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View Poll Results: Which streaming device do you prefer?
Amazon Fire stick 197 58.28%
Google Chromecast 40 11.83%
Apple TV 32 9.47%
Inbuilt apps of my Smart TV 53 15.68%
Other (please specify in your post) 16 4.73%
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Old 18th November 2022, 23:37   #121
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Re: Amazon Fire Stick vs Google Chrome Cast vs Apple TV : Your choice?

Originally Posted by mpthy View Post
It could be a power supply issue. I’ve noticed this happening if I use the TV’s usb port or a cheap power adapter to supply power.

How do you power up the Stick?
Hi mpthy,

Power for the Amazon Fire TV stick is directly from a 220V wall socket through an original Amazon adaptor (which came with the stick) to the stick which is plugged in to one of the HDMI ports on the TV.

In fact, I have 2 such sticks and both are not working which is really strange.

I have tried switching off and on, interchanging HDMI ports, switching TV off and on, changing batteries in the remotes but no success.

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Old 19th November 2022, 08:01   #122
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Re: Amazon Fire Stick vs Google Chrome Cast vs Apple TV : Your choice?

Originally Posted by suzuki san View Post
In fact, I have 2 such sticks and both are not working which is really strange.
This points to a common cause, I would guess it to be network related.
Post the loading logo we're supposed to see the Home screen which needs a connection to the server which in your case seems to be the issue.

Assuming you have already checked your wifi for signal quality and connection some suggestions based on the above point :

1. I doubt this will happen on boot screen but if you can get to the settings (long press home button) and check your network status.

2. Power off the stick, switch off the network the Firestick is connected to and then switch the Firestick back on. If you can get to the empty home screen, get to the network settings by long pressing the home button or from a popup screen which is supposed to show up citing lack of connection.
Then go to the network, forget and reconnect.

3. As a last ditch effort, leave the stick on overnight, in case its stuck in any process which needs to be completed.

4. If the above actions don't work then contact Amazon Support.

Once you get access, check the status of your storage and apps.
Good Luck.

PS : I had a Firestick fail on me once. In that case you don't see any logo/loading screen when you switch over to it.
So in case you're wondering your stick hasn't failed IMO.

Last edited by shancz : 19th November 2022 at 08:03. Reason: spacing
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Old 19th November 2022, 09:29   #123
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Re: Amazon Fire Stick vs Google Chrome Cast vs Apple TV : Your choice?

Originally Posted by suzuki san View Post
Hi Guys,

I am having some issues with my Amazon Fire Stick and would appreciate some help please. A month ago it was working fine.

It keeps trying to "Optimize" but nothing happens.

Can anyone please suggest a fix for this please?

Thanks & Regards,
Most probably a recent update messed up your setup. Try factory reset. There is a specific combination of keys to be pressed on the remote - back + right arrow for around 8-10 secs

See if that works.
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Old 20th November 2022, 12:29   #124
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Re: Amazon Fire Stick vs Google Chrome Cast vs Apple TV : Your choice?

Originally Posted by shancz View Post
This points to a common cause, I would guess it to be network related.

Assuming you have already checked your wifi for signal quality and connection some suggestions based on the above point :
Hi Shancz and ToThePoint,

Thanks for your valuable suggestions.

ToThePoint : Factory Reset would not work at all.

When I finally managed to get to the home screen, "Yes"! It was a Network fault!!

Shancz, I did as you suggested below and actually managed to get the Firestick working. Watched a bit of Netflix and then put it on pause for 15 minutes to have lunch.
Sadly, when I returned, the screen was black and it was doing it's "Optimising" routine again.

Any ideas what could be the problem now? Could my router be faulty?

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Old 20th November 2022, 13:39   #125
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Re: Amazon Fire Stick vs Google Chrome Cast vs Apple TV : Your choice?

Originally Posted by suzuki san View Post
1. Any ideas what could be the problem now?
2. Could my router be faulty?
1. Does this happen for both your Firesticks like you had mentioned earlier ?
2. Connect the Firestick to your mobile hotspot to rule out any issues with your router, hoping you have good mobile data coverage at your location.

Somehow your network seems to have issues in connecting to the Amazon servers. I am guessing that when paused, either your Firestick wants to show you Amazon wallpapers and gets stuck or some other background process triggers, not sure on this though.

Some steps :
- Get to the Firestick settings as earlier and clear the cache on the Firestick. Either remove unwanted apps or do a factory reset if possible but I think thats only possible when you're online. Use the hotspot for this if needed.

- Assuming you have already gone through some online troubleshooting but just putting it out here in case you hadn't :
Lifewire : Firestick Optimising issue.

Last edited by shancz : 20th November 2022 at 14:00. Reason: spacing
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Old 2nd August 2024, 13:39   #126
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Re: Amazon Fire Stick vs Google Chrome Cast vs Apple TV : Your choice?

My Amazon Fire stick refuses to boot up, I have tried factory resetting it using the remote etc. but of no use. Can anything be done about it or should simply scrap it and buy a new one?
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Old 12th August 2024, 14:21   #127
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Re: Amazon Fire Stick vs Google Chrome Cast vs Apple TV : Your choice?

Anyone using Amazon Fire TV Cube 3rd gen (currently available on Amazon). Want to know your feedback. There is a HDMI IN port to which one can connect Dish STB / CCTV and its also mentioned that Tata Play, Airtel STBs are compatible. How is this feature working as it eliminates the use of 2 separate remotes (STB remote and Amazon remote) and use only Amazon remote to control even STB channels. Does it also work with Tata Play Binge STB. Because of this feature getting attracted to Fire TV Cube.

Also how is Apple TV 4K that's available in the market now compared to Cube. There is a difference of 2K between the prices of Cube (12999) and Apple TV 4K (14999). Is a newer model expected in near future.

Do both devices support HDR on YouTube apps.

Thanks in advance.

Last edited by vvrchandra : 12th August 2024 at 14:32.
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Old 9th September 2024, 12:49   #128
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Re: Amazon Fire Stick vs Google Chrome Cast vs Apple TV : Your choice?

Hi guys,

I have a problem in connecting 5.1 channel sound system from my Jio Air fiber STB (already mentioned this topic in Home theater thread).

The problem with the new Jio STB is that it has only one HDMI port and then 2 USB ports, which is of no use. No Audio out ports, hence unable to connect to home theater.

As written in Samsung TV manual, I have connected the TV to DVD/Home theater by an Optical cable and as such I get 2.1 channel sound but not 5.1 channels.

I have checked with various YouTube videos/discussions, and they all sure that the new Jio STB cannot be connected with 5.1 systems. However, a couple of vloggers suggested using an Amazon Fire stick or MI box to get 5.1 system working.

And then use a Decoder or extractor connected to Fire stick or Mi box to get 5.1 channels. Is this set up will solve my problem?

My question is by connecting another set up i.e. Fire stick or MI box, do I still need to have the Jio STB for TV channels as the new Fire stick or MI box also has to be connected to the TV which means multiple connections going to the TV - Will it have any problem?

Just to clarify, I watch mostly TV channel contents than OTT platforms, hence connecting to a fire stick or Mi box may not be much useful to me except for the 5.1 channel setup.
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