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Old 23rd September 2019, 14:38   #16
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Re: The '3D Printer' thread

Originally Posted by srini1785 View Post
I need some help from forum members who are familiar with this subject. I have an old General make MG345 boombox which i ....

I need some advice on services in bangalore which offer this type of 3d scanning and printing service.
If you have 3D model, then I can give a shot at 3D printing without any cost.
I have 3D printer at home only problem is I am in Germany. I can send with sombody who is travelling from Germany to India.
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Old 23rd September 2019, 14:48   #17
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Re: The '3D Printer' thread

Originally Posted by sushantr5 View Post
If you have 3D model, then I can give a shot at 3D printing without any cost.
I have 3D printer at home only problem is I am in Germany. I can send with sombody who is travelling from Germany to India.
Thank you. Unfortunately, i don't have a 3D model. As i said in the post, i need someone to scan the original, make the 3D model and then print it.
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Old 23rd September 2019, 15:08   #18
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Re: The '3D Printer' thread

Originally Posted by srini1785 View Post
Thank you. Unfortunately, i don't have a 3D model. As i said in the post, i need someone to scan the original, make the 3D model and then print it.
Please post or send me photo of button. I will see what it takes to make 3d model.
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Old 23rd September 2019, 15:30   #19
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Re: The '3D Printer' thread

I will send you a photo of the actual part. For reference, i am attaching a photo that i hope will make you understand the part i am trying to get. One a cassette holder and the other is the play button.

Don't mind the botched attempt.
Attached Thumbnails
The '3D Printer' thread-mg345.jpg  

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Old 23rd September 2019, 15:40   #20
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Re: The '3D Printer' thread

Originally Posted by srini1785 View Post
I will send you a photo of the actual part. For reference, i am attaching a photo that i hope will make you understand the part i am trying to get. One a cassette holder and the other is the play button.

Don't mind the botched attempt.
From the look, I feel it will be simple 3D model. In those times, complex 3D curved surfaces were not common or not possible. That is why all designs used to have flat surfaces as tooling was easy for such flat surfaces. 3D modeling the piece will be easy,

Now if you can get some Mechanical Engineer/Student to put up 2D Drawing for it, then 50% job is done.

Last edited by sushantr5 : 23rd September 2019 at 15:41.
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Old 12th August 2020, 22:51   #21
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Re: The '3D Printer' thread

I got my 3D printer last week. Actually after seeing that my PS4 was laying there for over 3 years with only like 10-12 hours of usage on it, I decided to sell it off and get a 3D printer instead. The trade off was good and I paid like 2k additional only. I got the Ender 3 printer (one of the top rated in entry level) and oh! boy! I couldn't have been happier.

The '3D Printer' thread-img_0033.jpeg

The whole process of concept to reality hasn't been simpler. The first print was definitely something already on the pre-loaded micro SD card. One of the first full project was to make a mouse-bungee for my friend.

Step one, doodle the concept!
The '3D Printer' thread-img_0171.jpeg

Step two, design it in CAD and slice it with the utility that came with the printer. (I used Solidworks for the design and Creality slicer to generate the g-code)
The '3D Printer' thread-img_0165.jpeg

Step three, print it!

Step four, some post production and painting.
The '3D Printer' thread-img_0169.jpeg

And, final product.
The '3D Printer' thread-img_0177.jpeg
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Old 25th April 2024, 22:11   #22
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Re: The '3D Printer' thread

Purchased a slightly used Phrozen sonic mini 4k resin msla printer last week. This is mainly for professional use. Although it's a bit small for my use case, hoping to hone my skills and then upgrade from there. Depending on ROI.
Looking forward to learning more from you guys
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Old 30th November 2024, 15:13   #23
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Re: The '3D Printer' thread

Why is this thread is so dead being on such an interesting platform? Myself a 3D printing enthusiast since nearly 10-12 years now, I have had access to various small FDM printers over the years through my work place, and I did print a some useful things amongs many many fancy and non useful things. After all these years, I finally bought my own personal 3D printer the Ender 3 V3 KE recently, and got into printing much more frequently than ever before.
Below are some samples I printed recently and in the past. The chariot of Lord Jagannath you can see was partly printed, and mostly created as combination of waterjet cutting, lathe work, handiwork of some very good professionals who I am lucky to have had in my team. There is a youtube video of the entire process if anyone is interested, I can share that.
Attached Thumbnails
The '3D Printer' thread-screenshot-20241130-3.08.498239pm.png  

The '3D Printer' thread-screenshot-20241130-3.09.278239pm.png  

The '3D Printer' thread-screenshot-20241130-3.11.328239pm.png  

The '3D Printer' thread-screenshot-20241130-3.10.558239pm.png  

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Old 3rd December 2024, 18:18   #24
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Re: The '3D Printer' thread

Hi Folks, I have been quite fascinated with the 3D printing for few months now and thought why not this can be my new hobby. Me being a CADD certified mechanical engineer (Of course a decade back), I am thinking this could be a perfect match for my passion and knowledge.

As always i was looking up at the TBHP forum for some light but quite surprised that not many have shown interest in the same.

The '3D Printer' thread-bambulab-a1.jpg

This is the model (BamBU Lab A1) i am eyeing at. Do we have any alternate options. I am looking for a model where i can buy in INDIA and have service support in India but at the same time, it is future proof and user friendly.

Planning to get this coming winter holidays. Any ideas, suggestions and insights would definitely be helpful.
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Old 3rd December 2024, 21:49   #25
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Re: The '3D Printer' thread

I had a 3D printer quite some years ago. Bought it at a tax free shop at an airport with two of my friends.

Out idea was to use it to print car parts, notably plastic trim bits. On old (classic) cars these parts become brittle and break when you take things apart. And often can’t be sourced.

We found getting the shape and dimensions correct was relatively easy. However, we could never match the elasticity of the original parts. So our brand new 3D printed parts would snap even quicker.

I am still interested in 3D printing. Although you can print almost all materials for any application these days, the BIG problem is still two things. Resolution and elasticity. It takes relatively expensive 3D printer to get it right.

So it really depends on what you aim to print whether this would be a suitable printer. Going by the price it is very simple. Again, it totally depends on what you want to do with the 3D printed parts whether this printer will give you an adequate result.

I am not investing in 3D printers. Here in the west there are endless companies specialising in 3D printing. You send them the 3D file and they send you the finished part the next day.

I wrote about my most recent 3D printed part experience here (My Car Hobby: Jaguar XJR, Mercedes W123, Alfa Romeo Spider, Jeep Cherokee & Mini One)

Keep us informed. I would really like to see and hear about your 3D printing adventures!

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Old 4th December 2024, 10:19   #26
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Re: The '3D Printer' thread

Originally Posted by Jeroen View Post
I had a 3D printer quite some years ago. Bought it at a tax free shop at an airport with two of my friends.
Hi Jeroen,

That's something purposeful you have done with your printer and kudos to you. I am thinking of using my printer to create novelty items, designing art pieces, fun stuff, toys etc.

Coming back to your point about not getting the elasticity right, guess we humans have advanced in leaps and bounds in the last few year. We have so many materials that can used that would determine the elasticity quotient. You should give those a shot. Again coming back to your statement, it is just a matter of necessity. When you can design a piece and make someone print it for you and ship it overnight, I really do not see a need for you who has those options.

But my guess is that this trend will pick up India pretty quick and will become viral in few years and I would like to be an early adopter. But on the flip side, I should invest more and hopefully pray that nothing breaks.

For now, I would eyeing on both BamBu Lab A1 and P1s. Am looking for buying options here in India. Will keep you posted on how the hunt goes.

Thanks for your insights.

Last edited by Aditya : 7th December 2024 at 05:19. Reason: Grammar
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Old 4th December 2024, 12:42   #27
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Re: The '3D Printer' thread

Originally Posted by SideSwipe View Post
Hi Folks, I have been quite fascinated with the 3D printing for few months now and thought why not this can be my new hobby. Me being a CADD certified mechanical engineer (Of course a decade back), I am thinking this could be a perfect match for my passion and knowledge.

As always i was looking up at the TBHP forum for some light but quite surprised that not many have shown interest in the same.

Attachment 2692100

This is the model (BamBU Lab A1) i am eyeing at. Do we have any alternate options. I am looking for a model where i can buy in INDIA and have service support in India but at the same time, it is future proof and user friendly.
As an Ender 3 owner, if i was buying a printer today, it would be a BambuLabs machine.

Not sure how well it meets your "has service support in India", but from what I've seen there's no better choice for if you actually want to make things.

The other side of the spectrum are the 3D printers where the machine IS your hobby. Fixing it, tuning it, modifying it, different firmwares, swapping out boards, nozzles, pulleys, etc etc. The list goes on.

Attaching some random pictures:

Some of many failed calibration prints... part of Ender 3 life:
The '3D Printer' thread-pxl_20240816_133310886.jpg

Bed levelling & adhesion test:
The '3D Printer' thread-pxl_20240818_182703158.jpg

Random unknown mess-up in the middle of an otherwise neat looking Benchie!
The '3D Printer' thread-pxl_20240819_065505895.jpg

Was pretty amazed to see how a 1-layer thin sheet can be printed:
The '3D Printer' thread-pxl_20240814_112448444.jpg

It's so thin it's translucent at parts:
The '3D Printer' thread-pxl_20240814_112526700.jpg

And here's a single-wall thickness box (just another test):
The '3D Printer' thread-pxl_20240819_042135483.jpg

And finally an actual print:
The '3D Printer' thread-pxl_20240820_062000698.jpg

Threads were not the smoothest and took a lot of cranking back and forth to wear them down and get them to run smoothly now:
The '3D Printer' thread-pxl_20240820_062017758.jpg

That said, I'm not a fan of just downloading & printing useless knick-knacks. I have been using Fusion360 and printing a few useful parts & things. More on that later...
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Old 6th December 2024, 13:40   #28
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Re: The '3D Printer' thread

I found this video quite helpful when I was thinking of getting a 3D printer for a client ( I am industrial designer).
The client ended up getting the cheapest one from Amazon, and it turned out to be almost useless.
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Old 6th December 2024, 15:20   #29
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Re: The '3D Printer' thread

3d printing can be the best hobby for any engineering enthusiast. I myself have bought a parts kit and built one 3d printer back in the days when this field was in its nasenct stage. I enjoyed the build part more than using it though.

Today however we have such a wide variety to choose from kits, Semi built and fully built ready to print out of the box options. If I was to buy it today I would have considered a prusa or bamboo labs machine over the creality and other countless Chinese options.

Originally Posted by SideSwipe View Post
This is the model (BamBU Lab A1) i am eyeing at. Do we have any alternate options. I am looking for a model where i can buy in INDIA and have service support in India but at the same time, it is future proof and user friendly.
These and many other reputed printers are now available for purchase on I am not totally sure about service part but 3d printer is a fairly serviceable machine given the parts are not proprietary and available freely.
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Old 17th December 2024, 12:40   #30
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Re: The '3D Printer' thread

Originally Posted by SideSwipe View Post

Attachment 2692100

This is the model (BamBU Lab A1) i am eyeing at. Do we have any alternate options. I am looking for a model where i can buy in INDIA and have service support in India but at the same time, it is future proof and user friendly.
No printer would be future proof at this point of time, but Bambulabs A1 combo or the A1 mini is a good buy for a hobbyist and DIY-er. Other closely similar option such as Creality Ender 3 V3 KE would also be good, but Bambulabs are less fussy. Creality parts are easier to get though. And yes, you will need parts frequently.

Originally Posted by Jeroen View Post
We found getting the shape and dimensions correct was relatively easy. However, we could never match the elasticity of the original parts. So our brand new 3D printed parts would snap even quicker.

I am still interested in 3D printing. Although you can print almost all materials for any application these days, the BIG problem is still two things. Resolution and elasticity. It takes relatively expensive 3D printer to get it right.

For stronger parts ABS prints quite well in most reasonably priced printers, but yes flexibility can come through filament such as TPU, which needs some skills. More stronger material such as CF, PEEK, PEI etc. ofcourse need significantly costly machine and not just machine, needs skill too.
As a part of industrial-education research work, I am working (very slowly) on a project for metal replacement parts with some very high strength medium temperature polymers which are 3D printed. In months to come, I will update here maybe a few practical examples, presently I am testing various test specimens as per ASTM standards to meet the strength of some die cast aluminium parts.
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