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Old 19th September 2012, 12:12   #5026
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Originally Posted by Irish

Hi Kiran,

The snapshot attached by you is blur. Can you please repost the same in higher resolution or provide the source of this image?

Here you go -
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Old 19th September 2012, 13:16   #5027
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re: The iPhone Thread

Apple has something like 10% market in smartphones but takes 75% of the profits. iPhone 5, which is slimmer, longer but weighs less will continue the trend.
PS: if iPhone was a company. then it would be bigger than Microsoft.

Originally Posted by amitk26 View Post
Most of the time decision is based on how powerful you are , Latest example was nano SIM war between Nokia and Apple in April 2012 and ETSI finally accepted Apple proposal though Nokia and Motorola were dead against it.
Whats wrong with nano SIM? Why was Nokia/Motorola was against it?
Someone asked here how exactly a connector change is fleecing and I provided explanation.
While microUSB is common, it is not the best. Having broken micro USB on my phones, I hope Apple's lightning connector is more useful.

Originally Posted by amitk26 View Post
As per Geekbench Galaxy S3 is still 25% faster then iPhone 5. iPhone 5 scores 1601 and Galaxy SIII is 2016.
Those benchmarks indicate CPU performance (Cortex-A9 vs Apple A6), since the work loads tested are mainly CPU intensive. But in normal phone usage, CPU will be idle. Hence the test doesn't indicate the phone's performance or response.
Android is always full multitasking so it is likely to have more parallel operations where iOS 6 by design limits multitasking so it may not have much use of 4 cores.
Probabaly Apple is more concerned about foreground tasks than background ones

PS: I neither own nor plan to own iPhone or Android.
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Old 19th September 2012, 13:38   #5028
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Originally Posted by msdivy
Apple has something like 10% market in smartphones but takes 75% of the profits. iPhone 5, which is slimmer, longer but weighs less will continue the trend.
PS: if iPhone was a company. then it would be bigger than Microsoft.

Whats wrong with nano SIM? Why was Nokia/Motorola was against it?

While microUSB is common, it is not the best. Having broken micro USB on my phones, I hope Apple's lightning connector is more useful.

Those benchmarks indicate CPU performance (Cortex-A9 vs Apple A6), since the work loads tested are mainly CPU intensive. But in normal phone usage, CPU will be idle. Hence the test doesn't indicate the phone's performance or response.

Probabaly Apple is more concerned about foreground tasks than background ones

PS: I neither own nor plan to own iPhone or Android.
I like that

And heck I have no qualms in accepting that I use android only because I can't afford the latest version of iPhone.

I had the initial iPhone within a month of launch because it was cheap then at around 25k (jailbreaking each time a new os came was a pain)

But now happy with a desire HD. I don't think any of the premium devices are worth the money . Be it S3 or iPhone 5 at 50k.

What I mean is both don't give you anything functionally different from past that makes it a must upgrade to device. I would rather wait for the next Nexus

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Old 19th September 2012, 18:38   #5029
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Originally Posted by anujmishra
Also, check overall size of S3, Razr and IPhone 5. Physical size is same and Samsung and Motorola are successful utilizing same space with bigger screens. With the same external size S3's screen is 4.8" and Razr is 4.7".
The iPhone Thread-image1434983279.jpg

The Samsung brick is bigger than iPhone 5.
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Old 19th September 2012, 19:17   #5030
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re: The iPhone Thread

Honey the circus is back in town!

Every time Apple releases a new version of iPhone, every forum on the internet (from automotive forums to knitting forums!) gets flooded by geeks trying with every cell of their body to convince people that iPhone is the biggest piece of trash to ever hit civilization. But all their efforts go in vain as release after release, market thumbs its nose at these naysayers.

Come on guys. So what if the phone you hate so much still does so well in spite of all its percieved flaws and has a very devoted and huge fan base. Let it go!! Unless.... all this trashing makes you feel good about your own choices.

Or maybe Apple trashing becomes the "cool" thing or the "in" thing around the release time

The iPhone Thread-564406_700b.jpg
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Old 19th September 2012, 20:19   #5031
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by msdivy View Post

Whats wrong with nano SIM? Why was Nokia/Motorola was against it?

While microUSB is common, it is not the best. Having broken micro USB on my phones, I hope Apple's lightning connector is more useful.
They were not against nano-SIM but they were aggainst Apple submitted design of nano-SIM.
ETSI invited proposals for next generation design Nokia and Apple both submitted their proposals.
Apple design is tray based so it needs dexterity to pull out nano-SIM with fingernail. Nokia design was push-pull based where you push card in a bit and it pops out. Ultimately it is less about design and more about power and prestige.
Industry has several such examples MS was even able to push it's own doc format as alternative in ISO based on votes of several delegates from Africa and Latin America.

I just quoted these example to demonstrate how specs evolve.
Originally Posted by msdivy View Post
Those benchmarks indicate CPU performance (Cortex-A9 vs Apple A6), since the work loads tested are mainly CPU intensive. But in normal phone usage, CPU will be idle. Hence the test doesn't indicate the phone's performance or response.

Probabaly Apple is more concerned about foreground tasks than background ones
Look at the benchmark tests from the link I provided they include several tasks commonly done by application level software like text compression , Image compression and decompression , browser rendering etc.

So it is not based on the CPU alone there can be DSP codecs doing some of the tasks. It tests overall performance of hardware.
About backround tasks if one has never used probably her will never feel the need just like notifcation bar was never neeeded by iPhone users was even ridiculed untill Apple took it to the fanbase

Originally Posted by amitoj View Post
Honey the circus is back in town!
.. all this trashing makes you feel good about your own choices.
Circus won't happen if jokers don't crack jokes on websites such as mine is 2X faster then yours whereas in reality it is 1/4X slower on average and 4X slower in some cases.
re-circulating paid inserts will raise dirt and it will settle on cloths.
You love your iPhone be happy with it worship it , May be murder someone to be first in the line to buy it , No one will disturb
But don't talk about benchmarks , cores and other technical stuff on your forums and threads and invite people who will contradict.

Last edited by amitk26 : 19th September 2012 at 20:22.
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Old 19th September 2012, 20:20   #5032
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^^ :rl paaji, couldn't have put it better!

Btw, need some help here - if I'm not too dependent on the maps, is the iOS 6 worth the upgrade?
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Old 19th September 2012, 20:34   #5033
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Originally Posted by amitoj
Honey the circus is back in town!
Ha ha, bang on. I think this time's performance is even more amusing than the last. I'm especially enjoying the contortionists

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Old 19th September 2012, 21:20   #5034
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re: The iPhone Thread

another benchmark result and no prices for guessing the "winner"..

OT: What is interesting though is the runner-up, i.e. Lava Xolo X900. Never thought I would see an Indian phone in the tops anytime soon. Even stranger since they claim Android 2.3 to be the OS on it..
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Old 19th September 2012, 21:30   #5035
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by vinjosep View Post
Lava Xolo X900. Never thought I would see an Indian phone in the tops anytime soon. Even stranger since they claim Android 2.3 to be the OS on it..
The key see, that phone has 'intel inside' sticker (backed by Intel's efficient marketing machine).
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Old 19th September 2012, 22:03   #5036
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by amitk26 View Post
Even if someone else has fleeced in past fleecing in present is still fleecing.
While from business model point of view it worked for Apple but praising it as a consumer would be typical iSheep behaviour.
Lets not get into name calling, people have their reasons for following a particular brand or device, just iPhone/iOS there are lot of Android fans who for the life of them can not tell why they use an Android device over any other Smartphone.
Originally Posted by amitk26 View Post
In Open Market like India it will be close to 1000$
Any data to backup this assumption?

Originally Posted by amitk26 View Post
Moors law applies to all devices so price drop of electronics is natural.
Intel / AMD and Laptop makers reduce prices every quarter so this does not look odd.

Some 20 Million Galaxy S3s were sold before price dropv so some of the R&D and Plant & Machinery costs would have been recovered.
Historically phones used to touch this number over couple of years.

In fact Apple does not reduce price over life cycle is unnatural and Kudos to Apple for generating such a fan following.

See couple of posts back even websites started claiming iPhone 5 is twice as fast as S3 and everyone started reproducing without cross verification
Actually as someone pointed out later they do reduce price of their previous gen model.

Originally Posted by anujmishra View Post
Well do not compare with Contract based US phones from Verizon, AT&T, Sprint etc. Compare it with country where there is no contract available. In India it will be $1000 or more. Check price at any of the Airport shops while in transit.
I did not compare it with any contract based price plan, You can always buy an iPhone outright & it never costed $1000 not in USA or in India.

Originally Posted by amitk26 View Post
Circus won't happen if jokers don't crack jokes on websites such as mine is 2X faster then yours whereas in reality it is 1/4X slower on average and 4X slower in some cases.
re-circulating paid inserts will raise dirt and it will settle on cloths.
You love your iPhone be happy with it worship it , May be murder someone to be first in the line to buy it , No one will disturb
But don't talk about benchmarks , cores and other technical stuff on your forums and threads and invite people who will contradict.
Again, please keep Name calling & Sarcasm off this board. You have been sharing good information but lets not get carried away. If you can not reply objectively without name calling or sarcasm then don't.

Again, this is not an Android Vs iPhone Thread & lets keep it like that.
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Old 19th September 2012, 22:16   #5037
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by vinjosep View Post
another benchmark result and no prices for guessing the "winner"..

OT: What is interesting though is the runner-up, i.e. Lava Xolo X900. Never thought I would see an Indian phone in the tops anytime soon. Even stranger since they claim Android 2.3 to be the OS on it..
This one may be real Apple was/is always good in webkit optimizations and iPhone 5 has latest webkit
Android browser in Jelly bean (chrome) will see major jump as it is using later version of webkit.
However Anand Lal Shimpi of Anandtech as always believes it is due to A6

Originally Posted by msdivy View Post
The key see, that phone has 'intel inside' sticker (backed by Intel's efficient marketing machine).
Xolo is same as medfield reference phone design from intel, X86 always had certain advantages and major disadvantage is power consumption.

BTW there are several JS tests and others such as V8 gives different results
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Old 19th September 2012, 22:45   #5038
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by Technocrat View Post

Any data to backup this assumption?

Price is what customer is willing to pay and they have done price discovery in past.
few references to make this assumption

(1) French laws forced Apple to sell factory unlocked device when they were just selling it with operator bundle. ( Orange for 399 Euro) and price IIRC was around 900+ US$ , The price was little bit higher just in order to be compliant to law.

(2) Apple for first time sold unlocked phone in US that is iPhone 4S after a rumored tussel with sprint and it was 749$ . This was not a new launch product but after it was facing some heat in market from others.
If we assume similar pricing for latest device it will again push it to 900$ range.

(2) iPhone 4S was around 44500 Rs and US$ was in range of 42 -44 Rupees at that time and this 44500 device was either locked to Airtel or Vodafone.
So if it has to be open market they will put some more channel cost which operator may be bearing

My forecast is that in India it will be in 45000 to 49500 Range , Lower side for locked device and
If at all it is open device we can take higher side of this bracket.
Because India is not a major market and Indians in past have not shown any particular affinity to iPhone but Indians love unlocked phones so they can think of little premium over locked.
They do not have sales and service network matching rivals in India so a strategy for niche market in metros is more likely then trying to capture country wide high end phone market in large numbers.

So finally a ballpark figure of 900 - 1000$ in India looks likely.

Originally Posted by Technocrat View Post

Again, please keep Name calling & Sarcasm off this board. You have been sharing good information but lets not get carried away. If you can not reply objectively without name calling or sarcasm then don't.

Again, this is not an Android Vs iPhone Thread & lets keep it like that.
Initially my point was not Android comparison but some of the claims about processor and performance

Websites like Anandtech need to have revenue and what they publish is mostly based on data shared and strategic leaks by marketing departments.

If people who bring such topcs don't enjoy or understand why should they start ?
Calling it a circus is not very polite either

Last edited by amitk26 : 19th September 2012 at 22:55.
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Old 19th September 2012, 22:57   #5039
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by amitk26 View Post

(2) iPhone 4S was around 44500 Rs and US$ was in range of 42 -44 Rupees at that time and this 44500 device was either locked to Airtel or Vodafone.
So if it has to be open market they will put some more channel cost which operator may be bearing
In Indian context yes, chances are it would be close to $1000 infact more like $900.
Each market & its currency & governing rules are different so lets exclude what & how they price it around the world.

Originally Posted by amitk26 View Post
Initially my point was not Android comparison but some of the claims about processor and performance

Websites like Anandtech need to have revenue and what they publish is mostly based on data shared and strategic leaks by marketing departments.

If people who bring such topcs don't enjoy or understand why should they start ?
Calling it a circus is not very polite either
Agreed. The message in bold was not just for you but for everyone who is posting on this thread. Going forward we wont allow any such posts.
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Old 19th September 2012, 23:29   #5040
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re: The iPhone Thread

Engadget have posted their review:

The final 3 lines should provide the gist of it:
"This is without a doubt the best iPhone yet. This is a hallmark of design. This is the one you've been waiting for."

I wonder how much they got paid.
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