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Old 26th October 2011, 11:37   #3736
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re: The iPhone Thread

Have any of you noticed considerable battery drain while using iCloud on iOS 5? I have been leaving my iCloud account signed in with backups scheduled only via Wifi when connected to a power source. Since past 2 days, the battery has been draining faster than normal. I used to get 2.5-3 days battery life which has dropped to 2 days now.

I have deleted my iCloud account now to see if it makes any difference. The iCloud storage setup is so embryonic at this stage that I haven't found any value so far out of it.

One of my friends using a 4S has also experienced battery drain with iCloud account set up on his phone. Mine is the iPhone 4 - factory unlocked.
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Old 26th October 2011, 14:19   #3737
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Originally Posted by fuel_addict
Have any of you noticed considerable battery drain while using iCloud on iOS 5? I have been leaving my iCloud account signed in with backups scheduled only via Wifi when connected to a power source. Since past 2 days, the battery has been draining faster than normal. I used to get 2.5-3 days battery life which has dropped to 2 days now.

I have deleted my iCloud account now to see if it makes any difference. The iCloud storage setup is so embryonic at this stage that I haven't found any value so far out of it.

One of my friends using a 4S has also experienced battery drain with iCloud account set up on his phone. Mine is the iPhone 4 - factory unlocked.
I am using icloud on 3gs and ipad 2 and there is no battery drain issue as per me.
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Old 26th October 2011, 16:12   #3738
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re: The iPhone Thread

I generally keep my Cellular data and 3 G off all the time and when ever I need turn on. I cloud all options like contacts,mail etc I keep off and keep all in phone. Whenever I need I switch to on Position to access.
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Old 28th October 2011, 18:50   #3739
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re: The iPhone Thread

Quick questions, I have the iphone 4. Should I upgrade to iOS 5? Its it worth the effort? Will it slow down? Do apple service offer free upgrades suring warranty?
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Old 28th October 2011, 19:14   #3740
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by mail4ajo View Post
Quick questions, I have the iphone 4. Should I upgrade to iOS 5? Its it worth the effort? Will it slow down? Do apple service offer free upgrades suring warranty?
Yes you can upgrade, no issues if you have unlocked device. Or one with Airtel etc.
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Old 28th October 2011, 21:37   #3741
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by mail4ajo View Post
Quick questions, I have the iphone 4. Should I upgrade to iOS 5? Its it worth the effort? Will it slow down? Do apple service offer free upgrades suring warranty?
No problem you can upgrade iOS5.Just down load every thing will be taken care. There is no talk of slow down. It works with the same speed before. Apple support offers a lot of free application down loads. Go ahead and check all free applications and use which ever you need. I did down loaded few and regular upgrade is going on.
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Old 3rd November 2011, 04:30   #3742
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re: The iPhone Thread

Apple has released the new beta of iOS 5.0.1 which will address the battery drain issue that users have been reporting. Should be out for public consumption soon.

Apple Release iOS 5.0.1 Beta To Developers - Battery Drain Fix & Multitasking Gestures |
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Old 3rd November 2011, 07:56   #3743
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by fuel_addict View Post
Have any of you noticed considerable battery drain while using iCloud on iOS 5? I have been leaving my iCloud account signed in with backups scheduled only via Wifi when connected to a power source. Since past 2 days, the battery has been draining faster than normal. I used to get 2.5-3 days battery life which has dropped to 2 days now.

I have deleted my iCloud account now to see if it makes any difference. The iCloud storage setup is so embryonic at this stage that I haven't found any value so far out of it.

One of my friends using a 4S has also experienced battery drain with iCloud account set up on his phone. Mine is the iPhone 4 - factory unlocked.
You don't have to remove the iCloud account only thing is go to settings> iCloud> switch off all things. To increase the battery life turn off 3G and cellular data. I don't know about the previous OS but I got the Iphone4 and immediately jumped on the iOS5 bandwagon and I also experienced the same battery drain within almost a day it would come down to red area (viz 20% and less). finding it better now; till Apple fixes the problem, I guess we will have to innovate and live with it. I have one query: on my N8 on 3G when I finish checking mail and exit my mail a/c the 3G switches of; but on the Iphone4 I don't get any indication if its active or switched off, as it doesn't have a to and fro arrow like in Nokia that disappears after you are done using the 3G networks.
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Old 3rd November 2011, 09:59   #3744
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by Durango Dude View Post
You don't have to remove the iCloud account only thing is go to settings> iCloud> switch off all things. To increase the battery life turn off 3G and cellular data. I don't know about the previous OS but I got the Iphone4 and immediately jumped on the iOS5 bandwagon and I also experienced the same battery drain within almost a day it would come down to red area (viz 20% and less). finding it better now; till Apple fixes the problem, I guess we will have to innovate and live with it. I have one query: on my N8 on 3G when I finish checking mail and exit my mail a/c the 3G switches of; but on the Iphone4 I don't get any indication if its active or switched off, as it doesn't have a to and fro arrow like in Nokia that disappears after you are done using the 3G networks.
The post by extreme torque confirms the battery issues which now even Apple acknowledges. iCloud could be one of the culprits.

I have seen the battery drain is much lower when the iCloud account is deleted from the phone. You can of course always re-login and take the backup when needed. The backup is incremental; so you don't have to backup all data all over again. The previous data is always on the cloud.

Turning off cellular data on the phone defeats the purpose of owning a smartphone IMO. I leave Edge connection ON all the time for mail notifications.

You have to manually slide the 3G switch under Settings-Network to turn ON/OFF the 3G connection. I am told the iPhone 4S does not have this option. The phone will always use 3G if you are in the 3G zone and have 3G enabled on your SIM. I think this could be an issue especially if you are on a limited data plan. Plus the battery life would be reduced.
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Old 3rd November 2011, 10:28   #3745
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re: The iPhone Thread

on my wife's 4, i set icloud to only do mails, and contacts.
no battery drain issue.
Maybe its firing off background data constantly to sync photos/music and stuff?
hence your battery is suffering?

Doesnt apple have any apps/settings where you automatically turn off BG data when screen is locked, like andro?
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Old 3rd November 2011, 10:35   #3746
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I dont see much of a difference with iCloud turned ON on my device, but i have kept the Photo Stream Off, Doc and Data only on wifi. Always on 3G.

Just try a clean re-install and set up, usually things are set right with this.
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Old 8th November 2011, 00:01   #3747
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re: The iPhone Thread

my friend got a iphone 4s from Singapore and it is not working in India. Only data works and there seems to problem (with many 4s in India) with Voice.

If any of you is planning to purchase one, please beware...
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Old 10th November 2011, 00:59   #3748
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re: The iPhone Thread

All of a sudden my iphone 4 went blank. I tried to switch on nothing happened. Finally fiddled around with pressing the top switch and home switch together for a long time the apple sign appeared. After 5 minutes it started to work. I wonder why did it happen. Did any one experience this? Please let us know.
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Old 10th November 2011, 01:57   #3749
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Originally Posted by navan49
All of a sudden my iphone 4 went blank. I tried to switch on nothing happened. Finally fiddled around with pressing the top switch and home switch together for a long time the apple sign appeared. After 5 minutes it started to work. I wonder why did it happen. Did any one experience this? Please let us know.
Happens many times, nothing big, just a memory block that is cleared by a forced restart (home + power button for 5 secs). Don't worry too much about it.
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Old 10th November 2011, 02:04   #3750
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re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by navan49 View Post
All of a sudden my iphone 4 went blank. I tried to switch on nothing happened. Finally fiddled around with pressing the top switch and home switch together for a long time the apple sign appeared. After 5 minutes it started to work. I wonder why did it happen. Did any one experience this? Please let us know.
Looks like too many apps were open (or unclosed). happened with me umpteen number of times . Generally it's always better to kill apps. which are open from long time.

Also, whatever you have experienced occurs when you are trying to install an app. from cydia which is too large or corrupt. So nothing to worry about!
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