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Old 8th November 2015, 09:58   #8206
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Originally Posted by splitsecond View Post
Looking to buy iphone 6 16gb space grey version, but it seems like price has increased recently in amazon and flipkart, why so? Production of iphone 6 gona stop? which is the best option now, any good if i wait for one more month?

I have the 16gb version, it is an absolute torture to use. Apps on IOS occupy huge amounts of space, atleast as compared to android. I manage to keep clearing my cache data, otherwise would have run out of space long back!
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Old 8th November 2015, 10:06   #8207
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by splitsecond View Post
Looking to buy iphone 6 16gb space grey version, but it seems like price has increased recently in amazon and flipkart, why so? Production of iphone 6 gona stop? which is the best option now, any good if i wait for one more month?
Just before the launch of 6S, the prices dropped like crazy for the 6. Then the 6S was launched at a crazy price of 62K. This meant there was too big a gap with the 6 and 6S and people would opt for the 6 because it was nearly 25K cheaper. To fix this imbalance, there is an unofficial 6K price cut on the 6S and 4-5K price increase on the 6.

Now the 6 also looks expensive for an older model at 41K and the 6S looks plain silly at 56K.

I picked up an iPhone 6 gold for my dad at 35.5K during the Dussera sale on Amazon.
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Old 8th November 2015, 10:15   #8208
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by Vid6639 View Post
Just before the launch of 6S, the prices dropped like crazy for the 6. Then the 6S was launched at a crazy price of 62K. This meant there was too big a gap with the 6 and 6S and people would opt for the 6 because it was nearly 25K cheaper. To fix this imbalance, there is an unofficial 6K price cut on the 6S and 4-5K price increase on the 6.

Now the 6 also looks expensive for an older model at 41K and the 6S looks plain silly at 56K.

I picked up an iPhone 6 gold for my dad at 35.5K during the Dussera sale on Amazon.
So any good if i wait for one more month?
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Old 8th November 2015, 11:49   #8209
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by kkkkkaran View Post
I manage to keep clearing my cache data, otherwise would have run out of space long back!
I do not find the cache clearing option in my phone. How do you clear them?
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Old 8th November 2015, 11:50   #8210
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My phone is jailbroken, so i manage to have access to the internal filesystem.
But, without jailbreak, an app called battery doctor has the option to clear junk files.
Its not as effective as the jailbroken one, but is better than nothing.
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Old 8th November 2015, 13:55   #8211
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Has anyone been able to use Siri (iOS) while syncing with a Honda City 2014?

I have seen this in some Thai videos but I'm not sure if this is only for the VX model. Mine's an SV CVT.

Thanks in advance.

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Old 8th November 2015, 19:57   #8212
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by kkkkkaran View Post
I have the 16gb version, it is an absolute torture to use. Apps on IOS occupy huge amounts of space, atleast as compared to android. I manage to keep clearing my cache data, otherwise would have run out of space long back!
Its for my girl, she wont install much apps so 16gb is okay.

I will be buying myself 64gb version after one month, but confused between 6 and 6s for the 1gb ram bump, is iphone6 able to handle ios9 smoothly as ios8? Never used an iphone hence the doubts. If it lags with ios9 i will go for 6s.
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Old 8th November 2015, 21:02   #8213
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There is no visible lag difference. Performance is snappier, but if u dont use the 6S, wont find the difference. Probably IOS 10 next year is where there will be a big difference.
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Old 8th November 2015, 21:26   #8214
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by splitsecond View Post
Its for my girl, she wont install much apps so 16gb is okay.

I will be buying myself 64gb version after one month, but confused between 6 and 6s for the 1gb ram bump, is iphone6 able to handle ios9 smoothly as ios8? Never used an iphone hence the doubts. If it lags with ios9 i will go for 6s.
I replaced my 64GB iPhone 6+ for a 64GB iPhone 6S+ about a month ago, cousin brought it from the states on her way here. Being a smartphone user for awhile awhile and someone who uses around two phones a year, regardless of the phone you get, be it a 6 or 6s, I highly recommend the 64GB. Heck, even if someone uses the camera often will be quick enough to fill up the space, throw in few songs in there and you'd end up filling the 16GB of which you'll only have around 13-14 to begin with. This is without much third party apps. Add few games to it and you'll have space constraints.

As for the differences between 6 and a 6s, I use the phone quite a bit with multitasking and tons of browsing so yes, I can definitely tell how the new one is a lot more snappier. Other features like the force touch, though I don't use it for apps much, I use it quite a bit as a substitute to the home button for switching my apps or jumping on to the dash. Rest of the ones are just luxuries I believe, like the live photos feature, lightning fast finger finger sensor compared to the regular 6 or my iPad air 2.

So yeah, if I were you, I'd give the priority to the 64GB more than the version of the phone. Feel free to ask if you have any more questions.

Last edited by sweetvar26 : 8th November 2015 at 21:28.
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Old 8th November 2015, 22:52   #8215
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I have an iPhone 6 Gold 64 GB. Off late the app Shazam doesn't seem to recognise any music track I throw at it. I didn't have this problem with my 4S.

Is this a one-off issue??? Anyone else facing the same issue ???

It records, says tag pending and when I get home and use my wifi, instead of finding the track, it just erases them.

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Old 9th November 2015, 04:17   #8216
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by drhoneycake View Post
I have an iPhone 6 Gold 64 GB. Off late the app Shazam doesn't seem to recognise any music track I throw at it. I didn't have this problem with my 4S.

Is this a one-off issue??? Anyone else facing the same issue ???

It records, says tag pending and when I get home and use my wifi, instead of finding the track, it just erases them.

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Did you give the microphone access to the app? Go to the app permissions and check if the app has the permission to access your phone's microphone.
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Old 9th November 2015, 07:44   #8217
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Here is the battery life on my new iPhone 6 on its first full charge. Quite sufficient I must say. This included some 45 minutes of calls, downloading quite a few apps (initial setup of the phone ), browsing, Whatsapp, some gaming and photography. The phone is running iOS 9.1
Attached Thumbnails
The iPhone Thread-image.png  

Last edited by AkMar : 9th November 2015 at 07:45.
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Old 9th November 2015, 08:48   #8218
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Originally Posted by drhoneycake View Post
I have an iPhone 6 Gold 64 GB. Off late the app Shazam doesn't seem to recognise any music track I throw at it. I didn't have this problem with my 4S.

Is this a one-off issue??? Anyone else facing the same issue ???

It records, says tag pending and when I get home and use my wifi, instead of finding the track, it just erases them.

Sent from my iPhone 6 using Team-BHP

I'm facing the same problem. To check, I've played a chartbuster and Shazam recognized it after a long pause. I've seen Shazam behave like this numerous times - between all the upgrades so far. In all likelihood, we can expect Shazam to roll an update soon.
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Old 9th November 2015, 10:07   #8219
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Strange problem. My iPad on iOS 9.1 beta recognizes my Bluetooth selfie stick and works with it. But my iPod on iOS 9.1 can connect, but doesn't work. I tried to install beta 9.1 on ipod but could not as only beta 9.2 is available and the Bluetooth stick didn't work on beta 9.2. The stick is working with other phones/devices.

Also tried using other apps like camera 360 but still not working. Can anyone using Bluetooth selfie stick tell me the iOS version you are running?
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Old 9th November 2015, 10:53   #8220
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Re: The iPhone Thread

My Iphone 5 screen is broken.
I want to get it fixed.
Does any body know some good shop in Pune?

BTW, i already bought Iphone 6S as replacement. Will handover Iphone 5 to my kid after repair.
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