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Old 29th July 2010, 15:19   #2161
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Originally Posted by deepakhon View Post
I have been using iPhone 2G for more than 2 years.
A colleague of mine recently bought Samsung Galaxy and I checked it out, and am impressed. The only thing I am worried about is the amount of OS branches each of the manufactures who uses Android can create. I am not sure whether Samsung's Android will be different from say, Motorola's. If yes, I wonder how things proceed going forward.
No that will not happen. Android is one and the same and different manufacturers will modify / customize it for better usage of their hardware. It doesnt prevent it from running common Android apps. Only thing to watch out here it Android itself releases newer versions every now and then (2.2 is the latest now) and the handset manufacturer should release the update for your phone.
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Old 29th July 2010, 15:23   #2162
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I have used the Samsung Galaxy S for few hours and I would say that iPhone still has an edge when it comes to the OS and the overall experience. Its more intuitive and you can have an app to do almost anything under the sun.

P.S. I am an iPhone 3GS user.
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Old 29th July 2010, 15:37   #2163
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Originally Posted by extreme_torque View Post
I have used the Samsung Galaxy S for few hours and I would say that iPhone still has an edge when it comes to the OS and the overall experience. Its more intuitive and you can have an app to do almost anything under the sun.

P.S. I am an iPhone 3GS user.
Problem with iphone apps are that its still managed by App store and they can restrict various applications based on their policies (Or else one should go for iphone jailbreak). But the open nature of android is attracting numerous developers to it and its just a matter of time before it takes over iphone in terms of number of apps.
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Old 29th July 2010, 15:38   #2164
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Originally Posted by extreme_torque View Post
I have used the Samsung Galaxy S for few hours and I would say that iPhone still has an edge when it comes to the OS and the overall experience. Its more intuitive and you can have an app to do almost anything under the sun.

P.S. I am an iPhone 3GS user.
How would you rate the HTC sense UI when compared to iPhone's UI? Samsung has Touchwiz, which I am not that impressed with, so kinda ruling galaxy s out at the moment. But might change my mind if the screen is really as good as people claim it to be.
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Old 29th July 2010, 15:42   #2165
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Originally Posted by HellwratH View Post
How would you rate the HTC sense UI when compared to iPhone's UI? Samsung has Touchwiz, which I am not that impressed with, so kinda ruling galaxy s out at the moment. But might change my mind if the screen is really as good as people claim it to be.
Galaxy is the first Android phone I have seen, and I feel the screen quality is pretty good. I do not know what to compare it with.
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Old 29th July 2010, 16:15   #2166
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Originally Posted by HellwratH View Post
How would you rate the HTC sense UI when compared to iPhone's UI? Samsung has Touchwiz, which I am not that impressed with, so kinda ruling galaxy s out at the moment. But might change my mind if the screen is really as good as people claim it to be.
I want to clear one thing here which is that I am not a fan of screen widgets which is what Samsung touchwiz is basically all about. If you talk of screen transitions, the intuitive nature of the UI, the iPhone is still ahead in terms of the overall smoothness and the speed of the UI.

The thing with the iPhone and Apple's strict control is that they dont want to compromise the usability of the phone in anyway which is why they would only let you use their own API's and not developers own. Look at their copy and paste implementation, by far the best I have seen in mobile phones and the multitasking which isnt exactly multitasking in the truest sense of the word but does the job without slowing the phone down or draining the battery.

Also while talking about iPhone we almost always forget that its also an iPod, which is a world class music player and one of the primary reason why I chose the iphone. The Audio Quality on Androids just wasnt a patch no matter what the reviews said.

P.S. Installed the Sygic Mapmyindia maps application today and I am happy to report that GPS fix happens in seconds even without the A-GPS on! It fixes faster than my 5800 would with the A-GPS on!

P.P.S The screen on the Galaxy S is amazing but its a little too saturated at times. The novely of the screen would last so its important to look at usability and performance when you go and select the phone for you.

Last edited by extreme_torque : 29th July 2010 at 16:17.
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Old 29th July 2010, 16:31   #2167
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Originally Posted by extreme_torque View Post
The thing with the iPhone and Apple's strict control is that they dont want to compromise the usability of the phone in anyway which is why they would only let you use their own API's and not developers own. Look at their copy and paste implementation, by far the best I have seen in mobile phones and the multitasking which isnt exactly multitasking in the truest sense of the word but does the job without slowing the phone down or draining the battery.
Iphone's business model is based on selling apps in this closed circuit and make money out of every app sold. Recent rejection of Google Voice app by iphone created big controversies as they were supporting the business needs of their partner AT&T by not allowing Google Voice app. Iphone is still a great phone and UI is unmatchable by any competition. But I dont like to use my gadgets in a restricted manner and let Apple guys decide how I have to use my phone !
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Old 29th July 2010, 17:17   #2168
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Originally Posted by extreme_torque View Post
I want to clear one thing here which is that I am not a fan of screen widgets which is what Samsung touchwiz is basically all about. If you talk of screen transitions, the intuitive nature of the UI, the iPhone is still ahead in terms of the overall smoothness and the speed of the UI.

The thing with the iPhone and Apple's strict control is that they dont want to compromise the usability of the phone in anyway which is why they would only let you use their own API's and not developers own. Look at their copy and paste implementation, by far the best I have seen in mobile phones and the multitasking which isnt exactly multitasking in the truest sense of the word but does the job without slowing the phone down or draining the battery.

Also while talking about iPhone we almost always forget that its also an iPod, which is a world class music player and one of the primary reason why I chose the iphone. The Audio Quality on Androids just wasnt a patch no matter what the reviews said.

P.S. Installed the Sygic Mapmyindia maps application today and I am happy to report that GPS fix happens in seconds even without the A-GPS on! It fixes faster than my 5800 would with the A-GPS on!

P.P.S The screen on the Galaxy S is amazing but its a little too saturated at times. The novely of the screen would last so its important to look at usability and performance when you go and select the phone for you.
Nice! Thank you for that info. I am a big fan of iPhone and I am moving to android only to see what the hype is all about and if it really can deliver all that it promises (and how useful they are to me, ex: flash support).

Originally Posted by arunkk View Post
Iphone's business model is based on selling apps in this closed circuit and make money out of every app sold. Recent rejection of Google Voice app by iphone created big controversies as they were supporting the business needs of their partner AT&T by not allowing Google Voice app. Iphone is still a great phone and UI is unmatchable by any competition. But I dont like to use my gadgets in a restricted manner and let Apple guys decide how I have to use my phone !
Umm, You don't have to . I had installed google voice off cydia and it used to work great (free calls to US/Canada) until google started blocking me from using it from India. Talk about controlling, Everyone wants to do it, just that they don't want to admit it. All in all, I am ok jailbreaking my iPhone to install apps that would make my life easier, at the end of the day, that's what it comes down to right? And I take full responsibility of anything that could happen to my phone due to my installing apps from other sources and wouldn't bank on warranty to fix it for me .
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Old 29th July 2010, 17:30   #2169
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Originally Posted by arunkk View Post
Iphone's business model is based on selling apps in this closed circuit and make money out of every app sold. Recent rejection of Google Voice app by iphone created big controversies as they were supporting the business needs of their partner AT&T by not allowing Google Voice app. Iphone is still a great phone and UI is unmatchable by any competition. But I dont like to use my gadgets in a restricted manner and let Apple guys decide how I have to use my phone !
Yes but 70% of the money goes to the developer so the scope and earning potential is pretty high. It also encourages developers to make meaning, useful applications and Apple in turn makes sure that they in no way compromise the user experience. There is no such thing as being perfect, its only relative. In the end what I am concerned about it usable apps with no effect on performance, which is fair by me.
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Old 30th July 2010, 09:03   #2170
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Buy official IPHONE 4 in India

Today I have come across an article which was referring to buy Iphone in India which is officially unlocked.

Buy iPhone 4 in India for Rs. 43,950 < Mobile Phones < PC World India News < PC

This is the link where you can get more details. Apparently I was taken aback after reading this article to know the amount some people are charging for IPHONE that they have to sell even on TeamBhp which is as high as 72000 and ripping the poor customer who is a big fan of apple. Hence I have posted this link where in anyone interested can order it.

PS: I am no where connected to them and posting this only for information to people who want to buy Iphone 4
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Old 30th July 2010, 09:18   #2171
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72000 thatz a rip off.

I will wait until the official launch here in India.
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Old 30th July 2010, 10:15   #2172
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Well, you're getting the iPad here for about Rs.58-68k in Khan Market. 3G enabled, I've forgotten the memory. And ALOT of people have bought it, seen a few around.
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Old 30th July 2010, 10:38   #2173
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Its better to wait until the its launched here and the tech glitches are sorted out.
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Old 30th July 2010, 12:23   #2174
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72,000/- is total rip off.. I have seen Iphone 4 for 50k to 55k. Like agspins said it is better to wait for some time till the glitches are rectified.
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Old 30th July 2010, 12:30   #2175
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Airtel announced Iphone 4 to be released in India during September. Vodafone also announced the release though without a specific time. Just wait for the official release.
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