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Old 18th November 2016, 12:13   #9601
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by mobike008 View Post
My iphone 6 + slipped out of my hand at an airport parking and fell face down and the screen is completely shattered

Any idea what would be the screen replacement cost? Also, is there any other non-Apple options which are cheaper?
I had got my iphone screen replaced with a non-apple one. It costed me 8K with a 3 month warranty. Original apple one costs 13K . The cost is because they replace the LCD also along with the screen as they say it is difficult to replace just the glass.
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Old 18th November 2016, 12:15   #9602
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Originally Posted by mobike008 View Post
Any idea what would be the screen replacement cost? Also, is there any other non-Apple options which are cheaper?
It is probably 10k and upward, last I checked in the Apple Store. There are after market options for 2-3k but you should find a good guy. I got an older iPhone 4s fixed for 1500 and he swindled me another 800 for button change. He did not change it but my friend gave it to that store so I just paid. Preferably stand over the guy and ensure sound, speaker etc are fine and touch works well.
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Old 18th November 2016, 13:12   #9603
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Thanks guys!

Originally Posted by TorqueyTechie View Post
I had got my iphone screen replaced with a non-apple one. It costed me 8K with a 3 month warranty. Original apple one costs 13K . The cost is because they replace the LCD also along with the screen as they say it is difficult to replace just the glass.
Is your phone a 6 or a 6+ as the screen size differs

One of my friend spent 13K to replace the 6 screen. I am given to understand the 6+ screen is 19K?

Also, how is your phone working now after 8k replacement screen? Is the touch feel responsive and as before and how many months back this happened?

Originally Posted by diyguy View Post
It is probably 10k and upward, last I checked in the Apple Store. There are after market options for 2-3k but you should find a good guy. I got an older iPhone 4s fixed for 1500 and he swindled me another 800 for button change. He did not change it but my friend gave it to that store so I just paid. Preferably stand over the guy and ensure sound, speaker etc are fine and touch works well.
Woah! If it's just 2K-3K I'm relieved as I was under the impression it would be super exorbitant at Apple Store for sure but, after market guys also might charge around 7K-8K as Torqueytechie mentioned in post below
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Old 18th November 2016, 14:05   #9604
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by mobike008 View Post
Thanks guys!

Is your phone a 6 or a 6+ as the screen size differs

One of my friend spent 13K to replace the 6 screen. I am given to understand the 6+ screen is 19K?

Also, how is your phone working now after 8k replacement screen? Is the touch feel responsive and as before and how many months back this happened?
Mine is a 6. It happened in the month of July . The day after the screen replacement was done , screen was not responding to the touch. Went back to the service center and they replaced the LCD with a new one. I have been using the phone since without any issue.

Iphone 6+ would definitely be atleast 2k more I believe if its aftermarket. Apple one is definitely costly. My wife's redmi note 3 was cheaper than the factory LCD!
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Old 18th November 2016, 14:45   #9605
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Have any of the iPhone 7/Plus users here experienced any 'Hissing' issues that were in the news recently?

I'm on the fence right now trying to decide between this and the S7 egde. From what I gathered online, for the subset of devices that do have this problem, the sound is also captured as part of any camera recordings which makes it difficult to overlook this.

iPhone 7 Hissing
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Old 19th November 2016, 16:29   #9606
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by RavenAvi View Post
Pre-booked mine yesterday.

Variant - 7 Plus
Storage - 32GB
Colour - Matte Black
Amount - 5,000/-

As per the dealer, I am the first customer who has booked Matte Black, hence I would get the first Matte Black set to arrive.
Received my 7 Plus earlier today.

Reason for the delay was "no stocks for 32GB Black." They offered me 128GB Black 3 times before, but I was adamant for my particular config only. Finally, a single piece arrived day before yesterday, which was transported immediately and was in my hands in the morning.

Initial impressions - it's light, it's fast and the camera's quite snappy. Now for some exploring all through this weekend!

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Old 19th November 2016, 21:06   #9607
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by theMandarin View Post
Have any of the iPhone 7/Plus users here experienced any 'Hissing' issues that were in the news recently?

I'm on the fence right now trying to decide between this and the S7 egde. From what I gathered online, for the subset of devices that do have this problem, the sound is also captured as part of any camera recordings which makes it difficult to overlook this.

iPhone 7 Hissing
I had the hissing sound only once in the iPhone 7 during setup which never occurred again in the 15 days that I had the phone. I have since sold off the 7 and bought the S7 Edge and am extremely happy with my decision. I have been using the iPhone since the 5s days and was extremely bored with it.

Where are you coming from, Android or iOS? Even though the S7 Edge is now 6 months old since launch, I find it better in every way than the 7.

It all depends on what you are looking for mate.

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Old 19th November 2016, 22:51   #9608
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by Cyborg View Post
I had the hissing sound only once in the iPhone 7 during setup which never occurred again in the 15 days that I had the phone. I have since sold off the 7 and bought the S7 Edge and am extremely happy with my decision. I have been using the iPhone since the 5s days and was extremely bored with it.

Where are you coming from, Android or iOS? Even though the S7 Edge is now 6 months old since launch, I find it better in every way than the 7.

It all depends on what you are looking for mate.


Thanks for the feedback.
I am using a Lumia 920 (Since Launch) and needless to say i'm a Nokia fanboy. One positive about this phone was that it stayed usable as a "Phone" over a span of close to 4 years which is not something i can say about the android phones i used over the years (including flagships).

This is one of the reasons i am considering an iPhone.
But it is really tough to justify that decision considering the Galaxy S7 Edge is around Rs. 12000 cheaper than the 128GB iPhone 7 even after factoring in the the Rs. 7000 cashback offer from Citibank.

And even after spending that kind of dough, your phone might still end up hissing at you.
Needless to say i'm really confused.
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Old 21st November 2016, 08:43   #9609
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by mobike008 View Post
My iphone 6 + slipped out of my hand at an airport parking and fell face down and the screen is completely shattered
Shattered Screen

The iPhone Thread-img_5417.jpg

LCD panel and screen replaced

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The iPhone Thread-img_5671.jpg

I got multiple quotes starting from 19K from Apple store to many stores claiming OEM stuff at 13K, 11.5K etc

One after-market guy quoted 9K as best price which made me do further research and identify a more reasonable option

Finally, through some contacts found out a person who quoted 4.8K and after some negotiation agreed to fix it for 4.5K

Took exactly 15 minutes and I was a happy man

Next day realized calls weren't heard with speaker off but, works when speaker is on. Went back and they said one of the component was not tightened properly. Again out in 5-10 mins

My iphone 6+ is back to it's glory days and touch, voice and screen works just like when I got the phone
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Old 21st November 2016, 09:27   #9610
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Re: The iPhone Thread

What you got was probably a made in china knockoff screen. Well never mind, if it works it will keep working for a good long time - but more often than not it is likely to conk out without any advance notice. Good luck with the great chinese electronics lottery.
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Old 21st November 2016, 09:31   #9611
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by hserus View Post
What you got was probably a made in china knockoff screen. Well never mind, if it works it will keep working for a good long time - but more often than not it is likely to conk out without any advance notice. Good luck with the great chinese electronics lottery.
I realize what you are saying and willing to place a bet on it as there are folks with more than 6 months of similar screen running smoothly.

Besides, I'm no way paying 19K for a OEM screen after using the phone for 15 months and it would still work out cheaper if I need to change it couple more times over the course of 2 years
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Old 21st November 2016, 13:57   #9612
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Re: The iPhone Thread

I have a two-year old iPhone 6 64 Gb. I have about 44 Gb free and the phone works as it should and there's no issue whatsoever.

However, in these two years, I have installed and uninstalled quite a bunch of apps and some apps use way too much space (Facebook has some 900 Mb, LinkedIn around 500, Messenger and Instagram in the similar range).

Coming from the days of Windows based laptops, I am tempted to factory reset the phone just to flush out unnecessary cache and system files.

Is there any benefit by resetting? If there is no real advantage, is there any disadvantage? I have a mini OCD when it comes to clutter and junk so I'm terribly tempted to do the reset!
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Old 21st November 2016, 14:04   #9613
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by libranof1987 View Post
Is there any benefit by resetting? If there is no real advantage, is there any disadvantage? I have a mini OCD when it comes to clutter and junk so I'm terribly tempted to do the reset!
On Androids yup, you can notice performance improvements but no so much on iPhones, maybe marginal speed improvement. Although you won't notice it. However, over the years it would definitely have collected a lot of junk/cached data and resetting is a good way to get rid of those.

Make sure you have your contacts and other important stuff synced and backed up to iCloud so you can restore without any problems after the reset!
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Old 21st November 2016, 14:23   #9614
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by mobike008 View Post
Shattered Screen
This screen replacement you're talking about, did you have a tempered glass on and it went beyond that or, is it just the screen that had to face this encounter?
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Old 21st November 2016, 17:12   #9615
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iPhone 6s users - please note.
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