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Old 7th October 2016, 11:47   #14236
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Guys, how to revive my interest in DSLR?

I have a Nikon D5200 with 18-55/50/55-200mm/Raynox 150-250 kit. I have close to 10k clicks or probably more.

For last few weeks, I am suddenly feeling that I should get rid of the entire kit and get myself the best bridge camera (Nikon P900 or something).
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Old 7th October 2016, 15:46   #14237
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Gentlemen - Quick question, somewhat related to photography.

My existing Workstation (old iMac) and Laptop (useless HP with AMD processor) are woefully inadequate for processing RAW files, forget about editing. This has now resulted in a backlog that exceeds 6 months. However, I don't have a lot of money at hand to splurge.

So, I am seeking recommendations on the 2015 Macbook Air with 8GB RAM and 128GB SSD, purely for Adobe LR and PS workloads. This is pretty much the only workload I am likely to throw at this device. I don't like using Windows based systems (unless I have to), hence the Mac! Is there any other Mac-OS device, I should consider, within that price band?

Please advice, with your practical experience of this or similar machines.
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Old 7th October 2016, 16:03   #14238
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by ajay_satpute View Post
Guys, how to revive my interest in DSLR?

I have a Nikon D5200 with 18-55/50/55-200mm/Raynox 150-250 kit. I have close to 10k clicks or probably more.
What caused you to lose interest in the first place? Was it the equipment, did you feel it was limiting you in some way? Was it something else, like finding another hobby which excited you more?

If it is the former, may I ask what kind of photography do you generally do? Portraits, landscape, wildlife, designated family photographer, or just happy to click anything? How long have you been using your old kit? 10K clicks is not much for a regular photographer for a duration of say 18 months.

If it is the latter, I don't think a change of equipment is going to help much. You may get into it a bit to use the new equipment, but if your other hobbies are more interesting to you, then the kit that you have already seems good enough.
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Old 7th October 2016, 16:15   #14239
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by ajay_satpute View Post
Guys, how to revive my interest in DSLR?
I think its not the interest in DSLRs. Its the interest in photography itself which causes the change. I had no DSLR. I got mine first after a couple of years into the forum. Its been no looking back since then.

For most of us, photography is also coupled with cars and travel. Plus of course the fire to learn new genres and new skills.

May I ask do you have a good group of friends with the same interests? That is another critical element which can pull you up and keep the fire burning.

Last edited by ampere : 7th October 2016 at 19:45. Reason: Typo Fixed
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Old 7th October 2016, 16:46   #14240
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by roy_libran View Post
So, I am seeking recommendations on the 2015 Macbook Air with 8GB RAM and 128GB SSD, purely for Adobe LR and PS workloads.

Is there any other Mac-OS device, I should consider, within that price band?

Please advice, with your practical experience of this or similar machines.
Why not MacBook Pro MF839HN/A instead of air? Performance wise it would be better. It was retailing for 84k till yesterday on Amazon. Now it seems the price has gone up to 93k but still worth it (retina display).
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Old 7th October 2016, 16:56   #14241
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Originally Posted by the_skyliner View Post
Why not MacBook Pro MF839HN/A instead of air? Performance wise it would be better. It was retailing for 84k till yesterday on Amazon. Now it seems the price has gone up to 93k but still worth it (retina display).
Ah, just because of the price. I'm aware of the compromise on the display w.r.t the Air, but then I'm no pro!
The Air is in the ball park of 65k, and right now, with my other monetary commitments, even that is a bit of a stretch. Really can't push it further up....

Last edited by roy_libran : 7th October 2016 at 16:57.
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Old 7th October 2016, 19:16   #14242
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Today I asked my friend (who used to repair cameras) to check price for Nikon D5500 with 18-140 lense. It is 56k. Just then he informed that a good D7000 used for couple of years with 18-105 lense is for sale at 35k though he shall check it if I am interested. Same new can be had for 45-50k. But I am not interested because of weight and also it is quite old. If it was D7100 I would have considered even for higher price point.
What you guys say for general photography?
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Old 7th October 2016, 19:42   #14243
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by ajay_satpute View Post
For last few weeks, I am suddenly feeling that I should get rid of the entire kit and get myself the best bridge camera (Nikon P900 or something).
Just do it. Don't fight the feeling. Wish I could do it, instead I am buying lens after lens.
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Old 7th October 2016, 19:55   #14244
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by roy_libran View Post
So, I am seeking recommendations on the 2015 Macbook Air with 8GB RAM and 128GB SSD, purely for Adobe LR and PS workloads. This is pretty much the only workload I am likely to throw at this device. I don't like using Windows based systems (unless I have to), hence the Mac! Is there any other Mac-OS device, I should consider, within that price band?

Please advice, with your practical experience of this or similar machines.
My personal experience has been good with Macbook pro as I own 2012 macbookpro. Normally I use Aperture to edit, in Windows I was using Lightroom an PS. But I got a professional opinion from my photography master who has 16years of experience in photography and does own all kinds of editing in laptops to workstations. imac, macbook pro and air, you name it he has it. He edits a whole lot of pictures per day and found Air to be not upto the mark as compared to Pro. He still carries the Pro with him for all client meets. Air does work when he is normally doing some casual work with no timelines. This is from professional photographer's view.

In Short:

Go for Air if you travel a lot and want to work easily. If you edit not too much files on the go. It can be a bit cumbersome even with the 8GB RAM as it struggles to open quite a few RAW files at a time if you prefer opening all those files at a time. It is very light and is easy to travel around with it.

Go for Pro if you quite a lot of editing and it does not get tired of the things you throw at it. Be it any kind of Photo or video. Its Graphics quality is phenomenal not in the league of Externally powered nvidia's but is great to do all the editing. It is a bit bulky other than that no issues.

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Old 7th October 2016, 21:34   #14245
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Thank you Thanga and Skyliner.

It's the same story here, as it is in every other similar thread on this forum. Someone wants to buy an Alto, he's pointed towards the i10; he wants to buy a Scorpio, and in comes the Fortuner....

So, in a nutshell, the Air is too limiting for this workload, it'd seem. Now I'll have to think whether to delay this purchase or settle with a compromise.
This photography thing is gradually turning out so bloody expensive!
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Old 7th October 2016, 23:49   #14246
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Re: The DSLR Thread

I had picked up a Nikon 55-200 VR-II Compact recently .. Though a kit lens, it gives some nice pics - definitely worth the price-tag.

some quick shots today, without much or no processing:

The DSLR Thread-dsc_0354-2.jpg

The DSLR Thread-dsc_0361-2.jpg

The DSLR Thread-dsc_0364-2.jpg

Last edited by condor : 7th October 2016 at 23:55.
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Old 8th October 2016, 00:07   #14247
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I have been using a tamron 18-200 with stabilization for my nikon d5300. The results have been great to a large extent. I would recommend it as its dead cheap at near 10k. Have fun!
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Old 8th October 2016, 00:55   #14248
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by sgiitk View Post
@ARoy; saw both the articles, what they are essentially claiming is the the dof increases by about a stop. I am not reapply convinced. However, I will let it go. None of them say that they are using RAW images only, else this can also arise from the compression process use.
RAW/JPEG/compression have nothing to do with depth of field. And IMO one doesn't need to get too technical regarding all aspects of digital photography, as long as one is technical enough for one's preferred genre, to understand the tradeoffs, and what to do when.

Originally Posted by shantonob View Post
Finally got the 200-500 and the D7200. This is what my bag looks now.

And a few test shots taken early in the morning. Awesome lens. The VR is fantastic. Getting to know the D7200 which has a whole lot more functions than the D3200.
Congratulations. D7200 is one of the best DX cameras out there, and as good as any in terms of image quality. And it is not a big jump from a D3200 to a D7200.

Originally Posted by ajay_satpute View Post
Guys, how to revive my interest in DSLR?

For last few weeks, I am suddenly feeling that I should get rid of the entire kit and get myself the best bridge camera (Nikon P900 or something).
Do whatever you feel like. Why force yourself? Sometimes I do a trip without even taking out my camera. One goes through phases.

A few shots taken with the (getting long in the tooth) D7100 + 200-500. I increasingly feel that for wildlife shooters, right time + right place > gear.

Runway. A split second before the splash.
The DSLR Thread-dsc_8704.jpg

The croc and the heron
The DSLR Thread-dsc_8644.jpg

Landing time. Backlit pelican + diffused, warm light.
The DSLR Thread-dsc_8402.jpg

Last edited by nilanjanray : 8th October 2016 at 01:04.
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Old 8th October 2016, 18:17   #14249
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by roy_libran View Post
So, in a nutshell, the Air is too limiting for this workload, it'd seem. Now I'll have to think whether to delay this purchase or settle with a compromise.
This photography thing is gradually turning out so bloody expensive!
Exactly. But sometimes I do wonder why is that these gadgets are not available for rent? If available we could try using it for at least a week and if it suits our requirement we can go ahead and splurge the 1 odd lakh rupees asked for the product.

Something just like rental (Zoom) for cars

Originally Posted by nilanjanray View Post
RAW/JPEG/compression have nothing to do with depth of field. And IMO one doesn't need to get too technical regarding all aspects of digital photography, as long as one is technical enough for one's preferred genre, to understand the tradeoffs, and what to do when.
Runway. A split second before the splash.
Wow Sir. your photographs are phenomenal. Thank you for sharing such wonderful photographs.

Can you please share the exif along with the location information for the Runway picture?
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Old 8th October 2016, 18:48   #14250
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by Thanga_RS View Post
Can you please share the exif along with the location information for the Runway picture?

This was shot in Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary near Mysore. The pelican was flying over dark water, the contrast between the background and subject made me think of a B&W photo.

Basic EXIF: 1/1000s, f/5.6, 480mm (720mm full frame equivalent), ISO 640
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