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Old 21st November 2012, 10:48   #5506
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To add to your purchase decision, you are looking at 2300 MHz frequency handset. We are not sure if BSNL has 4G in India.
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Old 21st November 2012, 10:57   #5507
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re: The iPhone Thread

Anyone experiencing slight wifi connectivity issues in iPhone4 after upgrading to the latest iOS?
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Old 21st November 2012, 10:59   #5508
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Originally Posted by mashmash
Anyone experiencing slight wifi connectivity issues in iPhone4 after upgrading to the latest iOS?
About 100,000 people on apple community
There is a thread about wifi connectivity w.r.t iOS 6.
6.0.1 solved the issue on iPads but not on iPhones.
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Old 21st November 2012, 11:20   #5509
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re: The iPhone Thread

It seems that the iPhone5 launched in India is not really India specific, in relation with the 4G network bands. Go through this article. A person bought a new iPhone 5 in India after launch and it seems the 4G settings do not support what we have in India.

Here's the reason:
"The reason: Apple's new smartphone does not support the TDD or 'time division duplex' version of LTE technology that powers 4G networks in India, but runs on its older and more globally trusted variant, FDD or 'frequency duplex division', deployed by most 4G operators in the US and Europe. As a result, the iPhone 5 supports LTE or 'long term evolution' technology only on the 1.8 GHz band and not on the 2300 MHz band frequencies auctioned in India two years ago."

Here's the article:
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Old 21st November 2012, 11:37   #5510
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Originally Posted by ajay_satpute
It seems that the iPhone5 launched in India is not really India specific, in relation with the 4G network bands. Go through this article. A person bought a new iPhone 5 in India after launch and it seems the 4G settings do not support what we have in India.

Here's the reason:
"The reason: Apple's new smartphone does not support the TDD or 'time division duplex' version of LTE technology that powers 4G networks in India, but runs on its older and more globally trusted variant, FDD or 'frequency duplex division', deployed by most 4G operators in the US and Europe. As a result, the iPhone 5 supports LTE or 'long term evolution' technology only on the 1.8 GHz band and not on the 2300 MHz band frequencies auctioned in India two years ago."

Here's the article:
Bad choice of handsets to bring to India. The government had tough time asking Defense to clear those airwaves. But it's astonishing that HK has that band of choice, why not India is a bigger question? Darn the FDI rule, Apple can not have 30% sourced local produce the rules should be specific not blanket. Grrrr.
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Old 21st November 2012, 12:19   #5511
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re: The iPhone Thread

Will I be able to use my BSNL sim in Iphone 5? Can micro sim be converted to nano sim? Has anyone done that?
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Old 21st November 2012, 14:24   #5512
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by Sn1p3r View Post
Do not understand what's the logic with Apple or its carrier here, there isn't a good post paid deal for Indians. It's a well known fact that each iPhone has a lot of value added sales via apps and the lock-in with plan can reap real benefits for all involved. Hope someone wakes up and take leadership in Indian mobile scene.
Lock-in is not enforceable in India. If i decide to take the phone and stop paying the bill from second month onwards, the mobile company cant do anything. Legal process takes ages. I know of people who duped Reliance to the tune of thousands when they had initially come with the Dhirubai ambani offer.

Originally Posted by HappyRoadie View Post
Guys am planning to buy Iphone 5 from Hong Kong. So please tell me whether the Iphone being sold there is unlocked or locked? Also I use BSNL sim. I had converted it into micro sim when I purchased Iphone 5. So will I be able to convert my sim to nano sim? Hope to hear soon.
Although you can convert the sim to nano sim, its still hit or miss. HK sells unlocked phones but getting it there is like a lottery - you have to register on the apple website one day before and hope your name comes up

Originally Posted by Sn1p3r View Post
Bad choice of handsets to bring to India. The government had tough time asking Defense to clear those airwaves. But it's astonishing that HK has that band of choice, why not India is a bigger question? Darn the FDI rule, Apple can not have 30% sourced local produce the rules should be specific not blanket. Grrrr.
Given that there is no line-of-sight for LTE services to launch in india (voice not data only) and India is not a priority market for Apple, i don't find it surprising at all. Plus going by how delayed the launch and adoption of 3G was in India (still less than 10% of people subscribe to 3G), i have my doubts that LTE is going to come in before a yr or two.
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Old 21st November 2012, 14:40   #5513
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by HappyRoadie View Post
Will I be able to use my BSNL sim in Iphone 5? Can micro sim be converted to nano sim? Has anyone done that?
My regular SIM is converted to nano sim using the nano sim cutter in Bangalore.
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Old 21st November 2012, 15:00   #5514
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Originally Posted by ethanhunt123

Lock-in is not enforceable in India. If i decide to take the phone and stop paying the bill from second month onwards, the mobile company cant do anything. Legal process takes ages. I know of people who duped Reliance to the tune of thousands when they had initially come with the Dhirubai ambani offer.

Given that there is no line-of-sight for LTE services to launch in india (voice not data only) and India is not a priority market for Apple, i don't find it surprising at all. Plus going by how delayed the launch and adoption of 3G was in India (still less than 10% of people subscribe to 3G), i have my doubts that LTE is going to come in before a yr or two.
If the pricing is done right and the phone/mobile carrier has a good case for selling more. But I totally get your drift. If we calculate the lock-in and payment plans for US carriers we will find that we end up paying same (similar usage pattern).

I had 3G phones in India even when there was no service, many do but that is not the best practice to take the plunge for latest and greatest. I thus stopped post that. I have recommended 5 only to those doing quite a lot of work (Productivity/Gaming) rest 4S is the one to get right now in areas LTE is not available. Also, for the ones that do not use 3G, they are the one who have never used mobile internet. Indian demographics and infrastructure is not conducive for personal 3G usage, by that I mean we do not commute in public transport over long distances and in peace to work on the go. We take strenuous travel routine that leave little to work on the go. Most people get to office to work on wifi or come back to community/shared or personal wifi to download major chunks. 3G at even lesser price has potential to become norm but LTE might not become a norm ever in India, we might have something new coming up by then.

Personally, I have been thinking of getting rid of broadband post the 3G upgrade on Reliance in Gurgaon/Delhi, I consistently get 4mbps and with 5Gb unlimited I get to exhaust that data by month end.
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Old 21st November 2012, 16:39   #5515
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by Sn1p3r View Post
About 100,000 people on apple community
There is a thread about wifi connectivity w.r.t iOS 6.
6.0.1 solved the issue on iPads but not on iPhones.
Oh man. First the Maps and now Wifi. Hope they get the wifi issue sorted out soon.

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Old 21st November 2012, 17:16   #5516
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Originally Posted by mashmash

Oh man. First the Maps and now Wifi. Hope they get the wifi issue sorted out soon.

It is now confirmed that we will have design changes under Sir Jonny Ive to important apps within iOS from Apple.
Also, though Apple hasn't acknowledge the issues there has been a lot of research and it seems the issue is due to N category of wifi signal in the code that has different interpretation amongst the hardware community and thus Apple got caught unaware.

6.1 beta has been opened for developers and so we can expect the issues being resolved pretty soon. Though this has been a real setback for religious first upgrade suckers like me have to be wary. It comes with the territory I guess.
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Old 22nd November 2012, 14:19   #5517
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re: The iPhone Thread

Nokia HERE.

Nokia has released their own Map app FREE for iOS devices on 19th Nov. I have been using it since yesterday and its pretty accurate and has lots of information associated with every search, besides the directions. One nice thing I found is every location is displayed along with its area PIN code. Quite handy i say.

Link to the articles:

This is the screenshot of the app from iTunes Store:
The iPhone Thread-nokia_here.jpg
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Old 22nd November 2012, 14:45   #5518
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by mashmash View Post
Anyone experiencing slight wifi connectivity issues in iPhone4 after upgrading to the latest iOS?

I have a 4S and there have been wifi issues . Did a restore through iTunes and looks okay till now

Originally Posted by HappyRoadie View Post
Will I be able to use my BSNL sim in Iphone 5? Can micro sim be converted to nano sim? Has anyone done that?
Doesnt BSNL give nano sims?

Originally Posted by ajay_satpute View Post
Nokia HERE.

Nokia has released their own Map app FREE for iOS devices on 19th Nov. I have been using it since yesterday and its pretty accurate and has lots of information associated with every search, besides the directions. One nice thing I found is every location is displayed along with its area PIN code. Quite handy i say.

Link to the articles:

This is the screenshot of the app from iTunes Store:
Attachment 1017327

I was reading reviews about the HERE and they werent great . It seems there are streets missing in some countries . I have installed it on my phone ,will check it out tonight
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Old 22nd November 2012, 15:47   #5519
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Originally Posted by speedsatya

I was reading reviews about the HERE and they werent great . It seems there are streets missing in some countries . I have installed it on my phone ,will check it out tonight
I was reminded quite a few times by my wife on a recent trip that there are bad maps, and why in the name of god did I upgrade, knowing the problem exists.
Yesterday, put in the Nokia thing, and today it was tested on the way to office from one end of Delhi to another, onwards into gurgaon.
Came up trumps.
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Old 22nd November 2012, 15:58   #5520
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by speedsatya View Post
I have a 4S and there have been wifi issues . Did a restore through iTunes and looks okay till now
I was facing two issues wrt wifi.

1. Wifi would disconnect as soon as I locked the phone
2. The internet access would be really slow and intermittent in nature.

Last night I reset the network settings and guess what;

1. Wifi does not disconnect immediately. It stays connected for a while. In case an SMS comes in between, it reconnects to wifi and downloads the notifications. I am OK with this for now.

2. No issues with internet speed on the phone. Its nice and smooth. No more page no found errors.

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