Team-BHP - The Official Joke thread

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Cheap n Bestclap: good find dude.:thumbs up

Maybe I should have used this system on my Pulsar disc brake! :-)
It's front wheel was stolen about 3 years back while the bike was parked on the road.

This I saw behind a auto rickshaw

This is the work of an unknown artist, drawing an image of Rajinikant out of the dust on a bus' rear windsheild

I never take risk while drinking

When I come from office in the evening, wife is cooking

I can hear the noise of utensils in the kitchen

I stealthily enter the house

Take out the bottle from my black cupboard

Shivaji Maharaj is looking at me from the photo frame

But still no one is aware of it

Becoz I never take a risk

I take out the glass from the rack above the old sink

Quickly enjoy one peg

Wash the glass and again keep it on the rack

Of course I also keep the bottle inside my cupboard

Shivaji Maharaj is giving a smile

I peep into the kitchen

Wife is cutting potatoes

No one is aware of what I did

Becoz I never take a risk

I: Any news on chopra's daughter's marriage

Wife: Nope, she doesn't seem to be that lucky. Still they are looking

out for her

I again come out; there is a small noise of the black cupboard

But I don't make any sound while taking out the bottle

I take out the glass from the old rack above sink

Quickly enjoy one peg

Wash the bottle and keep it in the sink

Also keep the Black Glass in the cupboard

But still no one is aware of what I did

Becoz I never take a risk

I: But still I think chopra's daughter's age is not that much

Wife: What are you saying? She is 28 yrs old... like an aged horse

I: (I forgot her age is 28) Oh Oh...

I again take out potatoes out from my black cupboard

But the cupboard's place has automatically changed

I take out the bottle from the rack and quickly enjoy one peg in the sink

Shivaji Maharaj laughs loudly

I keep the rack in the potatoes & wash Shivaji Maharaj's photo & keepit in
the black cupboard

Wife is keeping the sink on the stove

But still no one is aware of what I did

Becoz I never take a risk

I: (getting angry) you call Mr. chopra a horse? If you say that again, I

will cut your tongue...!

Wife: Don't just blabber something, go out and sit quietly...

I take out the bottle from the potatoes

Go in the black cupboard and enjoy a peg

Wash the sink and keep it over the rack

Wife is giving a smile

Shivaji Maharaj is still cooking

But still no one is aware of what I did

Becoz I never take a risk

I: (laughing) So chopra is marrying a horse!!

Wife: Hey go and sprinkle some water on your face...

I again go to the kitchen, and quietly sit on the rack

Stove is also on the rack

There is a small noise of bottles from the room outside

I peep and see that wife is enjoying a peg in the sink

But none of the horses are aware of what I did

Becoz Shivaji Maharaj never takes a risk

chopra is still cooking

And I am looking at my wife from the photo and laughing

Becoz I never take what??


Originally Posted by GSMINC (Post 1416198)
This is the work of an unknown artist, drawing an image of Rajinikant out of the dust on a bus' rear windsheild

Thats drawn in dust :Shockked:
The artist is a bloody genius.


Originally Posted by Nitin (Post 1416564)
I never take risk while drinking

:uncontrol. can't say much becoz I'm :uncontrol
awesome this one.


Originally Posted by Nitin (Post 1416564)
I never take risk while drinking

When I come from office in the evening, wife is cooking

I can hear the noise of utensils in the kitchen

chopra is still cooking

And I am looking at my wife from the photo and laughing

Becoz I never take what??

Excellent Nitin, really funny. I found out this thread today only & its for sure wonderful to have some light moments in our busy life. So, Keep it coming. I will share mine as well, but only after reading most of them to be sure that i dont post a


Originally Posted by Nitin (Post 1416564)
I never take risk while drinking

When I come from office in the evening, wife is cooking

And I am looking at my wife from the photo and laughing

Becoz I never take what??

Dude, its an old one

You have just been " COndored" :D


Originally Posted by sammyboy (Post 1418196)
Dude, its an old one

You have just been " COndored" :D

Yikes! I surely missed this post! My bad!


Originally Posted by saurabhdadhichi (Post 1418113)
Excellent Nitin, really funny. I found out this thread today only & its for sure wonderful to have some light moments in our busy life. So, Keep it coming. I will share mine as well, but only after reading most of them to be sure that i dont post a

why fear when condor is here :D

OMG, now sammyboy too :D

Each Friday night after work, Bubbal Singh would fire up his outdoor grill
and cook a tandoori chicken and some meat kebabs.
But, all of Bubbal's neighbors were strict Catholics ... and since it was Lent,
they were forbidden from eating chicken and meat on a Friday.
The delicious aroma from the grilled meats was causing such a problem for
the Catholic faithful that they finally talked to their Priest.
The Priest came to visit Bubbal, and suggested that he become a Catholic.
After several classes and much study, Bubbal attended Mass ...
and as the priest sprinkled holy water over him, he said, ''You were born
a Sikh, and raised a Sikh, but now, you are a Catholic."

Bubbal's neighbors were greatly relieved, until Friday night arrived, and the
wonderful aroma of tandoori chicken and meat kebabs filled the neighborhood.
The Priest was called immediately by the neighbors, and, as he rushed into
Bubbal's backyard, clutching a rosary and prepared to scold him, he stopped
and watched in amazement.
There stood Bubbal, clutching a small bottle of holy water which he carefully
sprinkled over the grilling meats and chanted: "Oye, you waz born a chicken,
and you waz born a lamb, you waz raised a chicken, and you waz raised a lamb
but now yara, you are a potato and tomato "!

Interesting... ....Don't miss last 2 Questions...

Some, rather most organizations reject his CV today because he has changed jobs frequently (10 in 14 years). My friend, the ‘job hopper’ (referred here as Mr. JH), does not mind it…. well he does not need to mind it at all. Having worked full-time with 10 employer companies in just 14 years gives Mr... JH the relaxing edge that most of the ‘company loyal’ employees are struggling for today. Today, Mr. JH too is laid off like some other 14-15 year experienced guys – the difference being the latter have just worked in 2-3 organizations in the same number of years. Here are the excerpts of an interview with Mr. JH:

Q: Why have you changed 10 jobs in 14 years?
A: To get financially sound and stable before getting laid off the second time.

Q: So you knew you would be laid off in the year 2009?
A: Well I was laid off first in the year 2002 due to the first global economic slowdown. I had not got a full-time job before January 2003 when the economy started looking up; so I had struggled for almost a year without job and with compromises.

Q: Which number of job was that?
A: That was my third job.

Q: So from Jan 2003 to Jan 2009, in 6 years, you have changed 8 jobs to make the count as 10 jobs in 14 years?
A: I had no other option. In my first 8 years of professional life, I had worked only for 2 organizations thinking that jobs are deserved after lot of hard work and one should stay with an employer company to justify the saying ‘employer loyalty’. But I was an idiot.

Q: Why do you say so?
A: My salary in the first 8 years went up only marginally. I could not save enough and also, I had thought that I had a ‘permanent’ job, so I need not worry about ‘what will I do if I lose my job’. I could never imagine losing a job because of economic slowdown and not because of my performance. That was January 2002.

Q: Can you brief on what happened between January 2003 and 2009.
A: Well, I had learnt my lessons of being ‘company loyal’ and not ‘money earning and saving loyal’. But then you can save enough only when you earn enough. So I shifted my loyalty towards money making and saving – I changed 8 jobs in 6 years assuring all my interviewers about my stability.

Q: So you lied to your interviewers; you had already planned to change the job for which you were being interviewed on a particular day?
A: Yes, you can change jobs only when the market is up and companies are hiring. You tell me – can I get a job now because of the slowdown? No. So one should change jobs for higher salaries only when the market is up because that is the only time when companies hire and can afford the expected salaries.

Q: What have you gained by doing such things?
A: That's the question I was waiting for. In Jan 2003, I had a fixed salary (without variables) of say Rs. X p.a. In January 2009, my salary was 8X. So assuming my salary was Rs.3 lakh p.a. in Jan 2003, my last drawn salary in Jan 2009 was Rs.24 lakh p.a. (without variable). I never bothered about variable as I had no intention to stay for 1 year and go through the appraisal process to wait for the company to give me a hike.

Q: So you decided on your own hike?
A: Yes, in 2003, I could see the slowdown coming again in future like it had happened in 2001-02. Though I was not sure by when the next slowdown would come, I was pretty sure I wanted a ‘debt-free’ life before being laid off again. So I planned my hike targets on a yearly basis without waiting for the year to complete.

Q: So are you debt-free now?
A: Yes, I earned so much by virtue of job changes for money and spent so little that today I have a loan free 2 BR flat (1200 sq.. feet) plus a loan free big car without bothering about any EMIs. I am laid off too but I do not complain at all. If I have laid off companies for money, it is OK if a company lays me off because of lack of money.

Q: Who is complaining?
A: All those guys who are not getting a job to pay their EMIs off are complaining. They had made fun of me saying I am a job hopper and do not have any company loyalty. Now I ask them what they gained by their company loyalty; they too are laid off like me and pass comments to me – why will you bother about us, you are already debt-free. They were still in the bracket of 12-14 lakh p.a. when they were laid off.

Q: What is your advice to professionals?
A: Like Narayan Murthy had said – love your job and not your company because you never know when your company will stop loving you... In the same lines, love yourself and your family needs more than the company's needs. Companies can keep coming and going; family will always remain the same. Make money for yourself first and simultaneously make money for the company, not the other way around.

Q: What is your biggest pain point with companies?
A: When a company does well, its CEO etc. will address the entire company saying, ‘well done guys, it is YOUR company, keep up the hard work, I am with you.” But when the slowdown happens and the company does not do so well, the same CEO Etc will say, “It is MY company and to save the company, I have to take tough decisions including asking people to go.” So think about your financial stability first; when you get laid off, your kids will complain to you and not your boss.

Hey Ajmat, Great one !!!!, very logical in these times.

@ajmat: why is it in the joke thread :D

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