This is just a joke and no offence meant to anybody
Questions for SARDAR's in a BOARD EXAM
1. Write your name in less than 20 minutes and 20 letters
(only alphabets allowed, no numeric digits or "_" allowed)
2. Sex ?
( ) Male
( ) Female
( ) Sardar
3. What's ur age group ?
( ) less than 0
( ) equal to 0
( ) greater than 0
4. What is 2 + 2 ?
( ) FOUR
( ) 4
( ) IV
5. If you have one brother, how many brothers ur brother has?
( ) none ( ) one ( ) question is too personal
6. Complete the following sentence........... (4 marks)
______ ________ ________ _________ .
7. If there are 365 days in a year, how many days make a year?
8. Read the statement carefully and answer the following question:
"My mother's daughter's brother's mother's mother's daughter's
husband's wife is my mother herself".
Qs. How many times the word "mother" appear in the above
( ) None
( ) few times
( ) uncountable times
9. If someone gives you a rupee for 100 paise, would you
( ) get one rupee ?
( ) 100 paise ?
10. Write an Essay on "MYSELF" in not more than three sentences.......
(HINT : My Name is ___________ (same as in [1]). I am a _______
(boy/girl). i am writing an essay.)
11. If the time is 3.00 what does ur digital watch show ?
12. At what time does the 11.16 Indrani Express come ?
13. What u do on a honeymoon ?
( ) Collect Honey
( ) Admire Moon
( ) Collect Honey while admiring the moon
14. Earth is Flat ?
( ) False
( ) Indeed False
15. If A = B and B = C then B = A ?
( ) TRUE
16. If you eat lunch during lunch time, what u have during dinner
17. If Ram is Sita's Husband, Who is Ram's Wife?
(_) Sita
(_) Guru Nanak
18. Think and write the present tense of THOUGHT.
19. Complete the following poem :
Mary had a little lamb
little lamb little lamb_ (HINT: "." or "@" or "^")
20. This is question number
( ) 1
( ) 10
( ) 20
21. If 2 + 3 = 5, 3 + 2 = 5 ??
( ) YES
22. write full form of ASAP As Soon As Possible.
23. Opposite of the word "IN" is
( ) NOT IN
24. What is the capital of india ?
( ) India
( ) INDia
25. a,e,i,o and u are collectively called "vowels". what are e,a,i,o
and u called ?
26. Fill in the blank :
I am _________ a letter.
27. Who was the first MAN to land on moon ?
28. What comes first ?
( ) the Egg
( ) the Omlet
29. can you count more than five using your hands?
( ) YES
( ) NO
30. Spell M-Y-T-H-O-L-O-G-Y
31. Mrs. Sinha is Mr. Sinha's
( ) Father
( ) Brother
( ) Son
( ) Daughter
32. car A start from X and car B start from Y. X and Y are
located 100 miles apart from each other. how many wheels does
each car has?
( ) One ( ) Four ( ) Seven
33. To reach to the 12th floor of the World Trade Center, how
many buttons would you press in the elevator?
( ) ONE ( ) TWELVE
34. Complete the following series
[this question carries 3 marks]
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, _, _, _.
35. this one tests ur imagination. SUN is nearer to india
( ) SUN is smaller than AMERICA
( ) One can see SUN, but not AMERICA
( ) i do not have any time left to think on this one
ur feedback counts..................
(please do not write how many times)
I rate the difficulty level for the above question paper as
( ) 8 ( ) 9 ( ) 10 [NOTE : 1 is very easy and 10 is most difficult]
Number of times I flipped a coin
( ) 35( ) 70( ) I forgot to bring my coin so i bluffed and
prayed for good luck.