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Old 21st February 2013, 09:49   #5791
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by tifosikrishna View Post
I have a problem in accessing the following using my wife's iphone 4s.
  1. I am able to acess the page
  2. I click on "Latest Discussion" and it lists me the latest discussion as well
  3. However when I try to open any of the thread it gives an error message like " no response" or time out.
  4. I have seen the same problem in my Nokia too (steps 1,2 will work, step 3 - timed out message)
  5. I think it is a simple connectivity setup issue as I have seen it working in my friend's iphone/ipad.
    I am able to connect to the site using my office laptop in office network, however when I create a personal hotspot and connect my laptop, it doesn't work.

Please help.

Have you tried accessing the same site on your iPhone from outside your workplace?

It may be possible that your workplace might be doing some special request mashing to non-standard ports which may work fine on an advanced browser like the one on your desktop, but not work on a mobile browser.
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Old 21st February 2013, 10:00   #5792
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by nileshch View Post
Have you tried accessing the same site on your iPhone from outside your workplace?

It may be possible that your workplace might be doing some special request mashing to non-standard ports which may work fine on an advanced browser like the one on your desktop, but not work on a mobile browser.
My workplace allows access to all sites even on its own network... :-) No mashing nothing.

To answer your query, yes. As I mentioned in previous post it is my wife's phone and I use it for tethering to my laptop only at home.
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Old 21st February 2013, 10:07   #5793
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by tifosikrishna View Post
My workplace allows access to all sites even on its own network... :-) No mashing nothing.

To answer your query, yes. As I mentioned in previous post it is my wife's phone and I use it for tethering to my laptop only at home.
Nothing much to offer in that case! Maybe you can try accessing the site using Chrome browser on iPhone.
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Old 21st February 2013, 10:19   #5794
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by nileshch View Post
Nothing much to offer in that case! Maybe you can try accessing the site using Chrome browser on iPhone.
did that too... it doesn't work. I don't think it is a browser issue as with the same Chrome browser in my laptop, it work on my office network and doesn't when tethered to iphone.
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Old 21st February 2013, 11:58   #5795
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by tifosikrishna View Post
I have a problem in accessing the following using my wife's iphone 4s.
  1. I am able to acess the page
  2. I click on "Latest Discussion" and it lists me the latest discussion as well
  3. However when I try to open any of the thread it gives an error message like " no response" or time out.
  4. I have seen the same problem in my Nokia too (steps 1,2 will work, step 3 - timed out message)
  5. I think it is a simple connectivity setup issue as I have seen it working in my friend's iphone/ipad.
    I am able to connect to the site using my office laptop in office network, however when I create a personal hotspot and connect my laptop, it doesn't work.

Please help.
what connectivity do you have on your wife's iPhone; 2G, 3G?

on my iPhone 4 using:
  • 2G (Edge): the website has been loading for past 10mins and i can see only the first three line from top. if i try to open any links from the site (after it gets loaded) for e.g., Filmography of Tamil Cinema 1931-1940, the page it redirected to another site ( with fonts in Tamil and English.
  • Office WiFi: the site loads completely within 5s.
  • 3G: the site loads completely in 11s.

on slower network (even sometimes on 3G), the request sent by the browser timeouts' or due to loss of data packets, the request from the browser or the response from the server is lost and the browser ends up displaying a blank page, without showing any errors.

what you could do is close the browser, kill Safari, go to Settings > Safari and clear Cookies and History and then try again. it should work (if you try to refresh the page, you just might end up again with a blank page because the browser will try to load the page from the cache. doing the above will clear the cache and try to reload the page afresh).

PS: there is a mobile version of the site (; you might wanna give it a try.
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Old 21st February 2013, 15:18   #5796
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by IronH4WK View Post
what connectivity do you have on your wife's iPhone; 2G, 3G?

what you could do is close the browser, kill Safari, go to Settings > Safari and clear Cookies and History and then try again. it should work (if you try to refresh the page, you just might end up again with a blank page because the browser will try to load the page from the cache. doing the above will clear the cache and try to reload the page afresh).
Doesn't seem to be a cache issue as every time I log into office system using my laptop I am able to access the page and the same evening when I go home and connect the laptop to internet thru iphone I get the same error. Rest of the pages load faster. It happens on my Nokia too.
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Old 23rd February 2013, 12:35   #5797
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Anybody here used the car dash camera apps? Which are good?
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Old 24th February 2013, 11:41   #5798
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by klassics45 View Post
Try from this seller. I just bought a 4s from him. I dont see a new 4 from him but you can try the used one from him.

He keeps bringing new stock so just keep an eye on his store and you should find the new iphone 4 soon.
Just found a new one here

Is it possible to get an APP on this model so im protected for the next 3 years?
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Old 24th February 2013, 12:51   #5799
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Originally Posted by nigeltufnel View Post

Is it possible to get an APP on this model so im protected for the next 3 years?
If by APP you mean apple care protection plan, the answer is No.
Its without bill and does not have any kind of warranty from apple.Extending the warranty is a second thing.
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Old 25th February 2013, 14:40   #5800
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by nigeltufnel View Post
Just found a new one here

Is it possible to get an APP on this model so im protected for the next 3 years?
Originally Posted by k2max6 View Post
If by APP you mean apple care protection plan, the answer is No.
Its without bill and does not have any kind of warranty from apple.Extending the warranty is a second thing.
k2max6 is right. Its a gamble that you take. I have used a lot of apple products for office test devices and personal. In my experience, Issues coming up on apple devices were not very much so i took the risk. Its upto you whether you want warranty or cheap price.
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Old 26th February 2013, 07:13   #5801
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re: The iPhone Thread

My first iPhone 4S issue. Battery life.
Since the day before yesterday I find that my battery completely drains out in a few hours even if none of the apps are open and if the phone is just kept idle.
The usage and talk time is minimal.
For example last night at 11pm the charge was absolutely full.
I left the phone on the bed side table overnight.
On checking it 5 minutes ago I find the charge to be down to zero.
What can I do to make the phone hold its charge?
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Old 26th February 2013, 07:24   #5802
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re: The iPhone Thread

A general heads up.

Yesterday,my colleague's iphone5 developed a snag. The Wifi on/off soft button got disabled (greyed out). Wifi couldn't be turned on at all. After some googling, it is said to have happened because of iOS update.

So, pls look out before you update.
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Old 26th February 2013, 08:00   #5803
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Originally Posted by shankar.balan View Post
My first iPhone 4S issue. Battery life.
Since the day before yesterday I find that my battery completely drains out in a few hours even if none of the apps are open and if the phone is just kept idle.
The usage and talk time is minimal.
For example last night at 11pm the charge was absolutely full.
I left the phone on the bed side table overnight.
On checking it 5 minutes ago I find the charge to be down to zero.
What can I do to make the phone hold its charge?
Shankar Sir.
Are you sure, location service are any of that kind are not running on the background or may be even the 3G services are on.
If you are sure that is not the case then it could be something else it's better to get it checked with Apple service Center or even @ iservice or irepair.
Please keep us posted
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Old 26th February 2013, 09:33   #5804
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by shankar.balan View Post
My first iPhone 4S issue. Battery life.
Since the day before yesterday I find that my battery completely drains out in a few hours even if none of the apps are open and if the phone is just kept idle.
The usage and talk time is minimal.
For example last night at 11pm the charge was absolutely full.
I left the phone on the bed side table overnight.
On checking it 5 minutes ago I find the charge to be down to zero.
What can I do to make the phone hold its charge?
Which version of ios are you running? I believe there was an update for iphone 4S to fix battery life issue. ios6.1 was to improve battery and immediately they rolled out 6.1.1 for iphone 4S only. If your on 6.1.2, you should not be seeing the battery issue.
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Old 28th February 2013, 20:01   #5805
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re: The iPhone Thread

I am on 6.1.2 and my battery dies very quickly indeed!
What should I do?

Originally Posted by Vid6639 View Post
Which version of ios are you running? I believe there was an update for iphone 4S to fix battery life issue. ios6.1 was to improve battery and immediately they rolled out 6.1.1 for iphone 4S only. If your on 6.1.2, you should not be seeing the battery issue.
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