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Old 6th August 2010, 10:46   #2236
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This is one solution you can try Activate iPhone 4 3GS without Sim Card | CrispyTech
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Old 6th August 2010, 11:18   #2237
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Originally Posted by Gandhi View Post
For audio quality, I can vouch for Walkman series of Sony Ericsson (IMO Xperia is not walkman series). I have compared my w550i with many iPods (using same song) and the w550i feels much better. My friends having iPods agree too. Not sure about the iPhone but I guess it should be same as iPod.
+1. I have a sony walkman player(nwz s616) and sandisk clip. I feel both these have many time better quality than ipod and ipod touch. And this feeling is mutual with my friends who has the ipod and ipod touch. And i am sure iphone has the same ipod quality as ipod touch.

Also most of the popular review say that there are better sounding players than ipod and ipod touch in market.
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Old 6th August 2010, 11:20   #2238
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Hi guys is there any way to get a factory unlocked Iphone 4 in India from the U.S?
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Old 6th August 2010, 11:34   #2239
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Originally Posted by jassi View Post
agreed but i don't see flash being replaced with html5 for everything - look at the example videos i posted above on this page. And my point was its impossible to have apps for everything you want, especially if you can just visit something using a flash based browser
Valid points. From a developer's point of view it's a lot cheaper build one website than churn out apps for all platforms.
However, when it comes to usability, i think apps have the upper hand.

As far as flash being replaced by HTML5, nobody knows if it happens at all. But now there are more options if someone wants to develop a new application/website today.

Last edited by SilentEngine : 6th August 2010 at 11:36.
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Old 6th August 2010, 12:13   #2240
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The problem with HTML5 replacing Flash, atleast for videos , is that there is no universal agreement on the codec to be used yet. While Apple and Microsoft are pushing for the H.264 codec, Google, Firefox and Opera are pushing for the opensource WebM format ( based on VP8). So if a site wants to support all browsers, they have to encode the videos using both H.264 and WebM. In this case, it would be simpler for them to just use Flash instead of HTML5. That is why Flash is not going away anytime soon coz it is present on almost all the computers.
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Old 6th August 2010, 12:14   #2241
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Originally Posted by shreyasMAX View Post
Hi guys is there any way to get a factory unlocked Iphone 4 in India from the U.S?
Yes you can get it from USA. Look for powersellers on ebay. They sell factory unlocked iphone 4. Cost is high though. Around $850 plus. Second option would be see craigslist listing for the same.

here is the link

factory unlocked iphone 4 items - Get great deals on Cell Phones PDAs, Electronics items on!
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Old 6th August 2010, 13:20   #2242
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Hi All,

Another good news that I read today about the Iphone 4 OS. Like the previous Jail break, there is another software which is now legally available to unlock carrier in Iphone 4. I have made the list of what a person needs to do which are listed below.

Activation without service provider or Sim Card (as provided by Jaggu)
Activate iPhone 4 3GS without Sim Card | CrispyTech

Jailbreaking the Phone
JailbreakMe 2.0

TO use Iphone with Any Carrier.
Software unlock for iPhone 4 is out, welcome back ultrasn0w - news

Hope this will help someone who is interested in using Iphone 4 OS and want to unlock their phone from the carriers.

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Old 6th August 2010, 15:57   #2243
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Originally Posted by chevelle View Post
Yes you can get it from USA. Look for powersellers on ebay. They sell factory unlocked iphone 4. Cost is high though. Around $850 plus. Second option would be see craigslist listing for the same.

here is the link

factory unlocked iphone 4 items - Get great deals on Cell Phones PDAs, Electronics items on!
I believe the iPhone 4s sold in the US are all locked. Canada sells factory unlocked iPhones.
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Old 6th August 2010, 18:48   #2244
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Originally Posted by khanak View Post
I believe the iPhone 4s sold in the US are all locked. Canada sells factory unlocked iPhones.
One of my friend here bought an unlocked iphone 4 from a power seller for his brother in India. It cost him $910 with shipping.

I guess i have to trust his word when he says its working in India.

Don't know what's the truth is. Would you happen to know why only Canada is selling unlocked iphone and not usa?
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Old 7th August 2010, 10:16   #2245
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Here is the list of countries where iPhone 4 unlocked is available - Where to Buy iPhone 4 Factory Unlocked | iPhone 4
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Old 7th August 2010, 12:56   #2246
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That website and it's list is quite out of date,
UK has been selling factory unlocked iPhone 4 from day one.
I would not use that link for reference, there are many more countries, including now France, Canada.
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Old 7th August 2010, 22:30   #2247
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Unlocked my iPhone finally

Got my iPhone 3G some eight months back from Airtel. It has been working like clockwork, "just works" as they say. Main apps are Mail (on all the time), Facebook (on all the time too), browser (for when I get bored), Maps (has been very practically useful on highway & city trips), games (awesome cricket game and air hockey game) and music of course. The gadget has become a part of me.

For whatever reason, I didn't think of unlocking it till today. I guess I never needed to. But today I got bored and decided to try by googling the steps.

The jailbreak & unlock went fine without any issues, but I found that the "Change cellular settings" option (the one that allows you to configure GPRS) is hidden in the Airtel-supplied iPhone. This way I was stuck with Airtel's GPRS settings, rendering any other SIM useless except for taking & making calls.

Got over this problem by using OpenSSH (installed through Cydia) which works like a charm. I could finally FTP directly into my iPhone using WinSCP. Found the configuration files for Airtel and Vodafone India (the other SIM which I'm trying to use). Just had to add an entry something like "Allow change APN" in an XML file (.plist actually) using a PLIST editing utility and copied it back to the iPhone using WinSCP. Now I could edit the APN settings on the iPhone, and use EDGE on both Airtel and Vodafone.

After that, used Cydia to install Winterboard and SBSettings, two great applications. They took some time to install and scared me with blank screens and had me thinking I had bricked my iPhone; but worked fine in the end.

Now I am even happier with my iPhone 3G . Next step is to find a BSNL 3G card...
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Old 9th August 2010, 14:55   #2248
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You can order an officially factory unlocked Iphone from Singapore and Australia also. Iphones sold by Apple in USA are all locked. The ebay sellers import factory unlocked iphones from other countries and sell them in USA, thus charging a slight premium and in many cases no warranty either. Apple Australia will sell unlocked iphone from the online Apple store itself. The problem is they won't ship to India. So perhaps a friend/relative can get it for u from there.

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Old 9th August 2010, 15:12   #2249
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Originally Posted by prajwalkashyap View Post
You can order an officially factory unlocked Iphone from Singapore and Australia also. Iphones sold by Apple in USA are all locked. The ebay sellers import factory unlocked iphones from other countries and sell them in USA, thus charging a slight premium and in many cases no warranty either. Apple Australia will sell unlocked iphone from the online Apple store itself. The problem is they won't ship to India. So perhaps a friend/relative can get it for u from there.

That's quite a bit of info there. Thanks.

So does it mean, that my friend who bought a factory unlocked iphone 4 from USA seller on ebay for ~$900 was actually imported?

That would make my friend go if he hears this. I guess i will have to keep him ignorant to save the heartache.
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Old 10th August 2010, 12:06   #2250
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Originally Posted by chevelle View Post
That's quite a bit of info there. Thanks.

So does it mean, that my friend who bought a factory unlocked iphone 4 from USA seller on ebay for ~$900 was actually imported?

That would make my friend go if he hears this. I guess i will have to keep him ignorant to save the heartache.
That's right. Legally, in USA, Apple cannot sell iphones over the counter other than through AT&T due to the exclusivity agreement between them. Even the Apple store USA website directs the user to purchase from AT&T. I fail to understand how individual sellers can possibly provide warranty, services and everything that the phone should normally come with, without any proper sales infrastructure. Its just like buying something from National Market / Burma Bazaar. The warranty he offers is as good as his word is.

This is unlike in a few other countries listed in the link provided earlier. Many countries, including India, govt. policies are in place to prevent monopolisation and protects consumer rights. Apple, and any other manufacturer, are not allowed to tie up the consumer endlessly to a single market channel (products/services) after a certain period. This is the reason, even if u end up buying the mobile locked to Airtel or Voda, they r legally bound to unlock the phone on request and after a certain period of time has lapsed.

In USA, the iphone consumers continue to be locked to AT&T even after the contract with AT&T is over! And this has been the bane of contention between consumers and Apple/AT&T. Meanwhile, they continue to the milk the cow.

Just my 2 cents.

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