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Old 13th April 2010, 20:39   #3556
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@harjeev and @teknophobia: Thanks mate for explaining.

@k_ajay :
I have practically no depth in photography,what I am writing is totally book based knowledge and writings from the forums.Practical experience will definitely vary with it,because,the man behind the camera is different (=novice for me).Thats why our forum's Photography guru's tips is very crucial.

Read this forum: Canon Digital Photography Forums - Powered by vBulletin

I am "rodopsin" there (no post till date).There are model specific threads,I would ask you to read at least these pages before buying.By the way its Canon only forum.But they post about third party lenses,Filters,Flashes,tripods and other accessories too.Its better to know what to know the capability,the limitations,differences between models,how much we can use them, before buying,its my personal way of thought (Just the way we do before buying a car )
Why I am making the decision for 1000D ,500D,550D or XD its better to know before hand.Innova may suit you for your daily use,may not suit mine.Got the point?

@Saju Nice teamwork mate! I am feeling guilty not to join you.The fifth person was not Hurricane,Either you are pointing towards Abbas,mohang_j or aditya101
(pages 230-233)
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Old 13th April 2010, 20:44   #3557
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When are you ppl planning to make the purchase? I am tempted to go for the nifty 250.
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Old 13th April 2010, 20:48   #3558
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Originally Posted by shajufx View Post
RK might give me a quote of 37+ by 16th. 500D price has dropped after the launch of 550D. There was one more DSLR buyer reported in this thread, if he hasnt bought already, please join the group.

I am joining your group as guranteed buyer not for the body but for the Sigma 17-70 2.8-4 OS HSM lens which is estimated to be around 23k. Although its a lens, its as equal as a Canon 1000D or Nikon D3000 (body only) buyer pricewise ! Here is the list of things as of now:

1) Canon 500D kit (for Unni)
2) Canon 550D kit (for Ajay)
3) Sigma 17-70 OS HSM (for me)
4) Marumi or Hoya CPL filter 72 mm (for me)

So its already a deal above 1 lakh. I have spoken to RK today, will get the updates as the stocks reach them. Will get the quote from Jayesh same time, lets see who wants a group deal.

46k you get a 550D with bill and warranty now.

Guys i am also ready to buy a canon sx20is.... i am in for a group deal. Please count me in. Lemme know the price.
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Old 13th April 2010, 20:57   #3559
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Most probably between 17th to 20th, not necessary everyone go in a group and pick up the things. The bargaining and finalising will be done as a group order, but one can individually go and pick it up according to the individual convenience !

Abbas, are you in Bangalore ? I am not yet sure how the group order can save some bucks.

After directly refering over 17 fiestas (members and non-members of our forum) within a span of 4 months, Ford India didnt even give me a spoiler as a compliment. DSLR field is a game with very minute margin as the grey market is very strong. So, we are just trying some luck, may or may not be good.

In my conversation with Dr.Venkat whom we met at the Ranganathittu bird sanctury last weekend, I told him D90 body is available in Bangalore for the lowest of 38k to which he replied, its available in Hyderabad for 35k. So, I got a shock ! Prices are fluctuating each week.

Last edited by shajufx : 13th April 2010 at 20:59.
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Old 13th April 2010, 21:03   #3560
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Originally Posted by shajufx View Post
Most probably between 17th to 20th, not necessary everyone go in a group and pick up the things. The bargaining and finalising will be done as a group order, but one can individually go and pick it up according to the individual convenience !

Abbas, are you in Bangalore ? I am not yet sure how the group order can save some bucks.

After directly refering over 17 fiestas (members and non-members of our forum) within a span of 4 months, Ford India didnt even give me a spoiler as a compliment. DSLR field is a game with very minute margin as the grey market is very strong. So, we are just trying some luck, may or may not be good.

In my conversation with Dr.Venkat whom we met at the Ranganathittu bird sanctury last weekend, I told him D90 body is available in Bangalore for the lowest of 38k to which he replied, its available in Hyderabad for 35k. So, I got a shock ! Prices are fluctuating each week.
that`s ok shajufx. if you could just find out the price for me and if it suits me i could transfer funds to you people and you could ship me here. I am getting retail here for 28.5 k

On amazon i am getting it for 379$ + 70 $ shipping. that`s approx. 20k. But i am spectical of the deal since i have never bought anything from amazon and i don`t know weather there wil be any duty or not.

What do you people say, buying for amazon is a ok? afterall i am saving close to 8k.
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Old 13th April 2010, 21:08   #3561
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Abbas, amazon doesnt ship many things to India first of all. I had bought a 35mm nikon prime from B&H last month. The custom guys will stamp the duty according to the MRP in India for the same product. So, trying to save some 4k from the grey price here, I ended up paying the MRP (product cost $200 + shipping and custom duty = 14k). So, I will never repeat that mistake nor advise anyone. Until it reaches your home, nobody can tell you what will be the total cost.
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Old 13th April 2010, 21:14   #3562
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Originally Posted by shajufx View Post
Abbas, amazon doesnt ship many things to India first of all. I had bought a 35mm nikon prime from B&H last month. The custom guys will stamp the duty according to the MRP in India for the same product. So, trying to save some 4k from the grey price here, I ended up paying the MRP (product cost $200 + shipping and custom duty = 14k). So, I will never repeat that mistake nor advise anyone. Until it reaches your home, nobody can tell you what will be the total cost.
thanks for your expi. i was skeptical and hence i didn`t place the order yet. My cousin stay in US and would probably get it delivered tohim only and he may get it when he comes down next month. Will this duty still be applicable or he can just open the package and get it loose stating it that its his personal belonging.
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Old 13th April 2010, 21:29   #3563
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If your cousine can get it next month, dont even compare prices here. You can save a lot getting it from there by hand. May be he has to open the box, flatten it (not the camera but the box) and pack it as the base with clothes. It shouldnt be a problem at all as a person coming on vacation is entitled to carry upto certain value.

My neighbour's son is coming mid of May, he will be carrying a 7.1 home theatre system thats costing over $2500, not for me, for his home.
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Old 13th April 2010, 22:36   #3564
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I can remember I paid 35% tax for an electronic device for professional use (from US).But they never taxed me for CD/DVDs,books.
Its only advisable way to follow,when you cant find that thing in India and you need urgently.
Ask your cousin to flatten the box (as saju said) and pack it in separate bags (or whatever),ask her to wrap the camera with bubble wrappers.(The whole process was actually advised by a BHPian in other thread).It works perfectly.
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Old 13th April 2010, 23:49   #3565
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I am planning to buy a dslr. Probably canon brand. Any good shops in bangy where I can go take a look, talk to someone and make a decision?
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Old 14th April 2010, 13:57   #3566
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Originally Posted by ash_blore View Post
I am planning to buy a dslr. Probably canon brand. Any good shops in bangy where I can go take a look, talk to someone and make a decision?
Hi Ash,

You can check out almost all Canon EOS range cameras at the Canon Image Lounge which is on the Bridge Road [check Canon website for address]. You can get all product knowledge there, try out their cameras and make a decision.

For purchase, you can look at authorised shops like Foto Circle, RK Photo Guide [i think], GK VALE, Croma, etc.. FotoCircle and RK PG are known to sell at very competitive prices.

Good luck..

Edit: Ash, a few of us from Bangalore are in the process of getting a joint quote for EOS Cameras, lenses etc.. where the total purchase value is exceeding about 1.10 lakhs. By making a joint purchase, we 'possibly' can get some discounts or atleast accessories/freebies..

The purchase is planned to be made between the 19th and 1st of May. If you are in a position to decide by this timeline and if you are interested, you could join us for the joint quote and maybe benefit.. Think about it..


Last edited by k_ajay : 14th April 2010 at 14:11. Reason: Adding the joint purchase initiative.
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Old 14th April 2010, 14:18   #3567
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I have a query for the experts.

With image quality in mind, how good are the Canon EOS 40D and 5D? Is it true that the 5D does not support EF-S lenses and only EF lenses & also does not have internal flash?

If there are any members here using the 40D and/or 5D, can I please request if you can share your experience and photos please?

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Old 14th April 2010, 15:13   #3568
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Originally Posted by k_ajay View Post
I have a query for the experts.

With image quality in mind, how good are the Canon EOS 40D and 5D? Is it true that the 5D does not support EF-S lenses and only EF lenses & also does not have internal flash?

If there are any members here using the 40D and/or 5D, can I please request if you can share your experience and photos please?

The biggest difference between the 2 is that 5D is a full frame camera while 40D is a 1.6X crop camera. The 5D has lot larger pixels which translates to DOF and high ISO advantages. Yes the 5D does not have an internal flash as its more of a pro oriented camera who is assumed to have a few speed lights in his arsenal. EF-S lenses are the DX lenses of the Canon world. They were designed to work only on crop cameras like the 40D. If you mount an EF-S lens on a full frame Canon there are chances of damaging the camera.

Last edited by SPARKled : 14th April 2010 at 15:21.
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Old 14th April 2010, 15:38   #3569
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Count me in for a 550D kit with bill & warr.

Would like to come for the purchase, so if possible make it a Sat/Sun

Looking forward to meeting you all.

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Old 14th April 2010, 17:22   #3570
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Wow, great responses so far ! Can you guys wait for a while, shall I start a DSLR store ? I dont mind marrying a Chinese to get the products here faster !!!

Let me compile the list so far, although some are not yet decided on the make and model, also not shown the interest in a group purchase. We can think of 24th Saturday or 25th Sunday as a convenient date (no problem in picking up things on one's own convenience too as the prices will be cross checked, compared and heavily bargained before fixing the deal). Lets not make it a 100 people rally in Majestic that can end up in lathi charge and tear gas usage !!

Approximate price given for reference only.

1) Canon 500D kit (Unni) 37k
2) Canon 550D kit (ajay) 46k
3) Canon 550D kit with B&W (lazy) 46k
4) Canon DSLR kit (ash_blore) 25k
5) Canon/Nikon DSLR kit (Hurrycane) 25k
6) Canon SX20 is (abbas) 28k
7) Canon 55-250 lens (jaguar) 13k
8) Sigma 17-70 lens (me) 23k
9) CPL/UV filters 67mm and 72mm (me) 5k

We are touching 2.48 already ! Its the first time I am into a group deal, more than any discount or freebies, I am more curious to meet some future DSLR Pros ! And I am the only Nikon guy in the whole list.
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