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Old 20th December 2018, 13:07   #11611
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Re: The iPhone Thread

I am visiting Dubai first week of Jan and am keen to purchase the iPhone XS with dual nano sim (physical sims); would like to know the best [ read cheapest ] outlet selling these.

Since the Shopping Festival is also underway during the said month, would be great if I could lay my hands on to something which doesn't pinch me on my pocket.
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Old 21st December 2018, 18:48   #11612
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by riteshritesh View Post
The closest alternative I can think of is, ask him to make a whatsapp video call from another phone and maneuver him into making the changes on the iPhone.
Haha. It might come to this if there's issues with plan A (TV). We'll know by tomorrow evening. Good idea though. Plan B, it is. Thanks.
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Old 22nd December 2018, 12:03   #11613
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by saildrive View Post
I am visiting Dubai first week of Jan and am keen to purchase the iPhone XS with dual nano sim (physical sims); would like to know the best [ read cheapest ] outlet selling these.

From what I read and heard, UAE only has US models, which is sold as International Version with Facetime, which are a combo of Physical + e-sim.
The physical+physical are only available in HK & China.
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Old 22nd December 2018, 12:27   #11614
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Guys, has anyone of you recently ordered from India any Apple product in the USA website and got it picked up by a friend.

I remember reading about it few months back either in this thread or in the Mac Book thread. I am planning to get a Mac Book Air and an iPhone from the Apple store (in New York) which my sister will pick up. However, I want to make the payment from India on their website.

Any experiences?
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Old 22nd December 2018, 17:54   #11615
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by Pancham View Post
Guys, has anyone of you recently ordered from India any Apple product in the USA website and got it picked up by a friend.

I remember reading about it few months back either in this thread or in the Mac Book thread. I am planning to get a Mac Book Air and an iPhone from the Apple store (in New York) which my sister will pick up. However, I want to make the payment from India on their website.

Any experiences?
Yes you can use your credit card on the Apple website and get them picked at your selected store. Done yesterday for the XS hence 1000% confirm mate !

BTW do check the trade in offers these days, the 6S 16GB fetched 200$ discount which I think pretty decent.
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Old 22nd December 2018, 18:46   #11616
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by Pancham View Post
I am planning to get a Mac Book Air and an iPhone from the Apple store (in New York) which my sister will pick up. However, I want to make the payment from India on their website.Any experiences?
Shouldn't be an issue. However, if you think you want some extra savings, you could check if they can can get it from one of the stores from states that have no sale tax.

Purely by accident I had picked up a MBP from Delaware as a gift for my wife only to realize that there is/was no sale tax in Delaware!

After I informed others in my network, their trip to such states increased!
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Old 23rd December 2018, 16:43   #11617
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Re: The iPhone Thread

If I buy the XS with sim and a physical sim and go for Jio (e-sim) and any other nano sim (physical) as service providers; will I be able to use an alternative service provider (for e-sim) if I plan on changing it from Jio.

There are a few rounds going w.r.t privacy and blocking of e-sim etc., making this dual sim iPhone an extremely tricky affair. Also so far, none of these e-sim pro's or cons have been discussed in this section so far... therefore being a bit curious
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Old 23rd December 2018, 18:41   #11618
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by saildrive View Post
I am visiting Dubai first week of Jan and am keen to purchase the iPhone XS with dual nano sim (physical sims); would like to know the best [ read cheapest ] outlet selling these.

Since the Shopping Festival is also underway during the said month, would be great if I could lay my hands on to something which doesn't pinch me on my pocket.
You will find the physical SIM models on either or
I believe this dual physical sim version is available only on the XS max sold in the UAE and not the XS.

noon was running a small promotion last week with 3899AED on the XS 64GB model with facetime....i believe you should be able to chop another 200 AED off this price during the DSF.
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Old 24th December 2018, 12:10   #11619
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by saildrive View Post
If I buy the XS with sim and a physical sim and go for Jio (e-sim) and any other nano sim (physical) as service providers; will I be able to use an alternative service provider (for e-sim)

It is just Airtel and Jio, providing esim,so you are restricted to them as of now. Since you need to scan a barcode, I believe, you need to visit a gallery to be able to do the needful, but then again to get a physical sim changed, you would have to do the same.
What other apprehensions do you have? Once the e-sim is programmed, all is smooth from what I have read.
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Old 24th December 2018, 12:31   #11620
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The iPhone Thread

You can add more than one e-sim to a phone but only one can be active at a time. I have added Jio and I can see the option to add another data plan.

The only worry I have is, will the phone retain the settings if I have to reset or replace it? I am not sure it will be restored from the iCloud backup. I have read somewhere that if you do not remove the settings yourselves, the phone will auto register to the network. I am not too sure about that.

Last edited by joethomasv : 24th December 2018 at 12:33.
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Old 24th December 2018, 14:58   #11621
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by riteshritesh View Post
Once the e-sim is programmed, all is smooth from what I have read.
Disable dial assist before you provision esim. Or if the esim is from the approved list of operators, you can disable on settings. Else you will have some confusion withering country code prefixes being attached if you’re on Intnl Roaming with a non-approved esim operator, as I found out.

It’s a long story, but to make it short, just disable dial assist when you have a physical sim or an ‘approved’ esim.
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Old 24th December 2018, 15:22   #11622
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by Steeroid View Post

It’s a long story, but to make it short, just disable dial assist when you have a physical sim or an ‘approved’ esim.

Please educate, as I want to know how exactly Dial Assist works. I have all my saved contacts, in international format ( +91 98xxxx or +9122xxxxx or +1 405 980xxxx) and I have never had my phone trying to act smart and adding a prefix to my saved numbers. Even for non contacts number, if I have to dial internationally, I use +1 405 950 xxxx, format and it goes through well. When on International roaming, say I am in USA and need to dial a local number, I still use +1 405 976 xxxx format.
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Old 24th December 2018, 15:34   #11623
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Should one opt for extended warranty for iPhone XR
63500 + 4500 = 67500/-

Is it better to buy it there or get APP in India?
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Old 24th December 2018, 17:27   #11624
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by saildrive View Post
Should one opt for extended warranty for iPhone XR
63500 + 4500 = 67500/-

Is it better to buy it there or get APP in India?
You can add Apple care any day before the expiry of the original warranty of 1 year. I got the same through seller in amazon India for 4399 for iPhone X. Hope this helps.
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Old 24th December 2018, 18:59   #11625
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by riteshritesh View Post
Please educate, as I want to know how exactly Dial Assist works. I have all my saved contacts, in international format ( +91 98xxxx or +9122xxxxx or +1 405 980xxxx) and I have never had my phone trying to act smart and adding a prefix to my saved numbers. Even for non contacts number, if I have to dial internationally, I use +1 405 950 xxxx, format and it goes through well. When on International roaming, say I am in USA and need to dial a local number, I still use +1 405 976 xxxx format.
If you add an esim from an unsupported carrier, the dial assist feature is not available. Then if say you’re roaming and buy a local sim for primary use there, it will superimpose the country code of the visited country on your contacts. So even if you have saved your number in the Intnl format, it will say Dailling +1 150 xxx yyy (Burkina Faso), if you used a SIM from that country. Your calls won’t go through until you disable dial assist, and for that you will need a physical sim to be inserted again from your home country.

Therefore, before you use an esim from an unsupported carrier REMEMBER TO DISABLE DIAL ASSIST. I faced 2 days of frustration before I figured it out myself, inserted my sons SIM and disabled dial assist which reappeared on settings then.
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