Team-BHP - The Laptop Thread: Configs, deals & questions

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Point 2 is non-sense.

check my thread on Dell Service. mine is not even in my name. bought in bangalore by a fellow bhpian and sold to me through classified.


Originally Posted by Abeer (Post 1660806)
Got an HCL ME series laptop with the following config @35K with a Nokia 3500C phone and a Reebok Tracksuit as free from sector 20, Chandigarh

i would recommend all to stay away from HCL. their service crap. They don't even have parts for their model.

What other softwares do you need?

Remember warez are a bad bad thing.

And yeah, SirAlec summed it right. What Tarun is saying is absolute nonsense.

Thanks SirAlec and SUV. I have decided to pick up the Studio 15 from a dealer. Will set me back be a few thousand. 2.5K to be exact. But saves me all this nonsense and I have one physical neck to hold in the case of any eventuality.

Any recommended software that I should have. They told me office is a trial version for 60 days.

Macfee upgrade for 15 months will cost me 990. Should I get this or just have a Kaspersky? I kinda like the later.

Go for Kaspersky !

If you want a free office suite go for for Open Office or else should I say more ?

Get the drift Beejay!

Illegal softwares although very freely available for very cheap, are completely unethical.

Do we have a favorite anti-virus thread yet? :D

I like Quick Heal a lot! It is surprisingly good.

Congrats on the purchase!

if you have original Microsoft software (windows ) you can also get Microsoft Security essentials download from the microsoft website, free of cost, its a full-fledged antivirus-malware-spyware security program. Else go for kaspersky.

Thanks Mithun. Will go for Kaspersky.

I get the drift SUV. It makes more sense actually.

Shan2129, I think I will opt for Kaspersky.

I have to pay the money today and I will get the Studio 15 in ten days time from today. Going to Coimbatore this afternoon.

Thanks for all the inputs, all you guys.

Funny comments about Samsung below, Though I fully agree to A.S.S part , One should buy the laptop with best feature set and cheapest A.S.S available and thats all , Laptop is a bulk commodity now a days and you should actually look at features and total cost of ownership
rather then brand.


Originally Posted by EssYouWe (Post 1633796)
What memory!?

Afaik Samsung does not produce any memory modules. I might be ignorant here!

Are you talking about the semiconductor company under the Samsung umbrella?

Samsung is 100 Billion $ company and Semiconductor Business unit is one of the biggest semiconductor producer in world and it is leader in DRAM and FLASH memories.
Incidentally 2009 was year of recession for everyone while Samsung 2009 profit is around US $12 Billion which is best overall , Mobiles is most profitable unit and Semicon is just recovering as Samsung is not in retail space and profits depend on ho well OEMs are doing.

Incidentally Samsung is manufacturer and bulk supplier for DELL in many parts of world.

Samsung is a bulk supplier and many of the products using DRAM may be internally using samsung DRAM modules but branded as per OEM

In FLASH memory Samsung is the leader while you may know brands like kingston , Transcend etc the retail vendors source the FLASH chips in bulk from others.

Samsung does manufacture CPUs as well ( ARM core based) and iPhone is a well known product using these the original one used SC64010 and latest 3GS uses C100 processor.

Incidentally Samsung never used this line of CPU in any samsung product till now as a hedging strategy, so that one Business Unit ( SemiCon) is not dependent on another ( Mobiles) and they do not repeat mistake of Motorola and Motorola SPS ( freescale after 2001 recission).

Gallery: iPhone 3GS Teardowns Reveal Underclocked CPU, More | Gadget Lab |

We did few experimental internal mobile models using 64010 but never released in market . This may change in 2010 when you may see few models both in netbook and mobile segment using internal processors.

Yeah! That one was my bad.

Sorry about it.


My PC, a Compaq Presario finally conked off with a failed mother board and am looking to get the Thinkpad T400 from the US where one can get excellent deals on the T series Thinkpad currently. I had used a T43 before and can vouch for its performance and reliability. Are the new Thinkpads still made as durable and reliable as the IBM Thinkpads or has Lenovo compromised big time with their quality? The reason for asking this is that Thinkpads, at prices that they are now available at, was unherad of when IBM made them.

One question what do you do with OLD laptops , Any exchange offer or convenient way of not accumulating e-waste at home ?

Never did I think buying a lap top will involve such much.

I went to pick up the Studio15 from Coimbatore yesterday. The sales guy told me that the same is no longer available and to go for a Studio14 instead. The kind side of him directed me to a place where I could grab a Studio15 and these were the last few remaining according to him. Incidentally I remembered that the Dell dealer also owned that multi brand store and understood the trick.

I called Dell direct and asked them for the Studio 15. They said its no longer available with Core2 Duo and are launching a new model with the new i5 processor on Monday.
So I thought I wait for the same.

Dell called me a while back and this is the new configuration.
i5 processor
540. 2.53GHZ, 3GB MEMORY, 320GB HD, 512 dedicated graphic card.DDR3 RAM,2MP camera
Price is 49800, approximate.

Now, the Studio 15 which is had seen earlier can also be made available,
Core2 Duo,2.2GHz, 3GB MEMORY, 320GBHD,DDR2 Ram, 512MB dedicated graphic card.

The major difference is
i 5 processor over Core 2 Duo
2.53 GHZ over 2.2GHZ
DDR3 Ram over DDR2 RAM

Increase of price is close to 7K. Should I pick up the core 2 duo Studio or just wait and pick up the i5 processor? I can book on Monday and will take a month for them to deliver as this is a new launch.

How good is this i5 processor? Kindly guide.

Please suggest between a Dell Inspiron 1545 or a Sony VPCCW13EG,
which laptop should i go for in these two, any idea?

My Sony Vaio is 2.5 yrs old and i was thinking of upgrading it.

Sony Vaio CR11GH
14 Inch LCD
1.8 GHz Core 2 Dup Proc.
DVD burner

How much can i expect?

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