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Old 5th February 2011, 10:23   #1726
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by hiren.mistry View Post
Now I need to figure out how to migrate my contacts from a Windows phone to the Desire (HD). Any ideas?

When you set up phone, the HTC will ask guide you to activate bluetooth and pair the phones, it then will pull the info. Very easy!
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Old 5th February 2011, 16:19   #1727
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Technocrat View Post
Could the the quick lock be due to A-GPS?
I still have no luck in catching satellites with the GPS on Galaxy 3. Any other G3 users having the same problem? Do you think upgrading to 3G will solve this case?

Also, any idea if froyo update is available for G3?
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Old 5th February 2011, 17:10   #1728
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Got myself the HTC Desire HD. :-)
Set me back 26.5K INR with bill at Alfa, same as flipkart. W/o bill it comes to 24.5.

Initial experience has been awesome, the speed and sensitivity of the screen just blows me away.

Will need to try Ajmat's tip to get my contact from the windows phone and of course get a nice vodafone data plan.

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Old 5th February 2011, 17:17   #1729
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Navigation - Absolutely FREE!!

Want to have Offline Maps and Navigation for free in your Android? Follow these steps:

1) Install Brut Map mod for Google maps from

Get Brut Maps

2) Run the app, Goto the settings of the mod and enable caching of maps to SD card:
Name:  Cache.png
Views: 1259
Size:  91.1 KB

3) Connect to a high speed internet (Home-Wi-Fi) and run Brut Maps, scroll your city in the map in all possible zoom levels.

As you do this, the app will cache the map data onto your SD card. it took around 20 minutes for me to cache all of Trivandrum City and beyond using my home Wi-Fi. It's worth this effort and it is pretty much a one time process.

Name:  Scroll.png
Views: 1001
Size:  239.8 KB

The advantage is, next time you are out on the road with navigation on, it won't use your GPRS/Edge to show maps. (Saves money and loading time) Be sure you have some good amount of free space in your SD(HC) card. Don't worry if you can't cache everything. As you drive, the app will use Gprs/Edge to download missing tiles of the map and cache it on the go.

4) Find Driving directions as you normally would, in Brut maps. The UI is just the same as Google Maps. (it uses the same components) Then hit the new option Navigate.
Name:  NavigateOption.png
Views: 679
Size:  76.0 KB

5) There you are, the navigation just started!
Name:  Navigate.png
Views: 876
Size:  105.4 KB

It has audio guidance, so if you connect your phone to your ICE, you can listen to voice navigation. The navigation is pretty accurate and it re-routes you if you takes an alternative road than the suggested route by the app. I tested this three times while going to some locations in city, it works like a charm. Great use for me to goto unfamiliar locations in city or anywhere!

Last edited by clevermax : 5th February 2011 at 17:25.
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Old 5th February 2011, 17:44   #1730
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Dump Nokia N8 for Galaxy tab?

Samsung galaxy tab offers the largest screen size that could get inside our pocket. Being surfing the net most of the time, i am pondering if i should go for it and dump my Nokia N8.
Galaxy owners please share the plus and minuses of the tab and is working with the desktop an isssue of concern due to connectivity problem.
Plus in Nokia i use Sports tracker to log my journeys, what alternative does the tab provide.
Thanks in advance.

Last edited by San Phrangmung : 5th February 2011 at 17:46.
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Old 5th February 2011, 18:30   #1731
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Re: Dump Nokia N8 for Galaxy tab?

Originally Posted by San Phrangmung View Post
Plus in Nokia i use Sports tracker to log my journeys, what alternative does the tab provide.
Galaxy Tab may not be providing alternatives but there is a brilliant app from Google for Android devices - it is called MyTracks.
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Old 5th February 2011, 19:16   #1732
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Re: Dump Nokia N8 for Galaxy tab?

Originally Posted by mpksuhas View Post
Jaggu, what you can do is go to Settings > Accounts and synch settings. There you can disable Auto synch and also background data (default it will be selected, de select the same) this will take care of the Gmail and contacts synch.
Will try this, hopefully this option is accessible even before entering a sync account. Last time when i entered the account details in app store, sync started happening or ill have to disable data and do it.

Originally Posted by Rehaan View Post
Settings > Accounts & Sync > (click on your gmail account) > Uncheck "Contacts"
I dont want anything from my account to be synced Only emails, and that works in the email app (not gmail app) without any issues, IMAP settings.

About comparison with iPad, after few days am not sure about the Tab. I am trying to change the ownership right now within the family. Major plus i found was the ms office thingie that came with the OS. In apple i would need to buy iWorks for the iPad, for full access.

Originally Posted by San Phrangmung View Post
Samsung galaxy tab offers the largest screen size that could get inside our pocket.
Tab will not replace a phone for me, it has only speaker phone, or you have to use handsfree/bluetooth etc. This is a major pain. Browsing yes it works well, even email also.

But having said that, perfect for my travels. Coz instead of plonking the BSNL card in iPhone and carry a second phone, i can use it in Tab. With iPad i could not do this since it does not have phone modem, which is a must for me while travelling.
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Old 5th February 2011, 22:54   #1733
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Technocrat View Post
Could the the quick lock be due to A-GPS?
Might be. But does A-GPS lock shows the satellites that are locked in GPS Test App? And even if it's A-GPS lock, it's pretty fast considering it used to take minimum 2 minutes before.
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Old 6th February 2011, 14:38   #1734
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Ajmat ur tip worked like a charm.
Hav activated the Vodafone 99 inr unlimited plan. Hope it is active now.

Sending this this msg thru my done. :-)
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Old 6th February 2011, 17:00   #1735
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by kaushik_s View Post
Might be. But does A-GPS lock shows the satellites that are locked in GPS Test App? And even if it's A-GPS lock, it's pretty fast considering it used to take minimum 2 minutes before.
With offline maps, my phone just locks to gps in less than 10 seconds flat. It's very useful for a quick route calculation when you are stuck in the middle of city... I had a situation today, and navigation saved me from that.
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Old 6th February 2011, 21:31   #1736
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P500 Gps!

I am impressed with the GPS. my connection is still not active, so no AGPS thing here. I turned of WIFI, and turned on GPS., Indoors it showed me 7 satellite fix.
Really powerful internal GPS antenna this device has got.
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Old 6th February 2011, 21:58   #1737
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Re: P500 Gps!

Originally Posted by tsk1979 View Post
I am impressed with the GPS. my connection is still not active, so no AGPS thing here. I turned of WIFI, and turned on GPS., Indoors it showed me 7 satellite fix.
Really powerful internal GPS antenna this device has got.
Yes, the GPS locking is impressive in my phone too. Since I still don't have a car holder for my phone, I was driving with the phone placed between my legs in the driver's seat and it still worked fine with Gps and navigation!

The bad thing is that battery lasted only 8 hours after today's heavy gps usage and browsing.

How much time it took to get a fix without internet connection?

EDIT: I have a finding. If you turn off Wi-Fi and mobile network and immediately access maps / compass or an app which locks to GPS sats, it will still acquire a lock if you had had a lock some moments back while Wi-Fi or mobile network was turned on. So, to really test if your device acquires lock without Wi-Fi or mobile network, you have to turn them off, kill the gps apps, and retry after some time.

I've read that without an internet connection, it may take up to 12 minutes to acquire a lock on gps sats.

Last edited by clevermax : 6th February 2011 at 22:17.
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Old 7th February 2011, 02:13   #1738
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

I was having a problem of making LauncherPro as my default launcher, basically keeping it as the default launcher. I'm using Home Switcher to switch the Launcher. But even if I make LauncherPro as my default Launcher, it automatically switches back to TW Launcher(Samsung default launcher). But TW Launcher is super laggy on Froyo (or that's what I felt like) as my phone just hangs at it's own will with TW Launcher. And on top of that I was unable to make LauncherPro as the default browser..
Now after browsing through the android forums I found a very simple solution to this problem. From Settings->Applications->Manage Application -> All, find TWLauncher app. Now just need to go inside the app control and clear the defaults and then force close TW Launcher. After that press the home button and now it'll ask to choose between LauncherPro and TW Launcher. Check the default check button first and then LauncherPro. Now this has made LauncherPro the default and now pressing the home button is doing the job of pinch zoom of LauncherPro. Yipeee. I'm happy now and I hope the phone will not be laggy as it was before..
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Old 7th February 2011, 10:25   #1739
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

After going through the reviews I am impressed with the Nexus S. Enquired in a Samsung shop and they said it will be launched on 15th Feb. Price would be around 30K. Don't know whether it is true. Anybody has any info on Nexus S launch in India?
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Old 7th February 2011, 10:51   #1740
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Re: P500 Gps!

Originally Posted by clevermax View Post
Yes, the GPS locking is impressive in my phone too. Since I still don't have a car holder for my phone, I was driving with the phone placed between my legs in the driver's seat and it still worked fine with Gps and navigation!

The bad thing is that battery lasted only 8 hours after today's heavy gps usage and browsing.

How much time it took to get a fix without internet connection?

EDIT: I have a finding. If you turn off Wi-Fi and mobile network and immediately access maps / compass or an app which locks to GPS sats, it will still acquire a lock if you had had a lock some moments back while Wi-Fi or mobile network was turned on. So, to really test if your device acquires lock without Wi-Fi or mobile network, you have to turn them off, kill the gps apps, and retry after some time.

I've read that without an internet connection, it may take up to 12 minutes to acquire a lock on gps sats.
Thats funny, then how will you look into the maps once you need a direction as the machine is on your lap/BWL?

@ Clevermax, you can find a decent cradle for less than 200/ from mobile accessory shops. I've bought one from Ebay for 300/, very next day I found one in a local accessory shop for 175/ and the item I got from Ebay was not a good one and got it refunded.

Yes, GPS usage means forget about the battery backup time, but its worth to use it especially when you are new to an area. I have a USB charger adapter in my car for this

Another thing which I noted was if you use a cradle on the windshield when using GPS it takes less battery than on any other location as the windshield gives better access to the GPS signals and hardly gets disconnected.
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