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Old 29th July 2021, 11:20   #2356
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

Originally Posted by Swapnil4585 View Post
...I am prohibited from access to internet on any device that I connect to my mobile hotspot...
Check what frequency (2.4/5 Ghz) your hotspot's transmitting on. Should be listed as 'AP Band' under hotspot settings.

On the laptop side, run this on command prompt: netsh wlan show drivers

If radio types supported shows 802.11b/g/n entries only, your laptop only support 2.4GHz. If it shows 802.11a/ac entries too, then it supports both bands.

Make sure hotspot and device you're trying to use it with are on the same band.
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Old 29th July 2021, 19:28   #2357
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

Just bought a TP-Link AC1200 Archer A6 (Rs. 2299/- on Amazon)

I know nothing when it comes to routers/modem specifications. With a small amount my employer gave to upgrade WFH needs, I just upgraded the router. Earlier I had a default netgear one given by the cable operator while taking the connection 5 years ago and now assuming it is not providing me the complete bandwidth of 50Mbps (which is the plan).

On Wi-Fi & Routers-123.jpg


On Wi-Fi & Routers-before.jpg

After (though I have a 50 Mbps plan):

On Wi-Fi & Routers-after.jpg

Like said, I know nothing technical about this, it was just a blind purchase.

Can someone kindly tell me how it got improved?

Last edited by balenoed_ : 29th July 2021 at 19:44.
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Old 30th July 2021, 01:05   #2358
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

Originally Posted by civic-sense View Post
After doing some research from my side too, here is the final shortlist:

Archer C80 - Rs 3600
Asus RT-AC59U - Rs 5040
Archer AX20 - Rs 5670

The C80 should work for me but the "what if tomorrow" syndrome is making me not want to overlook WIFI 6 and USB.

2.4GHz performance is important because I just discovered that my TV only supports 2.4GHz and the C80 seems to be a champ there. Is there a way I can add a USB 5GHz wifi module to the TV?

I started with a couple of thousands in budget, but am willing to spend more if the added features are worth it and I plan to keep it for 3-4 years at least. So do you think it is worth going for the AX20 for the WIFI 6 and USB if the price is not a problem?


Edit: Add the Archer AX50 to the list @6120. Added advantage is the parental controls.
As of right now, barely any of the devices we use are compatible with WiFi 6 as such. So in essence, even if you opt for the router with WiFi 6, the existing devices will continue to function on 5 Ghz max! You'd essentially be spending extra money for a non-usable feature, which is still a far away from being adopted here.

My recommendation: Choose between the C80 and the Asus. You'd be better off spending the extra bucks on a mesh setup later, just in case.
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Old 30th July 2021, 01:43   #2359
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

Originally Posted by IamNikhil View Post
As of right now, barely any of the devices we use are compatible with WiFi 6 as such. So in essence, even if you opt for the router with WiFi 6, the existing devices will continue to function on 5 Ghz max! You'd essentially be spending extra money for a non-usable feature, which is still a far away from being adopted here.
All apple devices are Wifi6. I have an iphone 12, Ipad pro and both of these are Wifi 6.

When you buy a router, nobody replaces it in 1-2 years. After 2 years pretty much Wifi6 will be the norm.

I always suggest to buy the latest and would still suggest the Wifi6 models.

This is my pick right now:

Have recommended to quite a few and all are happy with it.
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Old 30th July 2021, 09:58   #2360
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Re: SIM based Wi-Fi HotSpot?

Originally Posted by TT-S View Post
Even if you buy a 4G router today, not all 4G frequency bands will be supported. For example, earlier versions of the TP-Link MR200 does not support band 5 (850MHz) which is used by Jio. Lower frequency bands are crucial when it comes to range and connectivity indoors or in far flung rural areas. Do keep this in mind while purchasing.
Who is better between 'Airtel' and 'Jio' for 4G data in terms of network availability, reliability and speed? I will be going for a new SIM and will be using this exclusively for 4G data on dongle.
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Old 30th July 2021, 10:31   #2361
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Re: SIM based Wi-Fi HotSpot?

Originally Posted by JMaruru View Post
Who is better between 'Airtel' and 'Jio' for 4G data in terms of network availability, reliability and speed? .
Unfortunately these parameters will vary by location. What I have experienced (here in Kerala) is that Jio has better coverage, even in rural areas compared to Airtel. To check coverage, I would suggest loading 'OpenSignal' app on your device and check the network coverage in the desired location for various service providers. This app uses crowd sourced data and should be reasonably accurate.

Regarding speed, Airtel has been much better in comparison to Jio, for me.
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Old 30th July 2021, 10:51   #2362
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

Originally Posted by IamNikhil View Post
My recommendation: Choose between the C80 and the Asus. You'd be better off spending the extra bucks on a mesh setup later, just in case.
I had the Flipkart sale clock to beat, so I went ahead and placed an order for the C80.
Originally Posted by Vid6639 View Post
All apple devices are Wifi6. I have an iphone 12, Ipad pro and both of these are Wifi 6.

When you buy a router, nobody replaces it in 1-2 years. After 2 years pretty much Wifi6 will be the norm.

I always suggest to buy the latest and would still suggest the Wifi6 models.
My wife has a 12 mini and I plan to by the 12 or 13 towards the end of the year. But on further analysis I wasn't sure the AX20 was providing any better speeds than the C80. So I wondered if WIFI66 support does not result in higher speeds (in AX20) what is the point going for it?On Wi-Fi & Routers-routers.png
Am a noob here, so I could be wrong. Actually, am curious how the C80 beats the AX20 in speeds. Anybody have an idea?
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Old 30th July 2021, 11:50   #2363
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

Originally Posted by civic-sense View Post
I had the Flipkart sale clock to beat, so I went ahead and placed an order for the C80.
Welcome to the club! Make sure you get in touch with the ISP when you're installing this. Also, get the placement right and the antennae directed in the right manner. This is definitely a paisa-vasool router
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Old 30th July 2021, 15:05   #2364
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

Originally Posted by IamNikhil View Post
Welcome to the club! Make sure you get in touch with the ISP when you're installing this.
Do I really have to? I thought I could connect the modem's gigabit port to the routers WAN port using a cat cable, and am done.
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Old 31st July 2021, 15:18   #2365
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

Originally Posted by civic-sense View Post
I went ahead and placed an order for the C80.
I wondered if WIFI66 support does not result in higher speeds (in AX20)
In theory, C80 is a better router as compared to AX20 (three parallel streams). Phones can use 2 streams at a time, so real world max speed would be ~700 mbps. This should be good enough.

Originally Posted by civic-sense View Post
Do I really have to? I thought I could connect the modem's gigabit port to the routers WAN port using a cat cable, and am done.
Yes, :
  1. Connect WAN port of C80 to LAN port of existing router
  2. Configure C80 in "AP" mode (This will make setup easier)
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Old 2nd August 2021, 13:11   #2366
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

Originally Posted by NetfreakBombay View Post
[*]Configure C80 in "AP" mode (This will make setup easier) [/list]
The router arrived on Saturday and I first set it up in router mode and tested the speeds around the house. In 5GHz band, of the ISP promised 125Mbps the router delivered 100-120Mbbps in the living and main bedroom areas which is great. In the kitchen and bathroom it dropped to about 30Mbps, which is still okay for me. In the 2.5Ghz band, things were as pathetic as the ISP provided router at around 10-40Mbps. I was hoping for a better number for the sake of my TV. But to my surprise the TV was able to connect to the 5Ghz band and got a 100+Mbbps speed in the speedtest. The TV specs says 2.5Ghz only.

I then changed to AP mode using the tether app and things work well enough. But I have a question here - if we run on AP mode, wouldn't the router tasks like DHCP be taken care by the ISP router thereby negating any advantages (like better processor) of the C80?

Originally Posted by IamNikhil View Post
Make sure you get in touch with the ISP when you're installing this. Also, get the placement right and the antennae directed in the right manner.
Actually, I don't want to install the router at a prominent place in the hose due to 1) There are no walls/power outlets in the Middle" of the house. 2)The ISP router sits inside a kind of an attic which also houses the CCTV system and the home UPS.

On Wi-Fi & Routers-img_20210802_103709.jpg

The C80 with the ISP router behind it and the PoE switch on the box behind it.

Maybe I will try to find a place inside the attic closer to the middle of the house.

I gave the same SSID name to both the bands, but then the devices ended up connecting to the 2.4Ghz band.

My iPhone 6S which had stopped connecting to any wifi unless held with the antenna touching it now connects to the C80's 5Ghz wifi with ease. Dunno how, but that makes me happy.
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Old 2nd August 2021, 15:04   #2367
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

Originally Posted by civic-sense View Post
Actually, I don't want to install the router at a prominent place in the hose due to 1) There are no walls/power outlets in the Middle" of the house. 2)The ISP router sits inside a kind of an attic which also houses the CCTV system and the home UPS.

Attachment 2187267

The C80 with the ISP router behind it and the PoE switch on the box behind it.

Maybe I will try to find a place inside the attic closer to the middle of the house.
Do make sure there aren't any hindrances near the antennae of the router. It will affect the range and speed that it can otherwise deliver. Glad to know you chose this device. Hope you enjoy the seamless usage.
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Old 2nd August 2021, 18:27   #2368
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

Originally Posted by civic-sense View Post
wouldn't the router tasks like DHCP be taken care by the ISP router thereby negating any advantages (like better processor) of the C80?
That is the intention. Leave routing to ISP router and let C80 focus only on WiFi. This is with assumption that , ISP router is good enough for basic routing.
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Old 3rd August 2021, 17:14   #2369
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Router UPS

I am planning to buy a router UPS. From whatever listing I see on Amazon, Cuzor, Resonate, Zinq are the most purchased and reviewed brands. Are all of them equally good? Or is there any particular one that is works better overall?

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Old 3rd August 2021, 20:32   #2370
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Re: Router UPS

Originally Posted by sagarpadaki View Post
I am planning to buy a router UPS. From whatever listing I see on Amazon, Cuzor, Resonate, Zinq are the most purchased and reviewed brands.
I bought 'Resonate' just a week back based on some posts in TBHP. So far, so good. It's a compact device with simple install.
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