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Old 15th October 2022, 09:36   #15226
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Just bought the 14 Pro Max from the UK and it is being brought down next week. Was really difficult to get it as out of stock almost everywhere in the UK. I was fixed on getting it from John Lewis as their customer service is exceptional and they offer a no hassle no question guarantee for 2 years on all electrical products. (For e.g. bought a Fitbit charge 5 from them 11 months ago and it stopped working, one call to them and they sent out a replacement, a label for returning the previous one and also a refund of the price difference between last year when I bought it and the lower price now! Absolutely amazing customer service and always recommend anyone in the UK to buy expensive items from them).

Finally saw that a few of their stores were getting it in stock, just 2 or 3 pieces in each, so contacted all of them to see if they would deliver, and the Milton Keynes one agreed, took payment over the phone and delivered the next day!

Now my question is regarding the ESim. I currently have 2 Jio sims in my phone, a main one and a second I use for just giving out on websites, shops etc. I travel frequently and normally to the UK and have a local physical sim that I will need to use while I am there. So am I right in thinking that I should convert my main Indian number into the ESim and use the disposable number as the physical sim and then swap that out for the physical sim when I go to the UK? If so, will the following work normally when I use my main number as the ESim:
  • GPay and other bank apps, linked to my main number
  • WiFi calling
  • WhatsApp
  • International roaming to receive calls and SMS

Can't think of anything else but just really need normal functionality.

Thanks in advance.
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Old 15th October 2022, 14:42   #15227
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by s4ch View Post
  • GPay and other bank apps, linked to my main number
  • WiFi calling
  • WhatsApp
  • International roaming to receive calls and SMS
I have a pixel 5 with Esim

1. GPay works fine with the esim so do other banking apps
2. Wifi calling works as expected so does VoLTE
3. WhatsApp will require re verification, but it works
4. International roaming works as expected

Additional things to note:
1. If you plan to move from postpaid to prepaid - you will have to move to an esim by visiting a physical store
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Old 15th October 2022, 14:50   #15228
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by lxskllr View Post
1. GPay works fine with the esim so do other banking apps
2. Wifi calling works as expected so does VoLTE
3. WhatsApp will require re verification, but it works
4. International roaming works as expected
Thanks so will be switching to an ESim on my main Jio number. Any suggestions on how to go about this? Should I put in the physical sim in the iPhone or keep it in my current phone while I initiate the process?
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Old 15th October 2022, 16:25   #15229
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by s4ch View Post
Thanks so will be switching to an ESim on my main Jio number. Any suggestions on how to go about this? Should I put in the physical sim in the iPhone or keep it in my current phone while I initiate the process?
I would suggest initiating the process in the new phone. I don't know the current phone you have, but iPhone to iPhone movement does esim Transfer. But android to iPhone is not currently possible.
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Old 17th October 2022, 10:19   #15230
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Guys can someone please share their opinions on the following queries. I am shifting from Android to iOS and soon the handset will be delivered.

1. Whatsapp chats. Do they get transferred seamlessly or its a pain?
2. Does all the banking apps work or any surprises there?
3. I am a habitual dark mode user with a black home screen with just 4 icons on the screen at the bottom. Is it possible in iOS?
4.Does iOS work fine with most of the headsets,earbuds without issues?
5.I have ordered the 128 Gb and my current Android is also 128 GB. I checked the usage and it shows around 30 gb free on my Android phone. Should i expect similar patters in terms of usage on iOS ? Or will it be contrast. I am not inclined to buy the 256 Gb version as anyways i have to use iCloud so hence this query.
6. What about the SMS on the phone . DO they also get transfered without issues?
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Old 17th October 2022, 10:55   #15231
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
Guys can someone please share their opinions on the following queries. I am shifting from Android to iOS and soon the handset will be delivered.
I can answer a few of your questions as i too moved to IOS recently.

1. Whatsapp chats. Do they get transferred seamlessly or its a pain?

It worked for me without any issues with the 'Move to IOS' app. I could see all my chats and even media.

2. Does all the banking apps work or any surprises there?

HDFC works fine.

3. I am a habitual dark mode user with a black home screen with just 4 icons on the screen at the bottom. Is it possible in iOS?

Its possible, you will have to clean up the home screen.

4.Does iOS work fine with most of the headsets,earbuds without issues?

Works fine with my Jabra tws and the XM4.

6. What about the SMS on the phone . DO they also get transfered without issues? Yes, Move to IOS app will get it done.
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Old 17th October 2022, 10:57   #15232
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
1. Whatsapp chats. Do they get transferred seamlessly or its a pain?
Used to be a pain. Now Whatsapp themselves offer a Move to iOS/Move to Android option in Chat backup.

2. Does all the banking apps work or any surprises there?
I use ICICI, HDFC, Equitas, GPay. No problem with them.

5.I have ordered the 128 Gb and my current Android is also 128 GB.
Depends on how much music streaming, photos you take. For me Apple Music alone is 60 GB (got rid of lossless audio download). I have about 24 GB left.

4.Does iOS work fine with most of the headsets,earbuds without issues?
Depends on brand. Had disconnections with Oneplus neckband. Experience with Noise TWS is better. If you are a heavy user, get the Airpods.

3. I am a habitual dark mode user with a black home screen with just 4 icons on the screen at the bottom. Is it possible in iOS?
Icons don't get added to homescreen automatically since iOS 15

6. What about the SMS on the phone . DO they also get transfered without issues?
Not used and no idea.
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Old 17th October 2022, 11:10   #15233
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
Guys can someone please share their opinions on the following queries. I am shifting from Android to iOS and soon the handset will be delivered.

1. Whatsapp chats. Do they get transferred seamlessly or its a pain?
2. Does all the banking apps work or any surprises there?
3. I am a habitual dark mode user with a black home screen with just 4 icons on the screen at the bottom. Is it possible in iOS?
4.Does iOS work fine with most of the headsets,earbuds without issues?
5.I have ordered the 128 Gb and my current Android is also 128 GB. I checked the usage and it shows around 30 gb free on my Android phone. Should i expect similar patters in terms of usage on iOS ? Or will it be contrast. I am not inclined to buy the 256 Gb version as anyways i have to use iCloud so hence this query.
6. What about the SMS on the phone . DO they also get transfered without issues?
I moved recently. I can answer some.

1. Didn't try. I started fresh
2. ICICI, Axis and SBI card apps worked just fine
3. Yes and no. You can't leave a page blank. You at least have to have one icon or widget. The four icons that you have can be accommodated in teh bottom bar.
4. I can't see why. All my headsets worked fine for me.
5. iOS apps are much larger than their Android counterparts, but I think you should be fine with 128GB.
6. Yes.

I am more wary about the way the iOS ecosystem is sucking me in. I already bought an iCloud subscription (never paid a rupee to Google), my first Airtag and now shopping for a watch 8. At one hand I am having withdrawal symptoms from Android and the other hand am paying more money to Apple.
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Old 17th October 2022, 11:11   #15234
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Please see the below url for easy movement between Android and iOS devices

1. Whatsapp chats. Do they get transferred seamlessly or its a pain?
Works pretty much easily. Backup your chats on Whatsapp along with media and you should be able to restore without issue
2. Does all the banking apps work or any surprises there?
All the established bank apps work seamlessly. I have IBank, HDFC and Federal Bank and they are pretty much working great
3. I am a habitual dark mode user with a black home screen with just 4 icons on the screen at the bottom. Is it possible in iOS?
Dark mode can be enabled in settings. Also screen can be customized to a certain extent. Unlike Android where you can customize the screen, in iOS the bottom dock remains as is. You can customize the apps in the dock though. Fonts and icons need packages though
4.Does iOS work fine with most of the headsets,earbuds without issues?
Pretty much any BT headset should work. I have a Jabra, a Boult and earpods connected and i have no issues at all
5.I have ordered the 128 Gb and my current Android is also 128 GB. I checked the usage and it shows around 30 gb free on my Android phone. Should i expect similar patters in terms of usage on iOS ? Or will it be contrast. I am not inclined to buy the 256 Gb version as anyways i have to use iCloud so hence this query.
I have a 128gig iphone. I do not have much data stored. Music is on cloud. Photos are backed up on cloud. I have a Onedrive thanks to my missus with 1TB storage + i subscribe to a 50gig storage on icloud under Apple One susbscription. For roughly 200 rupees i get music, TV, Cloud storage and a nice email id. However, go through the documentation on how to back up photos on icloud. I made some errors initially, but now all good. My 128gig has about 4000pictures in it and i have close to 90GB free. I have about 30+apps loaded and i use it for Office work as well. So Teams, Onedrive for Office works. Hope this helps
6. What about the SMS on the phone . DO they also get transfered without issues?
Yes. I had it done for one of my cousin's and i did see the SMS come through. However, i am not an expert in this
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Old 17th October 2022, 15:07   #15235
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
Guys can someone please share their opinions on the following queries.....

1. Whatsapp chats. Do they get transferred seamlessly or its a pain?
I was a long term Android user. Moved from S10+ to 14 pro a month ago. Mixed emotions so far which I'll detail in a future post.

I'll answer your question 1 since I've seen others answer the rest and I agree with all their answers.

Whatsapp movement is a pain. I never delete my WhatsApp data and have chats+images/videos/audio since 2012. In all my android migrations I took extra care in backup and restore to ensure I don't lose data.

However, when I used the android to ios app during the initial setup, the process failed a couple of times. In it's defence, the amount of data being transformed and transferred was high.
I finally got a success message and that cheered me up.

However a couple of days later I noticed that images/videos from before 2016 were not transferred. The chats were transferred, but not the images and videos. This is frustrating because I need my data and now it is lost and I have to rely on my previous local backups taken from Android.

TL;DR- Whatsapp transfer failed to transfer all my images and videos from my backup. Only images and videos from the past 6 years were transferred.
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Old 17th October 2022, 16:32   #15236
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by CeeBeeR View Post
Whatsapp movement is a pain. I never delete my WhatsApp data and have chats+images/videos/audio since 2012.
That's quite a lot. I too am a Whatsapp user from 2012. However I only moved the chats over multiple phones. Images+Videos were backed up with Onedrive.
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Old 17th October 2022, 17:03   #15237
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Question to iPhone 12 users. Has anyone shifted from Jio physical prepaid sim to eSIM? What's the process?

I have some travel plans coming up which would need me to pick up sim from other countries. So want to keep the physical slot free. My Jio sim happens to be my primary number so SMSs for transactions are mandatory(used for Whatsapp as well). Is eSim as reliable as physical sims? Any particular issues to look out for?

Last edited by SoumenD : 17th October 2022 at 17:26.
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Old 17th October 2022, 19:12   #15238
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by SoumenD View Post
Question to iPhone 12 users. Has anyone shifted from Jio physical prepaid sim to eSIM? What's the process?

I have some travel plans coming up which would need me to pick up sim from other countries. So want to keep the physical slot free. My Jio sim happens to be my primary number so SMSs for transactions are mandatory(used for Whatsapp as well). Is eSim as reliable as physical sims? Any particular issues to look out for?
Please follow this guide - I did the same and the processs was super easy. Was able to migrate from physical Sim to Esim in about 6 hours from home itself.

For me, Esim has been reliable as much as Physical Sim. I am not able to see any functionality difference. I also have a local Dublin physical SIM in my phone and Jio Esim for banking transactions. Can vouch that have faced no issues in past 1 year or so.
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Old 18th October 2022, 11:41   #15239
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Re: The iPhone Thread

The Iphone 14 battery replacement costs $99 compared to $69 for the Iphone13 model. That's a whopping 43% increase in price. The battery capacity remains almost identical so it's hard to understand the increase in price. I'd expect a replacement to cost about 9K in India for the Iphone 14 model.
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Old 18th October 2022, 12:50   #15240
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Quick question.
I use an iPhone 12 Pro Max
I’m on Hutch/ Vodafone / Vi these last 20 years or so.
They have e sim but don’t offer Apple Watch support.
I want to move away now to Airtel or Jio specifically for the e sim and to use my Apple Watch for phone and messages without having to carry my iPhone.
I have an important requirement of International Roaming. And I want the provider who offers the best coverage across India too, in the hills and everywhere.
Which between Airtel and Jio will be better for my needs?
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