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Old 13th October 2014, 23:06   #19411
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by tbppjpr View Post
There are many Motorola phones in my family ranging from current generation to 2-3 older generation Android phones. Never seen such issue in any of them. Forget Motorola, never seen this problem in any of the phone, even in cheap Chinese phones. So I think you got some cable which these phone are not liking.

Really? Which company can be more traditional than Motorola? All others are newly born kids who learnt many things in the mobile technology from Motorola.
The posts above mentioned that some drivers on the PC are non compatible or something. So is it that or the cable that is faulty? I guess the same cable was used both the times.

Secondly by traditional I meant to say that the phones which are doing good in India. My experience with Nokia, Samsung, Apple and now LG has been great. In contrast I had dared to buy a MotoRazR ( or something like that) a long time back in college and it turned out to be a disaster although it looked really cool.
And now the next batch of Moto phones are again giving me a headache. The third Moto E also died down as soon as a micro Sim was put inside ( as mentioned in my first post). God knows what is happening.
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Old 13th October 2014, 23:14   #19412
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by drmohitg View Post
The posts above mentioned that some drivers on the PC are non compatible or something. So is it that or the cable that is faulty? I guess the same cable was used both the times.
Don't know what are you reading, I am copy-pasting one explanation from Motorola forum to here :

The micro-USB port has five pins and the 5th pin and on SOME cables, is connected to the power. This is to allow factory resets, FastBoot etc.

One can speculate all one likes, but unless one tests the cable and the 5th pin on the micro-B end for 5vdc or 0vdc, there is no point in guessing as to why some cables do and some don't work.

The phone is sensing what is attached to the standard 5vdc line AND the 5th pin and then making a decision on what it is to do.

Also, be aware that not all USB ports on a desktop computer or laptop supply power. Laptops especially will often have ONLY one of the two or three ports that supply power to USB attached devices. Also, even that port can be turned off by the laptop if it is running on batteries, or running low on batteries as opposed to being plugged in for charging.

The cable you have is most likely, NOT faulty. You need to do some objective tests of ALL the possibilities before declaring the cable faulty.
I have experience similar issue once with some other device, not with the phone. And after fiddling a lot, replacing the cable and plugging it into different port of the computer fixed the issue.

Originally Posted by drmohitg View Post
In contrast I had dared to buy a MotoRazR ( or something like that) a long time back in college and it turned out to be a disaster
Depends, that RAZR kept serving me without any glitch till I lost it after 2.5+ years. I think your bonding with Motos don't go well So you should simply skip the Moto handsets since you have had so many bad experiences with them.

Last edited by tbppjpr : 13th October 2014 at 23:42.
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Old 14th October 2014, 00:31   #19413
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Originally Posted by rajivr1612 View Post

I am using SE Xperia MT11i with android version 4.0.4.
All the apps I use except one are paid ones inorder to avoid ads and get full spec obviously.
The exception is TOI app which has ads in abundance and there is no paid version.
Now, can anyone suggest a good ad blocker (free or paid) which works.
Edit: Phone is rooted.
Thanks in advance.
Search for 'moab' on xda developers.
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Old 14th October 2014, 07:10   #19414
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Any Spice Dream Uno users here? I am planning to pick up a budget phone for mom and wanted feedback on this phone. Any other phone suggestions? Budget is around 6.5K and I am not very tech savy with phones (not enough to play with roms or rooting/unrooting).

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Old 14th October 2014, 07:26   #19415
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Good news for Redmi 1S users.

Received OTA update today morning: Downloading now..

Promises to cool down the device and better memory management.
Attached Thumbnails
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Old 14th October 2014, 09:40   #19416
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by trumpcard View Post
I am another One Plus One user and I also review gadgets
If you guys have any questions please feel free to ask.
Bunch of questions for you

When is the open plus getting launched officially in India?
How is in comparison to the Mi4 ?
and how do we get any of these devices in India ?
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Old 14th October 2014, 09:48   #19417
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by ms001 View Post
Bunch of questions for you

When is the open plus getting launched officially in India?
How is in comparison to the Mi4 ?
and how do we get any of these devices in India ?
1. For the launch date keep checking their forums
2. One plus has been getting better reviews than mi4 on YouTube even though I have not tested them against each other yet.
3. If you can get an invite then use the courier forwarding services such as PPOBOX or SHOPNSHIP to get your phone delivered to you from America. It's fairly simple.
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Old 14th October 2014, 09:54   #19418
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by ms001 View Post
Bunch of questions for you

When is the open plus getting launched officially in India?
How is in comparison to the Mi4 ?
and how do we get any of these devices in India ?
Can't answer the 2nd question, but can help you with 1 & 3.

1. Just a couple of days back, they said that India shipping would start soon. They haven't talked anything about an India launch though.

Finally, Indian fans will be overjoyed when they hear what @Carl has to say about the highly anticipated launch of OnePlus in India. We consider this another huge step for OnePlus and we are thrilled to be adding India to our list of shipping countries soon. And to all of our other international fans who are still pining for a One: this is just the beginning! Never Settle!

3. You can get them through any dropshipping company like PPOBox or iShopInternational. An acquaintance I know got it through PPOBox for 3900/-
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Old 14th October 2014, 10:21   #19419
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Question to the fraternity: Is anyone aware of an English version of PC Suite/Driver for Redmi1S? I have gifted the phone to my Mom, but apparently they cannot transfer photos to the laptop , as the phone does not appear as a expandable drive in Windows XP. Any Suggestions?
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Old 14th October 2014, 13:30   #19420
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Kind of urgent help needed. Can anyone please suggest a good phone which meets the below criteria

- Budget 18-20k
- Priority: the best battery backup with full time data usage
- Can be Android or Windows

Thanks in advance!
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Old 14th October 2014, 13:53   #19421
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by man_of_steel View Post
Kind of urgent help needed. Can anyone please suggest a good phone which meets the below criteria

- Budget 18-20k
- Priority: the best battery backup with full time data usage
- Can be Android or Windows

Thanks in advance! should work. dual active SIMs too! friend gifted it to brother in law on his marriage a couple of months back. I've heard only good things about it
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Old 14th October 2014, 15:24   #19422
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post should work. dual active SIMs too! friend gifted it to brother in law on his marriage a couple of months back. I've heard only good things about it
Thanks. Will look into it.

Just came to know about Lenovo S860 with 4000mAh battery. Any idea how the handset is?
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Old 14th October 2014, 16:48   #19423
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 launched in India today at a price of a little over ₹58000/-. Anyone buying?

Very soon, I read reviews that it is also bending in the same position where iphone6 was bending(just below the volume buttons)
However it could be bent back unlike the iphone6 it seems.
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Old 14th October 2014, 17:37   #19424
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Originally Posted by hemanth.anand View Post
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 launched in India today at a price of a little over ₹58000/-. Anyone buying?

Very soon, I read reviews that it is also bending in the same position where iphone6 was bending(just below the volume buttons)
However it could be bent back unlike the iphone6 it seems.
LG G3 now appears to be VFM.
Outrageous pricing and note 4 will also fail like Note 3 did.
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Old 14th October 2014, 17:46   #19425
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Snopes itself is a site for debunking rumours.
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