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Old 4th February 2010, 12:26   #1876
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I'm finally tired of updating and jailbreaking and unlocking. If there is no major security update or feature additions, i'm not gonna go through the whole shebang again.

jaggu, what are the differences between this and 3.1.2?
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Old 4th February 2010, 16:01   #1877
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Hi guys,,I got an Old iphone which is gifted by my brother from U.S
Now when is switch on my phone it asks me to connect to itunes,and when i connect it i get an error message.

This is the problem i have
iTunes is unable to activate your iPhone because of an issue reading the SIM card

What should i do?
Sorry i am new to iphone.
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Old 4th February 2010, 16:16   #1878
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Guys, do not upgrade if you are using a jailbreaked phone.......... If you do so, you wont be able to jail break again...

Refer the following post:

Yeah, see the entry in the post above that says "Recovery Mode CVE-ID: CVE-2010-0038"?

That means Apple closed off the iBoot vulnerability that both blackra1n and the latest redsn0w (0.9.x) use to jailbreak your phones.

If you have iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPod Touch 1G or 2G, you can downgrade if you accidentially update (there is no news yet as to whether or not 3.1.3 contains a baseband update for 3G/3GS though).

If you have iPhone 3GS (either the earlier OR later/tethered-jailbreak version) or iPod Touch 3G or 2G 8GB "MC" model, and you update, for now you're screwed. No way to downgrade, and no way to jailbreak again.

Read the entire Apple Releases iPhone OS 3.1.3: Addresses iPhone 3GS Battery Level Accuracy, App Launching Issues - Mac Forums
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Old 7th February 2010, 17:50   #1879
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I've decided on a 2G. The one I saw in the local papers was already sold by the time I got there. Any idea where I can get one in Mumbai?
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Old 8th February 2010, 10:21   #1880
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@Live to Jive: Nice to hear that you are planning on an Iphone but IMHO you should avoid a used Iphone (if budget is not a constraint). The reason is it'll come with its limitations as well. Its no doubt cheaper (and old technology too) but in a couple of months rumors says there'll be a new version of Iphone in market and then your 2G Iphone will be two generations behind too. the 2G iPhones would be around or over two years old now and will need a battery replacement in the next year or so. Be aware that iPhones aren't easy to open for battery changeovers. Wait a little more, with 3G S version launch in India (I don't know when, fellow member please enlighten us on this), 3G will get old and cheaper. Grab a 3G then. I don't want to dishearten you, just a piece of friendly advise. you can decide to take it or not.
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Old 8th February 2010, 10:33   #1881
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Originally Posted by Punzabi View Post
IMHO you should avoid a used Iphone
I agree with you. But 3G has not started in India and by the time it actually starts the 3GS will be outdated. That's why I was thinking of a 2G and then buying the latest when 3G services start in India.
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Old 8th February 2010, 11:14   #1882
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Originally Posted by Tejas@perioimpl View Post
jaggu, what are the differences between this and 3.1.2?
Nothing major, just few security patch upgrade and a super duper lock in place to stop the dev team

Originally Posted by zoomingbhat View Post
Hi guys,,I got an Old iphone which is gifted by my brother from U.S
Now when is switch on my phone it asks me to connect to itunes,and when i connect it i get an error message.

This is the problem i have
iTunes is unable to activate your iPhone because of an issue reading the SIM card

What should i do?
Sorry i am new to iphone.
You need to jb and unlock the phone, and then you can use the new sim card. Your gifted phone seems to be a locked piece.

goto iClarified - Apple News and Tutorials and read up on how to unlock, ensure that you understand the steps clearly and select the appropriate model number also.

Originally Posted by Live To Jive View Post
I agree with you. But 3G has not started in India and by the time it actually starts the 3GS will be outdated. That's why I was thinking of a 2G and then buying the latest when 3G services start in India.
Which is a good decision if you are getting the phone at a cheap price tag. Ensure the battery and other hardware are in good shape before you pay up.
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Old 8th February 2010, 11:36   #1883
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Absolutely crappy update. I have a airtel locked 3g iphone and on updating my software my ringer has stopped working. My speakers for music etc. work fine but my when i receive a call my phone just vibrates and does nto ring. What do I do?
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Old 8th February 2010, 12:06   #1884
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Do the install again, its not the update but the process that screws up most of the time. I always ensure i dont have anything running apart from iTunes in my comp while i update. Touch wood, till date no hick ups whasoever.
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Old 10th February 2010, 01:14   #1885
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Ok iphone gurus please solve my problem. I am using iphone for last 2.5 years. I just did 1 mistake last month . I was playing around with some settings to get internet in my phone . Called up vodafone people to send me setting and stuff like that. Then i developed this icon of "E" on top of my iphone screen. And since then its sucking the juice of battery like anything. My phone work really fine in US,Delhi everywhere in roaming. The moment i come to chandigarh and this "E" icon is on the screen it sucks the juice and my ph battery gets depleted in less then an hour after charging it to the top. Please help me as i am fed up of this. How do i delete the settings?How can i get rid of that "E" thing?Help
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Old 10th February 2010, 10:15   #1886
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You cant get rid of E since its the EDGE network which is active, if your phone is 3G or 3GS, switching off 3G network inside network setting will help the drain. Otherwise check if the Push notifications are ON and switch it off.
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Old 10th February 2010, 10:20   #1887
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Originally Posted by Car-e-ok View Post
Ok iphone gurus please solve my problem. I am using iphone for last 2.5 years. I just did 1 mistake last month . I was playing around with some settings to get internet in my phone . Called up vodafone people to send me setting and stuff like that. Then i developed this icon of "E" on top of my iphone screen. And since then its sucking the juice of battery like anything. My phone work really fine in US,Delhi everywhere in roaming. The moment i come to chandigarh and this "E" icon is on the screen it sucks the juice and my ph battery gets depleted in less then an hour after charging it to the top. Please help me as i am fed up of this. How do i delete the settings?How can i get rid of that "E" thing?Help
E is for edge. Doesn't suck battery. Go to settings -> general -> turn off location services. Also under setings->mail, contacts... -> fetch new data manually (or hourly). Also turn push notifications off.
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Old 10th February 2010, 13:37   #1888
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Originally Posted by Jaggu View Post
You cant get rid of E since its the EDGE network which is active, if your phone is 3G or 3GS, switching off 3G network inside network setting will help the drain. Otherwise check if the Push notifications are ON and switch it off.
Originally Posted by Tejas@perioimpl View Post
E is for edge. Doesn't suck battery. Go to settings -> general -> turn off location services. Also under setings->mail, contacts... -> fetch new data manually (or hourly). Also turn push notifications off.
Hi guys ,Thanks for showing interest in my problem. But the things you have mentioned i am afraid i have done these already. I mean i am just suspecting "E" edge as my problem because i have used it in delhi for 1 whole day without any charging but there was this "E" icon missing but the moment i came back to chandigarh i see this "E" icon and for whole day i just charge this icon just to keep in running all the time. the push notifications are off. i made sure one went to each and every application and pushed it off. Then deleted all the softwares every single thing. I even bought new original charger keeping in mind that i was usin duplicate charger that wasnt competent in charging the batery. But no luck. However let me specify once again the moment my cell goes on roaming and that "E" icon dissappear it runs like a standard phone for 1-2 days without even charging.And without getting heated up too much.
Another thing its a standar 2g phone.One of the first iphones that came up .

Last edited by Car-e-ok : 10th February 2010 at 13:38.
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Old 10th February 2010, 13:44   #1889
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Is your iphone jailbroken?

don't you use internet (EDGE) on your phone?
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Old 10th February 2010, 15:16   #1890
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How come your phone goes off "E" while in roaming? If you are subscribed to GPRS/EDGE it will be always ON. And since its 2.5 years its an original aka 2G phone, so it wont have 3G & location lol

So it will be Push or Wifi then, that can be the drainers. Do a restore and see if it helps.
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