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Old 30th November 2011, 22:29   #8896
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Received my Sonly Alpha A35 DSLT today. Now beofore I write about the camera, a BIG THANKS to shajufx for helping me find the best deal!

The DSLR Thread-_dsc0072_a35.jpg

This is not a major upgrade as I am stepping from the bottom of the entry level DSLRs (A200) to the doorsteps of mid range DSLRs. Is it good to assume that this is the first DSLT camera in our community?

Small body dwarfed by Minolta Beercan!
The DSLR Thread-dsc02906_cam.jpg

DSLT - Unlike conventional DSLRs, this camera has a translucent mirror in place of the normal mirror and it always reflects some light onto a secondary sensor located above. DSLTs can give you higher fps and really fast continuous AF.

Initial impressions:

1) Small size for a DSLR(T)! I am so used to the size of my A200!
2) Really fast AF! (TG recommended this cam for this capability alone)
3) The feel of some buttons are not as good as in A200, especially the circular buttons around the OK button
4) EVF is noisy in low light but it anyway doesn't affect actual pictures taken.
5) EVF not as smooth as I thought in low light.
6) The True black LCD screen is just so good.
7) Good low light performance. Actually, impressed by the low light performance compared to my A200

I got a chance to test the camera only in low light, as it was already dark when I left office. Clicked few test shots sitting in my car -

ISO 400
The DSLR Thread-_dsc0018_400.jpg

ISO 1600
The DSLR Thread-_dsc0015_1600.jpg

ISO 12800
The DSLR Thread-_dsc0017_12800.jpg

This is shot at ISO12800 using Minolta 70-210. Moon not clearly visible because sky is totally cloudy. Camera can go upto ISO 25600 with multi-shot NR activated.
The DSLR Thread-_dsc0043_moon.jpg

A35 has Auto HDR feature, the camera takes multiple shots automatically and creates and HDR. You have control over usual settings like ISO, f value, & EV. A stupid Auto HDR I made with EV +0.7
The DSLR Thread-_dsc0013hdr.jpg

Waiting for daylight to try out more!

Last edited by clevermax : 30th November 2011 at 22:32.
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Old 30th November 2011, 22:55   #8897
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Congratulations Clevermax . Welcome to the dark side of EVFs . I am sure you'll have a lot of fun with your new camera, waiting for more photographs from you.
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Old 30th November 2011, 23:19   #8898
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by HellwratH View Post
Congratulations Clevermax . Welcome to the dark side of EVFs . I am sure you'll have a lot of fun with your new camera, waiting for more photographs from you.
Thanks man! "The dark side of EVFs" ha ha I like that! Waiting for some daylight to try more shots!
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Old 30th November 2011, 23:25   #8899
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by clevermax View Post
Thanks man! "The dark side of EVFs" ha ha I like that! Waiting for some daylight to try more shots!
Ha ha, trust me. It is the dark side . Since this has a translucent mirror, you *might* be spared. Do take a look at the EVIL thread to get an idea. I am waiting to see some photographs (especially the HDR mode at a beach, with dark foreground). And if I am not asking for too much, can we also get a HD video from this camera? Just curious to see how this fares against some other video footages I have seen from other DSLRs.
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Old 30th November 2011, 23:52   #8900
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by HellwratH View Post
Ha ha, trust me. It is the dark side . Since this has a translucent mirror, you *might* be spared. Do take a look at the EVIL thread to get an idea. I am waiting to see some photographs (especially the HDR mode at a beach, with dark foreground). And if I am not asking for too much, can we also get a HD video from this camera? Just curious to see how this fares against some other video footages I have seen from other DSLRs.
Do you think HD Video will be inferior? Actually it is superior because of the continuous AF that can happen while we shoot videos. There are several comparison videos in where you can see the same action being shot with a movie capable DSLR and then DSLT. I think Sony's website also has a sample, taken with their own cameras.

Just tried out this great feature - Multi-shot NR.This is a bliss to get rid of almost all the noise in very low light where you don't have the liberty of shooting with a tripod at lower ISOs.

I shot the following at ISO1600 with a shutter speed of 1/15s (which is relatively stable handheld with SSS on) The camera actually takes three shots and merges them in such a way to eliminate noise. This picture is not PPed and no NR apart from what camera did.

Looking at the crop which I have given below, would anyone agree that it was actually 1/15s @ISO1600?

1/15s, ISO 1600, Low incandescent lighting
The DSLR Thread-_dsc0090.jpg

A crop from above picture, any sign of noise?
The DSLR Thread-100crop.jpg

I think all DSLRs should have this feature. Will post HD video links later.

Last edited by clevermax : 1st December 2011 at 00:09.
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Old 1st December 2011, 09:15   #8901
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by clevermax View Post
Do you think HD Video will be inferior? Actually it is superior because of the continuous AF that can happen while we shoot videos. There are several comparison videos in Youtube where you can see the same action being shot with a movie capable DSLR and then DSLT. I think Sony's website also has a sample, taken with their own cameras.
Nope, I didn't think it was inferior. I was curious to see how it performs. Assuming that the same/similar sensor will be used in Nex-7, I wanted to get a feel from you with respect to video quality. Also, does the camera offer fully manual controls in video? In a few cameras that I know of, they don't offer changing shutter speed while you shoot a video.

And that low light shot is just brilliant! Very very clean.
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Old 1st December 2011, 09:50   #8902
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by HellwratH View Post
Nope, I didn't think it was inferior. I was curious to see how it performs. Assuming that the same/similar sensor will be used in Nex-7, I wanted to get a feel from you with respect to video quality. Also, does the camera offer fully manual controls in video? In a few cameras that I know of, they don't offer changing shutter speed while you shoot a video.
And that low light shot is just brilliant! Very very clean.
Here is a sample video as promised

As far as the video controls go, I am still to learn the ropes - because video is a new thing for me on a DSLR. Will update about that later.
EDIT: I've changed the soundtrack to some random track offered by you tube, so please excuse me if it's bad
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Old 1st December 2011, 09:58   #8903
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Thanks . The auto focus works really well, it shifted between objects in fg and bg pretty smoothly.
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Old 1st December 2011, 10:05   #8904
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by clevermax View Post
Here is a sample video as promised

As far as the video controls go, I am still to learn the ropes - because video is a new thing for me on a DSLR. Will update about that later.
EDIT: I've changed the soundtrack to some random track offered by you tube, so please excuse me if it's bad
Wow! The autofocus works like magic. Could you please shoot another video having humans and moving objects? BTW, what was the total cost of this purchase (if you don't mind sharing)? What are the specs of all the lenses you got?
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Old 1st December 2011, 11:04   #8905
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by HellwratH View Post
Thanks . The auto focus works really well, it shifted between objects in fg and bg pretty smoothly.
Originally Posted by ajay_satpute View Post
Wow! The autofocus works like magic. Could you please shoot another video having humans and moving objects? BTW, what was the total cost of this purchase (if you don't mind sharing)? What are the specs of all the lenses you got?
Yep. Will share one or two more as I shoot more clips. Grabbed this for 32K, with only the 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 Sony kit lens. Though this lens is not that great, it is well ahead of my previous kit lens 18-70mm in terms of CA.

I have two more lenses in addition, they work perfectly with the new body -
Minolta 70-210mm f/4
Minolta 50mm f/1.7
Have another Quantaray 28-90mm f/3.5-5.6 macro sitting idle at home. Optical quality not that good. (jkdas, reminder! )

The video you see above is shot with the 50mm.

I sold my beloved A200 to a good friend of mine. :(

Last edited by clevermax : 1st December 2011 at 11:33.
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Old 1st December 2011, 16:23   #8906
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by clevermax View Post
Here is a sample video as promised ....changed the soundtrack to some random track offered by you tube.....
Congrats dear ! I was surprised by the video quality and the auto focus performance. Wish my old Nikon D90 had this feature Its a lovely simple track.

Anyway, I hope to play with some video stuff as I am bargaining hard to get a used D7000 to my bag as back up. Also few golden glasses from Nikon family waiting for me. Hope to update here in couple of days
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Old 1st December 2011, 17:53   #8907
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Awesome acquisitions happening.

Saint Shaju,
What about your EVIL plans? Are they shelved for good?
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Old 1st December 2011, 18:03   #8908
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by clevermax View Post
Received my Sonly Alpha A35 DSLT today. Now beofore I write about the camera, a BIG THANKS to shajufx for helping me find the best deal!
Terrific! I am really glad to see somebody think outside of not only the Canon/Nikon box, the traditional dSLR box. The video AF performance is just outstanding, so different from the jerky video AF in dSLRs or EVIL. If I didn't have the current baggage of Olympus bodies and lenses, SLT was something I would love to explore. Sony SLT-A77 with 16-50mm F2.8 would be a killer combo.

Congrats on being the first SLT owner here.
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Old 1st December 2011, 20:17   #8909
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by HellwratH View Post
I am waiting to see some photographs (especially the HDR mode at a beach, with dark foreground).
Could not go to the beach yet but I have a lake for you

Single shot, metering right for the clouds only: 1/40s, ISO800, 18mm
The DSLR Thread-_dsc0127_w_jpg.jpg

In camera HDR, curves adjusted in PS:
The DSLR Thread-_dsc0128_hdr.jpg

Originally Posted by shajufx View Post
Congrats dear ! I was surprised by the video quality and the auto focus performance. Wish my old Nikon D90 had this feature Its a lovely simple track.

Anyway, I hope to play with some video stuff as I am bargaining hard to get a used D7000 to my bag as back up. Also few golden glasses from Nikon family waiting for me. Hope to update here in couple of days
Thanks shaju!

Originally Posted by Samurai View Post
Terrific! I am really glad to see somebody think outside of not only the Canon/Nikon box, the traditional dSLR box. The video AF performance is just outstanding, so different from the jerky video AF in dSLRs or EVIL. If I didn't have the current baggage of Olympus bodies and lenses, SLT was something I would love to explore. Sony SLT-A77 with 16-50mm F2.8 would be a killer combo.
Congrats on being the first SLT owner here.
Thanks Samurai..Thought outside the Canikon box years back, and felt that it is about time to think outside DSLR box as well...

Last edited by clevermax : 1st December 2011 at 20:18.
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Old 1st December 2011, 20:24   #8910
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by typeOnegative View Post
....What about your EVIL plans? Are they shelved for good?
EVIL plan was shelved in 7 days flat ! My next choice was Sony A77 which is expected to reach Indian stores only by Jan or Feb 2012. Until then the usual process of Buy & Sell !! And I really dont want to get away from my lucky 7. Nikon only has D700 and D7000 for my choice, so my eyes are on the latter

Originally Posted by Samurai View Post
....Sony SLT-A77 with 16-50mm F2.8 would be a killer combo.....
I had wet dreams about that killer combo for an entire month, but had to go ahead with life as its something Indians may not see until the 1st quarter of 2012. I dont think I have missed a single review (written or video) in the entire web on A77
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