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Old 31st March 2011, 01:08   #6901
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by bbkp View Post
In terms of warranties, I have never seen a Made in Japan item fail in the 1st one year. Canons are predominantly made in Japan. Made in Thailand (Nikon) is also acceptable. Made in Taiwan (Canon lenses, not the L series) and Made in Malaysia (Sony) are also acceptable as is the case with Made in Philippines (Pentax). Issues happen only with Made in Chinas - Other than Olympus, no SLR is made in China.
Nion D300s/D700/D3 are all made in Japan, just to confirm, although all these were bought in US.

I have seen 3 days old 5Dmk2 fail on location, its LCD just died (black-white lines like a barcode).
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Old 31st March 2011, 02:21   #6902
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by shajufx View Post
Could you explain that VAT a bit better ? Never heard of that from anyone so far. I am ignorant about someone bringing in stuff other than a bitter experience of burning my fingers by shipping.
Well, it is simple. A lot of countries charge VAT on all sales. Here in Australia, it is called GST. This tax is generally not extended to tourists. So what they do in a lot of countries (UK, Australia, Thailand for sure) is that upon purchase of an item, you need to clearly state to the vendor that you intend to take GST / VAT refund. He will prepare a separate receipt for the same.

When you are checking in to the flight abroad, there is usually a small counter next to Immigrations / customs. You would need to present the GST form, show them the item, and get your money back. In certain countries, money is transfered to an account.

Generally, there is a rule that you should buy the item, within a particular period before your date of leaving the country. Out here in Australia, you get 10% back for all items bought within 1 months before departure. A lot of Aussies, buy their expensive stuff just before they are off to a holiday abroad and claim the 10% back.

I have claimed it in UK, Australia and Thailand. Comes to a pretty high amount if you think that 10% is close to 5K on a 50K camera.

Last edited by bbkp : 31st March 2011 at 02:22.
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Old 31st March 2011, 02:27   #6903
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by Jaguar View Post
In some countries (Singapore and Thailand for example), if you are exiting the country within a certain period of from the purchase, the VAT amount is refunded (I suppose this is only for foreigners though).
In Australia, they don't care whether you are a visitor or an Australian resident. If you are leaving the country after a month of buying the goods, you can claim the GST of 10% - Period. You can infact bring back the item to Australia the very next day. Local Aussies plan and buy a lot of stuff before disappearing to a holiday in NZ / Fuji / Vanuatu - These places are so close that the ticket prices are lesser than the GST claimed back at times. So, it is almost like getting a free holiday with the kit.

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Old 31st March 2011, 02:35   #6904
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by EP. View Post
Guys, we have been discussing lately about our options and Dad wants to go in for the Canon 60D and the Tamron lens, guess he had it planned out already! But the brighter side is that one can always add better lenses.

And regarding Canon 600D, I would be happy even with a 450D, I haven't used a SLR except for a very few times, and know very little about them. Whatever technical terms I have put in before ( if any ) is what I have heard from my Dad or read from the internet in the last few days.

@Prasad- I did check out the JJMetha website before, the pricing seems to be on par with the Coimbatore shop. And plans of buying the camera is also under consideration.
Well, 60D is certainly on then. I am still not so convinced in pairing it with the Tammy 18-270 mm though. It is almost like attaching a Maruti 800 chassis to an Audi engine or vice versa.

JJ Mehta is one of the most reliable guys that I know of in India. He has a small shop in Dadar, but does more sales on the net. Very good vendor and fairly good stockist. Generally helpful and even if something is not in stock, he is very keen on getting it for the customer. Prices are also extremely reasonable.
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Old 31st March 2011, 11:05   #6905
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Re: The DSLR Thread

True, JJ Mehta at Dadar(w) is very reasonable, both with or without a 'Bill' products can be procured either online eShop or by person at their shop in Dadar market.
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Old 31st March 2011, 13:59   #6906
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by bbkp View Post
JJ Mehta is one of the most reliable guys that I know of in India. He has a small shop in Dadar, but does more sales on the net. Very good vendor and fairly good stockist. Generally helpful and even if something is not in stock, he is very keen on getting it for the customer. Prices are also extremely reasonable.
Well seeing the location of EP I would suggest smartshoppers in Chennai or RK / Jayesh in Bangalore.

If you are purchasing online then JJMehta or smartshoppers is good source.
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Old 31st March 2011, 16:37   #6907
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by bbkp View Post
. It is almost like attaching a Maruti 800 chassis to an Audi engine or vice versa.
Well the good news is that the "attaching" is flexible

Originally Posted by amitk26 View Post
Well seeing the location of EP I would suggest smartshoppers in Chennai or RK / Jayesh in Bangalore.

If you are purchasing online then JJMehta or smartshoppers is good source.
The deal for lens has been made, I will get it in a week's time. The camera will probably be purchased from Coimbatore. But thanks for the info, buddy.
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Old 1st April 2011, 02:11   #6908
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Talking more about the VAT refund and benefits of getting the kit from abroad, picture this -

Cost of Tamron 18-270 mm @ jjmehta - Rs. 30K approx.

Cost of the same lens in Australia - AUD 600 or Rs.22,500 approx

Vat refund - AUD 60 or Rs. 2500 approx

Eventual cost - Rs. 20,000/-

So, just for a lens, the savings are in the order of 10K. Please make a note that prices in US and some countries in SE Asia are even lesser. Tamron 70 - 300 mm VR USD lens that costed me AUD 500 in Australia is retailing at 400 USD in US - to top it up, they are giving 50 dollars payback on it.

So, really speaking, maintaining some close friends abroad helps in these cases.

Last edited by bbkp : 1st April 2011 at 02:24.
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Old 1st April 2011, 08:33   #6909
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Bbkp tamron & sigma do not provide international warranty and there is not too much diff between US price and Grey price here.In case of canon lens as they have international warranty it makes sense.
BTW lowest prices I have seen are in duty free shops at incheon airport Korea.Lower then prices and Singapore prices.

Secondly most of the time shop prices are lower then online price in India exact opposite of usa. JJM is generally slightly higher.
Asking someone to carry is another trouble specially after change in baggage rules from US. My macro lens is with a friend in US for last 3 months. :-( thinking of getting by courier now may have to pay 27% duty.

Last edited by amitk26 : 1st April 2011 at 08:36.
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Old 1st April 2011, 08:38   #6910
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by bbkp View Post
Actually, 59K body only is a high price for a 60D.
I see jjmehta also sell it for 59k (ok 5/- less ).
Surprisingly, jjmehta listed 60D with 18-55 IS kit lens at 66K. What the duck??? 7k for that lens!!!

Originally Posted by amitk26 View Post
Asking someone to carry is another trouble specially after change in baggage rules from US. My macro lens is with a friend in US for last 3 months. :-( thinking of getting by courier now may have to pay 27% duty.
Some one was mentioning to me, if it is written as "gift" on the package, you need not pay the duty. Check this one before you go ahead with courier!!

Last edited by kkr2k2 : 1st April 2011 at 08:42.
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Old 1st April 2011, 13:55   #6911
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by amitk26 View Post
Bbkp tamron & sigma do not provide international warranty and there is not too much diff between US price and Grey price here.
Firstly if you are buying in Grey Market, you ain't getting any warranty - simple. Warranties are void for any items in grey market.

Secondly, my experience has been different. With my parents in Thailand over the past many years and me travelling abroad every now and then, every single piece of electronics and a majority of household items came from abroad. Whenever I compare the prices of items, even for mobile phones, I find prices in India to be on the higher side - even if I go to the grey market shops.

4 Televisions, 9 cameras (couple of them SLRs), 2 home theater systems, 3 or 4 rice cookers, 3 laptops, atleast 5 DVD players, 2 mobile phones - all this came from abroad - everything in working order. If I have to compare prices, every single item was atleast 15-20% less and the average price difference would be 30% less to the prices of grey market in India.
Originally Posted by kkr2k2 View Post
I see jjmehta also sell it for 59k (ok 5/- less ).
Surprisingly, jjmehta listed 60D with 18-55 IS kit lens at 66K. What the duck??? 7k for that lens!!!
Costs about 1000 dollars (Body only) over here in Australia. Which would make it approx 45K in INR. Cut another 10% as GST refund. Makes it 41K.

Doubt if any grey market shop will have it for 41K in India though. Talking about which, once an item is bought in a grey market, it doesn't have any warranties on it.


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Old 1st April 2011, 19:01   #6912
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by bbkp View Post
Firstly if you are buying in Grey Market, you ain't getting any warranty - simple. Warranties are void for any items in grey market.
That is the point you don't get warranty in India if it is purchased from abroad ( Except Canon Lens and speed lights) and grey market price is same as US price. So grey in India works almost same as bought from abroad as there is no warranty in either case.

I am not comparing Thailand price , I have traveled some 20 times to Korea in last few years and that is one of the cheapest place to buy made in japan electronics ( cheaper then Japan due to tax and lower overheads ) but in same shop same item made in China/malaysia/taiwan peace is lot cheaper then Japan/Korea made and also there are lots of china made clones which are hard to find from real.

Check this link from a Chinese supplier for clones only brand is missing

Digital Camera Lens (24-70MM) - China Lens,Lens Digital Camera in Digital Camera

Digital Camera Lens (AF-S 85MM F/1.4 G) - China Digital Camera Lens in Digital Camera

Last edited by amitk26 : 1st April 2011 at 19:02.
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Old 3rd April 2011, 17:55   #6913
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Hi Guys

Slight OT but still related - where can I calibrate my lcd monitor for color accuracy using hardware like a Spyder or Lacie device - for a small fee? I cant afford to buy such a device.

Once calibrated, can we just note down the settings for RGB Brightness/Contrast, Gamma etc and set it or does it need periodic hardware testing for recalibration?

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Old 4th April 2011, 01:40   #6914
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Originally Posted by Ragul View Post
Hi Guys

Slight OT but still related - where can I calibrate my lcd monitor for color accuracy using hardware like a Spyder or Lacie device - for a small fee? I cant afford to buy such a device.

Once calibrated, can we just note down the settings for RGB Brightness/Contrast, Gamma etc and set it or does it need periodic hardware testing for recalibration?

There are few different things to do than just note down the settings. You can simply save the profile itself. But the issue is, with win7 everytime you restart or log off and on, color correction goes nuts. Same is when ambient lighting in the room changes.

Usually spyder series are considered okay but I have found them to be quite behind than something like colormunki/eye right. Of course there are others. Also the software used for calibration matters, for spyder series difference between normal and pro is just the software which can be downloaded hence a normal spyder becomes pro.

I personally prefer colormunki (all in one kit, LCD, printer, camera profiles, etc) or Huey pro as it has ambient light sensing.
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Old 4th April 2011, 01:41   #6915
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Re: The DSLR Thread

Also multiple monitors is a different can of worms.
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