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Old 27th October 2009, 22:20   #61
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Originally Posted by sudev View Post
Step 1.5 It is asking for password before extracting the files.
That is the height of stupidity on part of this website.

Downloaded and had a look at this file ( This file is not even password protected.

And its not even locked. Run it though cgpsmapper.exe (freeware) and you can use it in any which way. Either for navigation or with mapsource (map browsing / route planning on PC).
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Old 28th October 2009, 00:28   #62
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Umm is this the openstreetmap Garmin map? That was always free, and does not require any key file, however the map garmin sells in India, i.e. the official garmin map does require a key
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Old 28th October 2009, 09:24   #63
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This is not OSM map. This is copyright Navteq.

Just left open due to stupidity of this dealer.
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Old 28th October 2009, 09:53   #64
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Originally Posted by wildon View Post
Rs.7000/- and Rs.2000/-

Hey get the Garmin India Maps from here for free


Step 1: Download the zipped file.

Step 2: Extract the files to a folder.

Step 3: open the folder and copy the contents (gmapsupp.img) to a memory card where the map is stored in nuvi device.
(It will ask for overwrite the file Click Yes)

MOD's its not a pirated stuff/Link
its password protected now
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Old 28th October 2009, 09:58   #65
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Strange.. I downloaded it yesterday and it opened without a password.
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Old 28th October 2009, 10:04   #66
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It asks for password while extracting . @ Netfreak - could you let us know how to run it through cgsmapper ? Does it not need any password if you run it through this tool ?
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Old 28th October 2009, 10:16   #67
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Maybe they put password after I downloaded.

If its a password protected Zip file than cgsmapper wont help.

This tool makes it easy to convert maps to other formats. E.g. if you have paid Garmin maps and want to use it for route planning / browsing on PC, you can convert maps to mapsource format.

Since this IMG file is not locked, its easy to use with cgsmapper.
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Old 28th October 2009, 23:33   #68
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Re-evaluating the options for my GPS need.

1. Cell phone with external Bluetooth GPS doesn't seem to be the best bet. It's cost effective (Re 7K still) but don't know how effective it will be on road. On top of that my Nokia N91 is lackluster in performance. I am not really sure how it will perform with a huge all-India map and a map software added to it.

2, The next option is buying a loaded instrument from either MapMyIndia or Satguide. I guess it's a comprehensive solution, with nothing extra needed. But cost is pretty high. The lowest Lx130 with maps loaded costs around 12K.

3. Importing from US. I don't have a friend traveling to US in near future, so this one boils down to buying from an American site who will ship to India. This is cost effective (best of Garmin nuvi(s) are available below $200) There are two types of sites here.
Direct Buying : Example, who will ship to India.

Indirect Buying : or who will procure the item from an american site like or shops like best buy/circuit city etc and ship to India. I suspect the cost effectiveness will be reduced if this option is taken and these mediators will charge some fee also.

So my question is, which one would you guys recommend?

Last edited by KishoreC : 28th October 2009 at 23:35.
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Old 28th October 2009, 23:48   #69
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Keep in mind that Dealeaxtreme would not sell Garmin units.

It sells Cheap Chinese units for ~100$. You can install Garmin/MMI/pretty much any GPS package+Maps on these units.
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Old 29th October 2009, 09:17   #70
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Originally Posted by KishoreC View Post
Re-evaluating the options for my GPS need.

1. Cell phone with external Bluetooth GPS doesn't seem to be the best bet. It's cost effective (Re 7K still) but don't know how effective it will be on road. On top of that my Nokia N91 is lackluster in performance. I am not really sure how it will perform with a huge all-India map and a map software added to it.

2, The next option is buying a loaded instrument from either MapMyIndia or Satguide. I guess it's a comprehensive solution, with nothing extra needed. But cost is pretty high. The lowest Lx130 with maps loaded costs around 12K.

3. Importing from US. I don't have a friend traveling to US in near future, so this one boils down to buying from an American site who will ship to India. This is cost effective (best of Garmin nuvi(s) are available below $200) There are two types of sites here.
Direct Buying : Example, who will ship to India.

Indirect Buying : or who will procure the item from an american site like or shops like best buy/circuit city etc and ship to India. I suspect the cost effectiveness will be reduced if this option is taken and these mediators will charge some fee also.

So my question is, which one would you guys recommend?
I am not sure about non-Amazonian sites. If I am not able to order through Amazon, which someone can carry for me from US, I buy it in India, with the local dealers. Yes, you may lose out on the latest versions which would have been available for the same price, but it is peace of mind. I have never shopped at any site other than Amazon.

Others can comment on them.
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Old 16th December 2009, 21:34   #71
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Official Garmin City Navigator India NT Map for download

Link to official Garmin India map. Price 99.99 USD.

Last edited by bj96 : 16th December 2009 at 21:35. Reason: Made title friendlier
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Old 22nd December 2009, 11:17   #72
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Help on Routable Maps for Garmin iQue M5 handheld GPS!!

I have a Garmin handheld iQue M5 GPS unit (yes, its outdated!) which was picked up in the US a few years back. While I have been able to get reasonably detailed maps from cloudmade (free to use) the maps dont support routing. The message I get on my GPS unit is 'detailed maps do not support routing'. Apparently only Base maps can support routing. I have verified that the US base map on the unit does provide clear routing.

All inquiries on the internet have pointed out that the base map (which is a US map) cannot be replaced by an India map. So does that mean i cannot have a routable map installed in this unit for India?

Any help will be useful.

Note: I have tried using the .img files from the City Navigator series for India and they dont even get detected on this unit. So far, only .img files downloaded from cloudmade work.
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Old 22nd December 2009, 13:50   #73
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Originally Posted by Seek View Post
I have a Garmin handheld iQue M5 GPS unit (yes, its outdated!) which was picked up in the US a few years back. While I have been able to get reasonably detailed maps from cloudmade (free to use) the maps dont support routing. The message I get on my GPS unit is 'detailed maps do not support routing'. Apparently only Base maps can support routing. I have verified that the US base map on the unit does provide clear routing.

All inquiries on the internet have pointed out that the base map (which is a US map) cannot be replaced by an India map. So does that mean i cannot have a routable map installed in this unit for India?

Any help will be useful.

Note: I have tried using the .img files from the City Navigator series for India and they dont even get detected on this unit. So far, only .img files downloaded from cloudmade work.

Not sure if .img files can work with older versions of hardware, but just a suggestion. Did you try copying unlock code also along with the .img file? That can be one reason, why its not detecting.
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Old 22nd December 2009, 20:33   #74
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Originally Posted by ampere View Post
Not sure if .img files can work with older versions of hardware, but just a suggestion. Did you try copying unlock code also along with the .img file? That can be one reason, why its not detecting.
The City Navigator img files I have are 'unlocked', in the sense the instructions say they dont require a password. The latest and most upto date .img files from Cloudmade work very well, so am sure the unit supports .img files.
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Old 3rd January 2010, 15:01   #75
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I'm using the Official Garmin City Navigator India NT Map with the Nuvi 205W.

Detail in Bangalore is pretty okay. Medium size streets are named well. POIs are there but not many.

Outside city limits is horrible.

Looking for either SatGuide or MMI gmapsupp.img now. :(
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