Team-BHP - The Official Joke thread

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Live-in-parcel :)


Originally Posted by akshay1234 (Post 2711368)
Well a Condoring post can be done if the joke has been posted recently, but if it was posted years ago then its irrelevant and will still give us a good laugh.

Does that mean one shall copy paste the jokes which were posted more than 2 or 3 years back? :D


Originally Posted by n_aditya (Post 2711071)
Note from Support - Please report post if a joke has been repeated. Makes more sense to do this instead of multiple people posting a "condored" message.

Sometimes we were having funny discussions while condoring the posts but agree with you on reporting the posts.

Irish :)

I'd say so...


Originally Posted by bluevolt (Post 2711657)
Some facts That will Definitely Make You Feel Old:
A must must read for all age group members:
Pls go dye your hair now ;) :p .

Aah, applicable only for the lucky ones who still have enough hair left to dye! :p

Loyalty Test: Wife buys a dozen underwear of same color for her husband.

Husband - Why same color? People will think I never change underwear.

Wife - Who people ?

Husband - Total silence.

Waiter: Your Bill Sir.
Santa: Take My Card.
... .
Waiter: But Sir, This Is Ration Card.
Santa: To Phir Bahar Kya Majaak Me Likha hai.. (Then is it written just for fun outside that)
All Cards are Accepted.

got these in a email forward. i've tried to remember the ones already posted and removed them. if found posted before, please report.

Nobody teaches Volcanoes to erupt, Tsunamis to devastate, Hurricanes to sway around and no one teaches how to choose a Wife!

Natural disasters just happen!


A man came home late at night after a party.
His wife yelled:
"how would you feel if you don't see me for two days?"
The man couldn’t believe his luck: 'that would be great'!
Monday passed and he didn’t see her......
Tuesday and Wednesday passed too.....
On Thursday his swelling became better
And now he could see her from the corner of one eye.


Having "WIFE" Is A Part Of Living...
But Having "GIRLFRIEND" Along With The "WIFE" Is Art Of Living.


Husband was seriously ill. Doc to wife: Give him healthy breakfast, be pleasant & in gud mood, don’t discuss ur problems, no tv serial, don’t demand new clothes & gold jewels,
Do this for 1 yr & he will be ok.
On the way home.. Husband: what did the doc say ?
Wife:- .No chance for u to survive

I used to do that! Hahaha :D :D

The Official Joke thread-420238_332820743430231_235635903148716_935622_1185185957_n.jpg


Originally Posted by BaCkSeAtDrIVeR (Post 2711802)
Kid v2 (a boy) - Yay!!! Dad!!! Seee .. that yellow car?? That is a Nano!! Nano!!! Nano!! Nano!!! Nano!! Nano!!! Nano!! Nano!!! Nano!! Nano!!!

/* The D-Bhpian gushes in pride */

Kid v1 (a girl) Daddy!!! Tell him to shut up!! I am getting a head ache!!!!

couple of days later, I am on a bus. A kid and his dad are on the seat behind me. I can hear, but did not bother turning around.

This is what I hear:-

(Little voice - probably same age as Kid V2 - ~3 years) Yay!!! Dad!!! Seee .. that yellow car?? That is a Nano!! Nano!!! Nano!! Nano!!! Nano!! Nano!!! Nano!! Nano!!! Nano!! Nano!!!

(embarrassed dad) What is so great about nano??

(confused little voice) That is the best car!!! Did you not know?? Sheesh!!!

(non-chalant dad) Can you tell me what car that is?? (the question is repeated, and every time I get an answer - Honda, Toyota, Ford, Innova, etc. All seem to be very accurate.

(triumphant little voice) "another Honda" "another <brand>". .... WIth occasional "I dont know waht that is .. please tell me"s interspersed.

I am wondering who tutored that little motor head.

Happens to me all time. My 4 yr old can recognize almost all cars from a distance. In fact in case of doubt my wife asks him which model just passed by. :D

That awkward moment
When you post a reply in thread and it gets posted
- last on the page,
- and just when you check, someone else has posted another response
- and that began a new page, and
the material the new guy posted is attention grabber
- and you know you wont be getting any replies

- but now are stuck
- as you cannot bump the thread either as you already have infractions in your name
- and the risk is overwhelming!



Originally Posted by driverace (Post 2712937)
That awkward moment
When you post a reply in thread and it gets posted
- last on the page,
- and just when you check, someone else has posted another response
- and that began a new page, and
the material the new guy posted is attention grabber
- and you know you wont be getting any replies

- but now are stuck
- as you cannot bump the thread either as you already have infractions in your name
- and the risk is overwhelming!


Sorry to break the bubble but your post is also on last page but will get attention because of my post:D.

EDIT- I guess moderators have deleted some post thus my post became the last. Why moderator ji?:D


Old Generation Vs New Generation...
The Official Joke thread-421334_325090267547348_120674037988973_911266_743415028_n.jpg

A man wanted disguised weapons for self defense and wanted offers for the same..this is what came in..!!!


Originally Posted by bluevolt (Post 2712942)
Sorry to break the bubble but your post is also on last page but will get attention because of my post:D.

Let's just say- I planned it well. - Like a Boss!
and you 'ruined' it!


<the risk was indeed overwhelming!>


Now you see what I mean!? :p


Originally Posted by driverace (Post 2712948)
Let's just say- I planned it well. - Like a Boss!
and you 'ruined' it! :)


<the risk was indeed overwhelming!>


Now you see what I mean!? :p

No issue, Now my post which is last on the previous page will get attention because of your post! :uncontrol


Originally Posted by ariendj (Post 2712945)
A man wanted disguised weapons for self defense and wanted offers for the same..this is what came in..!!!

Exceptionally well hidden, i could never guess :uncontrol

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