Originally Posted by proton Excellent post IT!
I always enjoy your comments and your encyclopedic knowledge (and daring to go where no man has gone before: scanner camera indeed!).
Would you say that m43 would meet 90% requirements of most first timer DSLR users? And more enjoyment of the experience? |
Scanner Camera is just a stolen design to be honest, people have been making it for-ever.
Since every user has a different set of requirements, one cannot say how many will be fulfilled by M43 system, it might fill 100% and it might not even fill 10% or the requirements. Since it provides control and interchangeable lenses it isn`t bad for a beginner but remember when this beginner grows out of the current system, they will need to get a complete new system and not just a new body or lens.
DOF addicts, landscape shooters NEED huge sensors and frankly even Full frame isn't enough, hence I myself am thinking of moving to Medium Format Kit. Small sensors just don`t cut it.
One big issue with M43 is sensor noise which is simply not possible to solve YET (
black silicon might help it, its already being used for Night-vision applications and Image Intensifiers are using it but not sure if any manufacturer is considering it for consumer applications as its relatively cheap to produce. I believe SiOnyx has the manufacturing licenses for it at this point.). Sensors heats up as it gets uses, more it gets used, hotter it gets and even slight variations in temperature produce huge amounts of noise.
DSLR's have the edge as we compose through the viewfinder, sensor is used for very little time while during live preview sensor is used for longer periods of time continuously. This affects sensor dramatically as it gets hot more and more noise comes into play. To counter this sensor is not 100% used, just some pixels in it (and that too can be shifted, for example lets divide sensor in groups of 100 pixels, 1 pixel is used per 100 pixels for live view, now we can use each pixels for 0.1 sec and then move onto next pixel and then to third and keep doing it till we reach 100th pixels and these kept rotating between these 100 pixels, this uses more processing power but keeps sensor cool. Different manufacturers do different things but these are all kept a technical secret.)
This way live-preview is done with very little resolution and sensor is kept cool but actual focus and exposure and clarity(color wise) gets affected massively since AF is based on contrast and metering isn`t happening optically like it happens in DSLR's. As a fact Hasselblad still does metering through prisms (basically penta-prism assembly).
In order to solve this issue one can go Medium Format backs way and use a small heat-sink coupled with/without peltier system and a fan but that decreases battery life quickly and increases size. This isn't possible since that beats the whole point of M43.
Also with M43, high FPS (with good results) isn't easy to achieve on M43, since that also affects sensor temperature.
These limitations will stop M43 to become a proper alternative to high-end DSLR. That being said, M43 is a good alternative for those who use DSLR for happy snaps.
Originally Posted by livyodream IT inspector or any other camer guru can explain the above paragraph |
Chromatic aberration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wiki can explain way better than me
Personally i don't have much experience with Sigma lenses, except 50-500mm and 10-20mm. So would not comment on 70-300mm since i have never used it.