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Old 14th January 2013, 14:08   #5101
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Hi Guys,

Wifey wants a Sony DSC HX9V for her usage (she currently has a Nikon L23 and isn't happy with it). This cam costs 16k; I explored other options and found that Nikon J1 is available for 22K with a 10-30mm lens. I think it'd be a better option than the Sony.

Please tell me what other options are there in the 15-25K range.


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Old 14th January 2013, 14:16   #5102
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Originally Posted by ntomer View Post
Hi Guys,

Wifey wants a Sony DSC HX9V for her usage (she currently has a Nikon L23 and isn't happy with it). This cam costs 16k; I explored other options and found that Nikon J1 is available for 22K with a 10-30mm lens. I think it'd be a better option than the Sony.

Please tell me what other options are there in the 15-25K range.


Sony has recently dropped the price of the NEX 3 to just 14990 it comes with a APS-C size sensor ,so just grab that before its sold out .Already reports are that it has been sold out in most places.NEX5 is available for 19990 it has a magnesium alloy body and takes 1080p videos.

Last edited by aim120 : 14th January 2013 at 14:17.
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Old 14th January 2013, 14:21   #5103
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Originally Posted by aim120 View Post
Sony has recently dropped the price of the NEX 3 to just 14990 it comes with a APS-C size sensor ,so just grab that before its sold out .Already reports are that it has been sold out in most places.NEX5 is available for 19990 it has a magnesium alloy body and takes 1080p videos.
I was looking at that only right now

Any idea what is kit lens with NEX 5? Sony wen-site doesn't mention any.
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Old 14th January 2013, 20:09   #5104
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

They give the 18-55mm lens as standard on both the NEX3 and NEX5 in India.But the 16mm lens is available separately for purchase.
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Old 14th January 2013, 20:25   #5105
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Sony has launched world's first P&S (Fixed lens) camera with a Full Frame sensor called DSC-RX1. The prices is a whopping 1,79,900/- INR.
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Old 14th January 2013, 22:29   #5106
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Originally Posted by ajay_satpute View Post
Sony has launched world's first P&S (Fixed lens) camera with a Full Frame sensor called DSC-RX1. The prices is a whopping 1,79,900/- INR.
If you have the money go for it. This is a seriously good camera!
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Old 15th January 2013, 09:24   #5107
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Originally Posted by Jeroen View Post
If you have the money go for it. This is a seriously good camera!
I seriously feel that for this kind of money, SONY should have launched a complete new FF NEX line which could take advantage of the various interchangable lenses to fully exploit this sensor's abilities. Right now IMHO the camera is way to over priced for what it does. Sony is basically asking a lot of money for the sensor and a fast lens but surely sensors and fast lenses can't be so expensive as Nikon and Canon have recently showed us with the D600 and the 6D and their various 1.4 lens offerings.

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Old 15th January 2013, 10:02   #5108
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

1.79L for a 35mm fixed lens? I want to know what stuff they were smoking. And I want to know whether they will supply that stuff for life to people who buy that camera at that price.
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Old 15th January 2013, 10:44   #5109
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Re: Canon G15 or S110 or anyother

Originally Posted by navin View Post
The G15 is not pocketable. In my book Sony's RX100 is not pocketable either. The S110 just about makes it.
Bought Sony RX100 last month. Used two days of full day sight seeing and both days i kept the camera in my pocket (without any case). I haven't faced any issues. I will not say it is comfortable like a mobile phone, but at the same time it is not uncomfortable also. Now i started taking this camera during most of the week end short term outing and in some days to office (with mobile on one pocket and camera on other).
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Old 15th January 2013, 10:49   #5110
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Re: Canon G15 or S110 or anyother

Originally Posted by flycatcher View Post
Hi All,
Off late my wife and bro have developed some interest in photography. But at the same time they don't want to lug around a bulky DSLR. So I am looking to buy a high end P&S. They would be shooting mostly landscapes and portraits. I came across these 2 models from Canon - G15 and S110. The problem is even Canon store in Bangalore doesn't have a display piece to touch and feel the cameras. They say none of the stores in Bangalore have them. So I have to rely on internet reviews/ user feed back to decide on this.

My question is which of the 2 is better? Or any other camera model you suggest.

PS: We already have a DSLR at home which is in my hand most of the times, thats another reason they want a new camera.
1. Go to and compare the size.

2. If pocketability is the most important criteria - you MUST check out the thickness. Max 1.5" thickness/depth is what your pockets can tolerate. Height and width come later.

3. The high ISO noise of "high end" P&S is not really far away from the normal P&S. The only advantage of "high end" P&S is the PASM modes and the bright lens that gives you about 2 stops advantage compared to normal P&S. That means staying at low ISO most of the times. (Thus better picture quality).
Except Sony rx100 - which has a really bigger sensor and is thus usable at higher ISOs

3. Bright lens and pocket-ability is an oxymoron. Therefore the pocket-able bright lens like Canon s110 (f/2 - f/5.9) and Nikon p310 (f/1.8 - f/4.9) and Sony rx100 (f/1.8 - f/4.9) are bright only at wide end, the stops drop off dramatically as you zoom above 50 mm (in terms of 35 mm format).
So landscapes - cheers, portraits - boo

4. So what is it then? You need to decide what comes first for you - low light ability? manual modes? better looking JPEGs? money? zoom/reach? wide angle? really small size? fixed lens (compared to a MILC)?

Originally Posted by navin View Post
The G15 is not pocketable. In my book Sony's RX100 is not pocketable either. The S110 just about makes it.

If there was one feature I would have asked for in this class of camera is the ability to drop the Megapixel output to say 4M while lowering pixel density and thereby improving light capture in low light conditions. One wierd thing though, when I push Aperture to say f/8 the viewfinder still shows the image like the Aperture if wide open. I wish the viewfinder showed the correct DOF as per Aperture- this seems to be the case of all pocket cameras.
1. I think there is some night mode usually tucked in all Canon pocket cams. I am not sure if it does pixel binning, but the resolution is much lower than other modes.

2. But you do get the actual exposure and DOF view while in full Manual mode. The display (LCD/TFT/OLED) on the back shows exactly* how the pic will "develop".

*Not exactly actually because then I would need to specify the viewing angle, and also the brigthness+contrast+gamma levels of the screen

Originally Posted by aim120 View Post
Sony has recently dropped the price of the NEX 3 to just 14990 it comes with a APS-C size sensor ,so just grab that before its sold out .Already reports are that it has been sold out in most places.NEX5 is available for 19990 it has a magnesium alloy body and takes 1080p videos.
The picture qualities of Sony NEX 3 and 5 is comparable to micro 4/3 Panasonic and Olympus.

The m4/3 have more lenses. And they are more compact too. And faster auto focus. Why would you buy a Sony then?

Only because of Less price.

Last edited by alpha1 : 15th January 2013 at 10:53.
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Old 15th January 2013, 11:14   #5111
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Re: Canon G15 or S110 or anyother

Originally Posted by alpha1 View Post
4. So what is it then? You need to decide what comes first for you - low light ability? manual modes? better looking JPEGs? money? zoom/reach? wide angle? really small size? fixed lens (compared to a MILC)?
Thanks for your views alpha1. The main criteria for me was
- Fixed lens
- PASM modes
- better low light pictures than normal P&S.
I expect better high ISO performance from G15 & S110 than the lower end P&S because of the bigger sensor size (1/1.7" versus 1/2.3")

Based on this I had shortlisted the G15 and S110. Sony Rx100 was above my budget.

Finally, I went ahead with the G15. Decision tilted in favor of G15 for the following reasons
- f1.8-f2.8 lens.
- Only 50$ difference between the S110 and G15.
- I read somewhere that one can add a 1.4x teleconverter to the G15. So that will help me extend the zoom range if I feel the need for it.

I will be getting the camera sometime next month. Will post a review once I lay my hands on it

Thank you one and all for your views and suggestions

Last edited by flycatcher : 15th January 2013 at 11:15.
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Old 15th January 2013, 14:55   #5112
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Each to its own, I still think the Sony DSC-RX100 is a really good "pocket camera" You don't get that much overall capabillity in such a little packet. It's not cheap, but it does pack an awfull lot of punch.

There are only a few pocket size camera's on the market that will have a really good lens and can shoot RAW. Today if you would check with professional photographer what 'pocket camera' they carry as a back up to all their DSLR stuff, most are likely to carry a Cannon S100 or earlier models such as S90. I too own a S90, just in case.

I'm no expert by any means, but I think this dsc-rx100 will start replacing those back up camera's soon.

have a look:

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Old 30th January 2013, 14:03   #5113
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

With a budget of about 15-16K, what is the best P&S can I get? My priority is picture quality both in day time and night time. I generally do not print more than A4 size. Checked out Sony hx-10V, canon SX 160IS and also sony hx-200v (yes, it is expensive, but available in ebay at 21K wih gift coupons). CMOS sensor would be preferred if I am going to spend above 15K. Kindly suggest.

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Old 3rd February 2013, 00:13   #5114
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Originally Posted by sups View Post
With a budget of about 15-16K, what is the best P&S can I get? My priority is picture quality both in day time and night time. I generally do not print more than A4 size. Checked out Sony hx-10V, canon SX 160IS and also sony hx-200v (yes, it is expensive, but available in ebay at 21K wih gift coupons). CMOS sensor would be preferred if I am going to spend above 15K. Kindly suggest.
Increased my P&S budget. Played around with canon SX260, sx50 and nikon p510 in croma. It looks like p510 is an alrounder, liked it. But I see excellent review about nikon P7700 and priced only about 23-24K. Many people claim that its picture quality is at per with expensive G15. Can somebody please share their experience with P7700 and if it has any serious drawbacks.
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Old 4th February 2013, 12:25   #5115
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Requirement: A good P&S camera with some good amount of zoom, no other specific requirements.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-LZ20
21x optical zoom, 16 Mega pixels, 8GB card, pouch - @ 9250 INR

Any opinions about this camera? I compared this against Nikon Coolpix L310, feel Panasonic is slightly more VFM.

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