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Old 17th February 2011, 12:31   #1876
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

So you need a phone with a big keypad and great camera. Do check out Nokia N900.
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Old 17th February 2011, 12:37   #1877
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by tsk1979 View Post
So you need a phone with a big keypad and great camera. Do check out Nokia N900.
The N900 keyboard is rather small. We checked it out. At first I wondered why then realised that Nokia has fit all the keys in 3 rows instead of 4. Hence the function, space and arrows keys are taking up space where the QWERTY keys should be.

Compare the keyboard of the N900 to the Nokia E7 or Samsung OmniaPRO (I was told on this thread to avoid this particular model).

Any idea about the availability of a GSM version of the Samsung Galaxy S Pro? Some say there is one available...

Last edited by navin : 17th February 2011 at 13:02.
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Old 17th February 2011, 12:52   #1878
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by navin View Post
Are HTC phones stable?
We catn find the Galaxy S here.
The phone is for my wife.
She has tried the N97 mini, N900 and BB 9800 (I use one) and rejected both as the keyboards are too small.
She types 60-70 SMSes per day so she needs a phone wiht a good tactile keyboard.
She also takes lots and lots of photographs so she needs a phone wiht a decent camera.

Her current short list is the Milestone 2, Nokia E7, and maybe a Samsung (please suggest their best model), and we have now added the Desire Z (is HTC stable and reliable). A tech friend asked her to wait for the Sony Experia Pro but I told her we cant wait for ever her phone is falling apart as we speak.

I just bought a Samsung Wave II (S8530) for my wife a few weeks back. It has very decent specs and a great camera that can do HD recording as well. However it is not an android and has Bada OS 1.2 so apps are a little limited at this stage. But I have been browsing through samsungapps site and find quite a lot of apps which are growing day by day. Also it does not have a physical qwerty keyboard but my wife is quite comfortable with the touchscreen keyboard. With Bada 1.2 you also get option of continuous type just like Swype in android. For maps you have route 66 maps - while the india maps are free (around 250MB download), turn by turn navigation is not (it is 49$). 1GHZ CPU + good graphics chip PowerVR SX540 will ensure that latest games can run very easily. Overall my wife has been very happy with the phone. Cost is 18K.

Do check it out as it seems to me as a reasonably priced phone considering the extensive list of features it has.

Samsung S8530 Wave II - Full phone specifications
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Old 17th February 2011, 13:10   #1879
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by surd_biker View Post

I just bought a Samsung Wave II (S8530) for my wife a few weeks back.
Samsung S8530 Wave II - Full phone specifications
My wife tried a whole bunch of touch screen phones from Nokia, Samsung, and Motorola and even the Apple 3 and 4 and just could not get used to any of them. The closest she came to liking a touchscreen phone was a big Smasung phone at Croma (I forget the model) but said she would much prefer a tactile keyboard.

Hence we tried a few phones with tactile keyboards including the N900 and N97 mini and she rejected both. She even rejected my BB Torch as the keys were too small. She wants something with big keys.

A friend has the Armani phone from Samsung and that looks like plan B. She decided to wait for the E7 (since she has had a Nokia for the last 15 years).

The phone must have a TACTILE QWERTY keyboard. A good camera (think 5MP with dual LED flash). And must feel good to touch. No light plastic junk. She prefers something sexy and hopefully fashionable but the last is not a priority.

The Sony Xperia Pro looks like a good phone but we have no idea when it will be available na? We waitied long enough for the E7!

Last edited by navin : 17th February 2011 at 13:16.
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Old 17th February 2011, 13:21   #1880
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by tsk1979 View Post
Samsung is 15K and LG Optimus One P500 is 12K
So you decide is it worth for you to pay 3000 more for 2 more MP and a processor faster by 200MHZ
Be aware that even though its an 800MHz Processor, it cannot run flash.
So play with both and then decide what you want.
Well, if the additional 200 Mhz is worth the price, why not?

Flash is anyway not a must-have feature for me.

I usually dont change phones every few months. Also, this being my first Android, I want something which is capable to run *most* apps / games / push email / GPS etc.

I need something which hooks me on to the Android experience. It may be worthwhile to mention here that Curve 8520 was my first BlackBerry handset and quite honestly, the hardware left me completely disappointed. So much that I'm contemplating moving away from the BlackBerry clan.

On the other hand, Nokia E71 hooked me on to QWERTY handsets. This was mainly due to the build and quality of the phone.

I hope I was able to explain my point?

Last edited by nishantgandhi : 17th February 2011 at 13:23.
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Old 17th February 2011, 13:23   #1881
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Is 200MHz worth the price? I cannot answer that question. Nobody can. Only you can. If you feel that performance improvement you get is worth paying extra, then go for it.
ITs a very subjective decision!
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Old 17th February 2011, 13:36   #1882
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I experienced the Motorola Defy yesterday & frankly I liked it a bit. However the price differential between it (Defy) and the Desire was just 3k. Considering that the Defy is a newer kid on the market but with a slower brain as compared to the HTC (800 Mhz vis-a-vis 1Ghz) I was again left wondering if the 3K would be worth it? The risk with the HTC is that it is without Bill & Warranty. I dont recall, but there's also a Samsung phone (some 1 please help me with the name) which is almost similar in specs as the Defy but 3K cheaper.
Guys please help me rank them between 1 (1st preference) & 3 --> Motorola Defy (with B&W), HTC Desire (without B&W) and Samsung (Dont recall name) (with B&W).

1 more question --> Whats the difference between Flash & Flash Lite? Is Flash a MUST HAVE in a Droid phone?

Last edited by Maverick1977 : 17th February 2011 at 13:38. Reason: 1 more question
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Old 17th February 2011, 13:44   #1883
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Maverick1977 View Post
I experienced the Motorola Defy yesterday & frankly I liked it a bit. However the price differential between it (Defy) and the Desire was just 3k. Considering that the Defy is a newer kid on the market but with a slower brain as compared to the HTC (800 Mhz vis-a-vis 1Ghz) I was again left wondering if the 3K would be worth it? The risk with the HTC is that it is without Bill & Warranty. I dont recall, but there's also a Samsung phone (some 1 please help me with the name) which is almost similar in specs as the Defy but 3K cheaper.
Guys please help me rank them between 1 (1st preference) & 3 --> Motorola Defy (with B&W), HTC Desire (without B&W) and Samsung (Dont recall name) (with B&W).

1 more question --> Whats the difference between Flash & Flash Lite? Is Flash a MUST HAVE in a Droid phone?
First and foremost HTC Desire runs on Android 2.1 Eclair and there is no hope for an update for it. Only HTC Desire HD runs with Froyo. There are a lot of optimizations and stability fixes done for Froyo and anyday it is way ahead of Eclair. So I would recommend against HTC Desire.
May be the Samsung phone you found is Galaxy Ace. It doesnt have a 1GHz CPU and also lacks flash support.
Whether flash support is important or not depends on your usage. If your primary requirement is web browsing, then flash will be needed. Most of the sites still uses flash based content.
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Old 17th February 2011, 13:48   #1884
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Maverick1977 View Post
I experienced the Motorola Defy yesterday & frankly I liked it a bit. However the price differential between it (Defy) and the Desire was just 3k. Considering that the Defy is a newer kid on the market but with a slower brain as compared to the HTC (800 Mhz vis-a-vis 1Ghz) I was again left wondering if the 3K would be worth it? The risk with the HTC is that it is without Bill & Warranty. I dont recall, but there's also a Samsung phone (some 1 please help me with the name) which is almost similar in specs as the Defy but 3K cheaper.
Guys please help me rank them between 1 (1st preference) & 3 --> Motorola Defy (with B&W), HTC Desire (without B&W) and Samsung (Dont recall name) (with B&W).

1 more question --> Whats the difference between Flash & Flash Lite? Is Flash a MUST HAVE in a Droid phone?
That should be the Samsung Galaxy Ace which is available for 15K.
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Old 17th February 2011, 14:55   #1885
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by tsk1979 View Post
Is 200MHz worth the price? I cannot answer that question. Nobody can. Only you can. If you feel that performance improvement you get is worth paying extra, then go for it.
ITs a very subjective decision!
@Tanveer - my question was with respect to overall speed and functioning of the phone and the noticeable improvement in processor intensive applications (such as games)

E.g. I moved from a Centrino processor (laptop) to an Atom processor (netbook) and since I dont do a lot of gaming, I didnt feel the drop in performance etc.

However, since I have never used Androids, I really cant figure out if the 200 Mhz extra processing speed will be of any amazing gain? My guess is that it wont make a massive difference considering my usage of the phone.

However, need user opinions here to substantiate my guess.
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Old 17th February 2011, 15:20   #1886
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by nishantgandhi View Post
@Tanveer - my question was with respect to overall speed and functioning of the phone and the noticeable improvement in processor intensive applications (such as games)

E.g. I moved from a Centrino processor (laptop) to an Atom processor (netbook) and since I dont do a lot of gaming, I didnt feel the drop in performance etc.

However, since I have never used Androids, I really cant figure out if the 200 Mhz extra processing speed will be of any amazing gain? My guess is that it wont make a massive difference considering my usage of the phone.

However, need user opinions here to substantiate my guess.
Are you planning to play CPU intesive games. Remember games like angry birds runs quite okay on slower CPUs. Only sometimes, on some screens there is a light lag. this may not be there with a faster processor.
However, there may exist games which are more taxing on the CPU. If you are not really a gamer, it won't give you much of an advantage. As for camera, just having more megapixels will not give you a better image. LG Optimus camera is highly customizable with manual controls. I have no idea about ace.
You can read reviews on gsmarena for both the phones, and then decide.
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Old 17th February 2011, 15:22   #1887
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

HTC desire Z is good phone and meets your requirement. I used to have HTC wildfire and it was amazing for its price. A lot of my colleagues have HTC desire (without qwerty keyboard) and they are very happy with the phone.

HTC - Products - HTC Desire Z - Overview

You can also have a look at Sony Ericsson Xperia Pro -

Sony Ericsson Xperia Pro: HTC Desire Z rival | Electricpig#
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Old 17th February 2011, 15:34   #1888
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I bought the Motorola Defy 3 days back. This is my first Android phone, and I'm must say that I'm impressed with the functionality and features it offers.

- Scratch proof, dust proof, water proof body
- Decent battery life, lasts more than a day
- Good performance in terms of processing speed
- Good voice clarity
- Android market

- I miss the querty keypad of my Blackberry. Being new to touch phones, I'm finding it little difficult to type, but swype has been a life-saver so far.
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Old 17th February 2011, 15:45   #1889
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Originally Posted by arunkk View Post
First and foremost HTC Desire runs on Android 2.1 Eclair and there is no hope for an update for it.
Just adding a correction to your point!

My HTC desire came with factory loaded 2.2 Froyo.
IIRC, HTC had released the froyo update for the desire long back.
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Old 17th February 2011, 15:56   #1890
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by tsk1979 View Post
Are you planning to play CPU intesive games. Remember games like angry birds runs quite okay on slower CPUs. Only sometimes, on some screens there is a light lag. this may not be there with a faster processor.
However, there may exist games which are more taxing on the CPU. If you are not really a gamer, it won't give you much of an advantage. As for camera, just having more megapixels will not give you a better image. LG Optimus camera is highly customizable with manual controls. I have no idea about ace.
You can read reviews on gsmarena for both the phones, and then decide.
That sounds re-assuring! It slipped my mind to check other features of the camera. I was just comparing the MP of Samsung vs Optimus. Thanks!

One more thing - is the GPS and routing affected by processor?
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