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Old 22nd April 2021, 06:46   #181
Join Date: Feb 2005
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Re: Apple iPhone 12 launched!

By the way gents, got myself Airpods Max and although I dont call myself an audiophile (its more about convenience and good enough sound), I can say for sure that these are the best bluetooth headphones by far. I am absolutely blown away by the soundstage, to even hearing the subtle moving of the air with the guitar chords, to instruments that i just wasnt able to hear earlier and some which werent prominent enough and the last time I had this sort of epiphany was when I head music through Ultimate Ears Triple Fi Pro's. They are so good that I had goosebumps! And I havent even come to noise cancellation yet!

The Sony's and Bose arent even close and the noise cancellation is almost too good, so good that I can hear myself speaking! The transparency mode is just beyond every other headphone. You can actually make out where the sound is coming from and it almost as if you arent wearing any headphones at all. The build quality is beyond parallel too. If you have any questions, ask away.

Source of music is Apple Music on an iPhone 12 Pro Max.

P.S. I have owned and extensively used - Bose QC35 II, Sony XM3, Bose 700, Airpods Pro, Jabra 65T's and wired Ultimate Ears Triple Fi Pro's.

Last edited by extreme_torque : 22nd April 2021 at 07:00.
extreme_torque is offline   (4) Thanks

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