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Old 4th April 2010, 08:12   #3436
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Dear Abhishek, hope you know the canon XD DSLR theory. XD's are professional cameras and not possible for everyone to buy. XXD is still affordable for many, new/used. XXXD and XXXXD are for beginners. Dont look for Mega Pixels in in DSLR Cameras, look for minimum and maximum exposure time, other features, i recommend you to go for any XXD depending on your budget. lens is purely your option based on what photography you want to take. but go for the lens with USM and IS, and EF mount lenses are good than EF-S Quality wise, u can also check out Lenses from Sigma. make sure have maxim aperture in the lens, so that you can play with various lighting atmosphere.
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Old 4th April 2010, 15:05   #3437
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Thank you Karthik1100 for so fast reply!
look for minimum and maximum exposure time, other features, i recommend you to go for any XXD depending on your budget.
Thanks for the input.Actually,I had other brand in mind,thats Olympus.But,after reading Samurai's post about their "no where" after sales service,have I wiped it off from my mind.(Thanks Samurai).
EF mount lenses are good than EF-S Quality wise,
Thanks for your input mate.
It was u can also check out Lenses from Sigma. make sure have maxim aperture in the lens, so that you can play with various lighting atmosphere.
Sigma is my mind.As you know,The price-aperture has a steep cure,I have either compromise in focal length or aperture size (in 70-300 arena).And when I am thinking of number of blades,it is making me more puzzled.
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Old 4th April 2010, 15:56   #3438
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Nice choice Abhishek, The best option is still to go for canonikons, All others are to brought at your own risk . I have a Sony Alpha 230. With absolutly no aftermarket support for accessories its getting dated day by day. The lenses are not available at sony world as well. The only option i have is buy based on internet reviews. To order a lens i have to pay up advance to sony world guys without even seeing the lens . Same goes for other cameras and lenses from little lesser popular brand.

Canon 500D is a great cam, buy only from authorised channels. You can also go for the nikon D 3000, this is a nice cam with good enough features and price just 24k with the kit lens.

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Old 4th April 2010, 16:03   #3439
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Originally Posted by icemanz View Post
I am a novice photography enthusiast using a Olympus PS 6.3-63 3.7 since 3 years. I would like to progress to a DSLR. My friend recently purchased a D5000 and I liked the feel and IQ of the camera. However reluctant to go for it due to lack of inbuilt IS. I believe Nikor IS lenses are expensive as compared to IS lenses from other reliable brands, please correct me if I am wrong here.
I am thinking of getting the D90 body from US/Japan and procuring a good non IS lens from India. I understand D90 is a semi pro camera, however I would like to invest in a good asset that will not need replacement for next 6-8 years.
Please advice whether this is a right approach.
Biggest difference between IS is, In-lens IS can be seen working through viewfinder while In-body IS cant be seen unless your are using live view. Both have there merits and pitfalls, In-body can be used on ANY lens and works out cheaper and to some extend is effective for angular correction. In-lens IS works out expensive but is more optimized and hence is better in same scenarios. Only Canon has Angular In-lens IS available and calls it Hybrid IS.

Nikon/Canon will almost always be expensive than Third party lenses, except of course Zeiss, Thornton and Pickard and likes. Reason being why will someone buy sigma if its expensive than Nikon/Canon when both Nikon/Canon are better in IQ and have better build quality. Not to forget crazy quality control with third party lenses.

No DSLR can stay current more than 3-4yrs, even if that.
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Old 4th April 2010, 17:00   #3440
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Dear all,

I am planning to buy my first DSLR - upgrading from a Sony Point and Shoot.

My range is:

1. Nikon D5000
2. EOS 450D
3. EOS 500D

My choice is D5000 at the moment because it appears to be more user friendly. I also like the articulated screen. I will go for EOS in case it is cheaper.

D3000 => rejected because of lack of live view and no video. But i liked the Guide mode which is too good for beginners.

EOS 1000D=> rejected because no video ... also I can spend more at the moment so might as well go for a more expensive one.

Any comments?
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Old 4th April 2010, 19:41   #3441
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why not 550D if you can wait for a few more days....jjmehta already has it but shud get cheaper in a few days
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Old 4th April 2010, 22:03   #3442
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Double thanks to you (for directing me to this thread and taking the time to give your valuable opinion)

The lenses are not available at sony world as well.
I went few days ago in Sony world ,Kolkata,beleive me,they dont have clear idea about DSLRs.
They sell them as "expensive cameras",not as photography equipments.

To order a lens i have to pay up advance to sony world guys without even seeing the lens
Thats horrible.There is ample chance of seeing the lens with different spec.

buy only from authorised channels. You can also go for the nikon D 3000, this is a nice cam with good enough features and price just 24k with the kit lens.
Thanks.I will buy from a physical shop (Capital Electronics in kolkata for Canon).I have to think about Nikon D3000,that price bracket will leave a room to think about good lenses (=long term investment)


EOS 1000D=> rejected because no video
Mate,as far I know, 500D (as you have tending to buy it) will produce sluggish videos at highest quality settings.So,do a research.Experts here can help you more.

No DSLR can stay current more than 3-4yrs, even if that.
EOS 350D is an example.Right?
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Old 4th April 2010, 22:06   #3443
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Originally Posted by Karthik1100 View Post
Guys this is DSLR thread, please post regarding DSLR cameras
If this was in response for this:

Originally Posted by Rudra Sen View Post
Bought this yesterday. Currently in exploring mode.
Attachment 321453
then you're talking to one of the Gurus here!

BTW, Rudraji, what made you buy a P&S? Or do you regularly use a P&S as well?
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Old 4th April 2010, 22:25   #3444
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Originally Posted by clevermax View Post

BTW, Rudraji, what made you buy a P&S? Or do you regularly use a P&S as well?
He creates magic with I Phone cam itself, wonder what will happen with S90 now.
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Old 4th April 2010, 23:15   #3445
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Originally Posted by kpzen View Post
wonder what will happen with S90 now.
The S90 is the first pocket cam (the LX3 is more like a jacket pocket cam) that I have used that allows me to leave my DSLR at home and not feel like I am losing too much. In Rudra-da's hands the S90 might produce better results than a DSLR (in my hands).

Originally Posted by clevermax View Post
BTW, Rudraji, what made you buy a P&S? Or do you regularly use a P&S as well?
my guess: portability and that ring around the lens.

Pocket full of poses
Husha Busha
Rudra is S90 proud

Last edited by navin : 5th April 2010 at 09:44.
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Old 5th April 2010, 00:04   #3446
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Canon by Canon case


I thought Karthik is joking with Rudrada

I was not sure,so to indicate Karthik,I wrote:

But the camera He used to get this shot was Canon 1D Mark II,if I am not wrong!
Return of the pocket-sized power house
I think Karthik unintentionally and unknowingly written it.

Last edited by abhishek_bmw : 5th April 2010 at 00:07.
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Old 5th April 2010, 03:00   #3447
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Originally Posted by abhishek_bmw View Post

EOS 350D is an example.Right?
Canon 350D/Digital Rebel XT/Kiss Digital N was released 1st Quarter of 2005 and was replaced by 400D/Digital Rebel Xti/Kiss Digital X 3rd Quarter of 2006.

So it stayed current for grand total of 1.5yrs. The longest any DSLR remained current was Nikon D100, it stayed current for 3yrs and 9months, comparatively Canon 1DsMk2/1DsMk3/5DMk1 remained current for 3yrs which is there product cycle.
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Old 5th April 2010, 05:54   #3448
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Want to open another discussion thread here. The allrounder lens debate.

I am now almost mentally prepared to sell my existing kit lenses (18-55, 55-250) next year once I have enough cash spare. The 50mm stays. The path is almost clear.
  1. Get a 10-24 tammy (depends really on how I see tanveer's ownership!)
  2. Sell 18-55 kit lens, get a 18-200 tammy
  3. Sell 55-250 and Get a canon 100-400
I am personally heavily inclined towards an all purpose lens. And a lighter camera bag. The heavy big camera bag (I have an el cheapo 500 bucks one which can take 4 kit lenses + one body) is a liability in treks and general travels!

Makes sense? There's often enough light and its more important to grab a shot (say an animal crossing the road, something interesting on the road, some person etc) than fumble around for changing the lens.

I will buy a bag which can sit happily atop the car handbrake and from where I can quickly draw the cam as required. Anyone got any such setup?

Last edited by phamilyman : 5th April 2010 at 06:00.
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Old 5th April 2010, 10:34   #3449
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Originally Posted by clevermax View Post
BTW, Rudraji, what made you buy a P&S? Or do you regularly use a P&S as well?
Interesting question. No I don’t have a (read never used) P&S. But few things attracted me about this camera:

1. They’ve reduced the pixel counts from their top of the line G10/G11. So roughly in a same space, lesser pixel counts mean smoother image.

2. Wider side’s opening is f2.

3. Shorter zoom range. Equivalent to 25-105 mm for full frame.

4. Low resolution for video. This clearly signifies that this camera is meant essentially for still shoot.

5. Enough controls to pull out good tonal ranges for RAW.
Originally Posted by kpzen View Post
wonder what will happen with S90 now.
Nothing much. I need to know this tiny one more to get the best out. I’ve seen some trial images on my comp and I feel this one is capable of giving A2 size print.
Through Canon’s DPP, TIFF image comes to around 57 MB at 16 bit. Good enough to work around.
Originally Posted by navin View Post
my guess: portability and that ring around the lens.
One superb feature from old days.
Originally Posted by abhishek_bmw View Post
I think Karthik unintentionally and unknowingly written it.
But he was right in a way.
Sorry Karthik, that was really a mistake. I totally forgot about DSLR chapter.
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Old 5th April 2010, 11:47   #3450
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Originally Posted by Rudra Sen View Post
3. Shorter zoom range. Equivalent to 25-105 mm for full frame.

4. Low resolution for video. This clearly signifies that this camera is meant essentially for still shoot.
I somewhat understand what you're trying to say, but these are two things which disappoints many P&S buyers, and they will for for those 10x and 20x optical zooms.

Sorry for OT again.
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