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Old 28th February 2015, 17:57   #13486
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Re: Tilt Shift Lens for Macro ?

Originally Posted by trammway View Post
Does anyone used the Canon Tilt Shift lens for pure macro shoots ? if then what are the benefits and what are the shortfalls ?

I could see logical questions on why tilt-shift when the macro lenses are cheaper. But my question comes as I already own a Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5 L II and amazed by the short focus distance. Also the ability to tilt and shift and change the focus plane is amazing, not sure if anyone have used it for pure macro so this question.
Macro lenses normally are 1:1. I doubt TS lenses will get you better than 1:2 or even less. Further with all the time taken for adjustments, a TS lens is good only for static objects.

The only advantage I can see is that by adjusting the plane of focus, you will get the object in focus at a much wider aperture, compared to those used for macros (f/16-f/64!) to get adequate DOF.
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Old 1st March 2015, 21:23   #13487
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Nikon D7200

!!! Still 6 FPS! The two major cribs with the D710 were the buffer and FPS. I haven't read about too many people going in hunger strike for NFC and WiFi.

God knows what Nikon is thinking. Still, this gives me hope that a monster D400 is coming.
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Old 2nd March 2015, 10:08   #13488
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Re: Nikon D7200

Originally Posted by nilanjanray View Post
God knows what Nikon is thinking. Still, this gives me hope that a monster D400 is coming.
Nikon is supposedly working on a response to the Canon 7D II

Translation from Japanese:

But don't hold your breath. A Pro DX body is not Nikon's priority as of now. Hopefully Canon's 7D II will get them to change their mind? Time will tell.

IIRC you already have FF glass. So If I were you I'd go with a D810 or even a used D800/E.

Last edited by R2D2 : 2nd March 2015 at 10:11.
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Old 2nd March 2015, 11:09   #13489
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Re: Nikon D7200

Originally Posted by R2D2 View Post
But don't hold your breath. A Pro DX body is not Nikon's priority as of now. Hopefully Canon's 7D II will get them to change their mind? Time will tell.
I have been doing a yes and no on 7D-II. The only reason, its not a complete yes is because, I see Cannon announcing new sensors for 5D line. Which means better sensors are on the horizon. So where does that leave 7D ? Of course its too good as it stands today as well, but still that element of doubt lingers in Canon would update the 7D immediately. On top I also see 750/760D being announced with 19 point AF. hence will wait more and see what happens. Not in a hurry to get to 7D-II. Perfectly satisfied as of now with my Jurassic 550D. But then I have invested on all the good glass.
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Old 2nd March 2015, 11:30   #13490
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Re: The DSLR Thread

D7100:7200 = D800:810. A few incremental improvements over the D7100, but they have fixed the biggest issue - buffer. Pity about the metering. Not expecting much improvement regarding IQ.

Re: glass - I have started liking the idea of renting. Especially nice lenses that I will not buy - e.g. the 70-200 f/2.8 or 85mm 1.4G.

Decisions! D7200 + 80-400 AF-S or D810 + Sigm1 150-600mm? If only the latter combo were not so heavy for handholding...sigh. I have played around extensively with the 80-400 AF-S. Yet to try the big Sigma.
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Old 2nd March 2015, 15:34   #13491
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by nilanjanray View Post
Further to my earlier post: I have fallen in love with it. But totally different genre. A one night stand that is never meant to be :-(

(No flash or lighting props used)
Is this using 85 f/1.4G? You can also try with f/1.8G since the image quality is nearly the same. Its just that you get plastic and 1.8 with the f/1.8G. I am using that on my D800 and absolutely loving it.

Originally Posted by .anshuman View Post
Have a look at Sony RX-100. I use RX-100 Mark 2, brilliant little camera! For your Dad, the intelligent Auto mode and good out of camera JPEG's will be great.

I bought it because i cannot lug my DSLR everywhere, especially on business trips. With full manual controls, 1 inch sensor, ability to shoot RAW and F1.8 lens i don't miss my DSLR. The more i use it, the more i love it.

+1 , RX-100 is the best bang for the buck. While in Antelope my wife was using the RX(handheld jpeg) and I was on a FF(tripod, RAW) and believe me, the difference was marginal in such low light. My wife took nearly equally good images as my FF.

Originally Posted by nilanjanray View Post
Decisions! D7200 + 80-400 AF-S or D810 + Sigm1 150-600mm? If only the latter combo were not so heavy for handholding...sigh. I have played around extensively with the 80-400 AF-S. Yet to try the big Sigma.
Think again before putting moolah into 80-400. There is always a catch with higher X zooms and that is the image quality. If you plan to rent out a lens for wildlife then certainly you will not be putting 80-400 into use during other non-wildlife days. Believe me, my 70-200 f/2.8 VR eats dust most of the time.

So I would recommend u get a high quality normal zoom such as 17-55 f/2.8 and a 70-300 VR (naah! do not underestimate this beast). If binocular interests you a lot then get the new Nikkor 300mm F/4e Pf Vr Lens instead.

An 85mm f/1.8G and 50mm f/1.4D should solve the portrait needs forever. (that is my kit and never felt a need of anything more).

Last edited by Speed Pujari : 2nd March 2015 at 15:36.
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Old 2nd March 2015, 16:59   #13492
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by Speed Pujari View Post
Is this using 85 f/1.4G? You can also try with f/1.8G since the image quality is nearly the same. Its just that you get plastic and 1.8 with the f/1.8G. I am using that on my D800 and absolutely loving it.

Think again before putting moolah into 80-400. There is always a catch with higher X zooms and that is the image quality. If you plan to rent out a lens for wildlife then certainly you will not be putting 80-400 into use during other non-wildlife days. Believe me, my 70-200 f/2.8 VR eats dust most of the time.

So I would recommend u get a high quality normal zoom such as 17-55 f/2.8 and a 70-300 VR (naah! do not underestimate this beast). If binocular interests you a lot then get the new Nikkor 300mm F/4e Pf Vr Lens instead.

An 85mm f/1.8G and 50mm f/1.4D should solve the portrait needs forever. (that is my kit and never felt a need of anything more).
I seldom shoot humans. I mostly shoot hot, wild cats. And occasional landscapes.

But I will play around with the 85mm f/1.8 when I get a chance. I already have the 50mm f/1.8D

Re: telezoom: I am very familiar with the pros and cons in this genre. I have shortlisted those two options after a lot of deliberation. I have shot a lot with the 80-400mm, as well as with the 70-300mm. The photo below was shot with the 80-400 in Kanha National Park. I like the flexibility of a telezoom. And am familiar with the tradeoff in IQ and weight and cost, w.r.t. a long prime.

The DSLR Thread-dsc_1789_2_bw_small.jpeg

If I use one body, I will have a telezoom attached to it. If I ever decide to use 2 bodies (D810 and D7200/D400), then the DX will have the 300mm PF + 1.4x TC attached to it (2X TC in the bag), while the FX will have the 80-400mm.
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Old 2nd March 2015, 17:09   #13493
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by nilanjanray View Post
If I use one body, I will have a telezoom attached to it. If I ever decide to use 2 bodies (D810 and D7200/D400), then the DX will have the 300mm PF + 1.4x TC attached to it (2X TC in the bag), while the FX will have the 80-400mm.
Nice, You seem to have already surpassed the precision .. The tiger shot is mesmerizing.

I would rather warn you about the D810/D800/E. The file size will make you bonkers, and take my words on this.

And about the combo, its a personal choice. I would have done it this way- A D400 (DX is the idea) with 500mm with optional 1.4TC and a D710 with 70-200 f/2.8. I would not have to compromise on quality and reach at the same time.
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Old 2nd March 2015, 17:54   #13494
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by Speed Pujari View Post
Nice, You seem to have already surpassed the precision .. The tiger shot is mesmerizing.

I would rather warn you about the D810/D800/E. The file size will make you bonkers, and take my words on this.

And about the combo, its a personal choice. I would have done it this way- A D400 (DX is the idea) with 500mm with optional 1.4TC and a D710 with 70-200 f/2.8. I would not have to compromise on quality and reach at the same time.
I used a D810 during a recent wildlife roadtrip. Have started loving the IQ and the enhanced AF, as I expected to.

For mammals (and I shoot mammals, not birds), a large gap b/w 200 mm (I assume you meant D810) and 750 mm (equivalent) is not ideal. Most of the action happens in between.

Edit: the ideal focal length range would also depend on the park(e.g. Corbett or Tadoba? Or some park in Africa?), and what mammals I am shooting.

Last edited by nilanjanray : 2nd March 2015 at 17:57.
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Old 2nd March 2015, 20:02   #13495
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by mykal shoemaker View Post
Thank you for the tip. Bought a 35mm.
I think you will be happy with your choice as the 35 1.8 is a great lens, both sharp and fast.

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Old 2nd March 2015, 22:36   #13496
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Life is short. I am thinking of selling off my D7100, 70-300mm AF-S, and 18-105mm. And switching to a 2-body, FX+DX kit.

Need medicine for this acute gear acquisition syndrome.
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Old 2nd March 2015, 23:11   #13497
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by nilanjanray View Post
If I use one body, I will have a telezoom attached to it. If I ever decide to use 2 bodies (D810 and D7200/D400), then the DX will have the 300mm PF + 1.4x TC attached to it (2X TC in the bag), while the FX will have the 80-400mm.
That's a wonderful combination. You'd be ready for nearly everything. If you are interested in the 80-400 make sure it's the G version. You can even attach the 1.4x converter if you don't mind a slight compromise in IQ and slower focussing @ F8.

The new 80-400G is a bit of a dust pump so be a little wary whilst using it in dusty areas. Cover the junction between the outer and inner (extending) barrel with a cloth/handkerchief or whatever you can use to prevent the ingress of dust. And oh dear me, the lens foot/collar is terrible - made of plastic and doesn't grip the barrel well. A shocking lapse on Nikon's part in IIRC their 2nd most expensive zoom lens. Replace it with a Kirk or RRS collar if you intend using a tripod/monopod/beanbag with a ball head.

As for the so called giant files from the D8xx series, any PC with a contemporary processor from the last 5 years (2009-10) with decent RAM i.e. 4 GB or more should suffice. Ideal is 8-16 GB + a SSD and a Core i5 or i7 CPU.

Originally Posted by nilanjanray View Post
Life is short. I am thinking of selling off my D7100, 70-300mm AF-S, and 18-105mm. And switching to a 2-body, FX+DX kit. Need medicine for this acute gear acquisition syndrome.
Frankly I am rather surprised you held out this long. Kudos! No kidding.

The only medicine for GAS is actual acquisition or a low bank balance. Buy a sensible asset lets say gold ornament(s) for your wife and GAS automatically takes a back seat But then as you rightly say above, life is short.
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Old 3rd March 2015, 16:56   #13498
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by R2D2 View Post
That's a wonderful combination. You'd be ready for nearly everything. If you are interested in the 80-400 make sure it's the G version. You can even attach the 1.4x converter if you don't mind a slight compromise in IQ and slower focussing @ F8.
Yes, I will get 80mm - 630mm equivalent (1.4X TC)/ 900mm (2X TC) with two bodies. And handholdable.

I have been using the 80-400mm AF-S (G) version. The tripod collar is small, so a little awkward to carry. I always shoot it handheld, so not a biggie.

With a 1.4x TC, image quality and AF will be degraded - the increase in reach not worth the risk of missing sharp shots, IMO.

The 300mm f/4 PF weighs similar to the 70-300mm. Revolutionary!

The D7200 seems to be lacking Group AF. I was testing Group AF on the D810, very nice for certain situations.
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Old 3rd March 2015, 17:45   #13499
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by nilanjanray View Post
Yes, I will get 80mm - 630mm equivalent (1.4X TC)/ 900mm (2X TC) with two bodies. And handholdable.
Adding a 2x TC to the 300 F/4 PF will result in degradation and slow AF too. I think it works optimally with the only the 1.4x just as the older 300 F/4 did.

The tripod collar is small, so a little awkward to carry. I always shoot it handheld, so not a biggie.
If you don't intend using a tripod you can either remove the collar (it's removable) or turn it up 180 degrees so the foot is in front of the logo. If you use a BR strap you'd want to keep it on the lens.

I am still debating whether to buy a 3rd party collar or to just stay put and make do with the c**p collar Nikon has provided. Even thinking of the poor quality collar makes me want to shower Nikon with some choice invectives. The best way is to hand hold it as frequently as possible.

The 300mm f/4 PF weighs similar to the 70-300mm. Revolutionary!.
Yes it is quite revolutionary and it probably is a sign of things to come. One of the best ways to swing people back to DSLRs is to reduce gear weight. They are adopting 2 methods, PF and Fluorite. Of course Canon has been making such lenses for several years. )

The D7200 seems to be lacking Group AF. I was testing Group AF on the D810, very nice for certain situations.
I am still not sure what clear advantage the D7200 holds over the D7100 other than the better battery life. May be minor improvements in IQ. Let's see results from the field. These minor incremental upgrades are silly IMO.
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Old 3rd March 2015, 18:45   #13500
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Originally Posted by R2D2 View Post
I am still not sure what clear advantage the D7200 holds over the D7100 other than the better battery life. May be minor improvements in IQ. Let's see results from the field. These minor incremental upgrades are silly IMO.
Buffer, buffer, buffer! Extremely important for a wildlife shooter.
And some improvement in AF.
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