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Old 22nd July 2010, 10:55   #2146
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Airtel has announced iPhone 4 launch Sep-Oct time frame Airtel to launch iPhone 4 in Oct - Telecom - News - Tech - The Times of India
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Old 26th July 2010, 12:19   #2147
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Download Shazam. Awesome app. It "hears" any music playing anywhere and tells you what song it is, where you can download it from, gives album cover, etc, etc. And it's FREE!
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Old 27th July 2010, 01:00   #2148
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Jailbreaking is now Legal :-)

U.S. Declares iPhone Jailbreaking Legal, Over Apple?s Objections | Threat Level |
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Old 27th July 2010, 10:52   #2149
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Originally Posted by gopz View Post
this is one of the greatest win by the Dev-Team. Not sure what the reaction of steve and his gang be
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Old 27th July 2010, 12:53   #2150
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Originally Posted by gopz View Post
Still Apple can void the warranty

Apple: Jailbreaking May Still Void iPhone Warranty - Mac Forums

Apple's goal has always been to insure that our customers have a great experience with their iPhone and we know that jailbreaking can severely degrade the experience. As we've said before, the vast majority of customers do not jailbreak their iPhones as this can violate the warranty and can cause the iPhone to become unstable and not work reliably.
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Old 28th July 2010, 17:39   #2151
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Is anyone willing to bring a iPhone 4 from Canada for me? I think the official unlocked version is the cheapest there for around Rs. 30,000.
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Old 28th July 2010, 17:43   #2152
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the price for an unlocked phone in singapore & hong kong is also round about 30k.
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Old 28th July 2010, 19:58   #2153
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Issue for I phone 3GS

Hi I bought a brand new I phone from Qatar, I mainly use it to browse the internet , The main feature which I use and which I love the most is "Internet Tethering" , since I am pretty new to I phone configuring the APN was a big issue , but I tackled it with out any issues.

Since I live in a very remote place getting a broad band connection here is not that feasible , the my next preferrence was to go for a usb internet connection , I was planning to buy one , Then I thought to share the internet on the i phone to the lappy(Sony waio - VGN TT36MD runs on windows 7)

The internet Tethering is working fine , since i use other fones for my daily purpose the I phone will be the all time modem in the home, for 3 or 4 days it will be continously connected to the lappy(DOES IT HARM THE BATTERY OF THE I PHONE ?)

The browsing speed is also pretty fine with me , the edge enabled Tata Docomo network is a very feasible option , for 95 INR we can use 6 GB for 30 days.

One day my fone hung , I was not able to access the key pad by clicking the phone option , but a restart of the pc and the phone did the work fine , but I was quite worried such a costly phone getting hung

Some quick questions

1 , can I upgrade the software of 3GS to 4G

2 , does over charging harm the phone battery ?

3 , what are the main precuations that we should take while we use a i phone ?

4 can i phone be affected by virus attack ?
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Old 28th July 2010, 21:49   #2154
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Originally Posted by foby.sebastian View Post
Some quick questions

1 , can I upgrade the software of 3GS to 4G

2 , does over charging harm the phone battery ?

3 , what are the main precuations that we should take while we use a i phone ?

4 can i phone be affected by virus attack ?

1) Yes you can. Use iTunes to do this, but ensure you have a decent broad band connection to download that 250 MB file.

2) New phones don't overcharge. But yes definitely running the battery down once a month is good to keep it healthy. Refer apple site, support for battery care for more details.

3) Don't drop it or get it wet

4) So far no major attacks have been reported.
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Old 29th July 2010, 09:45   #2155
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Originally Posted by Jaggu View Post
1) Yes you can. Use iTunes to do this, but ensure you have a decent broad band connection to download that 250 MB file.

2) New phones don't overcharge. But yes definitely running the battery down once a month is good to keep it healthy. Refer apple site, support for battery care for more details.

3) Don't drop it or get it wet

4) So far no major attacks have been reported.

Thank you Jaggu Bhaii.
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Old 29th July 2010, 14:40   #2156
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i-Phone Vs. Android

Guys, i-Phone users and bhpians

I'd like to hear from the i-Phone users & fans about what they think about Android.

As the application base is growing like wild fire, and newer performance handsets running Android coming into market which are cheaper than i-Phone counterparts, do you think it's a good idea to go the Android way?

Why you will stick with i-Phone and why you will not?

Last edited by clevermax : 29th July 2010 at 14:41.
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Old 29th July 2010, 14:53   #2157
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Originally Posted by clevermax View Post
Guys, i-Phone users and bhpians

I'd like to hear from the i-Phone users & fans about what they think about Android.

As the application base is growing like wild fire, and newer performance handsets running Android coming into market which are cheaper than i-Phone counterparts, do you think it's a good idea to go the Android way?

Why you will stick with i-Phone and why you will not?
I have been using iPhone 2G for more than 2 years.
A colleague of mine recently bought Samsung Galaxy and I checked it out, and am impressed. The only thing I am worried about is the amount of OS branches each of the manufactures who uses Android can create. I am not sure whether Samsung's Android will be different from say, Motorola's. If yes, I wonder how things proceed going forward.
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Old 29th July 2010, 15:09   #2158
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Originally Posted by deepakhon View Post
I have been using iPhone 2G for more than 2 years.
A colleague of mine recently bought Samsung Galaxy and I checked it out, and am impressed. The only thing I am worried about is the amount of OS branches each of the manufactures who uses Android can create. I am not sure whether Samsung's Android will be different from say, Motorola's. If yes, I wonder how things proceed going forward.
Even I saw a demo video of Samsung Spica phone with Android 2.1, and I am impressed.

Yes, the OS branches is a cause of concern, what if different manufacturers have completely off the branch versions of the OS - it won't make sense to call all of them Android anymore.
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Old 29th July 2010, 15:09   #2159
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Originally Posted by clevermax View Post
Guys, i-Phone users and bhpians

I'd like to hear from the i-Phone users & fans about what they think about Android.

As the application base is growing like wild fire, and newer performance handsets running Android coming into market which are cheaper than i-Phone counterparts, do you think it's a good idea to go the Android way?

Why you will stick with i-Phone and why you will not?
I have been an on and off iPhone user over the past 2.5 years (got my first iPhone 2g in Dec 2007). What really attracted me to iPhone was the fact that the OS was so intuitive and easy to operate. It took the mobile experience to a new level. Eventually, I had to give away the iPhone as my cousin fell in love with it and wanted it from me. I had another iPhone for a year and sold it recently as I wasn't using it much. This time around, the experience was different and better due to the number of apps that were available. All in all, an iPhone has never disappointed, be it surfing, multimedia, music etc., it has been the first one (for me) to give a different and awesome experience.

I wanted to try the G1, but then the negative reviews and the videos convinced me otherwise and I stayed away until the android picked up. Recently I got a chance to use a Nexus one and believe me android had never seemed so attractive. It blew me away. My experience of other phones from 2007 (like the HTC touch etc.) was not that great, because of the lags in UI, unstable OS and over all kind of half baked stuff. And that was one reason I considered iPhone to be in a different league altogether. But while I was blinded by iPhone, HTC came up with sense UI, which is supposed to be near perfect UI experience. Add to that, the new but developing app store for android makes me want to get a Desire ASAP.

So, why not Nexus one and HTC desire? After going through various reviews, I am convinced that desire is a tad better phone than Nexus one is and I am ok to live with not-so-fast updated OS. So yeah, all in all, cheaper and slightly faster phones are pushing me to try out the android and after that I'll take a call if I'd stick with android or go back to iPhone. Only time can say .

P.S: I love the way everything gets synced with google when you first login into your android phone .
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Old 29th July 2010, 15:15   #2160
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Originally Posted by HellwratH View Post
So, why not Nexus one and HTC desire? After going through various reviews, I am convinced that desire is a tad better phone than Nexus .
Thanks for your views HW. It's really helpful
Even I am so much tempted to buy a HTC Desire or a Samsung Galaxy S. I liked iPhones but the prices never were in my range.
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