Team-BHP - Home Audio basics!

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Hi All

I am in the early stages of assembling a home audio system. I tried searching but coudn't find much material!

Also the incentive of asking people like Gunbir and Navin Sir proved irresistible! Could you please guide to to some home audio basics on the internet!

This is NOT a home theatre setup, but a decent Audio setup. Also i am not looking for a immediate purchse etc..but also to understand the technicalities and basics before going out and deciding what do i need and how to go about it!



EDIT: Just to be a bit more specific > i plan to setup a quality Home audio system (SQ) over the next 3-4 months with a budget of 25-30k


Originally Posted by Elito11 (Post 636572)
Hi All

I am in the early stages of assembling a home audio system. I tried searching but coudn't find much material!

Also the incentive of asking people like Gunbir and Navin Sir proved irresistible! Could you please guide to to some home audio basics on the internet!

This is NOT a home theatre setup, but a decent Audio setup. Also i am not looking for a immediate purchse etc..but also to understand the technicalities and basics before going out and deciding what do i need and how to go about it!



EDIT: Just to be a bit more specific > i plan to setup a quality Home audio system (SQ) over the next 3-4 months with a budget of 25-30k


I'm sure the gurus would be happy to help you out.

The following thread may help you select equipment suited to your tastes and budget:

I dont know if the technicalities of home audio are separately covered on this forum.

this place needs a home audio section some where. :-) i wish it could be possible. even i was thinking of getting a nice home setup(diy).

you can start a thread in shifting gears section or this one can be shifted there.


Is it possible to continue this thread here?


Originally Posted by jerish666 (Post 636623)
Is it possible to continue this thread here?

Not sure abt that! Let the mods decide.

@Flying Bong - Thanks for the link. I had gone through that before...but its more towards high end audio. I am more of a average user who wants quality music but on a budget. And frankly..i don't think i have the ears for anything more expensive :)

BTW - Anyone heard the Onkyo CS515? Its a mini H-Fi. I was very impressed with it. Spent over 2 hours listening to it!



Originally Posted by Elito11 (Post 636962)
BTW - Anyone heard the Onkyo CS515? Its a mini H-Fi. I was very impressed with it. Spent over 2 hours listening to it!


Think I heard it briefly (might have been the CS315 also)...sounded pretty decent at the price. Its about Rs.27K, isn't it?

I own one of its predecessors, the CR-305TX receiver along with the K-505TX tape deck and the speakers that came with it. Thought it was good value for what I paid (about Rs.26K).

If you are planning to build up a system over time, a mini HiFi system would
1. Require you to spend your entire planned outlay in one shot
2. Limit your upgrade flexibility to the speakers only as the CDP and preamp/amp are in one box. Cramming everthing into one box is compact & convenient but may involve other design compromises to achieve this objective.

IMHO you may be better off buying:
1.A pair of bookshelf speakers (10-11K)
2.A budget stereo receiver/amp (15K), and running it with
3.A mass-market DVD player (3-4K) and upgrade to a hi-fi CD player later.
4. Future upgrades could include
(a)Dedicated speaker stands & perhaps, cables.
(b)Subwoofer, if you feel the need.
(c)Maybe an iPod docking base if you use an iPod?

Please take this with a pinch of salt :) as I'm quite the newbie myself! Also the best thing to do is to listen to various options and let one's ears be the judge.

Here's the best you can get for around that price

Wharfedale Diamond 9.1/Mordaunt Short Avant 902i/Monitor Audio B1 (~12-13k)
(The last one is my favorite)

Norge Concerto Gold 1000 amplifier (~10k direct from norge) or Marantz PM4001 (~15k)

Philips DVD player ~3k

Speaker Cables/interconnects ~1k


Originally Posted by Elito11 (Post 636572)
EDIT: Just to be a bit more specific > i plan to setup a quality Home audio system (SQ) over the next 3-4 months with a budget of 25-30k

Given the budget you might try and include Indian brands like Lithos, Norge, Sonodyne, on your list. They offer more VFM at this price range.

Wharfdale has speakers that will cost you about 7K per pair, add a small 2 ch. amp from Yamaha for 10K and a CD player for 7-8K and you will have crossed your budget.

Please include a pair of good RCA wire as well as speaker wire with this system. reignofchaos has alteady listed one such system. The Monitor Audio - Marantz combo is excellent. Sooner or later you will the need to upgrade the Philips DVD player to something better like a Marantz CD player.


Originally Posted by Flying Bong (Post 637054)
Think I heard it briefly (might have been the CS315 also)...sounded pretty decent at the price. Its about Rs.27K, isn't it?

I own one of its predecessors, the CR-305TX receiver along with the K-505TX tape deck and the speakers that came with it. Thought it was good value for what I paid (about Rs.26K).

If you are planning to build up a system over time, a mini HiFi system would
1. Require you to spend your entire planned outlay in one shot
2. Limit your upgrade flexibility to the speakers only as the CDP and preamp/amp are in one box. Cramming everthing into one box is compact & convenient but may involve other design compromises to achieve this objective.

IMHO you may be better off buying:
1.A pair of bookshelf speakers (10-11K)
2.A budget stereo receiver/amp (15K), and running it with
3.A mass-market DVD player (3-4K) and upgrade to a hi-fi CD player later.
4. Future upgrades could include
(a)Dedicated speaker stands & perhaps, cables.
(b)Subwoofer, if you feel the need.
(c)Maybe an iPod docking base if you use an iPod?

Please take this with a pinch of salt :) as I'm quite the newbie myself! Also the best thing to do is to listen to various options and let one's ears be the judge.

Well yes CS315 was its predecessor. A friend had bought the CS515 for 20K sometime back. Very good system IMO

BTW I DO NOT plan to buy a mini Hifi :) . That comment was slightly offtopic...hence the confusion. I plan to go the DVD/CD player + Speakers combo route only!

Thanks for the suggestions! i am still in the requirement analysis phase :D and will take 2-3 months to get it all decided!



Originally Posted by reignofchaos (Post 637059)
Here's the best you can get for around that price

Wharfedale Diamond 9.1/Mordaunt Short Avant 902i/Monitor Audio B1 (~12-13k)
(The last one is my favorite)

Norge Concerto Gold 1000 amplifier (~10k direct from norge) or Marantz PM4001 (~15k)

Philips DVD player ~3k

Speaker Cables/interconnects ~1k

Thanks ROC (can i call u that?). The speakers that u have mentioned would need a dedicated AMp right? I was hoping to get amplified speakers! Would that be a no no?

How would you compare Amplified speakers with the ones that you have mentioned? That plan i had was a pair of amplified speakers with a Audio/video reciever. I figured it would take less space and would also save me the hassle of the AMP business.




Originally Posted by navin (Post 637094)
Given the budget you might try and include Indian brands like Lithos, Norge, Sonodyne, on your list. They offer more VFM at this price range.

Wharfdale has speakers that will cost you about 7K per pair, add a small 2 ch. amp from Yamaha for 10K and a CD player for 7-8K and you will have crossed your budget.

Please include a pair of good RCA wire as well as speaker wire with this system. reignofchaos has alteady listed one such system. The Monitor Audio - Marantz combo is excellent. Sooner or later you will the need to upgrade the Philips DVD player to something better like a Marantz CD player.


I have noticed i like things that are built to last! Its not the sound quality, but the built quality that worries me about some Indian brands.

Also why a CD player for music? i admit my purpose is only audio, but would not a DVD player be better (albeit a better one lets say) keeping in mind the future?



Originally Posted by Elito11 (Post 637487)
Also why a CD player for music? i admit my purpose is only audio, but would not a DVD player be better (albeit a better one lets say) keeping in mind the future?

CD players have better DACs.

I would recommend sticking to Amp+Speakers combo and not go for amplified speakers...and even otherwise, decent branded amplified speakers are rare or too costly.
Technically also, it is always better to run speaker cables than running long interconnects from the source to the amplified speakers. Or unless you use wireless interconnection.
The combo suggested by ROC is a pretty decent one..what dedicated amp are you asking about? Norge is a very capable amp...this one here is their top-end model with 120W RMS output. You could even consider any of their lower versions for upto 8K, only difference being output power but not less in terms of SQ.
And by the way, I'm also planning to buy a decent SQ mini-Hifi for keeping in my bedroom..I listened to one Onkyo model at croma, it was around 16K, don't remember the model. And am in no hurry, could wait upto 6 months.


Originally Posted by navin (Post 637499)
CD players have better DACs.

Ah!.. makes sense. Thanks


Hi Navinji,
Sorry to ask such a stupid question:
I have always heard (or rather reviews) that CD players are better than "all-in-ones". Now does it mean that they purposefully use an inferior DAC? I wonder that given today's technological advances, how much difference does it actually make? This might have been true 6-8 years ago when the CD format was at it's prime and DVDs were just beginning to enter the markets. After all, the job of a DAC is to decode digital signals and convert them to analogue ones as per predefined codecs and not as per their own whims and fancies. So a DAC is just a DAC, whether it's a cd palyer or a DVD player, only difference being in the built quality.
Excuse me once again for this stupid question and going slightly out of topic.

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