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Old 28th October 2010, 13:21   #166
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Originally Posted by bigron View Post
I have a 160 gb WD external hard disk. It had pictures and videos off all my dogs when they were pups on it. Some time ago the hard disk crashed and i lost all my data. I have reformated the hard disk and would like to know if there is any effective recovery software free or commercial that I can use to recover the lost files. I have tried a few like pandora and getbackdata and some other but to no avail Any help will be appreciated.

Ps: Some of the data which got lost was encrypted using a software called folderlock.
Getdataback is one of the best low level recovery utilities you can get and if it couldn't recover your data then I wouldn't have much hope. Also try your luck with Stellar Phoenix which is also good. Go to for more information.

Encrypted data can be recovered in the same manner as normal data. You need to use the password to decrypt it after recovery.
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Old 28th October 2010, 17:11   #167
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I guess it is not possible to recover since you have formatted the Hard Disk. However you can try "RECUVA". I have used it earlier and was able to back up all my data.
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Old 28th October 2010, 19:29   #168
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Originally Posted by djjebs View Post
I guess it is not possible to recover since you have formatted the Hard Disk. However you can try "RECUVA". I have used it earlier and was able to back up all my data.
format doesn't affect recovery much, however using the affected HDD will certainly lessen the chances of recovery.

you can try stellar products also, they are also known for good recovery services.
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Old 29th October 2010, 16:09   #169
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Thanks for the reply guys. The fact that the disk is now formatted makes no difference coz most of the recovery softwares will be able to recover data from a re formated disk.Infact i tried using getdataback last night and managed to recover one half of the partition. I am having trouble recovering the encrypted files. Any specific software i could use for recovering encrypted files?
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Old 29th October 2010, 16:18   #170
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Originally Posted by bigron View Post
coz most of the recovery softwares will be able to recover data from a re formated disk
That is only if disk was formatted with "Quick Format" this type of formatting does not touch data.

If full format was performed then there is no way to recover data with software.
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Old 30th October 2010, 11:04   #171
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Originally Posted by bigron View Post
Thanks for the reply guys. The fact that the disk is now formatted makes no difference coz most of the recovery softwares will be able to recover data from a re formated disk.Infact i tried using getdataback last night and managed to recover one half of the partition. I am having trouble recovering the encrypted files. Any specific software i could use for recovering encrypted files?
There's no difference to the way an encrypted file and a normal file is stored on the drive. The difference arises out of the processing/encryption that is done (by folderlock) BEFORE the data is committed to the drive.

If you can't recover your encrypted files it is possible that your data has been partially overwritten inadvertently by your use of the drive post format.

Believe me, GDB is one of the best out there. It has save me more times than I care to remember and I have using it since the past 6-7 years. I have other 'amateur' recovery software as well such as O&O Disk Recovery and Format Recovery. O&O Software - Data Recovery

But IMHO GDB is the best.

If it cannot recover the files then you may want to try data recovery services which can v expensive depending on the size of data that you need recovered. So only use these service if the data is an absolute must have. You can call Stellar Info for their recovery prices. See here Data Recovery | Data Recovery Services | hard disk data recovery

PS - Every PC user buy a data backup and data recovery software. Makes your computing life easier. I've invested in utilities that help me get out of virtually any situation except complete hardware failure.


Last edited by R2D2 : 30th October 2010 at 11:06. Reason: Added PS
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Old 20th July 2011, 11:37   #172
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re: Crashed Hard Disk - Data Recovery?

Hi Guys,

I am in desperate need of your help here. I own a Sony Vaio VPCEB14EN laptop. Lately, I tried to create a third partition (C: and D: were already present) and something went wrong. Since then, a error message that said "Smart Failure predicted, we recommend you to back up your data. Press F1 to continue." started popping up while booting. After a couple of times, the laptop refused to boot up. I took it to the Sony A.S.S in Rajajinagar, Bangalore. They asked me to back up the data and removed the HDD from the laptop. I got the same done from a local computer shop where he used a (USB Cable?) and transferred the data to my external hard disk. I have the data with me now.

But here is where my problem starts. I gave it back to Sony A.S.S and on the second day a person calls me and tells me the HDD is to be replaced and it will cost me INR 10000/- I declined with the hope that something can be done in one of the local shops. My questions:

1. Does licensed Windows 7 allow more than 2 partitions on the HDD?
2. Has my HDD crashed? What does "Smart failure" mean? Please note I could back up my data.
3. Can something be done to the HDD in local shops apart from buying a new one? Also how much does a 320Gb/500Gb HDD cost?
4. While receiving my laptop at the A.S.S, I was told that the service charge is INR 1000/-. Since nothing has been done on my laptop, should I cough up 1000 bucks while taking it back?

From all this, you must surely know by now that I'm not a comp Wiz! Please help!
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Old 20th July 2011, 12:11   #173
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re: Crashed Hard Disk - Data Recovery?

Originally Posted by Added_flavor View Post
Hi Guys,

I am in desperate need of your help here. I own a Sony Vaio VPCEB14EN laptop. Lately, I tried to create a third partition (C: and D: were already present) and something went wrong. Since then, a error message that said "Smart Failure predicted, we recommend you to back up your data. Press F1 to continue." started popping up while booting. After a couple of times, the laptop refused to boot up. I took it to the Sony A.S.S in Rajajinagar, Bangalore. They asked me to back up the data and removed the HDD from the laptop. I got the same done from a local computer shop where he used a (USB Cable?) and transferred the data to my external hard disk. I have the data with me now.

But here is where my problem starts. I gave it back to Sony A.S.S and on the second day a person calls me and tells me the HDD is to be replaced and it will cost me INR 10000/- I declined with the hope that something can be done in one of the local shops. My questions:

1. Does licensed Windows 7 allow more than 2 partitions on the HDD?
2. Has my HDD crashed? What does "Smart failure" mean? Please note I could back up my data.
3. Can something be done to the HDD in local shops apart from buying a new one? Also how much does a 320Gb/500Gb HDD cost?
4. While receiving my laptop at the A.S.S, I was told that the service charge is INR 1000/-. Since nothing has been done on my laptop, should I cough up 1000 bucks while taking it back?

From all this, you must surely know by now that I'm not a comp Wiz! Please help!
1. Yes.
2. SMART failure could be because of many things, temperature/length of usage/even partition(dont knw about this ie partition).You could try and turn it off in the BIOS, and see how long the HDD lasts, since youve already backed up your could look for the HDD maker's own diagnostic tool and run it and see what the error is.
3. ref 2...
4.Yes, Or as i have found out , at sony auth service, youre charged even if they just touch the device(not a bad thing, since most sony devices are complicated enough, but still stings).

Last edited by mayankk : 20th July 2011 at 12:16.
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Old 20th July 2011, 12:24   #174
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re: Crashed Hard Disk - Data Recovery?

Originally Posted by Added_flavor View Post
1. Does licensed Windows 7 allow more than 2 partitions on the HDD?
Partitioning is dependent on disk size. Each bootable partition can be 2TB on Win7.

2. Has my HDD crashed? What does "Smart failure" mean? Please note I could back up my data.
Its gone. And in this age of cheap hardware trying to recover a disk doesn't make good economic sense. You got your data. Bin the HDD.

3. Can something be done to the HDD in local shops apart from buying a new one? Also how much does a 320Gb/500Gb HDD cost?
5-7k for new one.

4. While receiving my laptop at the A.S.S, I was told that the service charge is INR 1000/-. Since nothing has been done on my laptop, should I cough up 1000 bucks while taking it back?
You bought a Sony you agreed to their terms.
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Old 2nd November 2012, 15:35   #175
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re: Crashed Hard Disk - Data Recovery?

Think of the problem and we have a thread.

I have lost some videos in a pen drive, its a 128GB pen drive and i wish to recover the data. I tried putting it in freezer a few times and the drive came to life and showed me the contents but did not stay long enough for me to copy.

Later i gave it to Steller Info, and today after 2 months of trying they tell me they are not able to recover.

Could someone help me with professional data recovery experts, in India (Outside i am not very sure how to pay and communicate). They need to be good and i am willing to pay whatever are the charges.

I am sure the data is in there, as i have myself seen it.
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Old 2nd November 2012, 15:58   #176
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re: Crashed Hard Disk - Data Recovery?

Originally Posted by mayankjha1806 View Post
Could someone help me with professional data recovery experts, in India (Outside i am not very sure how to pay and communicate). They need to be good and i am willing to pay whatever are the charges.
I have heard good reviews on SpinRite ( Haven't used it and hence I am not sure how to use this application in your case. This is another option.

Related thread:
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Old 2nd November 2012, 16:02   #177
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re: Crashed Hard Disk - Data Recovery?

Originally Posted by msdivy View Post
I have heard good reviews on SpinRite
Thanks, but i know this would not work as its not a hard drive, its a flash drive (Pen drive) and the drive does not gets recognized when inserted in the usb slot (On RHEL/Mac/Windows and 3 different hardware).

Need someone who can do this at hardware level.
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Old 19th November 2012, 10:45   #178
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re: Crashed Hard Disk - Data Recovery?

I have a rather serious problem with my Hard disk(s) and need help from members.
I have a Seagate Barracuda 500GB hard disk drive purchased two years back, still in warranty. About three months back, the drive started to give out ocassional clicking noises and the computer would hang. I have another 80GB barracuda from more than five years which is having the OS in it. That drive has never given problems, however, this 500GB drive started making clicking noises, whose frequency of occurrence increased by the day. Finally, I returned the drive to seagate and got a replacement in three days. However, to my surprise, the replacement drive has also started making the same clicking noise and causes the computer to hang. Now I have disconnected the drive and the comp is running perfectly.

Why does this problem occur? Is there a mistake at my end? When I ran SeaTools test on the previous drive, it failed all tests, whereas the older 80GB drive as well as a portable HDD brought recently passed all tests. So I think there is a problem specific to the 500GB drive. I think I will have to send the current one for replacement too. But before that, I wanted to know is there any cause for this problem?
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Old 19th November 2012, 11:56   #179
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No problem on your end unless you dropped it.the replacement drives are refurbished, not new,so its possible the replacement fails early......
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Old 20th November 2012, 09:18   #180
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re: Crashed Hard Disk - Data Recovery?

Been using a WD Elements 1TB for around a 2 and a half years now. The hard disk started giving me problems around 9 months back I guess. Made clicking sound. Wouldn't respond even though it was recognised by Windows but somehow it continued to work.

A week or so ago I connected the hard disk to find that it had gone KAPUT! Was constantly clicking. WD Diagnostics says it has WAY too many bad sectors. Then, it was recognized as a 2TB drive by Win 7 and could not be formatted. Tried freezing it for a day and then using it ASAP but no luck. This particular one runs on micro-USB so the hard disk inside enclosure can't be accessed by connecting to SATA as well.

Called western digital. They say they don't repair hard disks but they only replace if they are under warranty. Is there any way to get the hard disk working again or should I just consider it 5k down the drain and get a new one?

There is no important data on the drive as such. Just a backup of my important data.

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