Team-BHP - The Official Joke thread

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Originally Posted by dynomite (Post 2688480)
The road was cemented, but coned off - he chose to ignore the cones, drove around them to beat the traffic and landed right in the middle of the fresh, wet cement.

No offense to anyone, but was the driver an Indian? :deadhorse


Originally Posted by n_aditya (Post 2688646)
No offense to anyone, but was the driver an Indian? :deadhorse

Hmm good question. Wasn't mentioned anywhere.

But from what I've seen (purely my experience), Indians are amongst the best drivers in the world (especially from collision avoidance, following road rules point of view) - only when they are driving outside the country, that is lol:

Power of tide

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Power of numbers

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Power of rajnikant

The Official Joke thread-418327_311020768954298_120674037988973_880612_1133431632_n.jpg


Originally Posted by n_aditya (Post 2688646)
No offense to anyone, but was the driver an Indian? :deadhorse

or could be a foreigner who got used to our style of driving and tried his hand and failed miserably :D


Originally Posted by Archish (Post 2688169)
Found this one in FB

I want to know who his courier is.


No offense to anyone, but was the driver an Indian?
there are about 42 comments in original source , none suggesting your views , now if TopGear had given comments like yours ?


Indians are amongst the best drivers in the world
I agree , we have to be very sure at every turn , lights , crossings & even on one way road , we can never take others for granted and must watch for (mistakes of ) others .

Mom: you're all dressed up, where are you going?
Daughter: To the bathroom, I need a new Facebook picture.

Smoking should be made mandatory in our public toilets. The burnt tobacco smell is hundred times better than the foul smell in there.

The Mystery behind the 'R' in the Rs.1000 note :)
The Official Joke thread-r.jpg

People are very eager to know. My bet is on R for Rajnikanthlol:
The Official Joke thread-r1.jpg

Not sure if this has been posted


Originally Posted by karty_83 (Post 2689811)
Not sure if this has been posted

But smart guys dont try to resolve girl's problems. right?:D


Originally Posted by Latheesh (Post 2689837)
But smart guys dont try to resolve girl's problems. right?:D

ROFL! i know where you're coming from; we've all been there and burnt our fingers :D


Originally Posted by Anand123 (Post 2689132)
Smoking should be made mandatory in our public toilets. The burnt tobacco smell is hundred times better than the foul smell in there.

Forget public toilets, I work for a corporate and our toilets rake of urea smell.

So today, I happened to see this facilities guy doing his work while I was at mine. So I asked him why don't you spray air freshner. He non chalantly replies- Some one complained of severe head ache after spraying the freshner, so we are not spraying it anymore!

I would like to behead that guy who got head ache!


Originally Posted by n_aditya (Post 2688646)
No offense to anyone, but was the driver an Indian? :deadhorse

You might have a point! :D

Only an Indian will look at a free lane or a gap - wouldn't be suspicious about why it's empty in the first place - and say. "Ah there is an opportunity!" lol:

An interesting argument :)

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