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Old 6th September 2018, 11:45   #1681
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

Originally Posted by sagarpadaki View Post
2. Using WPA2-PSK
OK. You will have an option to specify an encryption algorithm along with WPA2. What is that? If it is TKIP then switch to AES immediately - TKIP is a known, broken system that ought not be used now.

You can't ignore the possibility of your router having a backdoor either. If you have a spare one/can borrow from someone, change it and see (but ensure different manufacturer/make/model etc.).

Edit: I didn't see your admission that the router is operating with admin/admin. That is a flog-worthy lapse. Fix that first, reset the router to factory defaults, apply any firmware updates available and then reconfigure it from scratch. SSID hiding etc. aren't of much use against a determined hacker.

Last edited by binand : 6th September 2018 at 11:49.
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Old 6th September 2018, 11:56   #1682
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

Originally Posted by binand View Post
OK. You will have an option to specify an encryption algorithm along with WPA2. What is that? If it is TKIP then switch to AES immediately - TKIP is a known, broken system that ought not be used now.

You can't ignore the possibility of your router having a backdoor either. If you have a spare one/can borrow from someone, change it and see (but ensure different manufacturer/make/model etc.).

Edit: I didn't see your admission that the router is operating with admin/admin. That is a flog-worthy lapse. Fix that first, reset the router to factory defaults, apply any firmware updates available and then reconfigure it from scratch. SSID hiding etc. aren't of much use against a determined hacker.
It is currently WPA2PSK + TKIP. I will correct it. I have a spare Belkin router as well. I can configure that and try once.

Lol. I will change the router login password right away along with the other steps that you mentioned.
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Old 6th September 2018, 12:19   #1683
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

Originally Posted by sagarpadaki View Post
Ok. I will do the firmware update. The router login password is the default 'admin' 'admin'. I will change that first!
That makes me quite sure your router is compromised. Use a complex password please. And this goes for anybody who owns routers. ALWAYS change the default admin username and/or password.

The hacker would have to be someone close by within about 100-200 metres (depending on the nature of obstructions) from your router to be able to connect to it. They are leeching your internet connection, not a good thing if they do any illegal activities because you may be questioned solely based on the WAN IP address.

Hiding the SSID broadcast is a starter but not effective as there are methods to discover it even when hidden. More effective is a MAC address filter.

I see WPA, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK in the list of encryption options. WPA Personal is not present
You can use PSK and like Binand said use AES as the encryption method/algorithm. If this router doesn't support it just use another one that does. Be safe.
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Old 7th September 2018, 12:59   #1684
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

I use the full length gibberish password. Entering that on a keyboard, especially mobile, it's tough, so I use the wps button.

Important thing is that wps remains disabled except when I have a device to add. That doesn't happen often, so making it a three stage job, enable/add/disable is no big deal. I'm exposed to whatever insecurity wps has for a few minutes a year.
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Old 21st September 2018, 10:47   #1685
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

Hey Guys,

I plan to get an Amazon Firestick and subscribe to Hotstar. Few questions:

1. I still use the modem/router provided by ACT and I think its probably the cheapest oldest thing. Considering above streaming requirement, what would you suggest I get to replace this with?

2. What speed would be optimum to use on the ACT internet line in Bangalore to ensure streaming is on track? Also, would 100 gigs be good enough per month?
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Old 21st September 2018, 11:16   #1686
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

Originally Posted by Red Liner View Post
Hey Guys,

I plan to get an Amazon Firestick and subscribe to Hotstar. Few questions:

1. I still use the modem/router provided by ACT and I think its probably the cheapest oldest thing. Considering above streaming requirement, what would you suggest I get to replace this with?

2. What speed would be optimum to use on the ACT internet line in Bangalore to ensure streaming is on track? Also, would 100 gigs be good enough per month?
Unless you want to watch 4K streaming, 15/16Mbps should be good enough.
Try a month to see if 100GB is good enough.

Your existing router should be good enough too.

Last edited by smartindboy : 21st September 2018 at 11:16. Reason: Router
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Old 21st September 2018, 11:25   #1687
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

Need some advice: I have humongous number of devices on my ageing Airtel 4G WiFi router coupled with 3 repeaters over my G+1 house.

Need to retain the 4G connection (i.e. use only the modem part) as of now, but would like to invest in a future-proof solid WiFi router and retain the repeaters (Netgear 300, Mi 3C router, MiFi repeater) as needed.

I have upwards of 30 devices (3 laptops, 4 smartphones/tabs, 4 Chromecasts, 3 WiFi cameras, 16 WiFi switches etc) and routinely run Netflix, Prime Video, YouTube etc. which not only needs fast Internet speeds but also excellent intra-network speed for casting and streaming media even when offline. I may shortly connect to ACT or Airtel BB so am planning upfront.

Can I get some recommendations please? If it is dual input capable (Airtel 4G + ACT/Airtel) that would be even better! Budget around 12k max. I am open to the upcoming 'Chinese brands' but don't want to find that I made thr wrong choice.
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Old 21st September 2018, 11:54   #1688
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

Originally Posted by Red Liner View Post
Hey Guys,

I plan to get an Amazon Firestick and subscribe to Hotstar. Few questions:

1. I still use the modem/router provided by ACT and I think its probably the cheapest oldest thing. Considering above streaming requirement, what would you suggest I get to replace this with?

2. What speed would be optimum to use on the ACT internet line in Bangalore to ensure streaming is on track? Also, would 100 gigs be good enough per month?
Your router would probably suffice for the Amazon Firestick. Only thing is your router's position and the position of the Firestick. Distance and any impediment will seriously lower the throughput of the net connection.

Download wifi Scanner utility for your Laptop Windows and check the signal strength. See that your chosen Wifi Channel is relatively free from that of your neighbors. Position your router antenna as needed for maximum signal strength at the position of your Firestick.
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Old 21st September 2018, 12:17   #1689
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

Originally Posted by itwasntme View Post

Can I get some recommendations please? If it is dual input capable (Airtel 4G + ACT/Airtel) that would be even better! Budget around 12k max. I am open to the upcoming 'Chinese brands' but don't want to find that I made thr wrong choice.
I have a similar requirement and I have an ACT broadband and Airtel VDSL (as a backup).

What you probably require is a dedicated router with access points in a mesh setup with fail-over load balancing.

I currently use Ubiquiti Edge Router with UniFi AP-AC-Lite as an access point. I am getting excellent throughput. I am on day 48 of my installation and no reboots so far. This could cost you around 15k. But depending on the size of your premises, you may look to invest in a UniFi Pro. The advantage with Pro is you can add additional APs in a Mesh.

If you don't want to bother with configurations, you are better off with a Google WiFi.
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Old 25th September 2018, 12:46   #1690
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

I am looking for a Wifi Router for my house 2000Sq Ft Area . I have a budget of 20-25K . Connected devices are 3 TVs( One Android , One With Amazon Fire TV Sick , One Smart) , NVIDIA Shield for Gaming , One IPAD , 3 mobiles , two laptops , 2 Kindles and occasionally one additional IPAD and 2 Mobiles . I have a 50MBps line currently, which Hathway is upgrading to 150MBps .Please help me as i need something to last few years atleast in terms of technical strength . Also if i end up getting JIO or Airtel i should be able to use the router.

Last edited by Trust_In_Thrust : 25th September 2018 at 12:55.
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Old 25th September 2018, 13:43   #1691
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

Originally Posted by Trust_In_Thrust View Post
I am looking for a Wifi Router for my house 2000Sq Ft Area
I recently purchased Netgear Orbi RBK50 system from Amazon for 22K. I'm using it with similar set of devices in a 4000 sq-ft apartment. It is two node system and which helps to provide coverage in all corners of my house. Most of the devices are connected on 5GHz band. This is big plus as there is too much interference on 2.4GHz band due to other WiFis from our neighbours and other devices like wireless headphones. Unfortunately, it doesn't support Airtel or Jio dongles.
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Old 11th October 2018, 10:52   #1692
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

Originally Posted by Red Liner View Post
Hey Guys,

I plan to get an Amazon Firestick and subscribe to Hotstar. Few questions:

1. I still use the modem/router provided by ACT and I think its probably the cheapest oldest thing. Considering above streaming requirement, what would you suggest I get to replace this with?

2. What speed would be optimum to use on the ACT internet line in Bangalore to ensure streaming is on track? Also, would 100 gigs be good enough per month?
I use Hotstar and prime video. I also have a 15 Mbps connection. This is sufficient to stream at the highest quality they offer. I think the router should be enough. I use an ancient WRT54GL running dd-wrt on 802.11g - no issues at all.
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Old 11th October 2018, 11:45   #1693
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

Originally Posted by the_joker View Post
I use Hotstar and prime video. I also have a 15 Mbps connection. This is sufficient to stream at the highest quality they offer.
The thing is, all these services automatically drop quality when streaming doesn't happen at speeds they expect. So you might not be watching at "the highest quality they offer" if your internet speed is not up to the mark.

Plus these providers have recommendations only for US users.
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Old 11th October 2018, 12:07   #1694
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

Originally Posted by binand View Post
The thing is, all these services automatically drop quality when streaming doesn't happen at speeds they expect. So you might not be watching at "the highest quality they offer" if your internet speed is not up to the mark.

Plus these providers have recommendations only for US users.
True. I've seen quality degradation immediately when there is some issue with my internet connection.

My calculations show that I can use the highest quality. My internet connection tops out at 2 MBps (translates to about 7.2 GB per hour). I have verified this is possible. Hotstar's 1080p is 0.4 hrs per GB. Translates to 2.5 GB per hour. I can't remember what Amazon Prime's is. I think it says about 0.4 GB per hour which is much lower than Hotstar's. Is it 1080p? Do any of them offer 4K? I know Netflix does.

I've not upgraded my router or my internet connection speed because of two reasons - I don't have many devices connected at once (~5) and because my TV is only 1080p.
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Old 11th October 2018, 20:56   #1695
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Re: On Wi-Fi & Routers

Originally Posted by the_joker View Post
My internet connection tops out at 2 MBps (translates to about 7.2 GB per hour).
This translation doesn't hold I think, because you are most likely starting from 2 Mbps (lower-case b, for bits), and arriving at 7.2 GB/hour (upper-case B, for bytes). That is, you missed the factor of 8 that converts from bits to bytes. Your 2 Mbps connection's upper end is only 900 MB/hour.

But you never achieve that theoretical maximum of 900 MB/hour, because:

1. The network latency to the backends of these streaming video services (which are probably in the US) will be high; and
2. India has officially blessed contention ratios in the range of 50:1; and
3. There will be protocol overheads.
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