Team-BHP - The Official Joke thread

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efficient utilization of resources. Why blame the country for that ?

here are few pics from an email forward that has been doing rounds in my office..

Teacher: What is the axis of the Earth?
Santa: The axis of the Earth is an imaginary line which passes from one pole to the other, and on which the Earth revolves.
Teacher: Very good. Now, could you hang clothes on that line?
Santa: Yes, Sir.
Teacher: Indeed, and what sort of clothes?
Santa: Imaginary clothes, Sir.:)

Equation 1

Human = eat + sleep + work + enjoy
Donkey = eat + sleep

Human = Donkey + work + enjoy

Human - enjoy = Donkey + work

In other words,
Human that don't know how to enjoy = Donkey that work

Equation 2

Men = eat + sleep + earn money
Donkeys = eat + sleep

Men = Donkeys + earn money

Men - earn money = Donkeys

In other words,
Men that don't earn money = Donkeys

Equation 3

Women = eat + sleep + spend
Donkeys = eat + sleep

Women = Donkeys + spend

Women - spend = Donkeys

In other words,
Women that don't spend = Donkeys

To Conclude:

From Equation 2 and Equation 3
Men that don't earn money = Women that don't spend.

So, Men earn money not to let women become Donkeys! (Postulate 1)

And, Women spend not to let men become Donkeys! (Postulate 2)

So, we have?
Men + Women = Donkeys + earn money + Donkeys + spend money

Therefore from postulates 1 and 2, we can conclude,
Man + Woman = 2 Donkeys that live happily together!


Originally Posted by prateekm (Post 2526855)
Happens only in India! 2 ISP's, but same person ! :p

Attachment 818561


Most likely the picture would have been taken from Images Bazaar: Largest collection of Indian images rather than hiring the same model with the same clothes.


Presenting this Year's "NOT MY JOB" Award to NHAI's Road Painting Division :uncontrol:Frustrati
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Aoccdrnig to a rseearch at Cmabirdge Uinervtisy it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are,the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat lteter be in the rghit pclae.Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by itlesf, but the wrod as a wlohe.

What usually happens in the Corporate world.

The Official Joke thread-joke.jpg

Taking the liberty to post new RAJNI series joke here. Sorry if it's a repost but read on pg 301 of this thread that Rajni Joke can't be condored!!! instead condor would be Rajni'd:D

So here it goes...

New Rajnikant series --- Rajnikanth was shot today. Tomorrow is the bullet's funeral.

Rajnikanth killed a terrorist in Pakistan 'via Bluetooth'.

When Rajni was a student, teachers used to bunk classes.

Rajnikanth can draw a straight line with a compass.

Rajnikanth knows who let the dogs out.

Rajnikanth's pulse is measured in Richter scale.

The new Rupee symbol is actually Rajnikanth's signature.

When God watched Robot, he said,'Oh my Rajnikanth!'.

Rajnikanth has a statue of Madame Tussauds at his house.

Rajnikanth is the secret of Boost's energy; and Complan is a Rajnikanth boy.

Rajnikanth participated in 100m race, obviously he came first, but Einstein died watching that coz Light came second.

Intel's new ad: Rajnikanth Inside.:)

Not sure if it is posted already,

Equation 1: Study = No Fail
Equation 2: No Study = Fail

1 + 2

Study + No Study = Fail + No Fail
Study (1 + No) = Fail (1 + N0)
Study = Fail:D

Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM, Mirchi murga with RJ Naved (World Record) - YouTube

Looks like an inspiration for the new sumo ad :D

The Official Joke thread-dabang.jpg

Philosophies of Nithyananda!!

Funny Commercial VW - YouTube

Taken from facebookagree:
The Official Joke thread-cat.jpg

Here's the link.

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