Team-BHP - The Official Joke thread

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A policeman stopped a man driving with his wife because they were doing 90 kmph in a 70 kmph zone. 'You were just doing 90 kmph' the cop said.

'No i wasn't' the man replied.
The wife cuts in and says ' i always tell you not to drive so fast'.
'Will you shut up' the man shouted.

'You were also not wearing a seatbelt' the police man said.
'I was'
Again the wife says 'you really should wear a seatbelt dear'. 'I thought i told you to shut up!' the man said.

'Excuse me' the cop said ' but does your husband always speak to you like this?'
The wife replies, 'Oh no, only when he's drunk'.


Not exactly a Joke!!

The Official Joke thread-wheelsoflife.jpg


A creative one... :)

Mark Zuckerberg brought more changes to Facebook than Mr. Manmohan Singh to India.


Naino - Nano

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part hidden by team-bhp water mark -
Nano me basiya jaise nain yeh tere!!

Welcome to facebook!

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Tweeted by a friend...
#Vijay #Mallya had piles of cash.
The cash is gone only piles remain now.
This condition is known as King-Fissure !

One of my FB friend's timeline :D

Not a joke but would really like to share it here as we all here do love our cars very much. It is much more than a commuter device for us.

I mean the owner was bloody lucky, he too might not have believed his luck when he saw this in the morning.

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Name:  Lucky 002.jpg
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Source: Ritemail


Originally Posted by SirAlec
Not a joke but would really like to share it here as we all here do love our cars very much. It is much more than a commuter device for us.

I mean the owner was bloody lucky, he too might not have believed his luck when he saw this in the morning.

I wonder whether this is one of those doctored pics i.e. someone has simply parked after the tree has fallen. ;-)

But makes great pic anyway.

SOmeone want to replace chuck norris with Rajni...:)

More sad news from the music industry, Justin Bieber was found alive in his apartment earlier today.

Road block

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Facebook Vs Other Book..

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Oscar for Lifetime Achievement goes to....

(for acting as the Prime Minister for nearly 10 years).


If you rearrange the letters in "mother-in-law", you get "woman Hitler". Coincidence.:D


Perfect example of "self appraisal"
(don't miss it):

A little boy went to a telephone Booth,
which was at the cash counter of a store, and dialed a number.

The store-owner observed
and listened to the Conversation...

"Lady, Can you give me the job of cutting your lawn?

Woman: (at the other end of the phone line):
"I already have someone to cut my lawn.."

"Lady, I will cut your lawn for half the price
than the person who cuts your lawn now.."

"I'm very satisfied with the person
who is presently cutting my lawn.."

Boy: (with more perseverance):
"Lady, I'll even sweep the floor
and the stairs of your house for free.."

"No, thank you.."

With a smile on his face,
the little boy replaced the receiver.

The store-owner, who was listening to all this,
walked over to the boy.

Store Owner:
"Son..., I like your attitude;
I like that positive spirit and would like to offer you a Job"

Boy : "No thanks"

Store Owner:
"But you were really pleading for one!"

"No Sir, I was just checking
my performance at the job I already have.
I am the one who is working for that lady I was talking to!"

1 week after the release of Agent Vinod :D


Originally Posted by anilisanil (Post 2479783)
Got this as a forward:

Saif in his new avatar.

Attachment 598825


Originally Posted by ariendj (Post 2709321)
How many automobile forum members does it take to change a light bulb?

1 to change the light bulb and to post that the light bulb has been changed
1 forum lurker to respond to the original post 6 months from now and start it all over again.


Posted in July 2007:


Originally Posted by Warwithwheels (Post 2709557)
A policeman stopped a man driving with his wife because they were doing 90 kmph in a 70 kmph zone. 'You were just doing 90 kmph' the cop said.
The wife replies, 'Oh no, only when he's drunk'.

CONDORED! :Shockked:

Similar versions of this joke:

Irish :)


Originally Posted by Irish

PT: sorry, what does Condored mean? A google search gave me this - 1. either of two large, New World vultures of the family Cathartidae, Gymnogyps californianus (California condor) or Vultur gryphus (Andean condor), the largest flying birds in the Western Hemisphere: the California condor is almost extinct; the Andean condor is greatly reduced in number and rare in many areas. LOL

IMO you guys should take a little break from the condoring. There are too many condoring posts now. I mean once in a while was fine, but now every page there seem to be posts like that. Why not report it with a link to the old post?


Originally Posted by akshay1234 (Post 2710738)
IMO you guys should take a little break from the condoring. There are too many condoring posts now. I mean once in a while was fine, but now every page there seem to be posts like that. Why not report it with a link to the old post?

Akshay, I just can't agree more with you! Sometimes it really gets annoying. Probably any further unwarranted use of that word should attract a infraction point!

Further, it would be even more awesome if the Jokes here are restricted only to topics that revolve around the automobile world. In that way the Jokes thread would remain unique and interesting to read.

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