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Old 8th October 2014, 16:38   #7246
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by TB16 View Post
Guys how much time will it take for the iphone 6 to be available off the shelf after launch in india. I remember my brother got his iphone 5 almost after 3 months post launch, before that apple were only taking bookings. Will it be the same for i6?
Some one had posted earlier that is offering assured deliveries of iphone 6 by 17 Oct.

Finally went ahead and updated to 8.0.2. Initial impression is that phone feels faster. Haven't faced any issues with network connectivity or 3G/wifi connectivity as yet. All working good as of now.
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Old 8th October 2014, 17:27   #7247
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by sourav9385 View Post
Oh, absolutely! I adore my iPhone! Would not have anything else in the world! And if anything, it was a purchase made to please the heart, not the head .
In fact, I'd go on record to say that it is my belief that no one buys a phone worth 62k to please the head

Wouldn't even dream of thinking that I bought it with an inclination towards resale prices a year on. My point was simply to illustrate the fact that as of now, iPhones no longer enjoy the premium-ness they were once privy to. And that is really sad. I guess I understand why all the brick & mortar retail stores are going ape over the online retailers selling stuff at such ludicrous prices.

[Joke] Nevermind, now just have to figure out how & which bank to rob before stepping out on 17th October lol. [/Joke]
Yes you're right - The main culprit is the Online Retailers. But at the same time, just think how many Consumers are happy & excited to get their stuff at almost half the price. Add to that, some who can't afford 50 to 60K, like students with limited budget...

Now, just imagine - How much of Profit the Brick & Mortar Stores make on Old Models ? They were literally looting the Consumers. On the whole, Online stores have done good to the Consumer.

Now coming back to iPhones - Starting with iPhone 4, which was launched after a Year of launch to iPhone 6 within a month - the gap has come down drastically. And Apple Stores were not giving a Single rupee of discount even after a Year. But things have changed for good (to the Consumer).

At least be happy that you've been using the Smart Phone each & every day. Think about a Laptop, used sparingly. After 1 year - 40% of the Price and after 2 years - for Junk.

Conclusion - It shows that how much you value your things. Keep it up.
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Old 8th October 2014, 17:41   #7248
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Originally Posted by ajaypjayaraj View Post

Finally went ahead and updated to 8.0.2. Initial impression is that phone feels faster.
Yes you are right. Your iphone will be faster in draining its battery too.
Full charge morning and by late evening battery percentage would be in single digit. Just browse and make some calls.
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Old 8th October 2014, 18:48   #7249
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by dre@ms View Post
Yes you are right. Your iphone will be faster in draining its battery too.
Full charge morning and by late evening battery percentage would be in single digit. Just browse and make some calls.
My phone usage is pretty high, be it mails or surfing or calls. So battery for me is insufficient anyways. My phone charge drains even before noon some days owing to such usage and have to keep charger handy everywhere. I guess every iPhone user which has such heavy usage would be used to it and should be geared up for charging on the go. I am. So I would fail to notice the battery drain issue. Even on the go, the moment my battery is low I hook it up and rarely keep track of how long it lasted nowadays. Thanks for the pointer anyways.
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Old 8th October 2014, 18:58   #7250
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by sourav9385 View Post
In fact, I'd go on record to say that it is my belief that no one buys a phone worth 62k to please the head
Even if you use your head to buy a 62K iPhone it make sense. Let me explain:

I am using iPhone 4 since almost 4 years now. 4 years back i spent 30K to buy iPhone 4 and still using it till date. In these 4 years my wife used at least 4 different mid level phones starting from Nokia symbian, Samsung (and other android phones) to now Nokia Lumia which started giving her issues after 6-9 months of purchase and she was forced to discard and buy new phone. What it means? She spent 40k upwards in these 4 years only on Mobile phones. Compare that with my situation - Spent 30K 4 years back to buy an iPhone and full peace of mind. I can continue using iPhone 4 for another 1 year if i want to since it still works like a charm. But the greed to upgrade to the latest is tempting me to buy iPhone 6 plus (which i will surely buy when it is launched in India)

If i apply the above scenario with the current ones, its better to buy a 71K iPhone plus than buying a Samsung or Lumia or any other android phone which i am sure will start giving me troubles in max. 2 years (though no offense meant to non-iPhone users). Its always wise to spend on iPhone and use that phone for next 4 years. Needless to mention the inconvenience thats caused when you change your phone very often
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Old 8th October 2014, 22:26   #7251
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by lazybrain View Post
Even if you use your head to buy a 62K iPhone it make sense. Let me explain:

I am using iPhone 4 since almost 4 years now. 4 years back i spent 30K to buy iPhone 4 and still using it till date. In these 4 years my wife used at least 4 different mid level phones starting from Nokia symbian, Samsung (and other android phones) to now Nokia Lumia which started giving her issues after 6-9 months of purchase and she was forced to discard and buy new phone. What it means? She spent 40k upwards in these 4 years only on Mobile phones
I don't think that is true. An iPhone attracts buyers, including me, by snob value. iPhones have specs from 2012 (the photo which was posted in this thread). If you say that with an iPhone specs don't matter, then question yourself, why? Obviously you have to be losing out on something, and that something is that the UI cannot be customised at all. Apple is forcing you to use what it thinks is right, instead of letting you choose. Windows Phone is much of the same, but still is more open than iOS. People like me, shy away from too much customisation, because there is way too much choice. Apple is exactly the opposite. After using my secondary Lumia 520 for 8 months as a source of multimedia, I was able to deduce that WP is between iOS and Android. Sure, the OS may not to be everyone's liking, but then Android wasn't to my liking either.
No doubt iPhones are good mobiles, and I recommend it, but saying that iPhones are more reliable than any other phone on the market would be wrong.
On a completely unrelated note, what problems did your wife experience with her Lumia?
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Old 8th October 2014, 23:03   #7252
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by thebfg View Post
An iPhone attracts buyers, including me, by snob value. iPhones have specs from 2012 (the photo which was posted in this thread).
How does having the best 8 megapixel camera bar none is "2012". I would believe you if you can get me a phone from the year 2012 which can click better 8 mp images than the iPhone except perhaps the PureView Lumia line from Nokia which in those years was a one trick pony.
Continuing on the same lines, how does a dual core processor which has to run only at 1.4 GHZ to outperform the best silicon from the best vendors which runs 4 CPU's at 2.3 ghz, "2012"? Also turns out that the same silicon went 64 bits first catching the whole industry off-guard, sending them into a panic. It is also true that it has more than 2 billion transistors, is the first mobile CPU to be built on the 20nm process. Apple always was and always will be at the bleeding edge hardware design and performance.

My iPhone 4s with only 512MB of RAM and 800 MHZ dual core processor stutters and crashes less than my Dad's Galaxy S3 which comes with twice the RAM and twice the number of CPU's running faster. And unlike the Galaxy, it is filled to brim with data and apps amount to almost 55 gb's.

That picture was a sad joke for the ignorant and it does not bode well when you start quoting that in your reply.
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Old 8th October 2014, 23:14   #7253
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by extreme_torque View Post
Apple always was and always will be at the bleeding edge hardware design and performance.
Apple is an innovative company, no doubt about that. But if you don't take advantage of that technology, then what is its use. 64 bit processors are suitable and fast for such an expensive phone, but how do you explain 1 gig of RAM. It can be felt while multitasking. The main point of a 64 bit processor is to incorporate more RAM to improve efficiency. As you said in your post that the 4S was faster than an S3. But look at my wife's 4S, who is looking to upgrade to a 6, her iPhone is jailbroken and is as slow and dim-witted as an old E71. It is not running any theme or any major tweak of that sort. Apple's processors are no match for the one's in HTC One M8, Note 4 and Huwaei's new phone. I use a 5S and have used a 6. I could not feel any difference between the two. That may be either a good or bad thing. I am not saying that iPhones are bad it's just that nothing can be future proofed. The A8 does not outperform other phone's by the way. Apple itself has claimed that the performance increase was only of 25% compared to the A7. As I said, Apple is an innovator and has been known by people for its camera technology. Comparing it to the Nexus 4, it is outperformed spec-wise only. Specs are only half the story. Optimisation is key. Please consider that everyone may not be as knowledgable about tech as you and think before using such harsh words in your post

Last edited by thebfg : 8th October 2014 at 23:19.
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Old 8th October 2014, 23:39   #7254
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by thebfg View Post
Apple is an innovative company, no doubt about that. But if you don't take advantage of that technology, then what is its use. 64 bit processors are suitable and fast for such an expensive phone, but how do you explain 1 gig of RAM. It can be felt while multitasking. The main point of a 64 bit processor is to incorporate more RAM to improve efficiency.
The main point of the 64 bit processor is NOT having more than 4 GB RAM although it does mean that it can access more than 4 GB of RAM if it wanted to/ Apple 64 bit are fast because of architectural improvements.
This will make for some good reading incase you are interested.

As for the RAM, more RAM will not improve efficiency per se if the underlying OS itself is not efficient. Do you also know that having more RAM means more power penalty because it is "always on" unlike storage memory.

Originally Posted by thebfg View Post
As you said in your post that the 4S was faster than an S3. But look at my wife's 4S, who is looking to upgrade to a 6, her iPhone is jailbroken and is as slow and dim-witted as an old E71. It is not running any theme or any major tweak of that sort.
I did not say faster, I am saying it has more consistent performance with no slowdowns or crashes when compared to S3 which has more than twice the hardware, faster and more CPU's and more RAM.

Originally Posted by thebfg View Post
Apple's processors are no match for the one's in HTC One M8, Note 4 and Huwaei's new phone.
Care to explain why they do not? What are you comparing them to? Do you even know what kind of CPU's are they running?

Originally Posted by thebfg View Post
I use a 5S and have used a 6. I could not feel any difference between the two. That may be either a good or bad thing. I am not saying that iPhones are bad it's just that nothing can be future proofed.
Ofcoure you cannot. How would you tell if the app you opened, opened a quarter of a second faster? It will seem as fast. Nothing is future proof but an Apple product has more shelf life than any other and it includes OS updates.

Originally Posted by thebfg View Post
The A8 does not outperform other phone's by the way. Apple itself has claimed that the performance increase was only of 25% compared to the A7. As I said, Apple is an innovator and has been known by people for its camera technology. Comparing it to the Nexus 4, it is outperformed spec-wise only. Specs are only half the story. Optimisation is key. Please consider that everyone may not be as knowledgable about tech as you and think before using such harsh words in your post
Say that again... this is from the best tech site on internet on their review of the latest iPhone.
"For the most part, the A8 SoC performs admirably despite the relatively low (1.38 GHz) frequency and half the cores when compared to competing SoCs. It seems that this is mostly building upon the lead that A7's Cyclone CPUs began. It remains to be seen if other SoC manufacturers will catch up in their CPU architecture at one point or another (NVIDIA's Project Denver in particular is interesting), but for now Apple seems to be quite far in the lead in CPU performance."
More reading in case you are interested

I want to ask you again how is outperformed spec-wise? Because 4 is better than 2, even when 2 outperforms the 4 in question? Optimization is separate, I am saying even the hardware is faster, so how is it outperformed?

I am sorry if I came across as rude but you should come better prepared if you want to argue your point. Peace out.
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Old 8th October 2014, 23:58   #7255
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by thebfg View Post
. As you said in your post that the 4S was faster than an S3. But look at my wife's 4S, who is looking to upgrade to a 6, her iPhone is jailbroken and is as slow and dim-witted as an old E71. It is not running any theme or any major tweak of that sort.
Jailbroken ? - Might be the reason for the slow performance. I've come across, in forums that a JB iPhone's performance will not be at par with a Factory Unlocked version.

If we don't go deeper into technicalities, One 8 year Old asked me a question - Why does iPad doesn't hang or crash like a Galaxy Tab ?
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Old 9th October 2014, 09:28   #7256
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by lazybrain View Post
...I am using iPhone 4 since almost 4 years now. 4 years back i spent 30K to buy iPhone 4 and still using it till date. In these 4 years my wife used at least 4 different mid level phones starting from Nokia symbian, Samsung (and other android phones) to now Nokia Lumia which started giving her issues after 6-9 months of purchase and she was forced to discard and buy new phone...
Originally Posted by extreme_torque View Post
...Apple always was and always will be at the bleeding edge hardware design and performance.

My iPhone 4s with only 512MB of RAM and 800 MHZ dual core processor stutters and crashes less than my Dad's Galaxy S3 which comes with twice the RAM and twice the number of CPU's running faster. And unlike the Galaxy, it is filled to brim with data and apps amount to almost 55 gb's.

That picture was a sad joke for the ignorant and it does not bode well when you start quoting that in your reply.
I would like to say that it warms the cockles of my heart to see fans stepping up and defending Apple, for once, instead of the usual Apple bashing that happens the moment when someone starts talking about the iPhone

Yes, the iPhone is far more reliable in the long run than anything else I've come across. My wife has been changing her Lumia almost once every year. She went from some N Series Nokia, to a Lumia 520, to a Lumia 720, which appears to be on its last legs for now. The ear piece has stopped working on the 720, and the 520 became a frying pan every time she turned on 3G. All this within a span of 3 years. The only reason I upgraded to the iPhone 5S last year, is because I had dropped the iPhone 4 and the antenna had stopped receiving up any cellular reception.

I feel the biggest issue is with the ability to add Micro SD cards. No matter how good, or how fast, or how expensive the card is, it always seems to bog down near its full capacity. And that ruins the experience IMO. I've tried everything, from Class 10's to Samsung Evo's, but they've all done the same thing. And it's the one thing that never happens with an iPhone. My poor old iPhone 4 was a 16GB model, and it was packed to the brim. Never did it slow down, not even once. My wife uses a 32GB class 10 Samsung Evo Micro SD in her Lumia, and the moment it crosses 20-25 GB, the phone slows down to a crawl.
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Old 9th October 2014, 09:53   #7257
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by sourav9385 View Post
I would like to say that it warms the cockles of my heart to see fans stepping up and defending Apple, for once, instead of the usual Apple bashing that happens the moment when someone starts talking about the iPhone
Oh yes, +1 to that!

And the difference can only be felt by the one's who have experienced other OS'es. I've been a Android user before, and Windows too for a week (that is all I could bear it). The iOS interface just remains 'fluidic' throughout the life of it!
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Old 9th October 2014, 11:58   #7258
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Interesting debate going on in here, my 2 cents on Apple Vs. the Rest:

I 'like' Apple phones, because they 'look and feel' really really good. I hate the phone for not letting me customize and the zillion hindrances it puts on basic things as copying files, connecting to other phones/systems/Bluetooth. And no matter how much I like the design of it, the other part won't let me buy an Iphone for myself - My wife on the other hand loves it precisely because she does not want to customize it and she gets everything with a touch. So for her the 5s is good, but it is simply too restrictive for me and hence I won't use it.

I was on the Nokia N900 and later on Nokia N9 (Meego), surprisingly, the N9 though older than the Iphone, feels probably the closet to the look and feel of the Iphone + the custom options that you get. And a display that I have yet to come across any other phone.

Windows Phones: Same problems that you get with Apple, lack of customization and a buggy software. Got fed up and dumped it within a month.

Android Phones: This is such a huge ecosystem in itself that you really cannot put all phones in the same league. I have used from a Nexus 5 to HTC M8 and Moto G - The applications seem more efficient (take less space) than the Iphones, but the constant irritant to need an app for everything is bugging. Because of the Google ecosystem an Androids are very heavy battery burners and need bigger RAMs.

So the way I see it every phone has pros and cons and each buyer is different. People typically looking to do a lot of things simultaneously and looking for value would lean towards Android while those with relatively simpler needs but brand conscious buyers.

I am neither here nor there
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Old 9th October 2014, 13:31   #7259
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Updating to 8.0.2 has kind of killed my bluetooth functionality with the car audio. I see a lot of posts on the internet saying the same thing. I hope apple releases a patch for this soon.

On another note, I am actually confused about buying the iphone 6 this time around. With companies like xiaomi around, does 53-54k make sense anymore for a phone? I can get an Mi3 for 14k and change it over a couple of times in the two year cycle that I usually use for my Iphone. Yes, the Iphone has the kind of integration and smoothness that Android is still trying to find, but overall is it worth 3-4 times the amount?
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Old 9th October 2014, 13:38   #7260
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by mav2000 View Post
Updating to 8.0.2 has kind of killed my bluetooth functionality with the car audio. I see a lot of posts on the internet saying the same thing. I hope apple releases a patch for this soon.
iOS 8.1 beta v2 is out for developer testing. So we should get a release soon! Hopefully during the new iPad event on Oct 16.
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