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Old 29th March 2011, 22:28   #6886
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by EP. View Post
@typeOnegetive, Prasad- Me and my dad would be using this camera. Dad had a Minolta back in 90's and he was quite good with it, but never found time to use it the way it should have been used, so sold it. Now he is feeling nostalgic and wants to re-enter that sector of photography again since he has more free time now. .....
@Prasad-I never checked out the 600D after reading reviews of the 60D, what more features does the 60D have? Its like, both me and my dad have our minds set on the 60D for now. And I also read that 60D is more user-friendly and better for beginners.
Dear EP, welcome to the world of digital photography. To your dad as well.

Regarding all the advice floating around, I think that what Prasad has put down has paraphrased (in some very big paragraphs) what a lot of us would feel. You could check out the following link for starters: Canon 600D vs 60D

For the world of photos
It makes more sense
To spend less on the body
And more on the lens
-Bernard Solomon

From that perspective alone it is better to buy the 600D over the 60D. Maybe even the 550D.
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Old 30th March 2011, 00:21   #6887
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by bikxsans660 View Post
Not a good idea to carry such a large lens for a newbie, use 2 lenses simultaneously namely 18-55 mm (stock) and 55-200/270/300 mm . But make sure they are compatible to the Auto-Focus motor built in the Camera.

Care to explain the logic behind newbie not using large lens please? Ideally it is a newbie who would benefit more from using a single lens by not having to go through the hassle of changing lenses often.

Looks like you are from the Nikon side
Canon only has 55-250 (no 200/270/300)
Also, all the canon bodies available now support AF lenses. AFAIK canon never made in-body AF and hence no confusion about lens compatibility
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Old 30th March 2011, 09:25   #6888
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by EP. View Post
.... I was thinking, why go for several lenses when you can have all-in-one? Isn't that more practical and easier to work with. ....
Its just an individual preference!! For me field of view that of a 40 to 50 mm on a FF is the best all round lens.
Originally Posted by bikxsans660 View Post
Not a good idea to carry such a large lens for a newbie,
While I agree with the later part, but I would like to point out that the 18-200 isnt large!! At around 4 inches when closed and 6 inches at 200mm. I would not consider it large!!!
Originally Posted by bikxsans660 View Post
use 2 lenses simultaneously namely 18-55 mm (stock) and 55-200/270/300 mm . ...
Originally Posted by Jaguar View Post
...Ideally it is a newbie who would benefit more from using a single lens by not having to go through the hassle of changing lenses often....
I agree to this too only if the newbie wants to learn the perspective of the focal lengths!! If thats the case, he is better off buying a low cost used 18-200/250/270(what ever!!) and when he comes to a stage where he will understand what kind of photography he is into and the limitations he faced with this low tech lens, he would be in a better position to buy some quality glass!!
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Old 30th March 2011, 11:20   #6889
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by EP. View Post
I never checked out the 600D after reading reviews of the 60D, what more features does the 60D have? Its like, both me and my dad have our minds set on the 60D for now. And I also read that 60D is more user-friendly and better for beginners.
Well, 600D is miniature 60D - Pretty much so with a smaller body. The real differences are -

1. 60D has a Pentaprism and 600D has a Pentamirror - Pentaprism results in better view finder.
2. 60D is faster than 600D in terms of number of clicks per second. Reality is at 3.7 shots per second, 600D is more than enough for most practical situations.
3. 60D is bigger than 600D - so, it is better to hold on for those with bigger palms.
4. Cross-Focus - 60D has 9, 600D has 1 - Not that it is going to be a problem, 600D will focus accurately on 99.98% and 60D on 99.99% times - So, not a deal breaker according to me.

Having put forth the main differences between the two, let me tell you that the additional features result in a cost difference of about 300-400 dollars in Australia. This would mean a difference of about 10-15K in India - Money that can get you a very decent lens.

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Old 30th March 2011, 11:29   #6890
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by EP. View Post
I was thinking, why go for several lenses when you can have all-in-one? Isn't that more practical and easier to work with. May be after sometime we like to add an affordable Macro lens too.
That is purely because an all-in-one lens, in practically most cases is compromised on some factor or other. When compared to prime lenses, they exhibit most flaws generally seen on lenses - Vignetting, Chromatic Abberation, distortion, pin-cushion, lack of sharpness. You will see these special effects when you zoom images to 100%. More often, the defects are even more evident on high MP sensors.

If you want to go for a single all-in-one lens SLR, it makes no sense as a super zoom camera or a high quality compact camera with good zoom range - something like Canon G12.

I don't mean to say that more the lenses, the better it is, but, don't try to fit the entire range into a single lens - More probable chance that the lens will be compromised on some or other aspect.

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Old 30th March 2011, 11:51   #6891
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by Jaguar View Post
Care to explain the logic behind newbie not using large lens please? Ideally it is a newbie who would benefit more from using a single lens by not having to go through the hassle of changing lenses often.

Looks like you are from the Nikon side
Canon only has 55-250 (no 200/270/300)
Also, all the canon bodies available now support AF lenses. AFAIK canon never made in-body AF and hence no confusion about lens compatibility
Alright guys if this is a purely Canon forum, then i guess am

Secondly, yes i agree with you Jaguar of the freedom to use a single lens
Please read from the following link

Canon EOS Beginners' FAQ III - Lenses

My Personal recommendation was to use two lenses as i have used a single large f range lens (18-200mm) too and found my shots distorted at closer ranges and at ranges beyond 135mm, so my suggestion. Anyways am sure the above link would help somewhat to clear the doubts.

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Old 30th March 2011, 12:31   #6892
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Re: The DSLR Thread

All D90 users, as i am still getting used the cam (less than a week old) i did try out the video recording option. Have others tried this feature.
IMHO i did not feel to good with the results, i am not sure if i have some setting to adjust or is this just the way it is. I have set it to 720p however the images( read people) have jagged edges. This was tested using the 18-105mm at 100mm filming a cricket match.
The photos captured were on the other hand very satisfying
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Old 30th March 2011, 12:43   #6893
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by EP. View Post
The price for the 60D( body only ) was 59k from Savithiri Photo Shop, Coimbatore. I chose them since they are deal directly with Canon India.
Recently, a fellow bhpian from xBHP bought, Nikon D7000 with them. He is very much satisfied with their pricing!!
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Old 30th March 2011, 18:00   #6894
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by kkr2k2 View Post
Recently, a fellow bhpian from xBHP bought, Nikon D7000 with them. He is very much satisfied with their pricing!!
Actually, 59K body only is a high price for a 60D.

@EP - Do you have any friends abroad? Preferably SE Asia. Thailand, Malaysia, China - these are the countries to buy these kits. If not, US, Australia will also. Not EU or UK - things are expensive there again.

I am Australia, but, have no plans of an India visit in the next 6 months.

But, trust me, it is better to look out for a friend abroad. you will save a good deal. For a good reflection of prices in India, visit - genuine guy in Mumbai.

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Old 30th March 2011, 18:46   #6895
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by yajaman99 View Post
All D90 users, as i am still getting used the cam (less than a week old) i did try out the video recording option. Have others tried this feature. IMHO i did not fee
D90 is not for a happy video experience. There are many things lacking for a perfect HD video, missing AF just an example. I tested with an f/8 to f/11 range, constantly adjusting the focus, everything set to Manual mode. Results were decent, but not that great to talk about. Playing around with the AF ring on lens will naturally create camera shake.

Originally Posted by bbkp View Post
......Do you have any friends abroad? Preferably SE Asia. Thailand, Malaysia, China - these are the countries to buy these kits....
Grey prices in India are as equal as B&H and Adorama prices. SE Asia might be lower, so far not heard from anyone who saved a commendable figure buying there. Saving lower and buying from another country also bring the risk of warranty or exchange.
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Old 30th March 2011, 19:11   #6896
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by shajufx View Post
Grey prices in India are as equal as B&H and Adorama prices. SE Asia might be lower, so far not heard from anyone who saved a commendable figure buying there. Saving lower and buying from another country also bring the risk of warranty or exchange.
Well, that's the catch. Not only are the prices slightly lesser. But you get 10% back in the form of VAT refund or GST paid back. If you take that into equation, you save quite a bit. Assuming price difference of around 10% to prices in India and another 10% of GST / VAT back, you are talking about 20% savings. For a camera worth 50K that is close to 10K.

In terms of warranties, I have never seen a Made in Japan item fail in the 1st one year. Canons are predominantly made in Japan. Made in Thailand (Nikon) is also acceptable. Made in Taiwan (Canon lenses, not the L series) and Made in Malaysia (Sony) are also acceptable as is the case with Made in Philippines (Pentax). Issues happen only with Made in Chinas - Other than Olympus, no SLR is made in China.

On a serious note, most of the cameras of Canon - atleast the 60D and the 600D get manufactured in Japan - It is very very rare for something wrong to happen to them. Secondly, even if something happens, the savings of 10K that you make when bought abroad are good enough to offset any repairs.

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Old 30th March 2011, 20:27   #6897
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by bbkp View Post
.....But you get 10% back in the form of VAT refund or GST paid back. If you take that into equation, you save quite a bit. Assuming price difference of around 10% to prices in India and another 10% of GST / VAT back, you are talking about 20% savings.....
Could you explain that VAT a bit better ? Never heard of that from anyone so far. I am ignorant about someone bringing in stuff other than a bitter experience of burning my fingers by shipping.
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Old 30th March 2011, 23:18   #6898
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Guys, we have been discussing lately about our options and Dad wants to go in for the Canon 60D and the Tamron lens, guess he had it planned out already! But the brighter side is that one can always add better lenses.

And regarding Canon 600D, I would be happy even with a 450D, I haven't used a SLR except for a very few times, and know very little about them. Whatever technical terms I have put in before ( if any ) is what I have heard from my Dad or read from the internet in the last few days.

@Prasad- I did check out the JJMetha website before, the pricing seems to be on par with the Coimbatore shop. And plans of buying the camera is also under consideration.

And I should thank you guys for your generous advice, specially Prasad, Shajufx and kkr2k2. I will definitely have to ask you more advice soon after I buy the camera too.
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Old 30th March 2011, 23:35   #6899
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Re: The DSLR Thread

@EP: AFAIK, it's Photo Centre at Race Course that is an authorized Canon dealer. Not Savithri Photo House.
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Old 31st March 2011, 01:04   #6900
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by shajufx View Post
Could you explain that VAT a bit better ? Never heard of that from anyone so far. I am ignorant about someone bringing in stuff other than a bitter experience of burning my fingers by shipping.
In some countries (Singapore and Thailand for example), if you are exiting the country within a certain period of from the purchase, the VAT amount is refunded (I suppose this is only for foreigners though). Usually the refund has to be collected from the concerned counters at airports.
In Singapore, some malls have in-house VAT refund counters. They require your passport, original bill and a credit card with more than 6 months validity still left. The airport counter, didn't ask for the CC though.

Malaysia doesn't give you VAT refund and the showroom prices there are more than Indian showroom prices (even in a duty free island like Langkawi, I was quoted 7k for the "made in Malaysia" Canon 50 1.8 lens whereas the corresponding price in India was around 5k).

In case of Canon, the bodies bought from Singapore have valid Indian warranty (lenses have international warranty anyways).
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