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View Poll Results: Do you face any Problems with TATA Sky?
Yes 141 39.61%
No 215 60.39%
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Old 7th January 2017, 23:07   #661
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re: The Tata Sky Thread

I have two connections, one is used more frequently than the other in the same premises. If one remains inactive for some time, that get's inactivated from Tata Sky side and I've to write or mail them to get it reactivated even if the dues have been paid regularly. This has been happening for some time and is very annoying.
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Old 9th January 2017, 09:13   #662
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re: The Tata Sky Thread

Originally Posted by Durango Dude View Post
I have two connections, one is used more frequently than the other in the same premises. If one remains inactive for some time, that get's inactivated from Tata Sky side and I've to write or mail them to get it reactivated even if the dues have been paid regularly. This has been happening for some time and is very annoying.
I had this problem with my Dish connection earlier. Solution is to keep the STB in standby mode instead of powering it off completely, in case you are not using it for long.
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Old 6th February 2017, 16:11   #663
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re: The Tata Sky Thread

Ever since cyclone Vardha, there has been a unique problem in my Tatasky Philips CRT TV combo.

When i switch on, the blue screen would persist and only the sounds of the channels would run in the background. After around half an hour (This period kept on increasing over the time to over 2 hours), the images would follow. With a lot of travelling last month, i could not spend time to analyse and troubleshoot it. Tatasky customer care and even my roommates deduced that the TV was well past its prime and needed replacement. With a sentimentality for CRT monitors in the age of LCD/LEDs i was adamant that was not the case.Over few days i noticed that once the images appeared, they would fail to reappear on accidental switching on and off of the Tatasky device. This reinforced my belief.

Finally last week got Tatasky technician to come over and indeed the fault was in the Tatasky device. He only had a HD box available in hand. I did not want him to come back a later date with another box and charge me additional visit fees. So got the box upgraded to Tatasky HD. So finally after a months time got to see the images in TV.

PS : I know i have advertised how lazy i am by taking action on a broken TV a month after problem.
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Old 9th February 2017, 11:25   #664
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re: The Tata Sky Thread

Originally Posted by Durango Dude View Post
I have two connections, one is used more frequently than the other in the same premises. If one remains inactive for some time, that get's inactivated from Tata Sky side and I've to write or mail them to get it reactivated even if the dues have been paid regularly. This has been happening for some time and is very annoying.
I have been observing this issue since years now. The solution for this is to send a SMS as follows - HR to 56633. This will activate the subscription. The logic for this behavior is people who are on a daily or weekly charge plan, it safeguards them from loosing their money and when deactivated their balance does not go down...
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Old 29th March 2017, 10:53   #665
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re: The Tata Sky Thread

I got a Tata Sky HD connection a week ago, and am facing laggy performance with the remote. When I change channels there is an unpredictable lag. Some times the channel changes in a split of a second while sometimes it takes over two seconds. The lag makes me doubt that the button press was not registered which makes me press again and suddenly it skips twice. Is there a setting or a tweak that I can do to improve things? It is extremely annoying.
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Old 23rd April 2017, 10:35   #666
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re: The Tata Sky Thread

Does anybody have the latest list of channels and their numbers so that I can take a print out of the same and have it pasted besides the TV. Navigating via the guide option is not that enriching after all.
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Old 23rd April 2017, 11:10   #667
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Originally Posted by civic-sense View Post
I got a Tata Sky HD connection a week ago, and am facing laggy performance with the remote. When I change channels there is an unpredictable lag. Some times the channel changes in a split of a second while sometimes it takes over two seconds. The lag makes me doubt that the button press was not registered which makes me press again and suddenly it skips twice. Is there a setting or a tweak that I can do to improve things? It is extremely annoying.
Reset your set top box to factory settings, and this problem should go away.
There is an option in setting menu for factory reset, will need password.
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Old 23rd April 2017, 21:10   #668
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re: The Tata Sky Thread

Originally Posted by Majumdarda View Post
Does anybody have the latest list of channels and their numbers so that I can take a print out of the same and have it pasted besides the TV. Navigating via the guide option is not that enriching after all.

By the way the new tree structure of channel list is more user friendly and easy to navigate between different genres.
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Old 3rd June 2017, 16:08   #669
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re: The Tata Sky Thread

I have a dual tv Tata sky setup. I have had no issues with TATA sky for a long time but since the last one month both the tv experience blackouts for couple of seconds on almost all channels. During certain times, they work flawlessly but once it starts experiencing blackouts it stays forever until we shut both the tv sets down out of frustration.

Tata sky engineers have visited and stated that it is an earthing problem at home. I have tested this and it seems to a false theory.
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Old 15th September 2017, 15:51   #670
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re: The Tata Sky Thread

I was planning to renew my tata sky connection, and the renewal rate is much higher than the new connection rate
I don't understand this - a new connection is available for 5.7 to 6.3k, while a renewal is 6.6K

Obvious next step seems to be to get a new connection again - any advice?
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Old 15th September 2017, 16:26   #671
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re: The Tata Sky Thread

Originally Posted by greenhorn View Post
I was planning to renew my tata sky connection, and the renewal rate is much higher than the new connection rate
I don't understand this - a new connection is available for 5.7 to 6.3k, while a renewal is 6.6K

Obvious next step seems to be to get a new connection again - any advice?
I'm sailing in the same boat as you...My TS annual pack renewal is due in 3 days and is costing me 8900; which is way too expensive IMO.
I checked Airtel and almost the same pack annually will cost 5500. But in Airtel, since I'll be a new customer, I must also purchase the STB.
So with the STB added (i'm used to the recording option in TS, so will take the same STB even in Airtel), it comes to 8800. Now, not sure what to do

Last edited by hemanth.anand : 15th September 2017 at 16:28.
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Old 15th September 2017, 19:19   #672
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re: The Tata Sky Thread

If a regular stb will do, check olx. Plenty available from folks switching like us
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Old 23rd November 2017, 00:14   #673
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re: The Tata Sky Thread

The new tata sky portal has serious data security issues. Following screenshots were sent by my friend who was trying to log into their tata sky account for recharge. Instead he could see a couple of different profiles suddenly. The browser used was mozilla firefox and browsing mode was private mode. He is a normal user and doesn't even know programming etc. He was able to see their subscribed pack too.

Sensitive information is already masked for obvious security reasons. Such information in wrong hands can threaten the security of these subscribers.
The Tata Sky Thread-tata-sky11.jpg
The Tata Sky Thread-tata-sky12.jpg
The Tata Sky Thread-tatasky21.jpg
The Tata Sky Thread-tatasky22.jpg
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Old 25th November 2017, 14:06   #674
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re: The Tata Sky Thread

TS is getting more and more expensive. They are forcing me to renew grand sports to Ultra pack to continue with same channels. The packages are tuned in such a way that If i want english pack, I have to opt for Ultra or Platinum which is 560 pm. Very expensive plus the HD Access fee of 175. Donno where is the regulation for customers these days.
Have opted for South Sports Bonanza but not a single english channel now.

Have to revert back to Ultra as we need english pack.
Now annual cost of TS comes to 6160+1990 = 8150. [679 pm].

Individual al-a-carte does not serve the purpose. Utmost when most of us watch max 50-60 channels.
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Old 25th November 2017, 18:56   #675
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re: The Tata Sky Thread

Realizing that I do not watch much, I downgraded to the lowest plan possible. Now when on an odd day, I have to watch a match, I subscribe the channel for a day and unsubscribe the next day. Saves a lot of money.
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