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Old 8th October 2009, 17:36   #3481
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I am using nikon coolpix S 210, but let me tell you its perfomance is very ordinary. I had used a canon power shot before that which was an excellent camera. In my opnion go for canon cameras in point and shoot categories as they are far superior to nikons.
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Old 8th October 2009, 20:31   #3482
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thank you Sparkled and dkhatau, i will ditch the plans of getting Nikon Coolpix series.

This Digi is for a gift to my wife this diwali. Though she is new to photography but she loves clicking pictures (every women loves to click :-)). I thought Nikon is pretty good and by looking at it, it had very posh look an was very slim.

I have seen Canon A480 but it very bulky though i did like its performance. Any suggestions ? My need is better shutter lag, should be sleek and compact, MegaPixels doesn't matter will be happy even with 7 Max, Vibration control and more important is faster response
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Old 8th October 2009, 23:16   #3483
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Originally Posted by Sawyer View Post
The micro four thirds line up that Olympus and Panasonic are backing seeks to solve just this riddle.
Originally Posted by SPARKled View Post
I think the newer micro 4/3 cameras have an optional accessory of an EVF, which obviously no where close to the functionlaity of real VF, will take care of these problems.
Thank you guys for continuing this technical discussion. Heck, what is this 4 third more third, so I headed straight to Wikipedia and learned a new thing. Funny name for a format I must say. Good that some kind of standardisation is taking place but bad that the two biggest players have not joined it.
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Old 8th October 2009, 23:23   #3484
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Originally Posted by CRV2010 View Post
I have seen Canon A480 but it very bulky though i did like its performance. Any suggestions ? My need is better shutter lag, should be sleek and compact, MegaPixels doesn't matter will be happy even with 7 Max, Vibration control and more important is faster response
At its price point, the A480 is probably a best buy. All the way up to Rs 10k, probably.
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Old 8th October 2009, 23:46   #3485
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thanks Sawyer

I have zeroed it to Canon PowerShot A1100 IS.. Anyone who is using this can post a short review on this ? Please..
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Old 9th October 2009, 06:59   #3486
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What digital camera rates it at 78% to the 91% for the A480. I suspect this is because of price performance, not on basis of absolute performance. As you up the price, other makes come into the reckoning too, probably.
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Old 9th October 2009, 14:41   #3487
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Originally Posted by Sawyer View Post
The noise is probably why the G11 makes history as the first model upgrade to drop megapixels, down to 10 from the 14 on the G10. I think the G9 was more pixels than the G11 too, for that matter.
G10- With 14.7 megapixels of resolution, any portion of any shot is a great candidate for enlargement. Enlarge and crop as your creative vision demands, confident that the detail you need is there for you.
Thats from the G10 ad.
Cant be sure to what degree their claims would hold true.

Originally Posted by Sawyer View Post
The reason for thinking about the Canon is that I feel more confident of service and post purchase accessory availability with Canon India.
Service-yes. accessories-No(i.e. propitiatory stuff). Most likely, one'd not need sevice but may want accessories.
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Old 9th October 2009, 17:41   #3488
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After reading through and, I have zeroed down on "Canon SX 20 IS". Will be getting my cam in Nov when my friend returns. I will buy international warranty on this for peace of mind.
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Old 9th October 2009, 18:00   #3489
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Do check if Canon India honors International Warranties or not.
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Old 9th October 2009, 19:06   #3490
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Hi, I bought Nikon P-80 few months before for making Catalogue of my products but picture are not as crisp as I wanted to.
Kindly, suggest me some better camera.
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Old 9th October 2009, 19:17   #3491
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If Canon does not do International warranties in India, buy warranty from MACH Camera.

I paid $50 for 5 years warranty. Since B&H has India office in Pune, its easy to coordinate with them for warranties. I would suggest but it from B&H.
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Old 10th October 2009, 00:50   #3492
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I have been thinking for sometime to buy a good camera... I am new to photography but would like to follow this interest. I am looking for a camera where I can experiment with the ISO, Aperture, Shutter speed and the white balancing features. Would love to have some Macro capabilities also .

I have short listed the below cameras:

1. Nikon D60
2. Nikon coolpix P90 and
3. Canon Sx10.

What do you guys suggest given the fact, I am very new to all this and till now I have only used a basic Kodak V550 cam.

Eagerly waiting for all your suggestions.

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Old 10th October 2009, 07:16   #3493
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Sam boy, I suggest you first finalize an annual budget for what you are willing to spend on this, and allocate just 50-60% of that to the initial purchase, if you are buying an SLR - which is the way to go, if you can afford the initial system. You will find out other things you need in a few months of use, for spending the rest of the budget! Also, deciding on what kind of subjects you want to take pictures of helps. Choosing a car is a lot easier!
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Old 10th October 2009, 13:51   #3494
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Originally Posted by Sawyer View Post
Sam boy, I suggest you first finalize an annual budget for what you are willing to spend on this, and allocate just 50-60% of that to the initial purchase, if you are buying an SLR - which is the way to go, if you can afford the initial system. You will find out other things you need in a few months of use, for spending the rest of the budget! Also, deciding on what kind of subjects you want to take pictures of helps. Choosing a car is a lot easier!
My budget is around 25 K initially can add 5K if required but nothing more than that... Will add rest of the things depending on the demand and my skills. As far as the subject goes I would like to capture mostly people,animals and things which I see on my daily basis. I would not do any sports or scenic photography much .. That is why I added Macro features in my wishlist .. Hope I am clear with my requirements.

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Old 10th October 2009, 15:32   #3495
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There is a very good camera for approx Rs 30k, the Panasonic DMC LX3. It does not have a zoom that goes to eternity, but the picture quality is brilliant for a compact camera. And it is very good for daily use, because you can use it unobtrusively, it is lightweight, has a fast, low light lens, and is rugged compared to most compacts.
The only downer is that it does not have an upgrade path. In a way, that is a good thing, because you will not be tempted to keep spending money, and the LX3 can meet your needs for years. I am not sure about how close the macro mode goes, you will have to check that out, but it meets all your needs, I think.
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