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Old 4th July 2018, 10:59   #3181
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re: The Desktop Computer & Configuration Thread

Originally Posted by typlo View Post

P.S: Can anyone advise me on this: Click Here!
I would go for the I7 models.

If you want to go with HP, I find no difference in hardware specs of both the HP I5, s the one at 69,729.00 would be my choice
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Old 15th July 2018, 14:53   #3182
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Re: The Desktop Computer & Configuration Thread

Thanks everyone! I hopefully, will be going ahead with this one. I'm choosing Core i5 over i7 because of some budget constraints. Will be shopping around in town to find a better deal than what Amazon is offering right now. Hopefully, I can get it within 60k - 70k range.
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Old 27th July 2018, 11:04   #3183
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Re: The Desktop Computer & Configuration Thread

Originally Posted by typlo View Post
Any suggestions are appreciated.
I would not pursue an SSD upgrade on a 5-7 year old laptop. I tried it and while there definitely was an improvement, the SSD itself was operating in a choked state as the rest of the system I/O could not really cope. It took just a couple of months for me to bin the laptop for a brand new desktop with the latest Intel i5 chip and ultra fast M2 storage.

High performance laptops do cost a bit and I am sure you will agree that 48k on a laptop in 2012-2013 was quite a bit. A high performance laptop today will set you back no less than a lac.

Core i7 based laptops are expensive. If your work demands this, there is no other go. You might also want to look for options with an M2 (or Pcie) based solid state drive. Even faster than your standard fair ssd. As this is a long term purchase, you might as well get a good one.

Last edited by sandeepmohan : 27th July 2018 at 11:09.
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Old 10th September 2018, 16:50   #3184
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Re: My Gaming Rig with specs and pictures

Well, a quick search helped me find this thread and I am not sure if there is another one with recent comments/suggestions, however, can someone suggest a gaming rig build? I intend to build just a cpu and connect it to my Bravia for playing games. This helps in allocating more budget on components for the CPU. Games that I intend to play are CS:GO, PubG etc.
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Old 11th September 2018, 18:39   #3185
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Re: The Desktop Computer & Configuration Thread

I have decided to build myself a budget gaming PC, around the i5 8400 processor.

These are the components chosen:

1. Intel i5 8400 processor.
2. Gigabyte B360 Auros Gaming 3 mother board.
3. Gigabyte GTX 1060 6GB DDR5 GPU.
4. 16 GB Vengeance LED DDR4 RAM.
5. A 250 GB SSD just for the OS, and 1TB HDD for data.
6. Corsair VS 550 power supply (Salvaging from the old PC).
7. Cooler master Mastercase lite 5 Case or Gigabyte AC300W R2 gaming case.
8. Samsung's 24 inch HD monitor.

This seems to be the best I can go for as my budget is around Rs. 60,000.

How does it look? Suggestions please? And I'm also looking for suggestions regarding the brands I have chosen!
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Old 12th September 2018, 00:51   #3186
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Re: The Desktop Computer & Configuration Thread

I'm looking to upgrade my WD 2TB internal HDD to a 4TB one. For my 7200 rpm requirement, my choice is Seagate Barracuda for about 10k or Western Digital Purple for 14.5k. Which is better?

Note: This pc is used for graphic designing, and my files routinely cross 1gb in size (1 file). Some have crossed 2gb too, so file integrity is important.

PS: The system is a 2 year old pc with i5 processor, 120Gb SSD for Win 10 and programs, 32gm RAM.
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Old 12th September 2018, 02:41   #3187
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Re: The Desktop Computer & Configuration Thread

Originally Posted by samaspire View Post
I'm looking to upgrade my WD 2TB internal HDD to a 4TB one. For my 7200 rpm requirement, my choice is Seagate Barracuda for about 10k or Western Digital Purple for 14.5k. Which is better?

Note: This pc is used for graphic designing, and my files routinely cross 1gb in size (1 file). Some have crossed 2gb too, so file integrity is important.

PS: The system is a 2 year old pc with i5 processor, 120Gb SSD for Win 10 and programs, 32gm RAM.
The purple line is for the surveillance grade tapes. Barracuda is more for consumer level. You can go for Wd black for a little more performance if you can find it
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Old 12th September 2018, 12:51   #3188
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Re: The Desktop Computer & Configuration Thread

Originally Posted by samaspire View Post
I'm looking to upgrade my WD 2TB internal HDD to a 4TB one. For my 7200 rpm requirement, my choice is Seagate Barracuda for about 10k or Western Digital Purple for 14.5k. Which is better?

Note: This pc is used for graphic designing, and my files routinely cross 1gb in size (1 file). Some have crossed 2gb too, so file integrity is important.

PS: The system is a 2 year old pc with i5 processor, 120Gb SSD for Win 10 and programs, 32gm RAM.
Unless your software uses HDD heavily, you will not find much difference in throughput between 5400 and 7200 drives. The throughput is mostly limited by the SATA card/chip you have.
Check on Amazon, the prices for 4TB, most of them are around 10K. At times Snapdeal has 10% discount of relevant cards. I bought 2 x 4TB external drives at that discount.

WD purple is a surveillance drive meant for streaming. If you need 7200 RPM then the following are the drives
. Red Pro NAS
. Gold Enterprise
. Black Performance

Barracuda 7200 2.5 and 3 inch drives
Ironwolf >= 6TB
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Old 17th September 2018, 17:16   #3189
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Re: The Desktop Computer & Configuration Thread

What would a i7 8700K based video editing pc config look like. While gaming is welcome I simply want a really fast video editing rig and if it does video editing quite well I'm sure it can do gaming well too.

What I've figured out over the last few days of research would be that I need i7 8700K processor and a Gigabyte Z370 Aorus 5 motherboard (Gigabyte motherboard reviews make it look pretty reliable over others). Also, this motherboard has been used with this processor quite a few times in pc builds which gives me confidence.

GPU would most likely be a GTX 1060 6 GB unless GTX 1080 8 GB is available for 7-8k more. Since video converter & editing software these days make use of GPU it'd be good to have a decent GPU.

Then I started looking for Cabinets and realized that I'd most likely be going with a mid-size tower cabinet. However, Cooler Master's HAF XB II EVO caught my attention as its a really sturdy cabinet which places motherboard in its best possible position instead of it dangling sideways. I wonder why such cabinets aren't as popular, maybe space issue?

So questions now would be what are some good cabinets that can work with air cooling only, not convinced if liquid cooling is really significantly effective. Cabinets that have fans up top would be preferred as those are most effective.

Then suggestions welcome of what kind of RAM I should be considering (need 16GB at least) amongst other things. Please suggest a complete config, thanks!
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Old 18th September 2018, 12:13   #3190
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Re: The Desktop Computer & Configuration Thread

Originally Posted by fine69 View Post
What would a i7 8700K based video editing pc config look like. While gaming is welcome I simply want a really fast video editing rig and if it does video editing quite well I'm sure it can do gaming well too.
Then suggestions welcome of what kind of RAM I should be considering (need 16GB at least) amongst other things. Please suggest a complete config, thanks!
I suggest that you first study the configurations of "Desktop Work Stations" of major PC suppliers - Dell, HP and Lenovo. That will give you an idea of what sort of performance is available.

The advantage of machines from reputed manufacturers are
. Stable configuration
. Warranty
. Certified for major softwares
The only disadvantage is price, which is slowly narrowing down.

If you want to run your system for long time, say 10 years, then a Dual XEON based system with ECC RAM is a better option. XEON based MB and power supplies last for ages, as they are used for servers running 24x7.

I assembled a dual XEON machine ten years ago, and it is still going full blast. The only thing that I keep upgrading is HDD (started with 80GB, then 160GB, 320GB, 750GB and now 2TB). My cabinet supports 10+ slots and at present I have 6 HDD (limited by onboard SATA), I plan to get a SATA board and increase the number of HDD.
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Old 18th September 2018, 13:22   #3191
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Re: The Desktop Computer & Configuration Thread

Originally Posted by Aroy View Post
I suggest that you first study the configurations of "Desktop Work Stations" of major PC suppliers - Dell, HP and Lenovo. That will give you an idea of what sort of performance is available....
That is what I did at first and realized that i7 8700K based PCs were turning out to be too expensive on amazon.

I have the major components finalized in my head, just wasn't too sure about the High Air Flow cabinet that Cooler Master is offering hence the thought of posting it out here as its one of a kind cabinet.

As far as assembling components, plan is to go to Nehru Place (Cost to Cost or Gigabyte center), finalize the components and get it assembled by their guys only. Have seen pretty impressive cable management from these guys.
Originally Posted by Aroy View Post
If you want to run your system for long time, say 10 years, then a Dual XEON based system with ECC RAM is a better option. XEON based MB and power supplies last for ages, as they are used for servers running 24x7.
Since primary function of the desktop would be to handle video editing & gaming I'm not sure if a power failure or BSOD is really too much to worry about.

Then video editing & gaming benchmarks on youtube and other popular tech forums tell me that xeon based machines would be at par when it comes to video editing (not highly significant cost-performance advantage) and may not outperform i7 8700k in gaming because most games still don't make use of many cores.

I'm thinking I should be able to get a i7 8700K & GTX 1060 6GB based setup in under 150k (monitor, keyboard, mouse included) but not sure if a xeon based setup that can beat it can be done in under 150k.

Lastly, I have no clue where to begin even if there was a xeon based editing/gaming setup that makes sense over a i7 8700k based setup.

PS: My assumption was that a good i7 8700k based video editing pc would be good at gaming as well but looks like xeon may give me a good video editing rig but not really a great gaming rig, thoughts? I mean after spending 150k I really don't want NOT to be able to game on it.
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Old 18th September 2018, 17:14   #3192
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Re: The Desktop Computer & Configuration Thread

Originally Posted by fine69 View Post
I'm thinking I should be able to get a i7 8700K & GTX 1060 6GB based setup in under 150k (monitor, keyboard, mouse included) but not sure if a xeon based setup that can beat it can be done in under 150k.

Lastly, I have no clue where to begin even if there was a xeon based editing/gaming setup that makes sense over a i7 8700k based setup.

PS: My assumption was that a good i7 8700k based video editing pc would be good at gaming as well but looks like xeon may give me a good video editing rig but not really a great gaming rig, thoughts? I mean after spending 150k I really don't want NOT to be able to game on it.
Your assumption is correct. I'm currently running an i7 8700K setup with a GTX 1080 Ti 11GB, and the gaming performance is mindblowing!
I have to admit that I don't do too much of video editing, but I can tell you that this processor definitely packs enough punch for video editing. A Xeon based setup is really about durability, with enough computing power for a server, but doesn't focus on outright performance. Since you want to use this setup for gaming as well, I definitely recommend the 8700K.

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Old 19th September 2018, 21:17   #3193
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Re: The Desktop Computer & Configuration Thread

Originally Posted by fine69 View Post
What would a i7 8700K based video editing pc config look like. While gaming is welcome I simply want a really fast video editing rig and if it does video editing quite well I'm sure it can do gaming well too.

Then suggestions welcome of what kind of RAM I should be considering (need 16GB at least) amongst other things. Please suggest a complete config, thanks!
Here is a suggested build for your budget of 150k:
The cabinet is not included in this price, but I'm sure with some searching online and offline, you can get everything to fit in your budget.

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Old 9th October 2018, 15:45   #3194
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Re: The Desktop Computer & Configuration Thread

Intel has launched their 9th gen processors and as a tech noob I'm not sure if 2 extra cores with 4 less threads is a good deal or not.

Launch news

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Old 24th October 2018, 14:32   #3195
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Re: The Desktop Computer & Configuration Thread

Hello all,
I Need Suggestions for a 24 Inch Full HD Monitor. Either HP or Dell. I am open for suggestions.
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