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Old 9th June 2012, 07:45   #2641
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by vijaycool View Post
Can you mentione the model number for Sharp inverter A/C.
Originally Posted by khoj View Post
Congratulations Lord Lucan, Could you share the complete model number for both the ODU and the IDU, thanks.
The model is
Odu: AU-X18MV
Idu: AH-XP18MV

Sharp India website is outdated and does not list the latest models.

Originally Posted by khoj View Post
Lord Lucan, again could you elaborate on this feature as to how do they achieve this. Is their some sort of a speed limiter on the compressor that does not allow it to exceed beyond a certain RPM thereby restricting capacity ..
The A/C is rated at 1440 watts. There are 3 modes of operation: Normal, L1 & L2. In normal, there is no limit on the amount of power that the A/C can use. In this mode, I have seen the power consumption go as high as 1.9KW (This happens only when starting the A/C). In L1 mode, the max power consumption is limited to 1.1KW and in L2 mode it is limited to 0.8KW.

The above numbers are from Sharp's documentation. How these numbers affect the operation of the A/C is best known to sharp.

This should come in handy if I have to move the A/C to a smaller room.
Being an inverter using an higher capacity A/C in a smaller room should not affect total power consumption. This feature will only help when using the A/C with a limited power source such as a generator. Do correct me if I am wrong.
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Old 9th June 2012, 08:06   #2642
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by vijaycool View Post
What I have figured out in Sharp inverter model 1.1T A/C is some high efficent model number ( AY-XP12GHR) can run as low as 150Watt and in some model which is close to AHXP13LV is (AY-XP12LSR still less efficient) consumes just 240Watt. Compared to Daikin uses 300W for similar capacity....
Some number crunching there. Few inputs from my study/observations
1) With Sharp 1.5T inverter, I have seen the power consumption as low as 0.1KW
2) 1.1T will take longer to cool the room. 1.5T will reach minimum consumption much sooner than 1.1T. Total power consumption will be nearly equal.
3) In Chennai, 1T will suffice for ~100sqft rooms. For ~150sqft rooms, we need atleast 1.5T

All the best for your purchase.
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Old 9th June 2012, 10:44   #2643
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Installed the 1.5T Panasonic Cube at home, and absolutely love it.

The installation guys took a sweet 7 days to show up, but it was faultless. I love the simplicity of the Cube, and basic features which are adequate for our use. The unit chills the room (15x13, with +5 on dressing area) quite fast, even on low speed. I was surprised that there were 3 speed settings, rather than 2 as I read here.

If anyone is looking for an A/C on budget, I would certainly recommend the Little Wonder.

Since the Panasonic showroom near Bhima's off M.G.Road, was not helpful, I got it from Reliance Digital in Domlur.
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Old 9th June 2012, 10:54   #2644
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by khoj View Post
Refrain from making statements that have no standing. I have underlined the part that I am talking about.

Further, I am not looking at being tutored as to what an inverter system is.

I am specifically asking as to how Sharp is limiting the compressor, I also know for certain that it is via speed control. My query is more as to how are they exercising this control.
You may be expert in Air conditioning systems that doesnt mean that you know everything. If you have already know about PAM and PWM control you couldnot asked this question. Inverter A/C's are run at over capacity at full load. Thats why its not efficient at full loat. Limitation could be the motor characteristics, compressor, evaporater thermal efficiency which is known only to the manufacturer.
I am not tutoring anyone here, I am just sharing what I heard/known/taken from www.

Originally Posted by Lord Lucan View Post
The model is
Odu: AU-X18MV
Idu: AH-XP18MV

Sharp India website is outdated and does not list the latest models.

The A/C is rated at 1440 watts. There are 3 modes of operation: Normal, L1 & L2. In normal, there is no limit on the amount of power that the A/C can use. In this mode, I have seen the power consumption go as high as 1.9KW (This happens only when starting the A/C). In L1 mode, the max power consumption is limited to 1.1KW and in L2 mode it is limited to 0.8KW.

The above numbers are from Sharp's documentation. How these numbers affect the operation of the A/C is best known to sharp.

Being an inverter using an higher capacity A/C in a smaller room should not affect total power consumption. This feature will only help when using the A/C with a limited power source such as a generator. Do correct me if I am wrong.
Originally Posted by Lord Lucan View Post
Some number crunching there. Few inputs from my study/observations
1) With Sharp 1.5T inverter, I have seen the power consumption as low as 0.1KW
2) 1.1T will take longer to cool the room. 1.5T will reach minimum consumption much sooner than 1.1T. Total power consumption will be nearly equal.
3) In Chennai, 1T will suffice for ~100sqft rooms. For ~150sqft rooms, we need atleast 1.5T

All the best for your purchase.
I am planning to buy only in off season. I cant believe i bought 1.5T onida 5* split for 24K just last year off season, this year i think it cost 32K.
1.1T and 1.5T inverter doesnt differ in current consumption as you rightly pointed out. The only difference is 1.5T will cool the room in 15mins whereas 1T may do it in 20~25mins. The price difference is 10~12K. I dont mind this as it will run only in the nights.

COP(Coefficient of performance) is defined by Cooling capacity (W)/ power consumed (W)
Interesting observation from Daikin inverter specification.
Nominal cooling is 8500Btu(2.5KW) but it can work maximum of 10900Btu(3.2KW). Power consumed at full load is 1.18KW
At full load EER is 3.2/1.18 = 2.71
Nominal load 2.5/.746 = 3.35
Part load 1.6/.455 = 3.52

Another look on FTKD71
part load COP is 2.1/.53 = 3.96
Full load is 7.6/3.21 = 2.37
This model is highly efficient under part load. After looking into the characteristic of full load and part load condtion perhaps this could be the only reason Sharp has incorporated the features. It forcibly run the compressor at part load during start up hence saving power.
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Old 9th June 2012, 12:21   #2645
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Sorry. I am not trolling but couldnt edit my previous post.

AY-XP12GHR / AE-X12GHR - AYXP12GHR - Cooling A/C - Sharp

The specification says (cooling only)
Min cooling capacity is 0.9KW
Max cooling capacity = 4 KW
Nominal cooling = 3.5 KW

Minimum power consumption = 150W (.15KW)
Max power consumption = 1300W (1.3KW)
Nominal power consumption = 900W(.9KW)

Part load 0.9/.15 = 6
Nominal load = 3.89 (spec sheet say the same)
Max load = 3.08

@ Lord Lucan: you said after sometime the display show .1KW and looks to be true. Double congrats . If your unit runs at just 150W for the whole night its just awesome.

After looking the part load efficiencies of sharp (mostly on 5.7), Daikin looks ancient.

Last edited by vijaycool : 9th June 2012 at 12:31.
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Old 9th June 2012, 12:58   #2646
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Thanks Lord Lucan.

Originally Posted by Lord Lucan View Post
The model is
Odu: AU-X18MV
Idu: AH-XP18MV

Sharp India website is outdated and does not list the latest models.

The above numbers are from Sharp's documentation. How these numbers affect the operation of the A/C is best known to sharp.

Being an inverter using an higher capacity A/C in a smaller room should not affect total power consumption. This feature will only help when using the A/C with a limited power source such as a generator. Do correct me if I am wrong.

Nobody knows everything but seems like you do know something which nobody else does.
Originally Posted by vijaycool View Post
Inverter A/C's are run at over capacity at full load.
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Old 9th June 2012, 13:44   #2647
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

I too live in Noida and bought a Hitachi Window A C earlier this year. It is silent and cools effectively . The room is 12*18 ft and it has been cooling i effectively even when the ambient temperatures are 43 degrees plus. I do not remember the exact model > it is a 5* rated window ac with twin blowers. It cost me Rs 30,400 which is more than what I paid for a Videocon Split ( 5* ) the next month ( Rs 27,500). Both AC's are 1.5 tomme capacity. I have been renovating my apartment and have not used the VIdeocon unit as yet. ( BTW the VIdeocon unit is 5* as per 2010 specs)
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Old 12th June 2012, 16:24   #2648
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by sameerg001 View Post
Why are cube ac so cheaper as compared to normal split ac's ?

I am looking for a 1.5 ton split ac but nothing is cheaper than 24k for 3 star, than i saw this cube 1.5 ton for 20k 2 star ?

Can you please shed some light on this

Thanks in advance
The reason why "cube is cheaper", is mentioned here in this page:
04 Air Conditioners in India | eco ideas file | Panasonic Global
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Old 13th June 2012, 13:28   #2649
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by rajneeesh View Post
a Hitachi Window A C earlier this year.... I do not remember the exact model > it is a 5* rated window ac with twin blowers.
Our son has allergies. Because of this everyone we talke to (from his doc to our aircondition supplier) recommended window air cons as splits dont bring in fresh air.

We already have 2 2T Hitachi Window (Twin Turbo) ACs in the other bedrooms. We are looking for an aircon with good filteration so that our son's allergies are not aggravated by dust. Room size is about 230 sq.ft.

Is there a better option? How would O General compare?
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Old 13th June 2012, 20:36   #2650
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Self-Maintenance Saves The Day

I've reported a very similar experience a while back. Just a reminder that it is not always necessary to call the engineer, and wait for him.

A few months ago, we heard the cracking noises that indicate icing, and found it solidly around one section of the cooling coil. This was a gas leak: it went off to the engineers shop, was repaired, refitted and refilled.

Yesterday evening, I heard cracking again. Taking off the cover, I found fairly even icing overall. There was not much dust on the filters, but I washed them anyway, but thinking about the inside-unit fan as I did so. Sure enough, it was heavily encrusted with dust. The slow diminishing of draught is not noticed, but, eventually, it is just not shifting enough air through the cooling coil to move the coldness out into the room.

On this particular Samsung 2-toner, it was not possible to simply remove the flap. It was made as part of a whole frame, and disassembly (or rather re-assembly) is something I would rather leave to an engineer. This made getting at the fan harder.

My first attempt, moving the fan by hand, and poking with a paintbrush, did not move much dirt.

Then I turned the system on, in fan mode, no cooling, and found the right movement to get my brush bristles as far into the rotating fan as possible.

My first measure of success? I asked my wife if I was dirty --- and she told me that my face was covered in muck! Good: muck that is no longer on the fan.

Putting all back together, I realised straight away that the draught was far stronger than it had been. Test run: no icing.

Today, my wife just looked at the remote control and said, "Oh! 28! Feels like it was set on 24!". Success

The bad news is that I didn't realise this was needed two weeks ago, as our temperatures first hit 40. Better later than never.

Last edited by Thad E Ginathom : 13th June 2012 at 20:37.
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Old 16th June 2012, 08:40   #2651
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by navin View Post
Our son has allergies. Because of this everyone we talke to (from his doc to our aircondition supplier) recommended window air cons as splits dont bring in fresh air.

We already have 2 2T Hitachi Window (Twin Turbo) ACs in the other bedrooms. We are looking for an aircon with good filteration so that our son's allergies are not aggravated by dust. Room size is about 230 sq.ft.

Is there a better option? How would O General compare?

Navin, I have no expertise in Air Conditioning. . All I know is that O General is a Fujitsu product and enjoys a good reputation in the market for effective cooling and durability.
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Old 16th June 2012, 11:05   #2652
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by navin View Post
Our son has allergies. Because of this everyone we talke to (from his doc to our aircondition supplier) recommended window air cons as splits dont bring in fresh air.
You can put an ionizer or buy a split with a built in ioniser.Alternatively,put a small ventilator fan (toilet type).

Windows units with fresh air/ exhaust functions are no longer universal, and these may be pretty ineffective. So the same solution as above may be the best.

General not O-General, the thing looking like O is the logo, is a very highly rated brand.
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Old 16th June 2012, 11:11   #2653
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by rajneeesh View Post
All I know is that O General is a Fujitsu product and enjoys a good reputation in the market for effective cooling and durability.
Originally Posted by sgiitk View Post
You can put an ionizer
Thanks guys. I think a seperate ioniser might be the solution. Any idea what brands are good?
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Old 16th June 2012, 11:22   #2654
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Originally Posted by navin

Thanks guys. I think a seperate ioniser might be the solution. Any idea what brands are good?
Sharp is quite good but the ionizer is expensive at 20K. Better to buy a sharp split AC with an in built ionizer. 1 ton costs around 30-31K.
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Old 17th June 2012, 19:16   #2655
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by M5_fan View Post
Sharp is quite good but the ionizer is expensive at 20K. Better to buy a sharp split AC with an in built ionizer. 1 ton costs around 30-31K.
I got sharp 1.5 ton 3 star split ac with ionizer for 30k.

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