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Old 29th January 2012, 02:32   #91
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Re: The DSLR Thread

I see what you mean, and definitely have a point there. I checked out the guitar video by Joe Mcnally. It had some bad moire in there! The Promotional "Why" piece by Corey Rich seemed to be beautiful though( more of excellent cinematography rather than anything else), anyhow I might have to resort to waiting for a fix for the moire if it's actually gonna be that bad when the body actually gets shipped. Not going to cancel the pre-order anyhow. Thanks for that information buddy, very useful!

Last edited by Torqueguru : 29th January 2012 at 02:46.
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Old 29th January 2012, 14:06   #92
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by rajb3125 View Post
I agree with the benefits of clean HDMI but that is not the issue, that is certainly a ground shattering feature but what i meant was pixel gap, not as in distance between pixels but rather the 3 pixel/line gap between active pixels for videos.
Are they the complete frames or just a crop? Doesn't seem to be of HD quality at all...
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Old 30th January 2012, 03:32   #93
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Re: The DSLR Thread

I seriously dont think thats the quality coming from that camera! I have my doubts that post web compression is the culprit there. Watch this at 1080p,

Go to 1:03 on the time line and look at the pattern of the black fabric just below the helmet on the left corner. I dont see any moire there. Plus, the quality of that entire production looks great!
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Old 30th January 2012, 06:56   #94
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Originally Posted by Torqueguru
I seriously dont think thats the quality coming from that camera! I have my doubts that post web compression is the culprit there. Watch this at 1080p,
Nikon D4 HD D-Movie - WHY ATHLETES [NEW] - YouTube
Go to 1:03 on the time line and look at the pattern of the black fabric just below the helmet on the left corner. I dont see any moire there. Plus, the quality of that entire production looks great!
So is there any technical information which can substantiate the three pixel per line gap between active pixels during video shooting or is it more of a reviewer's opinion about what might be causing such a n issue?
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Old 30th January 2012, 10:01   #95
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Re: The DSLR Thread

It's something posted in EOSHD forums. Anything posted at EOSHD about a Nikon body must be taken with a grain of salt! The video made by Joe Mcnally about a singer, clearly shows the issue and those are screen grabs from there.

I suspect he had the moire/Low Pass filter off when he shot. The camera brochure clearly says that the moire issue is addressed using a low pass filter option. Go to the 3rd page of this PDF.

I have never been let down by a Flagship. And I would find out soon enough! But honestly, the quality of the "Why" video should put an end to this discussion. So lets see when I get it in my hands. Till then all the speculation really is kinda baseless. But then, i am not much into pixel peeping as much as I am into making content!
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Old 30th January 2012, 12:57   #96
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Re: DSLR Video Discussion

Do you think a deadkitten would be able to keep out the wind noise if the recorder/mic is mounted on the rear bumper of the car while its in motion?

Till what speed (km/h) do you think it will be successful?

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Old 30th January 2012, 15:13   #97
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by clevermax View Post
Are they the complete frames or just a crop? Doesn't seem to be of HD quality at all...
These I believe are of lower quality because of compression. Video posted from D4 has substantially better IQ but still.

Originally Posted by clevermax View Post
So is there any technical information which can substantiate the three pixel per line gap between active pixels during video shooting or is it more of a reviewer's opinion about what might be causing such a n issue?
Well Nikon hasn`t said anything so till now its all what Joe McNally says, as always take everything with a grain of salt but TBH I won`t be surprised. Look at the video capabilities of 5D Mk2 with v1 firmware.

Originally Posted by Torqueguru View Post
I suspect he had the moire/Low Pass filter off when he shot. The camera brochure clearly says that the moire issue is addressed using a low pass filter option. Go to the 3rd page of this PDF.

I have never been let down by a Flagship. And I would find out soon enough! But honestly, the quality of the "Why" video should put an end to this discussion. So lets see when I get it in my hands. Till then all the speculation really is kinda baseless. But then, i am not much into pixel peeping as much as I am into making content!
But this is not the moire from absent low pass filter, that can be fixed post production, there are million of bodies out there with low pass filter removed ON-PURPOSE as it affects IQ negatively. This is about the actual data lost between the pixels and Nikon so far choosing to not employ a filter to scale down and choosing to skip pixels.

How funny it is, we don`t really bother about the tech going in film cameras but rather argue all over the net over what size sensor it has and what lens.
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Old 30th January 2012, 16:33   #98
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by rajb3125 View Post
These I believe are of lower quality because of compression. Video posted from D4 has substantially better IQ but still.
I was referring to the overall softness of images or the lack of detail in it, didn't look like an HD frame grab at all. Compression alone can't degrade it like this if it was an HD frame; this looks much like an SD frame than HD.

Last edited by clevermax : 30th January 2012 at 16:38.
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Old 30th January 2012, 16:55   #99
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by clevermax View Post
I was referring to the overall softness of images or the lack of detail in it, didn't look like an HD frame grab at all. Compression alone can't degrade it like this if it was an HD frame; this looks much like an SD frame than HD.
Well them, let me make it clear. The issues is clean 1080p feed off Nikon d4 is showing overall softness in the videos. There can be 2 reasons for this, first is Nikon up scaling 720p (well I have been told it would be less than 720p) to 1080p and not doing a good job at that or alternatively it's doing what 5d mk2 does, skips pixels and so far it has been speculated/calculated that it would have to be about using every 3rd line in a matrix to take video which means huge gap between pixels, effectively creating Moire and lacking detail in video.

In m Nicole only I person has had the chance to handle d4 and quickly pop 30 sec video onto hyperdeck over hdmi. His conclusion is with v1 firmware, Nikon is playing catch up with 5d mk2 (2008) and Nikon PR statement about "broadcast quality video" is nothing but rubbish. In actual sense he,s get a big wedgie at the moment.

On the same hand Nikon will probably deliver d4 with better firmware and hopefully add filter (algorithm filtering firmware and not hardware based filter) based downscaling like Panasonic gh1.

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Old 30th January 2012, 17:13   #100
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Over all softness? Have you shot with it first hand? If yes, then explain the crisp,clear,detailed quality you see in the "Why" Video. If no, then you are clearly just speculating. Let the product ship and then I will continue this discussion.
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Old 31st January 2012, 16:42   #101
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Re: DSLR Video Discussion

People had been trying to capture exhaust sounds.the other day I was reading that what pros use is very high stuff.the mics, the casings wind cutting systems and such.

the simplest way to record exhaust sound is via a dyno.But if you have access to that then only you can record the actual sound.Though again the realism of recording in a dyno vs say recording in a twisty road will have its own effects.

Next. Some say to keep the mic in the trunk of the car.Unless you have stuff in the car, the emptiness will create a boomerang situation and what you will eventually record is very boomy and echo type sound. So to eliminate the emptiness you fill up the trunk so that the sound has nowhere else to travel.

The Dead kitten will not work if you plan to record sound at say 40-60kmph. Its just plain simple.the wind will still get filtered through.

This BMW X3 sound was recorded plain and simple.

The Low cut off was ON when i recorded the exhuast section.

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Old 27th February 2012, 14:25   #102
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Re: DSLR Video Discussion

I used to take videos from my dslr, but today it said "video stopped automatically" within 10 seconds, when I googled I got that it might be because of incompatible SD card because the buffer might get full. But I have taken more than a minute video with the 4GB class 4.

Any idea what could be the issue.
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Old 27th February 2012, 15:36   #103
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Re: DSLR Video Discussion

Originally Posted by anvancy View Post
the simplest way to record exhaust sound is via a dyno.But if you have access to that then only you can record the actual sound.Though again the realism of recording in a dyno vs say recording in a twisty road will have its own effects.
Dyno is okay if you're using the sounds in a videogame (which is unfortunately the most common reason that people record car sounds professionally).

I'm more interested in the aspect of taking live footage, and having good sound to go along with it. Guess i will have to play around a little.

Originally Posted by gopinathann View Post
I used to take videos from my dslr, but today it said "video stopped automatically" within 10 seconds,
- Have you changed a video setting (higher bitrate?)
- Is your car full?
- Try a different SD card. Does it work fine then?

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Old 27th February 2012, 18:57   #104
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Re: DSLR Video Discussion

I have recording at 720@30 fps, which was working fine before. I had 4 GB space left in the card, I will try to reformat the card and see.

Originally Posted by Rehaan View Post

- Have you changed a video setting (higher bitrate?)
- Is your car full?
- Try a different SD card. Does it work fine then?

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Old 27th February 2012, 21:29   #105
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Re: DSLR Video Discussion

Originally Posted by Rehaan View Post
Dyno is okay if you're using the sounds in a videogame (which is unfortunately the most common reason that people record car sounds professionally).

I'm more interested in the aspect of taking live footage, and having good sound to go along with it. Guess i will have to play around a little.

- Have you changed a video setting (higher bitrate?)
- Is your car full?
- Try a different SD card. Does it work fine then?

If you want to record car sounds while being inside the car, you can certainly do that.and in that process you will get clear and crisp sound that you cannot get from a mobile or a DSLR.

If you plan to stick out the recorder, expect wind to cut down your noise.the situation is as the car goes faster the minute wind noise increases too. So if we cant hear that, the sensitive mics pick up the sound.

Like I said, try keeping the recorder in the trunk and fill up with the trunk with stuff to negate emptyness. that may reduce the boominess to an extent.

But if you plan to use it say at a motorsports event, with some tweaking and some PP you will have a decent result.

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