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Old 13th March 2018, 19:25   #8596
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Originally Posted by aim120 View Post

If anyone considering a Sony 4k tvs, only models from X9000 and above have VA panels. The lower end models all have LG made IPS panels, some models like the X7000 even have a BOE ADS panel, which is even worse then even IPS panel in black levels.
That is surprising, disappointing and shocking. That is probably not mentioned in broschure or specs. I am contemplaring Sony W7xx series Full HD with Triluminous display. Is it VA panel or IPS. If IPS panel then better to go with LG. What is the opinion here?
Difference in price of models with similar features between full HD and 4k is 30k.
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Old 14th March 2018, 12:18   #8597
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Re: The TV Thread - LCD, LED etc.

Originally Posted by HydroFuel View Post
That is surprising, disappointing and shocking. That is probably not mentioned in broschure or specs. I am contemplaring Sony W7xx series Full HD with Triluminous display. Is it VA panel or IPS. If IPS panel then better to go with LG. What is the opinion here?
Difference in price of models with similar features between full HD and 4k is 30k.
I was of the impression that IPS panels are bteer than VA panels, except for better blacks. Did something change when I wasn't looking?

Originally Posted by aim120 View Post
Unless your tv is kaput, better to wait for OLED to drop in prices.
That is sound advice. Except that prices have not moved in the last 1 year while I had been looking. LG OLED has always been around 2L. Unless more manufacturers bring their OLED TVs prices would not drop.
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Old 14th March 2018, 15:28   #8598
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Re: The TV Thread - LCD, LED etc.

Originally Posted by HydroFuel View Post
That is surprising, disappointing and shocking. That is probably not mentioned in broschure or specs. I am contemplaring Sony W7xx series Full HD with Triluminous display. Is it VA panel or IPS. If IPS panel then better to go with LG. What is the opinion here?
Difference in price of models with similar features between full HD and 4k is 30k.
I checked, all the models below X9000E have IPS panels. Some versions have a BOE ADS panel which is like IPS but worse in contrast.
Low end models of only 40" size do have a VA panel.

VA is generally considered better for TV applications since they offer higher contrast ratio, meaning better perception of depth in the image. Compared to IPS, the only area they are not good is viewing angle. Pretty much since the last decade every year, the best performance crown always went to a lcd tv with VA panel.

Currently pretty much every large size OLED tv out there as a panel made by LG, so there is no competition for LG but they are getting cheaper.

Sony is still importing large size tvs and gets huge custom duties, again this means no competition to LG OLED tvs.

Last edited by aim120 : 14th March 2018 at 15:30.
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Old 17th March 2018, 18:32   #8599
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Re: The TV Thread - LCD, LED etc.

The TV Thread - LCD, LED etc.-img_1857.jpg

Finally got my Vu TV delivered and set it up alongside my PC. Got a Videocon D2H connection and the HD channels are simply awesome. Playing HD content from the PC and 1080p gaming is a breeze in this thing. And for the price I paid, couldn't have asked for more
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Old 19th March 2018, 20:14   #8600
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Re: The TV Thread - LCD, LED etc.

I am eagerly waiting for 65 inch version. Is its launched anywhere below 60,000 INR, it’s going to awesome. I know people are complaining about black color depth etc. but what are you expecting at this cost.

Do any one have any tentative idea of launch date, is it even coming in next couple of months?
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Old 20th March 2018, 12:46   #8601
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Re: The TV Thread - LCD, LED etc.

Am looking for a 32" TV. This is not the main TV in the house so dont want to spend much.
Thought of picking up a Vu , query for those who have one do you how many of these formats are supported by Vu ?
MKV/ MP4 / AVI / MOV ?
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Old 20th March 2018, 12:55   #8602
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Re: The TV Thread - LCD, LED etc.

Thanks for some pointers. I am thinking of buying a 55 inch LG OLED B7 for 1.8. Any other non-OLED options at 1-1.5. Someone suggested Sony 49 9000 series. 4K is a must.
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Old 20th March 2018, 16:23   #8603
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Re: The TV Thread - LCD, LED etc.

Originally Posted by Fillmore View Post
Am looking for a 32" TV. This is not the main TV in the house so dont want to spend much.
Thought of picking up a Vu , query for those who have one do you how many of these formats are supported by Vu ?
MKV/ MP4 / AVI / MOV ?
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Old 23rd March 2018, 15:01   #8604
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Re: The TV Thread - LCD, LED etc.

I need help from fellow members. I have a 4 to 5 year old Samsung Plasma PS64F8500 64 inch plasma TV whose screen has developed a line across the breath of the TV. I inquired with the samsung service center and they said the entire display panel needs to be replaced and will cost 1 lacs or so. Whats the best alternative to it. I mean can I source the panel from outside and get it fixed or should I just go through the official channel and bear the cost.

The TV was bought for about 2 lacs plus. Any suggestions help or opinions would be most welcomed. Thanks in advance.
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Old 23rd March 2018, 16:26   #8605
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Re: The TV Thread - LCD, LED etc.

Plasma tv production was ceased years ago, I doubt you can find a panel from other sources since sales of plasma tv where minuscule.

It will be a waste to spend so much repairing a 1080p tv and that to a power hungry plasma, dark room blacks not withstanding, a LCD tv will show superior contrast level when room is lit and has superior backlight lumen to neutralize the glare from sun or artificial light source.

Last edited by aim120 : 23rd March 2018 at 16:31.
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Old 23rd March 2018, 16:27   #8606
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Re: The TV Thread - LCD, LED etc.

Originally Posted by abs182 View Post
Any suggestions help or opinions would be most welcomed. Thanks in advance.
Repairing TVs is very expensive and doesn't make any viable sense. Definitely, don't try to repair it from anyone besides Samsung. Instead of spending 1 lakh on fixing it, you can buy a similar size newer TV for approx the same price or even cheaper if you switch brands.

Amazon has a sale on today, go check it out you will definitely find something worthwhile.
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Old 23rd March 2018, 16:32   #8607
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Re: The TV Thread - LCD, LED etc.

Originally Posted by abs182 View Post
I need help from fellow members. I have a 4 to 5 year old Samsung Plasma PS64F8500 64 inch plasma TV whose screen has developed a line across the breath of the TV. I inquired with the samsung service center and they said the entire display panel needs to be replaced and will cost 1 lacs or so. Whats the best alternative to it. I mean can I source the panel from outside and get it fixed or should I just go through the official channel and bear the cost.

The TV was bought for about 2 lacs plus. Any suggestions help or opinions would be most welcomed. Thanks in advance.
I have the same TV and it had a 4 yr extended warranty on it , panel was replaced twice for free and motherboard once . After warranty , the same problem occured , called the samsung tech , he said just deny service from samsung because they will ask you to put new panel followed by new motherboard . Where as its just a matter of repairing teh motherboard . He fixed it for 2000 Rs . Took the motherboard home and fixed it himself and got it back the next day .
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Old 24th March 2018, 14:28   #8608
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Re: The TV Thread - LCD, LED etc.

Originally Posted by gautamkhadse View Post
I have the same TV and it had a 4 yr extended warranty on it , panel was replaced twice for free and motherboard once . After warranty , the same problem occured , called the samsung tech , he said just deny service from samsung because they will ask you to put new panel followed by new motherboard . Where as its just a matter of repairing teh motherboard . He fixed it for 2000 Rs . Took the motherboard home and fixed it himself and got it back the next day .
How do you determine whether its the panel or the motherboard? I mean ablack line across the screen would mean panel problem. I mean how can I determine whether its a motherboard issue?

Originally Posted by Sahil View Post
Repairing TVs is very expensive and doesn't make any viable sense. 1 lakh on fixing it, you can buy a similar size newer TV for approx the same price or even cheaper if you switch brands.

Amazon has a sale on today, go check it out you will definitely find something worthwhile.
I am biased towards plasmas. This was meant to be the last great plasma supposedly but the problems I have with LED etc is the weak native speakers they're fixed with. Nevertheless I'll think about it too if I cannot find any other alternative.
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Old 24th March 2018, 15:01   #8609
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Re: The TV Thread - LCD, LED etc.

Originally Posted by abs182 View Post
I need help from fellow members. I have a 4 to 5 year old Samsung Plasma PS64F8500 64 inch plasma TV whose screen has developed a line across the breath of the TV. I inquired with the samsung service center and they said the entire display panel needs to be replaced and will cost 1 lacs or so. Whats the best alternative to it. I mean can I source the panel from outside and get it fixed or should I just go through the official channel and bear the cost.
This is a known flaw with this TV. It would run really hot and would die sooner or later - either the plasma panel or the electronics. That is the primary reason why this TV was discontinued.
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Old 24th March 2018, 18:59   #8610
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I have the Samsung PS51F5500 which was bought around 4 years back. It was such a shame, that by the time I could afford buying a bigger TV, Panasonic stopped making Plasmas. However this one seemed to be a popular model with many people buying it over at HiFiVision.
I got free extended warranty as well but thankfully I never needed to utilize it. Mine was always run in an AC room apart from a few months in the winter. I think that might be one of the reasons for it's trouble free life. The slim frame definitely doesn't bode well for such a unit especially if mounted on the wall so it seems an AC room is definitely needed. I am going to get a stabilizer for mine as voltage fluctuates a lot where I live now and that is also a known reason for electronics failure like the power board.

Although, our regular TV viewing is on a VU Led these days, I still don't know what I would replace my Plasma with, if it were to conk off.
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