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Old 29th September 2015, 12:06   #8026
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by AkMar View Post
If true, this is day light robbery. A phone for 68K! Top of the line 6S plus could well be close to 6 digit pricing then. For that kind of money I would rather buy a mid range android and a Macbook.
Thats the way Apple prices its products early on, I had too bought my iPhone from Uae which costed me 75k For the 128GB model.

Prices only fall for the iPhones after atleast 6 - 8 months from the launch date, And if i am not wrong, iPhone 6 plus 16Gb was also launched at 65k.
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Old 29th September 2015, 12:08   #8027
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by Tanveer_2558 View Post
Pricing for 6S Plus would mostly start from 68k according to a insider source here in Mumbai.

Using an iPhone 6 plus 128 Gb right now, And in no way i see myself buying the 6S plus.
Thanks for the inside info!

I've been using my iPhone 5S for the past 2 years, and the battery life is driving me nuts. I barely manage to see it survive one day of medium usage with wifi and 4G. It has become extremely irritating to keep a charger handy all the time. So I'm definitely going to consider buying a new phone. Only question is, is it worth getting a 6S Plus right now? Or will a regular 6 Plus do just fine?

From the reviews, it seems the new 6S models have 2 GB of RAM, a much faster internal storage controller, almost desktop class SSD like, but a 5-6% smaller battery. The major improvements appear to be in the GPU, which again isn't all that useful since I don't game all that much. I'm not totally convinced with the peek-pop feature, neither is 4K video/live photo any use to me. I just hope the launch of the new models brings about a serious price reduction in the previous gen phones. That way, I won't have to shell out 3/4th of a lakh for an iPhone
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Old 29th September 2015, 12:17   #8028
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by sourav9385 View Post it worth getting a 6S Plus right now? Or will a regular 6 Plus do just fine?
Go for 6 Plus, your next upgrade can be one year later.
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Old 29th September 2015, 12:20   #8029
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by sourav9385 View Post
Thanks for the inside info!

I've been using my iPhone 5S for the past 2 years, and the battery life is driving me nuts. I barely manage to see it survive one day of medium usage with wifi and 4G. It has become extremely irritating to keep a charger handy all the time. So I'm definitely going to consider buying a new phone. Only question is, is it worth getting a 6S Plus right now? Or will a regular 6 Plus do just fine?

From the reviews, it seems the new 6S models have 2 GB of RAM, a much faster internal storage controller, almost desktop class SSD like, but a 5-6% smaller battery. The major improvements appear to be in the GPU, which again isn't all that useful since I don't game all that much. I'm not totally convinced with the peek-pop feature, neither is 4K video/live photo any use to me. I just hope the launch of the new models brings about a serious price reduction in the previous gen phones. That way, I won't have to shell out 3/4th of a lakh for an iPhone
If i were in your shoes, I would have pickedup a 6 Plus, Prices will crash down for both 6 and 6 Plus and then it will be totally worth the money, I am on 6 plus and i will be completely avoiding the 6s plus only because the improvements aren't major or useful for me, The heck it even looks the same! The current 6 plus is fast enough, And it lasts me one whole day anyhow under heavy usage too. Specially now after the iOS 9 Update.

Since you'll be upgrading from 5s, You will surely feel the difference with 6 plus,
I will directly get the iPhone after the 6s, So atleast ill get a few major changes together, Makes no sense buying almost a similar iphone every year which has a pricing that starts with 65 - 68k
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Old 29th September 2015, 12:57   #8030
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Re: The iPhone Thread

I too have had the same thoughts for some time now. If the prices drop substantially, and I get 10-15K while trading in my 5S, I'll be pretty happy picking up a 6 Plus 64GB. I really don't need the 3D touch thingy. I'm very happy with the ecosystem, app support & the ludicrous reliability of the iPhone. And that's all that matters to me. Who shoots 4K videos all the time!
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Old 29th September 2015, 13:02   #8031
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Originally Posted by sourav9385 View Post
Thanks for the inside info!

I've been using my iPhone 5S for the past 2 years, and the battery life is driving me nuts. I barely manage to see it survive one day of medium usage with wifi and 4G. It has become extremely irritating to keep a charger handy all the time. So I'm definitely going to consider buying a new phone. Only question is, is it worth getting a 6S Plus right now? Or will a regular 6 Plus do just fine?

From the reviews, it seems the new 6S models have 2 GB of RAM, a much faster internal storage controller, almost desktop class SSD like, but a 5-6% smaller battery. The major improvements appear to be in the GPU, which again isn't all that useful since I don't game all that much. I'm not totally convinced with the peek-pop feature, neither is 4K video/live photo any use to me. I just hope the launch of the new models brings about a serious price reduction in the previous gen phones. That way, I won't have to shell out 3/4th of a lakh for an iPhone

Battery of any smartphone will last only for 1 day at the max , with moderate use. iPhone will see a huge improvement if you switch the 3G ( any mobile data) off. Try switching 3G on only when required. I don't think 6s will be having better battery life- all the iPhones I have used till now exhibited the above said behavior (4s, 5s and 6) and I don't expect a change in 6s. If u want 3G on all the time for important mails or msg , blackberry seems to be the best option.
BTW, best time to buy any iPhone is 1 yr after the release. I had bought my iPhone 6 64 GB for Rs 62,000 but today- hardly after 1 year - it is retailing for $649 ( comes to around Rs.41,400) at Apple Store .
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Old 29th September 2015, 14:05   #8032
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by shasha View Post
Battery of any smartphone will last only for 1 day at the max , with moderate use.
My iPhone 5s on ios 8 used to get me around 2-2.5 days of usage with full time 3G, two email accounts syncing and around 3-3.5 hours of call. Even after switching over to 4G, it used to get me above 2 days. However, with ios 9.0.1 am barely able to make it to the end of day with exactly same usage pattern.
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Old 29th September 2015, 14:18   #8033
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by sourav9385 View Post
Thanks for the inside info!

I've been using my iPhone 5S for the past 2 years, and the battery life is driving me nuts. I barely manage to see it survive one day of medium usage with wifi and 4G. It has become extremely irritating to keep a charger handy all the time. So I'm definitely going to consider buying a new phone. Only question is, is it worth getting a 6S Plus right now? Or will a regular 6 Plus do just fine?

From the reviews, it seems the new 6S models have 2 GB of RAM, a much faster internal storage controller, almost desktop class SSD like, but a 5-6% smaller battery. The major improvements appear to be in the GPU, which again isn't all that useful since I don't game all that much. I'm not totally convinced with the peek-pop feature, neither is 4K video/live photo any use to me. I just hope the launch of the new models brings about a serious price reduction in the previous gen phones. That way, I won't have to shell out 3/4th of a lakh for an iPhone
Get the Six if you want. I get 30 hours every single day with enough FB and twitter and bucketloads of whatsapp and iMessage besides official emails. Otherwise it SIPS battery with excellent standby.

I think plus sized ones need an android style back button - iOS isnt designed for big phones IMNSHO.
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Old 29th September 2015, 15:48   #8034
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by sourav9385 View Post
new 6S models have 2 GB of RAM
If you don't upgrade phones quite often, get the 6S. Reason: the extra RAM. 3-4 years down the line, when they release say iOS 18, their cut off could be 2GB RAM. Your phone would be usable for another 2 years than a iphone 6 with 1GB RAM.
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Old 29th September 2015, 16:40   #8035
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Re: The iPhone Thread

If it is battery back up, i would give it only 20% improvement at the best. Instead of running out at 5 pm, you might pull it off to 7-8 pm. Better idea is to tweak settings to save battery and use the "low power" mode built in iOS 9 when seriously low on juice.

If you are looking for deal, nothing like picking a previous gen model, after the new launch.

Two different things altogether
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Old 29th September 2015, 17:18   #8036
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Originally Posted by bhp_maniac View Post
My iPhone 5s on ios 8 used to get me around 2-2.5 days of usage with full time 3G, two email accounts syncing and around 3-3.5 hours of call. Even after switching over to 4G, it used to get me above 2 days. However, with ios 9.0.1 am barely able to make it to the end of day with exactly same usage pattern.

Battery life depends on the range also I think. If the place is with low coverage by service provider , the battery will drain faster .
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Old 29th September 2015, 17:30   #8037
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by shasha View Post
Battery life depends on the range also I think. If the place is with low coverage by service provider , the battery will drain faster .
Yes, that's true. However I was having the same location pattern before also. HOME --> WORK --> HOME on weekdays. Also, I have strong LTE signals in office and home. Anyway, at home it's fully on WiFi. Things are much better on Low power mode though. However, email push is really important for me.
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Old 29th September 2015, 17:38   #8038
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Saw these speculative/tentative price over twitter. iphone 6 was launched at 54500 and 6 plus at 62500(later increased to 65500) IIRC.

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Last edited by Rahulkool : 29th September 2015 at 17:41.
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Old 30th September 2015, 17:12   #8039
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Re: The iPhone Thread

5s battery is quite good , it can last a day easily if you manage phone well . There are lot of tricks you can manage in the phone which can save you battery. Moreover iOS 9 tells you which app is eating your battery chunk .
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Old 2nd October 2015, 15:29   #8040
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Can somebody provide some guidance regarding the unlocking of iPhone brought to India from US. Can it be unlocked at any shop or does it have to be done at some apple service and any unforeseen risks involved regarding the usability of the device? Also the approx charges for the same. Many thanks in advance.
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