now wants to move to the Android wagon. Between Mi 4i and S4, which one is better? Mi 4i is at 13k and S4 is at 16.5k.

One thing I was concerned about Mi 4i is the service. However, I do see a service center close to my office in Hi-Tech city.

Now coming down to the features, they seem to be pretty similar. S4 scores with a much better camera (sensor is better?), but is 3.5k expensive. Is it worth it?
Mi 4i camera is way better than S4. Also 4i looks lot sleeker and more or less comparable with S4 on specs, except for the processor.

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
The Mi 4i crowd here grows!

Anyway, for newcomers to this club, let me recommend Xiaomi's own soft smart flip cover.
How fast do they deliver? Is it worth 500 bucks?

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Old 5th June 2015, 01:32   #21401
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

I got mine in a a very few days (ordered Wednesday evening, delivered Saturday morning), and I would say yes, it is worth Rs.500 Mrs G spent three times that much on a Samsung-branded smart flip case. I posted a bit more descriptive stuff about it a page or two back in the thread. EDIT: This post.

By the way: the black, slightly rubberised finish just show dusty marks, but a quick rub with a dry microfibre cloth cleans them all off. Isn't microfibre wonderful!

Last edited by Thad E Ginathom : 5th June 2015 at 01:34.
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Old 5th June 2015, 01:58   #21402
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Originally Posted by shifu View Post
My wife broke her iPhone4's screen and is looking for a new phone now. She now wants to move to the Android wagon. Between Mi 4i and S4, which one is better? Mi 4i is at 13k and S4 is at 16.5k.

One thing I was concerned about Mi 4i is the service. However, I do see a service center close to my office in Hi-Tech city.

Now coming down to the features, they seem to be pretty similar. S4 scores with a much better camera (sensor is better?), but is 3.5k expensive. Is it worth it?
I'm using the S4 presently. Got it for Rs.15k a couple of weeks back from Amazon. I'm simply loving this phone. The only problem I'm facing is the battery which I'm sure is a manufacturing defect and will visit the service centre after my exams. Apart from this, the phone is a complete beast. Trust me, the pictures come out to be brilliant. I chose this phone due to it's camera quality too, it hasn't disappointed me. But if you get it, I would recommend you not to update it to lollipop till it gets the final lollipop update. Hope this helped.


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Old 5th June 2015, 16:37   #21403
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Anyone here using any of the "Android One" devices? I'm wondering if I should upgrade to Lollipop. Currently very happy on KitKat.
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Old 5th June 2015, 17:48   #21404
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by ajay_satpute View Post
.....And with the recent upgrade to Lollipop 5.0.1, its also very much up to date with all other latest flagships in terms of OS features.
This is actually not something to celebrate. Avoid 5.0.x on any Android phone.
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Old 5th June 2015, 19:21   #21405
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by hellmet View Post
Anyone here using any of the "Android One" devices? I'm wondering if I should upgrade to Lollipop. Currently very happy on KitKat.
I have 2 of them, Spice Dream-Uno and Micromax Canvas A1. Avoid upgrading them to Lollipop.

Inspite of identical hardware in both of them, there is a stark difference in quality, with Spice performing much better than Micromax. Colour management in the Micromax camera is disastrous and the OS keeps crashing. Spice Dream-Uno is running without a hitch. But a friend upgraded his and is not happy. It seems to lag a bit while switching between apps.

I hope that helps. Cheers!

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