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Old 2nd March 2009, 15:02   #91
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Not a crashed hard disk - still unable to retrieve data!

Alright. This is not a crashed hard disk - but data recovery nevertheless. A friend of mine uses the non-legal version of Windows XP, and somehow MS has detected that and has blocked access to the data. Therefore, he has had a system crash and now when windows boots up - all he sees is a blank screen.

We fixed that, but now we get another screen which asks him to load the authentic version. On a little more digging, we figure out that the data he wants (and obviously not backed up) is on the desktop, and shows up as XX MB's used up. But does not let us access it.

We tried quite a few softwares to pry open and get that folder but to no avail.

What can we do? He does not want the system out of his sight, because that folder has quite a bit of confidential data.
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Old 2nd March 2009, 15:25   #92
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Try this:

1. Boot the PC from Ubuntu CD, no need to install or change anything on PC
2. Attach some pen drive on USB
3. In Ubuntu, navigate to desktop folder and copy files to USB

PM me if any issues or if it seems risky.
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Old 2nd March 2009, 16:18   #93
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Originally Posted by Red Liner View Post
Alright. This is not a crashed hard disk - but data recovery nevertheless. A friend of mine uses the non-legal version of Windows XP, and somehow MS has detected that and has blocked access to the data. Therefore, he has had a system crash and now when windows boots up - all he sees is a blank screen.

We fixed that, but now we get another screen which asks him to load the authentic version. On a little more digging, we figure out that the data he wants (and obviously not backed up) is on the desktop, and shows up as XX MB's used up. But does not let us access it.

We tried quite a few softwares to pry open and get that folder but to no avail.

What can we do? He does not want the system out of his sight, because that folder has quite a bit of confidential data.
do a reinsall of XPP in another folder (not c:\windows). access the data and then format and reinstall.
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Old 2nd March 2009, 16:33   #94
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Originally Posted by Red Liner View Post
But does not let us access it.
Can the folder be copy-pasted?

If not, you need to boot into a mini Personal Environment (or Ubuntu, as NetFreak suggested) and copy the folder to a USB storage device.

And, of course you cannot install XP into a folder! It has to be a drive.

However, I have never heard of such issues with using pirated versions of XP.
If a Genuine Windows Advantage check is done on-line, a star shaped icon will get installed in the tray, and will bother you every so often till you purchase a license!
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Old 2nd March 2009, 16:38   #95
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Originally Posted by anupmathur View Post
However, I have never heard of such issues with using pirated versions of XP.
If a Genuine Windows Advantage check is done on-line, a star shaped icon will get installed in the tray, and will bother you every so often till you purchase a license!
Anup, a friend of mine also had the misfortune of his OS being detected a as non genuine and then the similar sequence of events which have been mentioned above.

To prevent this, one should never download the Genuine Windows Advantage check which shows up with the updates. I was warned.
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Old 2nd March 2009, 16:45   #96
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Originally Posted by benbsb29 View Post
Anup, a friend of mine also had the misfortune of his OS being detected a as non genuine and then the similar sequence of events which have been mentioned above.
To me, this looks more like a scareware trying to milk $$$ out of users.

MS would not do such a thing as locking a user of of his/her data.
Like anything else, their tools/systems for detecting piracy would have issues/bugs. And if they lock out genuine users, it wont go too well with consumer watchdogs in US/EU.
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Old 2nd March 2009, 16:47   #97
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Originally Posted by anupmathur View Post
And, of course you cannot install XP into a folder! It has to be a drive.
Of course, you can. I run 2 different versions of XP on the same drive.
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Old 2nd March 2009, 16:49   #98
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Originally Posted by Red Liner View Post
Alright. This is not a crashed hard disk - but data recovery nevertheless. A friend of mine uses the non-legal version of Windows XP, and somehow MS has detected that and has blocked access to the data. Therefore, he has had a system crash and now when windows boots up - all he sees is a blank screen.

We fixed that, but now we get another screen which asks him to load the authentic version. On a little more digging, we figure out that the data he wants (and obviously not backed up) is on the desktop, and shows up as XX MB's used up. But does not let us access it.

We tried quite a few softwares to pry open and get that folder but to no avail.

What can we do? He does not want the system out of his sight, because that folder has quite a bit of confidential data.
Redliner install XPP using a bootable cd on to a different forlder on C:\Windows 1, because usually XPP is installed on C:\Windows

Then later you can boot from the newly installed XPP and can recover your old desktop from C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop

Let me know if this sort out the issue.

One more option is just remove the HDD and connect it as SLAVE on another system and copy the data which ever you want from your HDD.

Last edited by gowda79 : 2nd March 2009 at 16:51.
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Old 7th March 2009, 13:50   #99
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which brand of HDD for indian conditions ?

Originally Posted by anupmathur View Post
Most probably it is due to the cooling passages being clogged.
It would be advisable to take your laptop to a professional and let him do the cleaning/vacuuming while you watch.

I got the insides cleaned up. It is not warm as before on the heat sink area. It was all fine for a week or so, now it is back to square one. I am getting HDD not found error on boot. But, keep it in refrigerator for couple of hours, it works for some more days, and then back to its old ways.

The HDD is seagate 2.5" IDE 100GB. I might have to go for a new HDD sooner than later. Which brand of internal 2.5" IDE HDD is better for indian conditions ? Please advise.
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Old 7th March 2009, 16:08   #100
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which brand of HDD for indian conditions ?

Originally Posted by anupmathur View Post
Most probably it is due to the cooling passages being clogged.
It would be advisable to take your laptop to a professional and let him do the cleaning/vacuuming while you watch.
I got the insides cleaned up. It is not warm as before on the heat sink area. It was all fine for a week or so, now it is back to square one. I am getting HDD not found error on boot. But, keep it in refrigerator for couple of hours, it works for some more days, and then back to its old ways.

The HDD is seagate 2.5" IDE 100GB. I might have to go for a new HDD sooner than later. Which brand of internal 2.5" IDE HDD is realible for indian conditions ? Please advise.
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Old 7th March 2009, 16:17   #101
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Originally Posted by JMaruru View Post
I got the insides cleaned up. It is not warm as before on the heat sink area. It was all fine for a week or so, now it is back to square one. I am getting HDD not found error on boot. But, keep it in refrigerator for couple of hours, it works for some more days, and then back to its old ways.

The HDD is seagate 2.5" IDE 100GB. I might have to go for a new HDD sooner than later. Which brand of internal 2.5" IDE HDD is realible for indian conditions ? Please advise.
The most widely tried & tested is Seagate.
There should be a three year warranty as well.
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Old 7th March 2009, 20:53   #102
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Originally Posted by JMaruru View Post
I got the insides cleaned up. It is not warm as before on the heat sink area. It was all fine for a week or so, now it is back to square one. I am getting HDD not found error on boot. But, keep it in refrigerator for couple of hours, it works for some more days, and then back to its old ways. The HDD is seagate 2.5" IDE 100GB
Now while working on the laptop, i got the BSOD and the error message is "KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR". The technical message comes out as *** STOP: 0x00000077 (0xC000000E, 0xC000000E,0x00000000, 0x02577000)

What does this suggest ? Please advise.
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Old 8th March 2009, 14:40   #103
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Originally Posted by JMaruru View Post
Not a techie! Google gave this result:

Troubleshooting "Stop 0x00000077" or "KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR"

See if this helps.
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Old 8th March 2009, 18:44   #104
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Originally Posted by JMaruru View Post
"KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR". What does this suggest ? Please advise.
This is a clear warning of impending HDD failure. Basically windows is not able to read few ares of disk that store part of pagefile.

Take a comple backup if you have not done that already.
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Old 9th March 2009, 00:18   #105
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Need to stretch this HDD for another couple of months.

Originally Posted by NetfreakBombay View Post
This is a clear warning of impending HDD failure. Basically windows is not able to read few ares of disk that store part of pagefile.

Take a comple backup if you have not done that already.
I have taken the complete backup. But every now and then it comes up with this BSOD. I would put the HDD back into refrigerator and then it comes back to life. This has happened twice in past 2 weeks.

Is there any way i can save this HDD ? I have run chkdsk and also defrag on the same. If i can somehow stretch this for another 2 months, can myself get a new laptop from states.
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