Team-BHP - The Official Joke thread

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Hanumanji recommends Rajni Chalisa

Got this in email on Rajini & Endiran & hope this is the complete list
The Official Joke thread-p1.jpg

New Phone launched
Robot In Motion

Few missing facts.

Rajini does not have a bank account – Banks have an account with Rajini.

Reserve bank of India, Federal Reserve, World Bank and IMF are canalizing agents for Rajini’s petty cash.

Is it true that 'Robot' is a sci-fi version of 'Nishabd'?

I mean the hero is 60 years old and the heroine is much much younger.

Two elderly couples were enjoying friendly conversation when one of the men asked the other," Fred, how was the memory clinic you went to last month?" "Outstanding,"
Fred replied. "They taught us all the latest psychological techniques: visualization, association, etc. It was great." "That's great! And what was the name of the clinic?"

Fred went blank. He thought and thought, but couldn't remember. Then a smile broke across his face and he asked, "What do you call that flower with the long stem and thorns?"

"You mean a rose?"

"Yes, that's it!" He turned to his wife, "Rose, what was the name of that memory clinic?"

The above dialogue (clinic replaced by a restaurant) is featured in one of the television ad, ironically I cant remember which one. :D


Originally Posted by Rocky_Balboa (Post 2113614)
The above dialogue (clinic replaced by a restaurant) is featured in one of the television ad, ironically I cant remember which one. :D

Its for a alcoholic drink,name cant be spelled out.:rules:

The punchline of the ad is 'MEN WILL BE MEN.

Another one for the Rajini collection - He once got angry with his girlfriend and showed her "The Finger". She got pregnant.

I dont know whats funnier, guys asking for 150K for a RD 350 or guys paying for it. I remember a few years back, you could buy all you wanted for 15K. Damn, i should have bought and kept a few :D. As good as an investment as gold. :D


Originally Posted by Urban_Nomad (Post 2113835)
Another one for the Rajini collection - He once got angry with his girlfriend and showed her "The Finger". She got pregnant.

he he he he!! :uncontrol it's a worthy addition to that long list!


Originally Posted by sammyboy (Post 2114615)
I dont know whats funnier, guys asking for 150K for a RD 350 or guys paying for it. I remember a few years back, you could buy all you wanted for 15K. Damn, i should have bought and kept a few :D. As good as an investment as gold. :D

:OT since my post is not a joke. :)

1.5k sounds steep but some RD's do command a premium considering the way they are maintained and the quality of parts they have been fed with.


Originally Posted by Jayabusa (Post 2113524)
Is it true that 'Robot' is a sci-fi version of 'Nishabd'?

I mean the hero is 60 years old and the heroine is much much younger.

Much Much younger? Aish is 38 years old! Oh sorry, that was supposed to be a joke! lol:stupid:


Originally Posted by n_aditya (Post 2114691)
:OT since my post is not a joke. :)

1.5k sounds steep but some RD's do command a premium considering the way they are maintained and the quality of parts they have been fed with.

Dunno man, I still find this wayyy OTT. Unless the parts are platinum or gold I would never understand. Maybe cos I have had the fortune to ride the 350s n the RX100s n the 135s quite a lot, I find it a little hard to digest. But for nostalgia's sake or ppl who were not born then, I guess its a different thing.

This is a fact. But really belongs to here.

Go to Indian Stock Market >> Sensex >> Nifty >> Stock Prices >> Stock Recommendations >> Hot Stocks >> Stock Market Investing >> BSE >> NSE >> Derivatives >> Market Statistics >> Most Active Shares >> Penny Stocks India >> BSE index and securities informat After bypassing the initial ads, fi any, at the top right side, there is a search box. enter "hinduja foundries" in there, select "quotes", and hit enter.

Go to the "co info" link.

Look at the name of the guy listed as "alternate director".

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